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Том 10, № 1 (2016) Article Distribution of eruptive volcanic basalt in the South China Sea and adjacent areas by interpreting gravity, magnetic and seismic data
Том 10, № 1 (2016) Article Tectonics and metallogeny of the junction zone between the North Asian craton and Pacific tectonic belt
Том 10, № 1 (2016) Article Deep structure of the South Kara sedimentary basin
Том 10, № 1 (2016) Article Malinovka deposit—A new type of gold mineralization in Primorye, Russia: Geology, mineralogy, and genesis
Том 10, № 1 (2016) Article New data on palynostratigraphy of the Lipovtsy formation in the Razdol’naya coal Basin (Southern Primorye)
Том 10, № 1 (2016) Article Tin–rare-earth element greisens of the Solnechnoe cassiterite–silicate deposit, Russian Far East
Том 10, № 2 (2016) Article New data on the composition of products of quaternary volcanism at the northwestern margin of the South China Sea shelf zone and the problem of asthenospheric diapirism
Том 10, № 2 (2016) Article On the problem of the scale and composition of Paleozoic and Mesozoic granitoid magmatism in the Khilok–Vitim fold belt of Central Transbaikalia
Том 10, № 2 (2016) Article Early Paleozoic monzodiorite–granodiorite association in the northeastern flank of the South Mongolia–Khingan orogenic belt (Nora–Sukhotinsky Terrane): Age and tectonic setting
Том 10, № 2 (2016) Article Composition, age, and tectonic position of granitoids of the Shmakovka complex
Том 10, № 2 (2016) Article REE geochemistry in groundwater of the Sikhote Alin fold region (Russian Far East)
Том 10, № 3 (2016) Article Genesis of the Katugin rare-metal ore deposit: Magmatism versus metasomatism
Том 10, № 3 (2016) Article Early Precambrian granitoids of the Batomga inlier of the southeastern Siberian Platform basement: Age and geodynamic formation settings
Том 10, № 3 (2016) Article Granitoid formation time in the Main Kolyma Batholith Belt: Coordination of geological data and isotopic dating results (Northeast Asia)
Том 10, № 3 (2016) Article Kysylga gold–silver deposit in the terrigenous sequences of the Verkhoyansk–Kolyma mesozoides
Том 10, № 3 (2016) Article Lithological features, reconstruction of redox setting, and composition of the provenances of the Upper Triassic Kular–Nera shale belt
Том 10, № 3 (2016) Article Volcanic rocks of the Khabarovsk accretionary complex, southern Far East Russia
Том 10, № 4 (2016) Article Age, main geochemical characteristics, and sources of late Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the Udurchukan volcanic area (Amur Region)
Том 10, № 4 (2016) Article The importance of radiocarbon dates and tephra for developing chronologies of Holocene environmental changes from lake sediments, North Far East
Том 10, № 4 (2016) Article Sources and formation conditions of ferromanganese mineralization of the Bureya and Khanka massifs, Russian Far East
Том 10, № 4 (2016) Article Seismic anisotropy of the mantle beneath Eastern Asia based on ScS and S waves from deep-focus earthquakes
Том 10, № 4 (2016) Article Problems of Paleogene–Neogene stratigraphy of the Zerkal’naya depression, East Sikhote Alin
Том 10, № 4 (2016) Article New data on chemical composition of Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Bureya basin (Far East of Russia)
Том 10, № 5 (2016) Article Closure of the Solonker basin: Paleomagnetism of the Linxi and Xingfuzhilu formations (Inner Mongolia, China)
Том 10, № 5 (2016) Article Tectonics and metallogeny of the Khakandzha ore district in the Okhotsk–Chukotka volcanic belt
Том 10, № 5 (2016) Article Petrophysical features of the tectonic structures of the Okhotsk continent–ocean transition zone
Том 10, № 5 (2016) Article Yakchi chert–volcanogenic Formation—fragment of the Jurassic accretionary prism in the Central Sikhote-Аlin, Russian Far East
Том 10, № 5 (2016) Article New data on ore geochemistry of the Rodionovskoe gold–quartz deposit, Northeast Russia
