卷 6, 编号 2-4 (2012)


The study of the disperse composition of the liquid torch spray of centrifugal-jet nozzle

Valdberg A., Makeeva K., Nikolaikina N.


This paper presents the results of a research on dispersion of water spray of centrifugal spray nozzle. The values of average droplet size are defined and compared with the known one calculated before. There were made graphics of drops dispersed distribution and graphics where the experimental and calculated values for the arithmetic mean and median mass diameter. The obtained data allow to recommend the calculated dependencies for the assessment of medium-sized drops in the spray of centrifugal-jet spray nozzle.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):7-11
pages 7-11 views

Methods of visualization of hydrodynamics and non-stationary heat exchange in granular media

Pokusaev B., Karlov S., Nekrasov D., Zaharov N.


The paper presents the results of experiments on the visualization of the temperature fields and development of convective flows in the process of non-stationary conductive heating of the cell wall which includes a layer of filled balls placed into the liquid. The authors developed the calculation method for modeling of the process of warming up of cells and the development of convection under various boundary conditions.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):11-20
pages 11-20 views

Hydrodynamics of free floating gas shells in inclined pipes with granular nozzle

Pokusaev B., Nekrasov D., Karpenko A., Khramtsov D.


The paper presents an experimental research on hydrodynamics of floating free gas shells in inclined pipes with granular nozzle in the systems gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid particles. Working substances were water and ethanol. It is shown that the speed of ascent, depending on the angle, has nonmonotonic character and maximums of speeds, when adding a solid phase, shift in the direction of large angles of the handset relative to the horizon.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Determination of the velocity field, the pressure and temperature in the convergent channel centrifugal extrusion granulator

Mishta P., Mishta E., Shcherbakova N.


The paper is based on a system approach which helps to develop a model of multiple centrifugal-extrusion granulator. The process of flow non-Newtonian environment is shown and the reological characteristics of it are introduced through «power» law of Ostvald - de Wil in a rotating converged curvilinear channel.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):26-33
pages 26-33 views

The motion of a solid spherical particle in a two-layer film of non-Newtonian fluid flowing through the inner surface of the centrifugal cone nozzle

Mishta P., Mishta E., Blinov D.


The paper considers the motion of a solid spherical particle in a two-layer film of non-Newtonian fluid flowing through the inner surface of the centrifugal cone nozzle during the process of the application of film-forming coatings on granular materials.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):33-39
pages 33-39 views

The study of the intensity of the heat generation of led light sources for cultivation of light-dependent organisms

Maltsevskaya N.


The paper presents the problem of heat generation of artificial light sources (LEDs) during cultivation light-dependent organisms. The practical research on this issue is made on the example of the cultivation of the green microalgae Chlorella sp.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):39-42
pages 39-42 views

The directions of development of photovoltaic technologies, taking into account resource limitations

Tyuhov I.


The author considers resource limitations that arise under intensive development of renewable energy and, in particular, on the basis of solar photovoltaic power generation. The prospects of photovoltaic devices based on silicon solar cells with vertical p-n junctions are shown in this article.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):42-47
pages 42-47 views

The study of the equilibrium speed of sound vapor-liquid environment with grainy layer with a view of thermophysical properties of backfill

Pokusaev B., Tairov E., Tairova E., Nekrasov D., Vasiliev S.


The work based on the experimental research of the effect of heat exchange with granular nozzle and phase slip in vapor-liquid mixture allowed to specify the features of the equilibrium velocity of sound in a three-phase system “vapor-liquid-solid particles”. This theoretical model of the equilibrium speed at non-adiabatical conditions found experimental evidence. There are given the results of analytical solution of the problem of periodic thermal influence on the elements of the granular layer.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):47-55
pages 47-55 views

Prospects for improving photocolorimetric gas analyzerers

Sviryukova O., Latyshenko K., Rylov V.


