Vol 6, No 2 (2015)


Interrelation of polymorphic allelic rs619203 option of a gene receptor of a tirozinkinaza (ROS1) with cardiovascular diseases at patients with an ischemic stroke

Nikulin D.A., Shulman V.A., Prokopenko S.V., Nikulina S.Y., Chernova A.A., Platunova I.M., Chernov V.N.


Studying of interrelation of polymorphic allelic rs619203 option of a gene of ROS1 with cardiovascular diseases at persons with the ischemic stroke is carried out. For the purpose of studying of a role of single nucleotide polymorphism of rs619203 of a gene of ROS1 in development of strokes of a genotiping 124 patients with ischemic stroke and cardiovascular pathology and 475 people of group of control. Persons with ischemic stroke are divided into subgroups according to a sex, the affected artery, the diseases which are available cardiovascular, risk factors, such as the raised body weight index, the burdened heredity on a stroke, smoking. For verification of the diagnosis by all patient standard neurologic examination, a computer tomography of a brain, and also the retrospective analysis of results of the previous inspections (are conducted at their existence), for definition of a genotype on ROS1 gene ONP - molecular and genetic research DNA. The received results showed prevalence of a homozygous genotype of GG on extended allel among patients from ischemic stroke having the arterial hypertension in comparison with control group. Thus, the genotype of GG has conditionally protective effect concerning development of ischemic stroke in persons with arterial hypertension.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):6-11
pages 6-11 views

Patient after myocardial infarction: how to reduce the risk of recurrent ischemic events?

Barbarash O.L., Karetnikova V.N., Kashtalap V.V.


The review article highlights concerns related to a low survival rate in patients after myocardial infarction (MI) and factors affecting it. The pivotal role is given to the issue of patient adherence to therapy after acute coronary events. The options to improve it as well as mechanisms to optimize medical therapy for patients after myocardial infarction, particularly the need for prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT), have been identified. The rationale for changing the current guidelines for the management of patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is based on the findings of the recently completed international clinical trial PE- GASUS-TIMI 54 with ticagrelor (Brilinta®), utilized as part of a DAPT regimen, that have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of DAPT prolongation after 12-month period in post-MI patients.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):12-19
pages 12-19 views

Questions of secondary prevention and rehabilitation of patients with myocardial infarction at different stages

Kuimov A.D., Shurkevich A.A., Moskalenko I.V.


Research objective: increase of efficiency of secondary prevention of a myocardial infarction (MI) and rehabilitation of patients at an out-patient stage.Materials and methods: 164 patients of both floors with the transferred MI with enzymatic and endovascular restoration of a blood-groove of an ischemic myocardium are surveyed. The diagnosis of a MI is established according to standards of diagnostics of ESC/ACCF/AHA (European Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association, 2007) also it is documented by an extract from the clinical record of office of medical institution where hospital treatment of the patient according to emergency indications was carried out. Patients were divided into 3 groups: the 1st (supervision with rehabilitation in out-patient conditions), the 2nd (rehabilitations in the round-the-clock specialized office), the 3rd (comparisons). To all patients continuous reception of pharmacological therapy according to standards of treatment of patients with the sharp coronary syndrome (SCS) was appointed; recommendations of the general character about healthy lifestyle observance are made; laboratory blood tests, electrocardiography and heart echocardiography, holter (daily) monitoring of the electrocardiogram, assessment of degree of heart failure on the scale of an assessment of a clinical state and the test of 6 minute walking, a commitment assessment to treatment with use of test of Moriski-Green, quality of life of patients with heart failure on the Minnesota questionnaire, episodes of repeated hospitalization concerning SCS and lethal outcomes are carried out. In addition to the 1st group of patients «Health school» and medical physical culture, the 2nd group - a rehabilitation course in specialized office of recovery treatment of City clinical hospital №19 were on an outpatient basis carried out.Results: on achievement of commitment to treatment, estimates of an average value of quality of life, episodes of repeated SCS, to reduction of weight of a functional class of heart failure indicators of patients of the 1st group surpassed data on patients of the 3rd group, but conceded to the 2nd.Conclusion. Use of rehabilitation actions at an out-patient and polyclinic stage of treatment of patients with transferred MI as element of secondary prevention of cardiovascular complications positively influence final points irrespective of a method of a myocardium revascularization.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):20-25
pages 20-25 views

Experience of enhanced external counterpulsation application on dispensary-polyclinic stage rehabilitation of patients with refractory angina

Dolgikh O.A., Volkov A.N., Romanchuk S.V., Shutemova E.A.


