卷 7, 编号 2-1 (2013)


Diagonal fan with optimized geometry of rotor blades for the cooling system of a turbo-diesel

Andreenkov A., Dementyev A., Kostyukov A.


The authors investigated the improvement of the efficiency of a diagonal fan of the cooling system of a turbo-diesel with rated power of 397 kW according to suggested method of profiling of blades, which expands the idea of ​​fans of this type.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):7-12
pages 7-12 views

Influence of friction in joints on the performance of tensioning device of continuous track

Bulbutenko S., Fedotkin R., Ovcharenko A., Beynenson V.


In the article there is proposed a method of calculation of the friction work in joints of a tensioning device with the determination of average pressure and contact area of the surface of joints taking into account design features of the joint and features of its manufacturing. The influence of the coefficient of friction, type of lubricant and temperature on the value of the friction work is analyzed. The obtained data were compared with the value of work of an elastic member to evaluate the influence of friction on the efficiency of a tensioning device.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):12-19
pages 12-19 views

Experimental plant for studying the parameters of internal combustion engine running on gasoline-ethanol fuels

Vasilevkin E., Egorov V., Lavrov S., Apelinskiy D.


The article describes the experimental plant and its equipment for studying the parameters of internal combustion engine running on gasoline-ethanol fuels. There are also given the parameters of internal combustion engine obtained with help of this experimental setup.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):20-22
pages 20-22 views

Building of crawler transporters of extra light weight category on the basis of units and components of automobiles

Gmyrya N., Sharipov V., Schetinin Y., Denisov A., Marinkin A., Baulina E.


The authors propose new schemes of steering mechanisms of tracked vehicles made ​​on the basis of units and components of automobiles. The mathematical model of the steady turning of tracked vehicles with such steering mechanisms are developed as well as methods for calculating kinematic parameters, power and energy loading of the elements in the scheme taking into account the power losses in the transmission and suspension. The accuracy of the mathematical models is confirmed by the results of field tests of a tracked crawler "Vegus" with the proposed schemes of steering mechanisms.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):23-33
pages 23-33 views

Processes of acceleration of tractor unit and gear shifting with half-engaging of friction couplings

Gorodetskiy K., Alendeev E., Timofievskiy A., Parfyonov A.


The analysis of processes of acceleration of a tractor unit and gear shifting with half engaged one-pair contact friction couplings is made on the example of a simple version of a gearbox.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Way of representing transmission speeds of agricultural tractors in the matrix form

Gorodetskiy K., Sharipov V., Serebrykov V., Shevelev A., Alendeev E.


The authors propose a method of presentation of transmission speeds of agricultural tractors in a matrix form which reveals a kinematic diagram of a transmission and ways to construct and modify their designs depending on requirements. The matrix form of presentation of transmission speeds helps the development of new, more efficient kinematic schemes of compound gearboxes of tractors.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):39-45
pages 39-45 views

External infrasonic fields of ground vehicles

Grafkina M., Nyunin B., Sviridova E., Ralchenko V.


The article presents the study of external infrasonic field of an automobile in real and test-bench conditions which allows to solve fundamentally new problems on identifying sources and mechanisms of developing of infrasonic sound, evolve monitoring of infrasonic fields of ground vehicles, build up a model to calculate the expected level of infrasound and suggest ways to reduce that level to the requirements of sanitary norms.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):45-48
pages 45-48 views

Vibration loading of large transport system when driving on the road with random irregularities

Gusev A., Scherbakov V., Starodubtseva S., Grebenkina I.


The authors consider the complex of issues that arise when assessing the technical feasibility and advisability of transporting large and easily deformable objects on roads with random irregularities.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):48-53
pages 48-53 views

Calculation of strength reliability and fatigue life of structural elements of mobile machines, loaded with random bending and twisting moments

Gusev A., Scherbakov V., Starodubtseva S., Grebenkina I.


The authors propose a new technique of calculation of strength reliability and fatigue life of metal elements of mobile machines experiencing a simultaneous loading by non-synchronous and out-of-phase random bending and twisting moments.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):54-57
pages 54-57 views

Intelligent vehicle. Adaptation of subsystem for determination the relative position of moving vehicles

Ivanov A., Shadrin S., Karpukhin K.


In this article there are considered the history of unmanned vehicles, showed the status of developments in Russia and the world, considered the issues of determining the relative position of vehicles based on optical tracking technology.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Influence of geometry and design of a roller-type dynamometer on the accuracy of cornering characteristics of automobile tires

Kondrashov V., Bernadskiy V.