Том 10, № 6 (2016) Article Vertical fault systems in the tectonosphere geoelectrical section in petroliferous domains of Sakhalin Island (Russia) and Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam): Evidence from magnetotelluric sounding
Том 10, № 6 (2016) Article 3-D paleotemperature modeling of the geothermal regime of sedimentary basins: Example of the Lunskaya depression, Sakhalin Island
Том 10, № 6 (2016) Article Simulation of triggering and geodeformation processes induced by fluid injection into the geomedium
Том 10, № 6 (2016) Article Tectonic model of seismicity for the northeastern segment of the Amur Plate in the Earth’s two-phased rotation
Том 10, № 6 (2016) Article Volcanic edifices on guyots of the Magellan Seamounts (Pacific Ocean)
Том 10, № 6 (2016) Article Genesis of the boron potential of the Taukha metallogenic zone, Sikhote Alin, and boron sources during formation of the Dal’negorsk boron deposit
Том 10, № 6 (2016) Article Geochemical features of major and rare-earth element behavior in the Paratunka and Bol’shebannyi hydrothermal systems of Kamchatka
Том 11, № 1 (2017) Article Modeling the Southern Sakhalin earthquake sequences preceding strong shocks for short-term prediction of their origin time
Том 11, № 1 (2017) Article On the seismotectonic setting in the ocean side of deep trenches
Том 11, № 1 (2017) Article Recent geodynamics of the Kuril subduction zone
Том 11, № 1 (2017) Article On the stress state of the Sakhalin crust according to the data of drilling deep boreholes
Том 11, № 1 (2017) Article The problem of past megatsunami reconstructions on the southern Kurils
Том 11, № 1 (2017) Article Felsic magmas of the caldera-forming eruptions on the Iturup Island: the first results of studies of melt inclusions in phenocrysts from pumices of the Lvinaya Past and Vetrovoy Isthmus calderas
Том 11, № 1 (2017) Article Tectonic stress field analysis of the northern part of the Kuril–Okhotsk region before the May 24, 2013 deep-focus earthquake
Том 11, № 1 (2017) Article On the problem of variability in the chemical composition of mud–volcanic waters: Evidence from the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk mud volcano
Том 11, № 2 (2017) Article Cretaceous sedimentary–volcanogenic complexes of the Kamchatka Isthmus: Structure, composition and geodynamic formation conditions
Том 11, № 2 (2017) Article New isotope–geochemical and mineralogical data on the ultramafic xenoliths in the volcanic rocks of the Kamchatka–Koryak region: Two types of mantle protolith in the modern island-arc system
Том 11, № 2 (2017) Article First evidence for the Middle Triassic volcanism in South Primorye
Том 11, № 2 (2017) Article Formalized analysis of crustal seismicity in the Sikhote Alin orogen and adjacent areas
Том 11, № 2 (2017) Article The upper crustal structure along the Troitskoe–Lidoga–Vanino profile (Northern Sikhote-Alin region) based on AMT sounding data
Том 11, № 2 (2017) Article New paleontological data on Govorov, Vulkanolog, and Kocebu guyots (Magellan Seamounts, Pacific)
Том 11, № 3 (2017) Article Tectonics and evolution of the northeastern extremity of the East-Asian Rift Belt
Том 11, № 3 (2017) Article Age, geochemistry, and sources of clastic materials and accumulation settings of the Glubokin Formation (Eastern Transbaikalia)
Том 11, № 3 (2017) Article Age and palynological characteristic of the Dongning Formation (Eastern Heilongjiang, China)
Том 11, № 3 (2017) Article Explosion breccias of the Vysokogorskoe tin–porphyry deposit: Genesis and role in ore formation (Kavalerovo ore district, Primorye)
Том 11, № 3 (2017) Article Numerical modeling of the tectonic and thermal history of the Kyndal Graben of the Bureya Basin (Far East of Russia)
Том 11, № 3 (2017) Article Neotectonic and modern stresses of South Sakhalin
Том 11, № 4 (2017) Article Deep structure, genesis, and seismic activation of the Bureya orogen, Russian Far East
