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Vol 12, No 6 (2018)


Structure of the Cenozoic Cover of the Sanjiang–Middle Amur Sedimentary Basin (Russia, China)

Razvozzhaeva E.P., Taltykin Y.V., Yongheng Z.


Based on the map of the gravitational-field anomalies with respect to the existing structural data, a single structural scheme of the Sanjiang–Middle Amur sedimentary basin is constructed. It reflects the Paleogene rift-related stage of the basin’s evolution, when numerous grabens oriented mostly to the northeast formed under the action of NW–SE tension forces. The regularities in the location of the grabens indicate that the basin formed under conditions of interaction of right-lateral northeastern and left-lateral sublatitudinal and west-northwestern strike-slip faults. The ancient northeastern faults activated in the Paleogene formed marginal Western and Eastern zones of right-lateral strike-slip faults. En-echelon series of grabens in the central part mark the position of the rudimentary zones of the left-lateral strike-slip faults. The internal structure of the grabens is analyzed using the materials of the previous and new seismic and well data. The common and individual features of their structures are revealed. The structure of the grabens of the western and eastern marginal zones is demonstrated. It is noted that some grabens are prospective for raw hydrocarbons. An analysis of the deep structure of the territory of East Asia, including the basin, assumes the presence of an upwelling zone by the results of geophysical studies of recent years, primarily seismotomography.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):451-468
pages 451-468 views

Stratigraphic Subdivisions of the Lower Triassic of South Primorye Region. Article 3. First Findings of Euflemingites prynadai and Shimanskyites shimanskyi (Ammonoidea) in the SMID Section

Smyshlyaeva O.P., Zakharov Y.D., Popov A.M., Bondarenko L.G., Borisov I.V.


Stratigraphically important early Olenekian ammonoids are found for the first time in the SMID section (outskirts of the town of Artem, southern Primorye): Euflemingites prynadai (Kiparisova), Shimanskyites shimanskyi Zakharov et Smyshlyaeva, Parussuria semenovi Zakharov, and Xenoceltites aff. variostatus Brayard et Bucher. The scheme of zonal subdivisions of the lower substage of the Olenekian Stage of this region is refined on the basis of new paleontological data.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):469-486
pages 469-486 views

Geodynamic, Tectonic, and Magmatic Indicators of Large Uranium Clusters of the Transbaikal–Mongolia–North China Province

Khomich V.G., Boriskina N.G.


The Transbaikal–Mongolia–North China province of East Asia is ranked as the most productive uranium province. Its area contains hundreds of occurrences, dozens of deposits of different (endo-, exo-, and polygenic) types, and several large uranium-bearing clusters and districts. The largest F–Mo–U clusters were revealed in the Mongol–Argun and Inshan–Liaohe volcanoplutonic zones (VPZ) in the western and southwestern periphery of the Great Xingan belt, respectively. Tectonic data on the Late Mesozoic (J2–K) Tulukuev (Southeastern Transbaikalia), Dornod (East Mongolia), and Guyuan–Duolung (Inshan–Liaohe, China) depressions of the above-mentioned VPZ are analyzed to distinguish their important structural details, which are responsible for the distribution of uranium-bearing fields and deposits in the volcanic rocks. Some of the deposits are associated with paleovolcanic necks, extrusive rocks, subvolcanic bodies, and dikes and have complex morphology. Other deposits are localized in stratified volcanic–pyroclastic rocks or within the basement rocks of the depressions. Recent geochronologic, geophysical, and seismotomographic data indicate not only the synchronous formation of the ore clusters in the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian), but also their localization within a crust of moderate (36–42 km) thickness above the periphery of a stagnant slab in the mantle transition zone. The coincidence of the slab boundary projections and area of their influence with the spatial position of large F–Mo–U ore clusters (Streltsovka, Dornod, and Guyuan–Duolung) separated from each other by hundreds and thousands of kilometers is regarded as evidence for the possible influence of deep geodynamics on the formation of the corresponding mineralization. Some of the aforementioned and similar clusters of the province seem to be insufficiently studied. This refers, in particular, to the exploration of the thick volcanic–pyroclastic fields associated with volcanic paleocenters within the clusters, as well as the basement rocks of the basin.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):487-499
pages 487-499 views

Geological–Geophysical Model of Northeastern Kamchatka and Regional Seismic Activity in 2013

Nurmukhamedov A.G., Sidorov M.D., Nedyad’ko V.V.