The paper describes the study of papers and specialized dynamometers designed for laboratory studies of cornering characteristics of automobile tires. Their pros and cons are revealed, certain recommendations are formulated which is intended to provide a practical improvement of performance of tires in real operating conditions.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):62-68
pages 62-68 views

The problem of correlation of cornering characteristics of tires in test bench tests

Bernadskiy V., Krasavin P., Kruglov S., Melo O.


The article describes a roller-type test bench for studying cornering characteristics of pneumatic tires and considers reasons for the need for correction of characteristics obtained on this test bench.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):68-72
pages 68-72 views

Preparing of input data for upgrading of all-purpose tracked tractor DT-175S during major overhaul

Krumboldt L., Zenin A., Golovashkin F.


The article defines the ability to install hydraulic mechanical transmission with double-flow mechanism of steering of the Group I (full flow in straight running and double-flow when turning) on a tracked tractor DT-175S. In an additional drive to the summing planetary gears there is provided the inclusion of hydrostatic transmission GTS-90 with the mounting power equal to SMD-66 diesel engine power. The authors developed a kinematic scheme of the transmission and considered linear motion and rotation of the tractor.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):72-79
pages 72-79 views

Use of wind generator to charge traction batteries

Dolbilin E., Ovsyannikov E., Koshelyaev E.


In the article there is shown the feasibility of using of wind turbines to charge traction batteries. The analysis of wind turbines was conducted and the proper control mode of the optimal regime of a generator is chosen. Internal resistance of a battery is calculated and the method of stabilization of the electric mode of a generator is chosen.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):80-85
pages 80-85 views

Research of engine with split charge on an experimental plant with separated cylinder

Kuznetsov I., Sychev A., Denisov A.


The article proposes a combustion process of split charge for an engine with positive ignition. To implement the process there are developed and manufactured parts of the intake system and the cylinder head. The authors conducted the research on the experimental plant built on the basis of a full-sized engine with a separated cylinder which had autonomous power, ignition and exhaust systems. Comparative studies of the separated cylinder operating on the common process and the process with split charge, showed that with split charge fuel efficiency improves by more than 10% and content of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (CH) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) is reduced by 40-50% in the exhaust gas.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):85-92
pages 85-92 views

Simulation of mixing in engine with split charge in a cylinder

Kuznetsov I., Sychev A., Denisov A.


The authors study an inlet system of supplying the cylinder with split charge through a tangential split inlet duct. There is built a plant at which mixing was simulated, resulting in a visual picture of the distribution of charge in the cylinder at different air flows. The calculations proved the possibility of obtaining a stable split of charge in the cylinder in case of the use of the designed inlet system.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):93-97
pages 93-97 views

Trends and prospects of development of power steering

Kutepov P., Maleev R.


This paper presents the description of hydraulic and electric power steering, their construction and operation
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):97-101
pages 97-101 views

Enhancement of energy and environmental performance of reciprocating internal combustion engines on transition to gasoline-ethanol fuel

Abramov A., Apelinskiy A., Runovskiy K., Belov V.


The article considers the features of changing operating characteristics of internal combustion engines with spark ignition on transition of the engine to gasoline-ethanol fuel and ways to improve energy and environmental performance of the engine.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):101-106
pages 101-106 views

Results of the study of the mathematical model of interaction of an elastic wheel with a deformable bearing surface under steady rectilinear rolling

Lepeshkin A., Kruglov S., Petrov S., Pkhakadze S.


The article presents the results of the study of the developed mathematical model of interaction of an elastic wheel with a deformable bearing surface under steady rectilinear rolling, which allows by certain vertical load on the wheel, speed of its longitudinal axis and angular velocity to determine the longitudinal component of the force transmitted by the wheel to the vehicle frame, and torque on the wheel implemented on interaction with supporting surface. Additionally simulation results determined the tractive and energy indicators of efficiency of the driving wheel under considered conditions.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):106-111
pages 106-111 views

Mathematical model of operation of an active two-axle four-wheel carriage with equalizing beam suspension in steady rectilinear motion on deformable bearing surface

Lepeshkin A.


The proposed mathematical model is derived from the known dependences defining interaction of an elastic wheel with deformable bearing surface, considering differences determining the conditions of the second axle wheels rolling moving in the tracks of the front axle wheels. The mathematical model allows by certain vertical load on the carriage, longitudinal velocity and angular velocity of the wheels to determine the longitudinal force component transmitted to the vehicle frame and the total torque realized by the carriage wheels on interaction with the supporting surface.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):111-122
pages 111-122 views

Efficiency of contactless DC generators for vehicles

Lokhnin V., Yurkevich V., Ivobotenko B., Shirkov V.