Том 11, № 4 (2017) Article Geoelectric section of the crust and upper mantle of the northern Sikhote-Alin from magnetotelluric sounding data
Том 11, № 4 (2017) Article Petrology and mineralogy of ophiolites in pull-apart structures of the Cayman Trough
Том 11, № 4 (2017) Article Petrogeochemical conditions and geodynamic settings of volcanic rocks in the Kiselyovka–Manoma accretionary complex (Russian Far East)
Том 11, № 4 (2017) Article Formation conditions and rare-earth mineralization of Riphean carbonaceous shales of the Upper Nyatygran Subformation, Russian Far East
Том 11, № 4 (2017) Article Gas content of bottom sediments and geochemical indicators of oil and gas on the shelf of the East Siberian Sea
Том 11, № 5 (2017) Article Structures of degassing and fluid transport within the modern zones of the lithosphere destruction in the eastern margin of the Central Asian Fold Belt
Том 11, № 5 (2017) Article Dynamics of geophysical medium from power spectral density of microseisms before and after earthquakes: case study of Bureya massif, Amur region
Том 11, № 5 (2017) Article Specific features of the mineral composition and petromagnetic properties of rocks from the Minami-Khiosi submarine volcano (Mariana island arc)
Том 11, № 5 (2017) Article Deep structure of Kamchatka according to the results of MT sounding and seismic tomography
Том 11, № 5 (2017) Article Material composition and geochemical characteristics of ores of the Malinovskoe gold-ore deposit (Primorskii Krai, Russia)
Том 11, № 6 (2017) Article Stratigraphy, Tectono-Stratigraphic Systems, and Paleogeography of the Uda and Torom Sedimentary Basins (Far East of Russia)
Том 11, № 6 (2017) Article Structure and Folding of the Kiselyovka-Manoma Accretionary Complex in the Lower Amur Region, Russian Far East
Том 11, № 6 (2017) Article Cretaceous Strike-Slip Dislocations in the Dalat Zone (Southeastern Vietnam)
Том 11, № 6 (2017) Article Genetic Aspects of the Noble-Metal Mineralization at the Poperechnoe Deposit, Lesser Khingan, Russia
Том 11, № 6 (2017) Article Structure, Matter Composition, and Deep Structure of the Oceanic Slope of the Central Kuril Islands: New Evidence
Том 11, № 6 (2017) Article Physicochemical Conditions of Crystallization of Rocks from Ultrabasic Massifs of the Siberian Platform
Том 12, № 1 (2018) Article Interregional Correlation of the Permian Continental and Marine Deposits of Northeastern Russia, Southern Far East, Siberia, and Pechora Cisurals
Том 12, № 1 (2018) Article Vendian–Riphean Complexes of the Aldan–Maya Sedimentary Basin and the Yurubchen–Tokhomo Zone of Oil-and-Gas Accumulation, Southeastern and Southwestern North Asian Craton: Comparative Analysis and Petroleum Potential
Том 12, № 1 (2018) Article Geochronology and Ore Mineralization of the Dzheltula Alkaline Massif (Aldan Shield, South Yakutia)
Том 12, № 1 (2018) Article The Investigation Results of the April 12, 2014, M = 4.5 Primorye Earthquake (Far Eastern Russia)
Том 12, № 1 (2018) Article Fluid-Controlling Significance of the Nosappu Fracture Zone and Conditions for the Formation of Methane Fluxes and Gas Hydrates (Sea of Okhotsk Region)
Том 12, № 1 (2018) Article Hydrogeochemical Features of Thermal Waters of South Trungbo (Central Vietnam)
Том 12, № 2 (2018) Article Hydrocarbon Potential of Paleo- and Modern Suprasubduction Provinces: Tectonic, Geodynamic, Mineralogical-Geochemical, and Biochemical Aspects
Том 12, № 2 (2018) Article The Lower Paleogene Biostratigraphic Scale of the Northern Pacific Based on Deep-Water Benthic Foraminifera
Том 12, № 2 (2018) Article Paleogene–Neogene Boundary of Primorye, Russian Far East
Том 12, № 2 (2018) Article The Problems of Seismic Risk Prediction for the Territory of the Lower Amur Region: Paleoseismogeological and Seismological Analysis
Том 12, № 2 (2018) Article Structure of the Northwestern Boundary of the Middle Amur Sedimentary Basin (Russian Far East) from Audiomagnetotelluric Sounding Data