The paper provides an overview of photocolorimetric method of air analysis and the classification and analysis of photocolorimetric gas analyzers according to the type of sensitive element, the description of their advantages and disadvantages. The operating principle of tape photocolorimetric gas analyzer is considered. There are offered a variety of possible technical solutions to improve photocolorimetric gas analyzers.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):55-58
pages 55-58 views

Approximation of nonlinear static characteristics of the optical-absorption gas analyzers

Rylov V.


The article describes the possibility of approximation of static characteristics of the optical-absorption gas analyzer by fractional power function.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):59-62
pages 59-62 views

Methods of intensification of the processes of crystallization in cryogranulation of liquid suspensions in liquid nitrogen. The research of destinations of front changing of boiling regimes

Belukov S., Malyshev R.


The paper presents methods of intensification of the processes of crystallization during cryogranulation. The calculations of the block length of the machine for cryogranulation are made. There are researched the destinations of front changing boiling regimes from the damped film to decaying bubble.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):62-67
pages 62-67 views

The study of flow structure in the field of centrifugal forces

Sister V., Eliseeva O.


The paper presents the results of experimental research of aerodynamic structure of the gas flow inside a centrifugal separator. There is established the influence of a degree of spin flow at the inlet on the relative irregularity of the flow in height and cross-section of the unit.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):67-73
pages 67-73 views

Instrumentation and methodological support of determination of waterand fat-soluble antioxidants

Fedina P., Latyshenko K.


The paper describes the selection of optimal operating conditions of amperometric detector work for determination of water-soluble antioxidants, modernization of the instrument for analysis of fat-soluble antioxidants. The authors developed the design of the layout of the first domestic universal multi-purpose portable liquid chromatograph. This allowed for the first time to measure the total content of antioxidants in meat, fish and dairy products; expand the data content of antioxidants by adding sections: spices and seasonings, meat, fish and dairy products; to examine the question of the optimal balance in the human diet of water - and fat-soluble antioxidants.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):73-79
pages 73-79 views

The use of pulse-width modulation for reduction the amplitude noise on the example of the contact conductivity meter

Golovin V., Fateev D.


The analysis on the possibility of using pulse width modulation to control the amplitude noise on the example of the contact conductivity meter is made. There were built various models measuring cell of the device and simulated the effects of amplitude noise on the measurement.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):79-81
pages 79-81 views

The laser-spark method of control of urban soils on the content of heavy metals

Raxumovskaya M., Latyshenko K.


The laser-spark-premium method for determination of heavy metals in urban soils is considered in the paper. Optimal hardware parameters and formulation of the soil samples for heavy metals were found. There have been developed the algorithm and MPT which allowed to increase the number of determined TM in one sample, and to expand the range of measurement and reduce the detection limit.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):81-85
pages 81-85 views

The cultivation of the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma with constant or periodic light

Zakharov Z., German L., Petrischeva O., Zharko M.


The paper investigates the influence of constant and periodic lighting fluorescent lamps in the range from 0 to 9 500 Lux for the growth of biomass of culture Phaffia rhodozyma and synthesis of astaxanthin at periodic cultivation in the bioreactor. It is established that with the light of 7500 Lux periodic mode of action of light allows culture to synthesize the same astaxanthin as with a constant illumination. It is shown that the constant exposure to the light of 7500 Lux leads to a greater increase in the phase lag of the biosynthesis of astaxanthin and biomass growth than periodic light.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):86-89
pages 86-89 views

Selection of the design mixers and mixing mode for the aeration of the soil

Kramm E., Zaborskaya A.


The article presents a study of the effects of aeration by mechanical mixing of the process of biodegradation of hydrocarbons in the soil. Different variants of mixing devices and modes of mixing are proposed.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):89-92
pages 89-92 views

The study of the performance of the combined points for the processes of cleaning gases in biofilters

Mitin A., Zagustina N., Nikolaikina N., Pushnov A.


The article considers the process of cleaning air from toxic organic compounds in the biofilter. A new type of combined nozzles and results of experimental study of its work is presented. Recommendations for use of the combined space in the biofilters are offered.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):92-96
pages 92-96 views

Modeling of electromagnetic field in the resonator with regard to the measurement of the fuels water cut

Kardyshev G., Shatalov A., Suslin M.