The aim is to assess the efficacy and safety of enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) application in patients with refractory class (RC) III-IV angina during the dispensary-polyclinic stage rehabilitation in real clinical practice.Materials and methods. EECP was held in 87 patients with RC III-IV effort angina as part of polyclinic stage of rehabilitation in the Department of prevention and rehabilitation Cardiology Dispensary. EECP was held using standard technique. Each patient received procedures prolonging for 35 hours. All patients underwent physical examination, stress testing, echocardiography, and the determination of highly-sensitive C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration and the speed of glomerular filtrate (SGF) rate was studied, before the inclusion in the study and after its ending.Results. On comparing the data received before and after the course of EECP we found the statistically significant improvement of patients’ functional status, the reduction in RC of angina, the reduction of the need for nitrate, the increase of the effort tolerance, the reduction of CRP concentration and increase of the SGF rate.Conclusion. The experience of EECP application in rehabilitation of patients with RC III-IV effort angina shows the high efficacy and safety.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Impact myocardial cytoprotection and inotropic stimulation at the annual prognosis in patients with myocardial infarction lifting segment ST, complicated heart failure

Sinkova M.N., Isakov L.K., Pepelyaeva T.V., Tarasov N.I., Teplyakov A.T., Mukharlyamov F.Y.


The article analyzes the effectiveness and safety of treatment cytoprotectant meldonium dihydrate and inotropic stimulator of levosimendan on an annual prognosis in patients with myocardial infarction complicated by acute heart failure II-III class Killip, subjected to percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):30-34
pages 30-34 views

The cardiorenal prognosis in patients underwent cardiac surgery therapy complicated by an acute kidney injury

Iskenderov B.G., Sisina O.N.


Frequency of development of the acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients underwent different cardiac interventions, and its influence on the cardiorenal prognosis depending on initial function of kidneys is analyzed. 1126 patients (595 men and 531 women) aged from 32 till 68 years (62.3±5.2 years) at which at which prosthetics of valves of heart, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and their combination are examined. In 656 patients (the 1st group) before operation the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was upper than 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 and in 470 patients (the 2nd group) ranged from 59 to 45 ml/min/1.73 m2, determined by a formula CKD-EPI (Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration). AKI was diagnosed by level of serum creatinine (sCr) using criteria of AKIN (Acute Kidney Injury Network). In early postoperative period AKI was diagnosed in 23.9% of patients in the 1st group and in 38.7% of patients in the 2nd group ( p <0.001). The frequency of the early postoperative complications was higher in the 2nd group than in the 1st group. The in-hospital mortality in the 1st group accounted for 4.9%, including patients with AKI (14.1%), and in the 2nd group - 12.1 and 18.1% respectively. By results of 12-month observation, regress of renal dysfunction in the 2nd group is noted in 47.9% of the patients with AKI and in 56.9% of patients - without AKI. On the contrary, progressing of the chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the 2nd group is revealed in 11.0% of the patients with AKI and in 4.5% - without AKI ( p =0.013). In the 2nd group the program hemodialysis in 5.2% of the patients who had AKI and in 0.7% of patients without AKI was required ( p =0.01). Within 12 months of observation after CABG adverse cardiovascular events in the 1st group in patients who had AKI were found more often than in patients without AKI, and also in the 2nd group in patients with progressing of CKD. Cardiovascular mortality within 12 months after discharge from hospital in the 1st group in the patients who had AKI accounted for 7.8%, in patients without AKI 2.0% ( p <0.01) and in the 2nd group - 11.8 and 5.2% respectively ( p <0.05). It is revealed that development of postoperative AKI and progressing of a previous CKD after cardiac surgery therapy are associated with the adverse cardiorenal prognosis.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):35-39
pages 35-39 views

Phenotype of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at women with arterial hypertension: features of the functional condition of kidneys

Padyganova A.V.


The prevalence of concomitant cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases is high. In this article features of a current of an arterial hypertension with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease taking into account a gender factor are surveyed. Results of own analysis of these case histories of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the arterial hypertension (n=133), the level which has taped reliable rising of a cholesterin at patients at association of pathology of respiratory system and circulation organs are presented. Also in article the questions concerning features of a functional condition of kidneys at women with a joint current of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and arterial hypertension are discussed.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):40-46
pages 40-46 views

Results of propafenone use in early postoperative period after pulmonary veins catheter radiofrequency isolation for prevention of early atrial tachyarrhythmias

Tarasov A.V., Davtian K.V., Makhinova M.M.