Том 12, № 3 (2018) Article Rheological Gravity Model of the Crust in the Sinegorsk Ore Region (Southwest of Primorsky Krai)
Том 12, № 3 (2018) Article Spinel–Sapphirine Reaction Structures in the Garnet Metaultramafic Rocks of the Omolon Massif: Petrogenesis and Geological Interpretation (Northeast Asia)
Том 12, № 3 (2018) Article Paleozoic Granitoids of the Southern Part of the Voznesenka Terrane (Southern Primorye): Age, Composition, Melt Sources, and Tectonic Settings
Том 12, № 3 (2018) Article Age, Mineralogical and Geochemical Features, and Tectonic Position of Gabbroids of the Dzhigdinskii Massif, Southeastern Environ of the North Asian Craton
Том 12, № 3 (2018) Article Gas-Geochemical Anomalies of Surface and Ground Waters of the Birofeld Graben of the Middle Amur Sedimentary Basin (Far East of Russia)
Том 12, № 4 (2018) Article Adakite Volcanism at the Continental Margin and Associated Problems. Part I. Adakites from the Upper Reaches of the Valovayam River: New Age, Mineral, and Chemical Data and Petrological Modeling
Том 12, № 4 (2018) Article Geodynamics and Regularities of Seismicity in the Eastern Segment of the Amurian Plate
Том 12, № 4 (2018) Article A New Approach to the Study of the Block Geoelectric Structure of the Lithosphere and Fluid-Saturated Fragments of Faults as Indicators of Zones with Increased Seismicity According to Magnetotelluric Sounding Data for Southern Sakhalin
Том 12, № 4 (2018) Article Age of the Early Precambrian (?) Intrusive Complexes of the Northern Bureya Continental Massif, Central Asian Fold Belt
Том 12, № 4 (2018) Article New Data on the Ages of the Matituk and Pomyr Formations of Northern Sakhalin
Том 12, № 4 (2018) Article Sedimentation Conditions and Provenance Composition of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Deposits of the Upper Pegtymel Depression, Chukotka Terrane
Том 12, № 5 (2018) Article Paleoproterozoic Evolution of Mafic–Ultramafic Magmatism of the Kun-Manie Ore Field (Aldan-Stanovoy Shield): Evidence from Paleomagnetic Data
Том 12, № 5 (2018) Article Stratigraphic Horizons and Problems of Evolution of Biotic Communities of Marine Ecosystems within Geomerida and the Biosphere
Том 12, № 5 (2018) Article Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Southern Sikhote-Alin Along the Profile Spassk-Dalnyi–Zerkal’naya Bay from Magnetotelluric Sounding Data
Том 12, № 5 (2018) Article Record of Late Glacial–Holocene Paleogeographical Events in Ogranogenic Deposits of Matua Island (Central Kurils)
Том 12, № 5 (2018) Article Mantle Seismic Anisotropy beneath the Amur Plate According to the Data of ScS Waves from Deep-Focus Earthquakes
Том 12, № 5 (2018) Article Fluid–Silicate Separation of an Ultrabasic Melt into High-Potassium and Low-Potassium Fractions: Evidence from Picrites of the Late Cretaceous Ultrabasic Volcanic Complex, Eastern Kamchatka
Том 12, № 5 (2018) Article Present-Day Deformations in the Upper Amur Region from GPS Measurements
Том 12, № 5 (2018) Article Evaluation of P–T and fO2 Conditions of Crystallization of Monzonitic Rocks of the Velitkenay Granite–Migmatite Massif (Arctic Chukotka) Based on Mineral Thermobaro- and Oxybarometry
Том 12, № 5 (2018) Article Model of the Source of the Mw = 5.8 Onor Earthquake, August 14, 2016, Sakhalin
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article Structure of the Cenozoic Cover of the Sanjiang–Middle Amur Sedimentary Basin (Russia, China)
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article Stratigraphic Subdivisions of the Lower Triassic of South Primorye Region. Article 3. First Findings of Euflemingites prynadai and Shimanskyites shimanskyi (Ammonoidea) in the SMID Section
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article Geodynamic, Tectonic, and Magmatic Indicators of Large Uranium Clusters of the Transbaikal–Mongolia–North China Province