In this article results of an experimental study of cylindrical cavity resonator with a thin layer of humidity on the lower end wall are presented. Analysis of the known methods was carried out using simulation by finite element method in the system ANSYS. The practical application of research results could be a detection of precipitated water in aviation kerosene.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):97-101
pages 97-101 views

Use of distillery bards as raw materials to produce high-protein feed products

Melnikov E., German L., Zakharov Z., Zharko M.


The paper describes the methods of processing components of distillery bards for fermentation media (and the growth of carbohydrate). There are presented the results of experiments on cultivation in these environments yeast of Phaffia type, the producer of the Supreme carotenoids of astaxanthin
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):101-106
pages 101-106 views

The use of gum arabic in the washing compositions of surfactants

Ivanova A., Bulatova M.


Gum Arabic (GA) is a unique polysaccharide which has excellent emulsifying and encapsulating properties. GA is very widely used in food and non-food industry. Emulsive stability depends on concentration, temperature as well as on homogenization time. Thus the priority task of this research work is to improve the quality of final products by getting stable emulsions under the conditions that allow to vary the time of homogenization.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):106-109
pages 106-109 views

The peculiarities of a stationary distribution of melt temperature of the polymer in extruder caused by heat transfer

Khametova M.


The author describes the features of stationary temperature distribution of molten polymer in the non-newton rectangular channel single screw extruder caused by thermal interaction in paper.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):110-116
pages 110-116 views

The research on iron removal filters

Veregina E., Efremenko T., Surodeeva L., Schibro E.


The purpose of this research was the selection of the optimal filtering medium for pressure removal of dissolved iron filters of water conditioning plant. The increase of plant capacity by raising the filtration rate leads to the increase in the pressure drop and reduction the duration of filtration cycle. The aforesaid issue was the cause of studying alternative filtering medium of quartz sand.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):116-121
pages 116-121 views

Computer management of the quality of anti-icing materials for highways

Bessarabov A., Glushko A., Stepanova T., Gordeeva E.


The computer quality management system for the chemical anti-icing materials (AIM) was developed based on the CALS concept. There were carried out researches for the most perspective AIM for the most important quality indicators. Also there was made the estimation of aggression of influence for AIM on constructional materials (steel and concrete).
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):121-125
pages 121-125 views

Expert system for analytical monitoring of high purity organic solvents

Bessarabov A., Trynkina L., Trokhin V., Vendilo A., Gordeeva E.


The authors developed an expert system for selection the analytical equipment and method of analysis of high purity substances (by the example of the assortment of organic solvents). Knowledge bases are developed on the basis of information CALS-technologies and structured by application spheres, analyzed substances, indicators of quality, methods of analysis and analytic devices. In its turn, the knowledge base on the analytical devices is structured in 4 main clusters of quality indicators: the content of the base substance, metal cations, anions and suspended particles.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):125-129
pages 125-129 views

Intensification of flotation cleaning of oil-contaminated water by the preliminary ultrasound activation reagent

Aitova I., Veksler G., Golberg G., Mullakaev M.


The possibilities of practical application of high-intensity ultrasound in conjunction with other physical and chemical methods for cleaning oil-contaminated wastewater. In the course of experimental studies there was found a significant increase in the degree of purification using pre ultrasonic activation reagent. The authors analyzed the mechanism of the obtained effect with respect to a high alumosilitic flocculant - coagulant.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):129-135
pages 129-135 views

Combined schemes of water treatment systems

Berengarten M., Gulyaeva E.


The article considers the modernization of existing technological schemes. The authors present experimental data on separation of salt solution by electro-membrane method. The variants of combined schemes of treatment of water systems are considered as well.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):135-139
pages 135-139 views

Dielectric relaxation and structural changes in aqueous solutions of tetromethyl carbamid

Lileev A., Lyaschenko A., Okhotnikova K.