The article considers the study of the main mass-effective characteristics of contactless DC power supplies of stable voltage for motor vehicles (hybrid cars, electric cars). The study includes a comparative analysis of existing control schemes DC sources, and highlights the most effective ones.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):122-125
pages 122-125 views

Selection of electric starting system with capacitive energy storage and battery

Maleev R., Shmatkov Y.


The paper presents various ways and tasks for selection of electric starting systems with capacitive energy storage and battery for specific engines developed at the “Automotive and Tractor Electrical Equipment” Department of Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering and their analysis.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):125-128
pages 125-128 views

Method of calculation of the electric starting system with battery and capacitive energy storage

Maleev R., Shmatkov Y.


The paper presents the method for calculating of electric starting systems with combined current source developed at “Automotive and Tractor Electrical Equipment” Department. There are shown the initial data and the basic formulas and expressions for calculation of such systems and to identification of the main energy parameters.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):129-133
pages 129-133 views

Analysis of the methods of calculation and simulation of DC motors with permanent magnet excitation

Rozin P., Akimov A., Kudinova L.


The paper considers the basic methods of calculating the DC motors with permanent magnet excitation. It is shown that the most accurate data on the characteristics of DC motors with permanent magnet can be obtained by modeling their magnetic and electrical fields in windings. The article gives a comparative analysis of the possible methods of modeling.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):133-138
pages 133-138 views

Engine electric starter system with capacitive energy storage

Maleev R., Mychka N., Gulin A.


The article proposes to use capacitive energy storage in the engine electric starter system. The results of computational research shows the effect of the value of the initial charging voltage of capacitive energy storage on the basis of characteristics of the electric starting system for an automobile engine equipped with standard start-up system.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):139-141
pages 139-141 views

Engine electric starter system with combined power supply

Maleev R., Gulin A., Mychka N.


The article proposes to use energy storage in the engine electric starter system. The results of computational research shows the effect of the value of the initial charging voltage of capacitive energy storage on the basis of characteristics of the electric starting system for an automobile engine equipped with standard start-up system.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):142-144
pages 142-144 views

Influence of the geometry of plate heat exchanger inlet manifold on the hydraulic unevenness of heat carrier flow

Merkulov V., Sugonyaev M.


The article describes the analysis of the influence of different geometry on the hot heat carrier inlet nozzle plate air-to-air heat exchanger on unevenness of flow distribution through the matrix channels. The authors compare the geometry of the existing structure and the most promising design solutions.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):144-146
pages 144-146 views

Acoustic designing of air exchange system units on the transport

Merkulov V., Nikulin A.


The paper analyzes the main sources of acoustic noise of air exchange systems on transport, including aviation, to meet modern standards in terms of acoustic noise.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):147-149
pages 147-149 views

Functional model for prediction of durability of rock handler tires

Goryunov S.


The paper proposes a functional model for prediction of durability of pneumatic tires of rock handlers, considering power losses to hysteresis and tire friction on the bearing surface.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):149-154
pages 149-154 views

FloEFD software package application for numerical study of turbocharger characteristics

Grigorov I., Kaminskiy R., Sibiryakov S., Trofimovich I.


The paper describes the experience of application of FloEFD software system for three-dimensional gas-dynamic calculation of viscous gas flow in the turbine stage of turbocharger on designing of engine turbo system.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):154-158
pages 154-158 views

Information technologies is an essential tool in creation of modern production of automotive components

Kaminskiy V.


The article provides a brief summary of the results of scientific and technological developments and their practical implementation in production of turbochargers and other units in “Turbotehnika” company.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):158-163
pages 158-163 views

The software and hardware of the system of automated control of turbocharger parameters

Kaminskiy R., Kovaltsov I., Korneev S.


The paper describes the process of development of software for stand for control research testing of turbochargers. The authors consider the operation with a controller and connected digital devices through the software CoDeSys V2.3 and with touch panel through the “Configurator SP200” program.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):163-168
pages 163-168 views

Simulation of throttle balancer in energy redistribution mode for the Li-Ion battery

Varlamov D., Lavrikov A.


The paper considers inductor balancer with throttles for Li-Ion battery which simulated in Matlab Simulink program. The paper presents the characteristics of the inductor balancer with throttles in energy redistribution mode.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):168-174
pages 168-174 views

Rational choice of energy-efficient way to normalize thermal state of a tractor operator in warm season

Mikhailov V., Sharipova N., Tarasova L.