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article Geological–Geophysical Model of Northeastern Kamchatka and Regional Seismic Activity in 2013
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article New Data on the Age and Composition of Cenozoic Andesibasalts and Andesites of the Bolshaya Garmanda River (North Okhotsk Region)
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article Microfacies and Mineral Assemblages of Silver–Base-Metal Ores of the Maiminovskoe Vein Deposit (Sikhote-Alin, Dal’negorsky Ore District)
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article Early Cretaceous Kalakan Magmatic Area (Vitim Region, Northern Transbaikalia): Stages of Formation, Magmatic Sources, and Tectonic Setting
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article New Data on the Age of Igneous Complexes of the Alazey–Oloy Foldbelt (Western Chukotka)
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article Petrophysical Characteristics of the Intrusive Complexes of Different Age of the Gamow Peninsula (Southwestern Primorye)
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article Uchaminsky Be–W–Au Ore Cluster in the Regional and Local Structures of the Lower Amur Region
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article Sedimentogenic Aspect of Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Aldan-Maya Sedimentary Basin (Southeast of the North-Asian Craton)
Том 12, № 6 (2018) Article Sedimentation Conditions on Floodplains of Rivers of the Khanka Plain (Southern Far East) in the Middle–Late Holocene
Том 13, № 1 (2019) Article Episodes of Abnormally High Intensity of Tectonic Dislocations
Том 13, № 1 (2019) Article Development of the Natural Environment of Midlands of the Southern Sikhote-Alin Recorded in the Sergeev Plateau Peat Bogs
Том 13, № 1 (2019) Article Manganese Mineralization in the Mesozoic Siliceous Deposits of the Central Sikhote-Alin and Nadanhada-Alin
Том 13, № 1 (2019) Article A New Type of Noble Metal Mineralization in Fluidolites of the Poperechny Deposit, Lesser Khingan, Russia
Том 13, № 1 (2019) Article Mineralogy of Fluidolites and Genetically Related Igneous Rocks of the Mokrusha Area, the Taukha Terrane (Sikhote Alin, Russian Far East)
Том 13, № 1 (2019) Article High-Phosphorous Lithium–Fluorine Granites of Eastern Yakutia (Verkhoyansk–Kolyma Orogenic Region)
Том 13, № 2 (2019) Article New Age Data on the Volcanic Rocks of the Alazey Plateau (Northeastern Yakutia)
Том 13, № 2 (2019) Article Geochemical Features of Early Mesozoic Metabasalts of the Western Part of the Tukuringra Terrane, Mongol–Okhotsk fold belt
Том 13, № 2 (2019) Article Rare-Metal Mineralization of Sn Occurrences in the Area of Li–F Granites, Verkhneurmiysky Ore Cluster, Amur Region
Том 13, № 2 (2019) Article Conodont Assemblage from the Upper Part of the Lower Olenekian Abrek Bay Section, South Primorye
Том 13, № 2 (2019) Article New Evidence of Eocene Ingression in Grabens of the Tan-Lu Fault System (East Asia): An Important Event Level
Том 13, № 2 (2019) Article Geological Conditions of Gas Accumulation in the Coastal–Shelf Zone of the Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan
Том 13, № 2 (2019) Article Natural and Technogenic Mineral Formation in the Aquifer of the Amur-Tunguska Interfluves
Том 13, № 2 (2019) Article Geochemistry and Conditions of the Formation of the Ulsk Thermal Spring (Coasts of the Sea of Okhotsk, Khabarovsk Krai)
Том 13, № 2 (2019) Article Reconstruction of Sources in River Sediments in the Lower Part of the Bureya River Based on Geochemical Indices
Том 13, № 3 (2019) Article Albian–Cenomanian Orogenic Belt and Igneous Province of Pacific Asia
Том 13, № 3 (2019) Article Early Cretaceous Granitic and Monzonitic Rocks of the Southern Part of the Zhuravlevka Terrane (Sikhote-Alin): Geochemical Composition and Melt Sources