In this article the authors consider dielectric permittivity of aqueous solutions. The experimental study and calculations of the microwave oven of dielectric properties were executed. The conclusions about structural and kinetic changes of water were determined on the example of tetromethylcarbamid solutions.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):139-143
pages 139-143 views

Comparison of the effectiveness of immobilization of XYLOTROPHIC basidiomycete on carriers of organic and inorganic origin

Ryabova-Lekhmus A., Biryukov V.


The article considers the immobilization possibility of mycelium Trametes hirsuta 56 on organic and inorganic carriers in dynamic and static modes. The authors searched the influence of used carriers on the synthesis of the extracellular enzyme.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):143-147
pages 143-147 views

Behaviour modelling of dispersed substances nanoscale level in a special channel dies

Klevleev V., Kuznetsova I.


The article discusses the main methods for organization of modeling objects of nanoscale level. There are performed the researches and developed the method of engineering calculation of the process of compaction of granular formulations in geometrically complex die.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):148-152
pages 148-152 views

Vacuum-evaporative process of water cooling together with counter flow

Marinyuk B., Krysanov K., Spritnyuk S.


The effects of vacuum-evaporation with convective counter flow of air for water cooling are considered in the article. There was performed a comparison with the method of cooling water in the cooling towers. The benefits of the method are revealed. The block-schema of the experimental stand is presented as well as the analytical analysis. Analytical and experimental results are presented in graph form.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):152-155
pages 152-155 views

Mathematical support and software for the durability calculation of an expansion joint bellows

Lugantsev L., Trubaeva I.


In this article there are stated the method and algorithm of numerical analysis of the intense-deformed condition of expansion joint bellows with its realization in the form of software. There is given an example of the calculation and the optimum design of the expansion joint bellows.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):155-161
pages 155-161 views

Computer analysis of the carrying capacity and the working life of tubular structures under low-cycle loading

Lugantsev L., Chernenko M.


This article describes the method and algorithm of the computer analysis of the kinetics of elastic deformation, the bearing capacity and the working life of tubular structures operating under repeated thermomechanical effects.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):162-166
pages 162-166 views

Estimate of the factor of safety of convex bottoms under uniform internal pressure

Lyang V.


This paper covers the derivation of engineering formulas in the State Standard Specification 14249-89 for the calculation of elliptical bottoms under uniform internal pressure, their numerical modeling of the stress-strain state by the finite element method and the comparative evaluation of the safety factor adopted in the State Standard Specification 14249-89 with the results of the experiment.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):166-169
pages 166-169 views

Automated calculation of heating power and heating time of a die mold in start-up mode

Lyang V.


This paper describes a software Polymer designed to calculate heating power and heating time of a die mold in start-up mode.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):169-173
pages 169-173 views

Automated calculation of dual-flow heat exchangers

Lyang V.


This article describes the structure and the basic principles of the software product to automate the calculation of double-flow heat exchangers for liquid and gaseous substances.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):173-177
pages 173-177 views

Thermodynamics in weakly-dissipative Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theory

Bogdanov R., Bogdanov M., Baranov M.


In the article there are presented the results of the numerical data calculation of the basic thermodynamic variables such as dependence of the thermodynamic potentials from the temperature and pressure, and the geometric characteristics of the dynamics like the center of mass of trial particle. The dynamics is described by a simple Euler discretization of family of vector fields arising in the Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):177-184
pages 177-184 views

The role of environmental factors in vasoneurosis

Kudrov A.


Environmental degradation in large cities is a factor that provokes the dysfunction of autonomic regulation. Nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide have a leading role, they have intermittent mode of action. The author examined the types of vegetation to ensure the physical, emotional and intellectual activities and deals with how to correct violations.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):184-190
pages 184-190 views

The mathematical definition of temperature of dispersed particles while cooling by a cryogenic liquid

Belukov S., Nekrasov A., Kimens P.


The authors consider mathematical models of one-dimensional and two-dimensional problems of freezing of dispersed particles in a cryogenic liquid.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):190-197
pages 190-197 views

New application of secondary polymer composites

Skopintsev I., Mileshkina A., Kamshad F.