Currently pulmonary veins isolation becomes one of the approaches for invasive treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF). One of difficult and unexplored problems associated with this procedure is management of patients in postoperative period (especially early) which is often complicated by frequent early recurrence of atrial tachyarrhythmias. The purpose of this study was to assess effectiveness and safety of IC antiarrhythmic drug propafenone for prevention of arrhythmia recurrence in the early postoperative period compared with placebo. Taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria 120 patients with paroxysmal AF were included and randomized and underwent radiofrequency ablation of pulmonary veins; 112 patients successfully finished the study. More than 57% of patients had early postoperative atrial tachyarrhythmias (AT) most of which were new and regular. Reduction of incidence of post-ablation AT during blanking period in propafenone group was clinically significant what was confirmed by patient’s diary and ECG-monitoring. Propafenone treatment within this period reduce the need for hospitalization or cardioversion without putting patient at risk of serious side effects associated with its prolonged use.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Awareness of the surveillance of patients with atrial fibrillationamong primary care clinician

Muromkina A.V., Nazarova O.A., Miasoedova S.E., Romanchuk S.V.


The study was aimed to understand the knowledge level of physicians in primary care for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) in various clinical situations. The doctors were surveyed on emergency medical treatment of AF, as well as the tactics of treatment of patients with cardiac arrhythmias in addition to a comorbidity. The author analyzed the most common mistakes made by doctors during management of patients with AF and correlation between dynamics of the knowledge level and professional training of doctors.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):53-55
pages 53-55 views

Therapeutic effects of fosinopril - ACE inhibitor

Aronov D.M.


The review article dials with the characteristics of fosinopriltherapeutic features, apparently associated with the fact that it contains phosphorus. It has special specter possessing the numerous of organotropic effects and good tolerability and safety, allowing tochange the drug tofosinoprilin patients,who has dry cough, and have been treated using different ACE inhibitors. We discuss the possible prospects of drugs appointment in case of unconventional diseasesfor ACE inhibitors application.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):56-63
pages 56-63 views

Left ventricle myocardial hypertrophy in women with arterial hypertension: justification of medical tactics

Kislyak O.A., Starodubova A.V.


Arterial hypertension (AH) is the most common cardiovascular disease risk factor. After the menopause the prevalence of AH in women greatly exceeds than in men. Hemodynamic characteristics in case of AH in postmenopausal women determine the higher risk and the speed of left ventricle myocardial hypertrophy (LMVH), diastolic and systolic dysfunction development. There 80 women aged 44-62 years (mean age of 53.2±4.1 years) in the early postmenopausal period were enrolled in the study and we found that the main influence on LV mass index and LMVH in addition to AH and the level of systolic blood pressure play the body mass index, the level of diastolic blood pressure and the indicators characterizing the distribution of adipose tissue, presence of abdominal obesity. Guidelines for the treatment of AH in men and women have no fundamental differences. However, taking into account the high prevalence of obesity, isolated systolic hypertension and LMVH in women with AH in postmenopausal period, the drugs of choice become angiotensin receptor blocker (ARBs) and the combinations of antihypertensive drugs on the basis of the ARBs, all these data for the first time ever were shown in the study LIFE concerning the application of losartan in the treatment.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):64-68
pages 64-68 views

Modern approaches to the treatment and long-term management of arterial hypertension in clinical practice. Pharmacological and clinical characteristics of angiotensin II receptor blockers: focus on azilsartan medoxomil. Part I

Bubnova M.G.


This article deals withthe overview of the pharmacological characteristics of one class of antihypertensive drugs - angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARA II) and new member of this class - azilsartan medoxomil (Edarbi®).We have analyzed the antihypertensive efficacy of different ARA, as well as azilsartan medoxomil efficacyin case of monotherapy and in comparison with other ARA and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitorsamong different groups of patients.The article describes the pleiotropic effects of azilsartan medoxomil, discovered nowadays.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):69-80
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pages 81-82 views

Pamyati Evgeniya Yakovlevicha Parnesa

- -.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(2):83
pages 83 views

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