Том 13, № 3 (2019) Article Comparative Analysis of Aptian–Albian Rocks of the Kema and Kiselevka–Manoma Terranes: Geochemistry, Geochronology, and Paleomagnetism
Том 13, № 3 (2019) Article Lateral Zonality of the East Sikhote-Alin Volcanic Belt: Geodynamic Regime in the Late Cretaceous
Том 13, № 3 (2019) Article The Itmurundy Accretionary Complex, Northern Balkhash Area: Geological Structure, Stratigraphy and Tectonic Origin
Том 13, № 3 (2019) Article Basaltic Volcanism of Island-Arc–Back-Arc Basin System (Altai Active Margin)
Том 13, № 4 (2019) Article Postcollision Magmatism of Western Sector of the Mongol–Okhotsk Orogenic Belt: Oxidation Conditions and Metallogenic Zoning
Том 13, № 4 (2019) Article Sources of Sediment Clasts and Depositional Environment of the Upper Paleozoic Shazagaitui and Zhipkhoshi Formations of the Chiron Basin, Eastern Transbaikalia
Том 13, № 4 (2019) Article On the Relative Age of the Late Cretaceous Zorin and Chingandzha Floras in the Northeast of Russia
Том 13, № 4 (2019) Article Concentrically-Zoned Massifs of the Tamanvayam Group (Koryak–Kamchatka Platiniferous Belt): Structure, Age, Petrological and Geochemical Aspects
Том 13, № 4 (2019) Article Improving Accuracy of Altimeter-derived Marine Gravity Anomalies for Geological Structure Research in the Vietnam South-Central Continental Shelf and Adjacent Areas
Том 13, № 4 (2019) Article Lithochemistry Potential for Comparison and Correlation of Deposits on the Example of the Komsomolsk Section in Northern Sikhote-Alin, Far East of Russia
Том 13, № 4 (2019) Article First Findings of Early Cretaceous Foraminifera in the Lower Stream of Amur River, Khabarovsk Krai
Том 13, № 5 (2019) Article The Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Southern Sikhote Alin along the Profile Dal’nerechensk–Roshchino–Plastun from Magnetotelluric Sounding Data
Том 13, № 5 (2019) Article Physicochemical Conditions of Quartz Formation at the Bazov Gold-Ore Deposit (East Yakutia, Russia)
Том 13, № 5 (2019) Article Adakite Volcanism at Continental Margin and Associated Problems. Part II. Adakites from the Sea of Okhotsk, Kamchatka, and Bering Sea Regions: Typification and Genesis
Том 13, № 5 (2019) Article Main Types of Aptian–Cenomanian Sedimentary Rocks on Guyots of the Magellan Mountains, Pacific Ocean
Том 13, № 5 (2019) Article Orogenic Gold Mineralization of the Adycha Ore Region (East Yakutia, Russia): Geological Setting and Geochemical Features of Gold–Quartz Ores
Том 13, № 5 (2019) Article Geoelectrical Characteristics of Gold-Ore Deposits of the Upper Priamurye Region
Том 13, № 5 (2019) Article Clay Minerals in Sediments from the Central Part of the Guaymas Basin, the Gulf of California, Hole 478
Том 13, № 6 (2019) Article Structure of the Lithosphere in the Zone of the Continent–Ocean Transition in the Southern Part of the Russian Far East: Evidence from the Density Modeling
Том 13, № 6 (2019) Article Tectonic Fracturing of the Lithosphere of the Priamurye Region by Submeridional and Sublatitudinal Faults (from Geophysical Data and Relief Analysis)
Том 13, № 6 (2019) Article A New Ammonoid Zone of the Upper Carnian Substage in Northeastern Russia
Том 13, № 6 (2019) Article Accretion of the Anuy Zone, Tectonic Zonation, and Evolution of the Samarka Accretionary Complex: Details of Evolutionary Scenario of the Sikhote-Alin Segment of the East Asian Continental Margin
Том 13, № 6 (2019) Article Paleomagnetism and Petrochemistry of Sandstones from the Gorinskaya and Pionerskaya Formations, Zhuravlevka–Amurian Terrane (Northern Sikhote Alin)
Том 13, № 6 (2019) Article The Rotational Tectonics of the Agnie–Afanas’evskii Ore Cluster in the Lower Amur Region
Том 13, № 6 (2019) Article 40Ar/39Ar Age of Gold Ore Metasomatites of the Albyn Deposit, Mongol–Okhotsk Fold Belt
Том 13, № 6 (2019) Article Rare-Earth Elements and Noble Metals in Phosphorites of the Gremuchy Occurrence, Lesser Khingan, Far East of Russia

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