Problems of development of direct injection systems for gasoline engines for Russian motor vehicles

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The problems associated with the development of innovative solutions were analyzed to create a new generation of high-performance engines with direct injection of gasoline for the national transport system. Although this type of engine has a very high potential to improve fuel economy, relatively expensive and complicated system of exhaust gas and its sensitivity to the quality of fuel, especially to sulphur content, prevents the wide use of such systems in the sphere of the Russian automotive technology.

About the authors

V. M. Fomin

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Dr. Eng.; +7 (495) 223-05-23, ext. 1048

F. A. Shustrov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

+7 (495) 223-05-23, ext. 1048


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Copyright (c) 2013 Fomin V.M., Shustrov F.A.

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