We analyze the results of geophysical studies of the crust and upper mantle which were carried out in 2000–2013 in the Kamchatka isthmus area. The obtained data reveal obduction (thrusting of suboceanic lithosphere upon the margin of the continental one) in the study area, indicating potentially high seismic hazard in the entire frontal zone of obduction. A comprehensive geological–geophysical model is developed along the profile that passes between Ossora and Tilichiki settlements, along the obduction front. In 2013, strong seismic activation was recorded in the northeastern part of the region; the Il’pyr earthquake was the first in the series. The comparison between modeling results and the real seismic lineament shows that tectonic stresses accumulate on the faults between lithospheric blocks and then release in the form of seismic events, as was recorded in the obduction zone between Ossora and Tilichiki settlements in March–May 2013.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):500-510
pages 500-510 views

New Data on the Age and Composition of Cenozoic Andesibasalts and Andesites of the Bolshaya Garmanda River (North Okhotsk Region)

Smirnov V.N., Fedorov P.I., Bogomolov E.S.


The work presents the K–Ar isotope age (54–65 Ma) and isotope–geochemical composition of the post-subduction volcanics which compose the basalt nappes in the Bolshaya Garmanda River valley (North Okhotsk Region). It is established that the age of the Garmanda volcanics differs from that of the rocks of the Kytyima Formation, in the composition of which these volcanics were earlier studied. The isotope contents of Sr and Nd and low concentrations of heavy rare earth elements (HREE) relative to the MORB composition indicate the moderately depleted composition of the mantle source. The enrichment of the volcanics with large-ion lithophilic elements (LILE) can be explained by the role of fluids captured by the melts in the course of melting of the continental crust transformed as a result of the subduction metasomatism.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):511-520
pages 511-520 views

Microfacies and Mineral Assemblages of Silver–Base-Metal Ores of the Maiminovskoe Vein Deposit (Sikhote-Alin, Dal’negorsky Ore District)

Ratkin V.V., Simanenko L.F., Eliseeva O.A.


The mineralogy of ore from the zones of extended trunk vein bodies and the local zones of veinlet-disseminated ores of the Maiminovskoe deposit is studied. A comparison is made at the level of mineral microfacies: hydrothermal filling of veins and veinlets and hydrothermal–metasomatic ores from altered sandstones in the selvages of the veins and veinlets. The identity of the mineral assemblages and the composition of the minerals from the microfacies of the studied zones is shown. An exception is the anomalously argentiferous chalcopyrite that is found only in the ores of the trunk veins. A common specific feature of the microfacies in the hydrothermal–metasomatic ores, which is expressed in enrichment of minerals formed during the replacement of sandstones by Co and Ni admixtures and in the presence of separate minerals Co, Ni, and Ti (cobaltite, ullmannite, and rutile), is revealed for the studied zones. It is shown that in terms of mineralogy and geochemistry, the vein ores of the Maiminovskoe deposit are similar to the ores from the upper (near-surface) parts of the ore bodies of the Ag–Pb–Zn skarn deposits in Dal’negorsky district.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):521-538
pages 521-538 views

Early Cretaceous Kalakan Magmatic Area (Vitim Region, Northern Transbaikalia): Stages of Formation, Magmatic Sources, and Tectonic Setting

Stupak F.M., Yarmolyuk V.V., Kudryashova E.A., Lebedev V.A.


The Kalakan volcanic area in the Vitim region was formed in three stages: 137–121, 119–117, and 110 Ma. The first two stages were responsible for the formation of the mild-alkaline basaltic lavas of the Vitim Group and a complex of minor intrusions of the dolerite–granite porphyry series. The Early Cretaceous sequence is completed by a terrigenous sequence, which is intruded by a differentiated teschenite sill. The differences between the teschenite and the earlier volcanic rocks are best expressed in the distribution of incompatible elements. In the teschenite, their content steadily increases with SiO2 increase (crystallization differentiation trend). The early volcanic rocks show no such trend, evolving chaotically, which can be explained by the contamination of mantle melts with crust and/or anatectic melts. The differences in both groups of the Kalakan magmatic area are caused by a change of magmatic sources prior to the late Early Cretaceous.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):539-548
pages 539-548 views

New Data on the Age of Igneous Complexes of the Alazey–Oloy Foldbelt (Western Chukotka)

Kara T.V.