The authors carried out a number of experiments on the influence of the chemical nature and composition of polymer blends based on recycled packaging materials (such as polyolefins and waste of the packaging "TetraPak"), temperature and other parameters of their co-processing with some dispersed fillers on the physical, chemical and physico-mechanical properties of the compounds. The resulting samples of composites based on packaging waste, were studied for the absorption of oil. An optimum volume ratio of oil and sorbent was obtained. There are discussed possible applications of new low-cost sorbents.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):197-201
pages 197-201 views

Recycling oily soils as derived feedstock to produce engine fuels

Sufiyanov R.


The problems of oily soils recycling by extracting hydrocarbons to produce engine fuels are considered in this article.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):201-205
pages 201-205 views

Oily soils treatment optimization

Sufiyanov R.


The article considers the problems of searching optimal allocation points for oily soils recycling works taking into account the oil-producing region infrastructure and roads.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):205-209
pages 205-209 views

Evaluation of the conditions of oil seepage into the ground after corrosion damage of a tank covering

Kuts Y., Korolchenko I., Veksler G.


The authors suggest the methodology of the evaluation of a leakage of a liquid under pressure of the jet as well as gravity filtration. There are obtained the expressions relating the flow rate of filtered fluid through the ground to the size of accumulating “lens” accumulated under a tank. The authors obtained also the calculation results of the intensity of infiltration of oil from damaged tanks in soils with different characteristics.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):209-219
pages 209-219 views

Way to assess the possibility of spontaneous combustion of microbiological products at storage

Gavrilov A., Korolchenko I.


In the article the authors show the possibility of spontaneous combustion of microbiological products at storage. There is presented the methodology of calculation of spontaneous combustion conditions of the stored inventory. The authors suggest the algorithms to determine safe conditions for storing. The basic directions of activities for the prevention of spontaneous combustion in the microbiological at utility facilities are also presented.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):219-228
pages 219-228 views

Way to calculate the time to spontaneous combustion of deposits substances having unbalanced heat exchange with the environment

Oskina T., Korolchenko I.


The authors developed the technique, allowing to calculate the induction period of thermal spontaneous combustion of deposits having unbalanced heat exchange. Using it, it is possible to determine the thickness of the fire-prone and fire-resistant deposits on the surface of various technological equipment and the time to spontaneous combustion deposits in the given conditions.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):228-235
pages 228-235 views

Improvement and automation of sample preparation of environmental components to chemical analysis in case of emergency

Latishenko K., Mironov A., Tsikunov V.


There is described a set of devices and universal algorithm of sample preparation of environmental components for the identification of hazardous chemicals.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):235-241
pages 235-241 views

The calculation ofthe statistical characteristics ofassessmentpoint on theEarth's surface, obtained byone-coordinatedirection obtainedby the one-coordinate DF from the aircraft

Blokhina V.


In the paper there were foundanalytical expressionsfor the calculation ofthe linear approximation inmeasurement of geographical coordinates errorestimatesandthe correlation matrix ofpoints on thesurface of the Earthaccording to theone-coordinateof bearing.The algorithm of recursive refinement of coordinates in the process of obtaining new measurements is proposed.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):242-249
pages 242-249 views

Kinematic calculation ofsix-memberedlinkage using theanalytical method

Ivanov V.


In this article the possibility of analytical calculation of kinematic parameters of thehinged laddermechanisms of the 2-nd class and 2-nd order with the use of analytical geometrybasis in the plane and differential calculus is considered.Derived analytical dependences for determination of the linear and angular velocities and accelerations points and links of six-linkedlever mechanism.Examples of graphs, obtained with the use of the calculation of the mathematical programs MathCad 14 are introduced.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):249-252
pages 249-252 views

Kinetostaticcalculation of six-linked lever mechanismusingtheanalyticalmethod

Ivanov V.


