Experimental results of flotation of the KamAZ-4350, KamAZ-5350 and Ural-4320-31 automobiles with differential and locked-wheel drive at steady curvilinear motion

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The results of experimental studies on determination of the coefficient of resistance to rolling at the steady curvilinear motion of automobiles KamAZ-4350, KamAZ-5350 and Ural-4320-31 with differential and locked-wheel drive. There was made the conclusion about the increase in a hyperbolic dependence of the coefficient of resistance to rolling with the increase of curvature of the trajectory of rotation. Possible ways of improving the maneuverability of all-wheel drive trucks with curvilinear motion on deformable unpaved surfaces were identified.

About the authors

A. V. Ostretsov

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Email: avt@mami.ru
+7 (495) 223-05-23, ext. 1587


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