New data on the age of the intrusive and subvolcanic rocks of the Oloy zone in Chukotka hosting commercially important Au–polymetallic and Cu–porphyry ore occurrences of the Burgakhchan area are reported. The age of the intrusive rocks of the Nichan and Vukney massifs, as well as the volcanic rocks of the Zybkin Formation in the Nenkan and Vukmaam structural–facies zones of Chukotka is determined reliably for the first time. U–Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons from three monzodiorite samples from the Nichan massif and three samples from the Vukney massif related to the Ekdygkych Complex provides evidence for their Berriasian–Valanginian age with mid-weighted values from 143 to 139 ± 2 Ma. The ages obtained correlate with the age of the porphyric diorite and monzonite of the Ekdygkych massif on the Peschanka deposit and indicate the high commercial significance of the studied intrusive complexes. The ore-bearing rocks intrude the volcanogenic–sedimentary rocks of the Zybkin Formation with a U–Pb zircon age of 146.5 ± 3 Ma.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):549-557
pages 549-557 views

Petrophysical Characteristics of the Intrusive Complexes of Different Age of the Gamow Peninsula (Southwestern Primorye)

Kharchenko T., Valitov M.


The petrophysical data on the granitoids of the Gamow Peninsula are presented and compared with those of the granitoid complexes distributed on the adjacent territory. The physical properties of the Late Permian and Early Jurassic granitoid complexes are considered. Granitoids of different age sharply differ in petrophysical properties. The Late Permian granitoids developed on the Gamow Peninsula have higher density and lower magnetic characteristics relative to the same rocks distributed on the adjacent continental territory. It is established that the petrophysical properties of the Early Jurassic granitoids are similar to those of one phase of the Late Permian granitoids. The simultaneous formation of these complexes is proposed.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):558-567
pages 558-567 views

Uchaminsky Be–W–Au Ore Cluster in the Regional and Local Structures of the Lower Amur Region

Yushmanov Y.P.


The Uchaminsky ore cluster is located on the Pilda–Limuri watershed in the long-known gold-mining area of the Lower Amur region. It is shown that the distribution of polygenetic and polychronous Be–W–Au mineralization is associated with the northeastern left-lateral strike-slip ore-magmatic tension duplex that was developed in a transtensional regime under general submeridional compression (transpression). The structural, lithological, and magmatic features of the strike-slip duplex are favorable for searching for new large-volume stockwork gold deposits and ore bodies.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):568-574
pages 568-574 views

Sedimentogenic Aspect of Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Aldan-Maya Sedimentary Basin (Southeast of the North-Asian Craton)

Varnavsky V.


The main features of the lithofacial conditions of formation of the sedimentary complex of the Aldan–Maya Sedimentation Basin (AMSB) are discussed. It is shown that different facies (continental, coastal–marine, and marine) were formed under the conditions of one sedimentation basin of the type of one-side syneclise, which was formed on the eastern slope of the Aldan anteclise of the North Asian Craton, at its contact with the Okhotsk Massif. We distinguish and characterize the main sedimentation stages separated by inversions, magmatic layers, and weathering crusts (from the bottom upward): Pre-Riphean (Late Karelian, Ulkanian); Early Riphean (Uyan–Uchur); Middle–Late Riphean (Kerpyl–Lakhanda–Uisk); and Vendian–Cambrian. Areas of bituminous lithocomplexes are revealed in the sedimentary cover of the AMSB. Structural and sedimentary events in the AMSB are related to the geodynamics of the southeastern zone of the North Asian Craton and to the hydrodynamic regime of the Okhotsk–Pacific sector of the World Ocean. The article is devoted to the problems of comprehensive study of the geology, deep structure, and geodynamics and evaluation of hydrocarbon potential of the AMSB.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):575-592
pages 575-592 views

Sedimentation Conditions on Floodplains of Rivers of the Khanka Plain (Southern Far East) in the Middle–Late Holocene

Bazarova V.B., Lyashchevskaya M.S., Makarova T.R., Orlova L.A.


The sedimentation conditions and formation of the accumulative landscape of the Khanka Plain are reconstructed on the example of the floodplain deposits of the Mel’gunovka River. Two groups of processes are specified: soil formation (pedogenic stage) and alluvial sedimentation (lithogenic stage). It is revealed that the alternation of the lithogenic and pedogenic sedimentation stages on the floodplain mainly depended on the dynamics of climate humidity and that the temperature factor played a secondary role. The reconstructed climatic events of the second half of the Holocene correspond well to the colder and warmer periods on the GISP2 isotope curve. The correlation is the closest for the events of the Late Holocene, such as the warm periods of the 3rd–5th and 8th–10th centuries and the cold periods of the 6th and 14th–19th centuries.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(6):593-603
pages 593-603 views

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