The paper considers the possibility of analytical determination of multi-linked lever mechanism’s reaction of the 2-nd class and 2-nd order on the basis of kinetostatics. There were derived analytical dependences for determination of the reactions ofsix-linked lever mechanism kinematic pairs. Examples of graphs, obtained with the use of the calculation of the mathematical programs MathCad 14 are provided.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):253-259
pages 253-259 views

Expert system for selection of optimal process of processing natural gas

Koltsova E., Filippova E., Zubov D.


The expert system was developed. It allows to obtain information about the usefulness of the field, to choose the best method of processing natural gas and associated gas directly in places of extraction, which isespecially very important.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):259-262
pages 259-262 views

Protective antimicrobial coverings containing amber and propolis

Akopyan V., Bambura M., Filatova V., Afonin A.


Compositions in the form of pencils and varnishes containing amber and propolis may be used for creation of protective films to prevent the growth and development of the fungusesAspergillusniger and Penicillumculmorum,bacterias Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus turengensis, and other commonly encountered on many surfaces in residential and industrial areas, in bio-filters, in hermetic premises, including space stations. Pencils are compact, hygienic and easy to use, but the protective properties of varnishes are more pronounced. Fast preparation of compositions containing natural resinous substances with antimicrobial properties is possible by using the low-frequency ultrasound.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):262-269
pages 262-269 views

The impact of stress on the culture of tissue Arabidopsis thaliana ininvitroconditions

Dolgikh Y., Sedov K.


The paper is devoted to the study of the influence of stress factors on the culture of tissue A. thaliana and evaluation of the sustainability of culture under the influence of copper ions and high temperature. Dose curves based on the obtained results are made.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):269-272
pages 269-272 views

Phytotoxicity assessment of copper and getting stress-resistant dicotyledonous

Litvinova I., Gladkov E., Sedov K.


The phytotoxicity of copper for whole plants and callus cultures of plurannual flax (LinumperenneL.) and Chrysanthemumcarinatum L. was estimated. Selective concentration of copper for these plants was determined. As well as the schemes of selection for resistance to copper regenerated plants were discribed.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):273-276
pages 273-276 views

Introduction to the cell culture and production of brachycome iberidifolia and chrysanthemum carinatum

Litvinova I., Gladkov E.


Brachycome iberidifolia and chrysanthemum carinatum as cell cultures. The optimal medium for callus formation, regeneration and rooting of regenerated plants are found.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):276-279
pages 276-279 views

Enhancing the stability of bentgrass (AgrostisstoloniferaL.) to salts of cadmium

Gladkov E., Gladkova O., Glushetskaya L.


In the paper there is developed a biotechnological method for increasing the stability of urban turf – bentgrass, to ions of cadmium in the environment. The following scheme was chosen selection – culturing callus on MS medium supplemented with 10 mg Cd / l for two passages, regeneration on MS medium supplemented with 20 mg Cd / l, rooting on MS medium with cadmium concentration of 30 mg / l. Under selective conditions there were received 130 regenerants of bentgrass, 58 of which were rooted in the soil. Resistance to cadmium was kept at one of the seeds tested regenerants in four generations.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):279-283
pages 279-283 views

Legionellosis: the causes, preventive measures

Sister V., Zedilin A., Ivannikova E., Tartakovsky I., Shulga E.


The article considers the peculiarities of the legionellosis epidemiology, information on preventive activities.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):283-286
pages 283-286 views

Explosions of industrial dusts and their prevention Ph.D., Prof. V. A. Bonar

Bondar V., Lyubartovich V.


The paper consider the risk of explosions and fires, dust-air mixtures in various industries. There are provided mandatory measures to prevent the destruction of machines, processing of dust medium.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):286-289
pages 286-289 views

The innovative research works of the Scientific and Technical Center "Technique of low temperatures"

Kalnin I.


The paper considers research works of the Scientific and Technical Center "Technique of low temperatures": heat pumps, energy-effective heat-pump distiller, free-motor-compressor.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):290-295
pages 290-295 views

Fuel converter for an internal combustion engine

Goncharov D., Belyaevsky M.