The paper analyzes the ways to normalize the thermal state of an operator in the tractor cab by volume air conditioning and by the local action considering the specifics of application objects. The authors demonstrate the rationality of use of country the same for all machines water evaporative local energy-saving air cooler in the cabins of various sizes in the operation of tractors in all climatic zones.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):175-179
pages 175-179 views

Designing innovative local water evaporative air cooler for tractor cabins

Mikhailov V., Sharipova N., Klimova E.


The paper proposes the design of innovation water evaporative air cooler for the normalization of the thermal state of the tractor operator by the local supplying of air flow. To expand the market the device has two versions: voltage of 12 V DC , based on the use of a warm period in the cab of any size ; voltage of 220 V AC , based on the use of indoor stationary objects . It may be used either on the new tractor models or on the objects in use, with no coolers.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):179-185
pages 179-185 views

Methods of diagnostics of sensors of automotive electronic control systems with hybrid transmission

Nabokikh V., Safronov A.


The article describes some general methods of diagnostics of the sensors of microprocessor control systems controlling a hybrid transmission of a vehicle. The task to research the processes of sensors diagnosing is stated.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):185-188
pages 185-188 views

Direct torque control of asynchronous traction motor

Ovsyannikov E., Ivobotenko B., Yurkevich V., Koshelyev E.


This paper proposes a new system of direct torque control of asynchronous traction motor with space vector modulation of voltage supply. The results of the simulation of traction asynchronous traction motor show advantages of the developed control system: simplicity of implementation, high dynamic performance and small fluctuations of the electromagnetic torque.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):188-194
pages 188-194 views

Experimental results of flotation of the KamAZ-4350, KamAZ-5350 and Ural-4320-31 automobiles with differential and locked-wheel drive at steady curvilinear motion

Ostretsov A.


The results of experimental studies on determination of the coefficient of resistance to rolling at the steady curvilinear motion of automobiles KamAZ-4350, KamAZ-5350 and Ural-4320-31 with differential and locked-wheel drive. There was made the conclusion about the increase in a hyperbolic dependence of the coefficient of resistance to rolling with the increase of curvature of the trajectory of rotation. Possible ways of improving the maneuverability of all-wheel drive trucks with curvilinear motion on deformable unpaved surfaces were identified.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):194-198
pages 194-198 views

Modern trends in electric motor control

Zhmatov D., Gorkin V., Pakhomov E.


The article presents a review of the valve actuator on the controller IRMCS3041 by International Rectifier company. Hardware and software are presented to determine and compare the parameters of electric motor drives. Measuring complex was developed at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics of Moscow Institute of Energy Security and Energy Saving.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):198-202
pages 198-202 views

Generalized mathematical model of vibration load of mobile machines with random kinematical excitation

Podrubalov V., Nikitenko A., Podrubalov M.


The article presents the reasoning of the choice of the method and developed generalized mathematical model which describes the stationary spatial vibrations of a dynamic system of mobile wheeled vehicle that includes 12 solids, joined with 32 linear elastic – dissipative links which have 4 inputs and 20 degrees of freedom, and considers the possibility of installation continual type suspension. Algorithms of calculation of a vibration level on operator’s seat and loads of vehicle’s parts for various variants of excitation correlations on inputs of its system are presented in the article.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):203-211
pages 203-211 views

Optimization of vibration protection systems for operator in mobile vehicle with random kinematical excitation

Podrubalov V., Nikitenko A., Podrubalov M.


On the basis of the generalized mathematical model for wheeled tractor with a power of 110 kW, the calculated estimation of the effectiveness of the various levels of vibration protection systems was made (tires – rigid-axle type suspension – cab suspension – seat suspension). It is shown that on the tractor only the use of adjustable suspension for front and rear wheels with optimum parameters provides the recommended by the international standard level of accelerations on the operator's seat. Seat suspension is not needed in this case.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):212-220
pages 212-220 views

Tractor loading vibration with random kinematical excitation

Podrubalov V., Nikitenko A., Podrubalov M.


The paper shows the results of deformation and strength calculations in elastic-dissipative couplings of wheeled tractor dynamic system, which power is 110 kW when simulating its motion for a reference track with random profile. Spectral analysis shows the effectiveness of adjustable wheel suspensions on decrease in tractor loading and the impact on the road or the soil. Values of dynamic deflections for wheel suspensions with the optimal parameters were found.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):221-226
pages 221-226 views

Problems of development of direct injection systems for gasoline engines for Russian motor vehicles

Fomin V., Shustrov F.


