Influence of friction in joints on the performance of tensioning device of continuous track

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In the article there is proposed a method of calculation of the friction work in joints of a tensioning device with the determination of average pressure and contact area of the surface of joints taking into account design features of the joint and features of its manufacturing. The influence of the coefficient of friction, type of lubricant and temperature on the value of the friction work is analyzed. The obtained data were compared with the value of work of an elastic member to evaluate the influence of friction on the efficiency of a tensioning device.

About the authors

S. S. Bulbutenko

Moscow State University of mechanical Engineering (MAMI); JSC “Scientific and research institute of steel”


R. S. Fedotkin

Moscow State University of mechanical Engineering (MAMI); JSC “Scientific and research institute of steel”


A. S. Ovcharenko

Moscow State University of mechanical Engineering (MAMI); JSC “Scientific and research institute of steel”


V. D. Beynenson

Moscow State University of mechanical Engineering (MAMI); JSC “Scientific and research institute of steel”

Ph.D.; +7-963-976-29-47


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Copyright (c) 2013 Bulbutenko S.S., Fedotkin R.S., Ovcharenko A.S., Beynenson V.D.

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