In the paper there is proposed a fuel converter that allows to save fuel, use low-octane gasoline, and reduce exhaust emissions to meet international standards EURO 4.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):295-298
pages 295-298 views

Study of physico-chemical and structural processes in obtaining of aluminosilicate glass ceramics

Meshalkin V., Orlova O., Butusov O., Galaev A.


A comprehensive study of changes in structural and physicochemical properties of aluminosilicate glass-ceramics during obtaining process. For this work authors use the data obtained by the differential scanning calorimetry, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance, X-ray diffraction analysis, they also studied in detail the fractal-morphological characteristics of the surface structure obtained by electron microscopy images.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):299-304
pages 299-304 views

Computer simulation of fuzzy equation of transfer of radioactive pollution

Butusov O., Popov D., Redikultseva N.


The paper deals with the mathematical model and computer software for solution of fuzzy transfer equation for modeling of distribution of radioactive pollution into environment under destruction of radioactive waste storage with the interval uncertainty of a number of physico-chemical parameters of distribution of radioactive contamination (rate of rise of groundwater from radioactive waste storage and radioactive pollution diffusion coefficients in the geological layer).
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):305-308
pages 305-308 views

The dependence of the demographic situation of migration flow showed by the example of the three simulated countries with different social and economic indicators

Pyrov P., Butusov O., Nikoforova O.


The authors developed the mathematical and computer models to simulate migration flows between countries. The main control parameters of the model are the following socio-economic indicators: levels of health care, education and environment, as well as the level of technological development. The model can be offered for monitoring, forecasting and management of migration flows.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):308-312
pages 308-312 views

System of decision making support based on the fuzzy algorithm for selection of a supplier in the supply chain

Butusov O., Dubin M., Meshalkin V., Nikoforova O.


The authors developed the system for support of decision making for the rational selection of the supplier in the supply chain, using the analytic hierarchy process and the algorithm based on the operations of fuzzy sets theories. The functioning of the decision making support system has been verified experimentally on the real accounting and statistics data. The results of numerical experiments confirm the efficiency of the algorithm for making logistics management solutions.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):312-318
pages 312-318 views

Mathematical model of heat network and development of recommendations for calculation of the efficiency for arbitrary temperature graphics

Sister V., Yamchuk A., Polivoda F.


The authors offer a generalized heat network mathematical model, on which basis it is possible to study the heat network for various methods of regulation, including quantitative and qualitative regulation of heat load. The work allowed to obtain the equation for calculating the efficiency of thermal network in analytical form which gives the opportunity to design organizations optimize the length of transmission of a heat-carrier, to determine the optimum flow of hot water in the pipeline and its diameter.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):318-324
pages 318-324 views

System of optimal control the cellulases biosynthesis

Zubov D., Paramonov E., Tolchenov A.


The production of enzymes from the waste of food production is of great ecological importance, but there are some difficulties connected with the instability of the raw materials used and the difficulty of operational control of the fermentation process. The paper proposes to use periodically updated mathematical biosynthesis model of the enzyme to determine the best moment of the process cessation.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):324-326
pages 324-326 views

Improvement of the maintenance process of highly qualified personnel quality in the university

Sorokina G., Medova O., Borovin Y., Tikhanovskaya S.


The article offers the directions to increase quality of specialists training on the basis of introduction the special staff preparation and information and analytical system of the supporting processes organization of training the top skills in higher education institution.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):326-329
pages 326-329 views

Peculiarities of the competition providers of corporate training

Kaganov V.


The article describes the foundation of a competitive providers targeting on corporate learning markets. Moreover, the authors mention features and trends of competition between providers.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):329-332
pages 329-332 views

Water supply system regulation in towns of England in the Tudor period

Bashmakova E.


This article considers the methods and techniques of urban water supply regulation in England in the late XV - beginning of the XVII centuries, as one of the most important aspects of municipal infrastructure development. Changes that have occurred in the field of water supply system in the Tudor period, make a new look at the question of the role and place of municipal authorities in the formation of public utilities.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2012;6(2-4):332-337
pages 332-337 views