The problems associated with the development of innovative solutions were analyzed to create a new generation of high-performance engines with direct injection of gasoline for the national transport system. Although this type of engine has a very high potential to improve fuel economy, relatively expensive and complicated system of exhaust gas and its sensitivity to the quality of fuel, especially to sulphur content, prevents the wide use of such systems in the sphere of the Russian automotive technology.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):226-234
pages 226-234 views

Use of laser light in automotive lighting

Khortov V., Grebenchikov A., Skvortsov A.


The possibility of laser light usage in automotive lighting was considered in the article.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):234-238
pages 234-238 views

Determination of axial forces on pulleys of V belt transmission

Ivanov V., Mamaev A., Chepurnoy S.


In the proposed methodology for calculating the axial forces on the V belt transmission were used equations obtained with the account of main provisions of the spatial wedge theory.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):238-241
pages 238-241 views

Corrections of calculations on ride comfort of wheeled vehicles based on their dynamic models

Volskaya N., Chichekin I.


The article is devoted to the problem of calculating the ride comfort of wheeled vehicles engaged in the movement through non-deformable bearing areas. There is shown a method, which corrects a well-known algorithm of evaluation by extending the frequency range of action of the disturbing force on dynamic models of wheeled vehicles. A comparison of the results of field testing and calculation methods is provided.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):241-248
pages 241-248 views

Identification of parameters of the resistance movement of wheeled vehicles during operation

Shadrin S.


The article describes the method of conducting tests of a modern passenger car, which is in operation, with identification of the parameters of resistance movement for further and more precise mathematical modeling of controlled motion and making possible adjustments in algorithms of predicative active safety systems and systems of inter-object communication for intelligent vehicles.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):248-251
pages 248-251 views

Influence of tolerances of main dimensions of flow part of a centrifugal pump on spread of its basic parameters

Sheipak A., Chivileva M., Sheipak I.


The article presents the method of calculating the influence of the tolerances of main dimensions of flow part of a centrifugal pump on the spread of pressure values efficiency and critical cavitation margin with the nominal feed rate. There are discussed both symmetric and unilateral deviations of sizes.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):252-257
pages 252-257 views

Ensuring the controllability of mobile platforms for robotized complexes of arms and military equipment

Shipilevskiy G.


Maintenance of controllability of mobile platforms for the robotized complexes of arms and military equipment should occur taking into account features of the limited information support of the operator, who observes the movement of controlled object through the monitor of the video channel and operating this movement by the channel of remote control. The speed control does not involve special difficulties, but the stop of object in front of suddenly detected obstacle should take place with a minimum delay. At the same time, to provide trajectory manageability taking into account the inevitable inertia it is recommended to enter into structure of the management system the forcing control signal by the first derivative and the feedback on the actual rate of turn.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):257-262
pages 257-262 views

Self-excitation of oscillations of wheeled tractors frame when working in traction mode

Schetinin Y., Esenoskiy-Lashkov M., Sergeev A.


The article theoretically substantiates a possibility of self-excitation of oscillations of wheeled tractors frame in the longitudinal plane when working in traction mode. There was used the dependence of rolling pneumatic wheel radius from the vertical load and torque, mathematical model of a rolling pneumatic wheel with variable vertical load and dual-mass linear model of oscillations of the tractor frame in the longitudinal plane.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):262-271
pages 262-271 views

Setting of regulatory characteristics of a diesel engine using disconnections of operating cycles

Partrakhalcev N., Emmil M.


The method of calculation the number of diesel engine working cycles is described. There are given the ICE theory corresponding formulas and corresponding graphics of number of working cylinders on total number of engine cylinders dependence.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):271-274
pages 271-274 views

Development of smart electricity distribution networks

Evlashin S., Merzin V., Savelyev I.


The Russian Federation has a unique geopolitical position. Large territorial coverage of the energy sector in the Russian Federation leads to the fact that most of the infrastructure and power grids located in sparsely populated areas, and in the case of failures, troubleshooting and taking measures to redistribute the load takes much time. This paper reviews recent technical advances of the “Smart Grid” intellectual network, which are actively being developed worldwide.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):274-284
pages 274-284 views

Determination of the influence of formative factors on design of conceptual objects in transport design and algorithm of through design

Lepeshkin I., Matersheva E.


The article is devoted to the revealed regularities of the process of shaping in design of concept arts, concepts and production prototypes in transport design, derived from statistical analysis of results of the developed and conducted the Internet survey. In addition, this article proposes a model of design development process consisting of three levels of factors. The influence of the effect of key factors such as style, structure, technology and materials on designer's work when developing vehicle design is studied. The algorithm of through design is proposed as a result of the conducted study.
Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2013;7(2-1):285-292
pages 285-292 views
