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Vol 10, No 3 (2016)


Genesis of the Katugin rare-metal ore deposit: Magmatism versus metasomatism

Sklyarov E.V., Gladkochub D.P., Kotov A.B., Starikova A.E., Sharygin V.V., Velikoslavinsky S.D., Larin A.M., Mazukabzov A.M., Tolmacheva E.V., Khromova E.A.


Arguments in favor of magmatic or metasomatic genesis of the Katugin rare-metal ore deposit are discussed. The geological and mineralogical features of the deposit confirm its magmatic origin: (1) the shape of the ore-bearing massif and location of various types of granites (biotite, biotite–amphibole, amphibole, and amphibole–aegirine); (2) the geochemical properties of the massif rocks corresponding to A type granite (high alkali content (up to 12.3% Na2O + K2O), extremely high FeO/MgO ratio (f = 0.96–1.00), very high content of the most incoherent elements (Rb, Li, Y, Zr, Hf, Ta, Nb, Th, U, Zn, Ga, and REE) and F, and low concentrations of Ca, Mg, Al, P, Ba, and Sr); (3) Fe–F-rich rock-forming minerals; (4) no previously proposed metasomatic zoning and regular replacement of rock-forming minerals corresponding to infiltration fronts of metasomatism. The similar ages of the barren (2066 ± 6 Ma) and ore-bearing (2055 ± 7 Ma) granites along with the features of the ore mineralization speak in favor of the origin of the ore at the magmatic stage of the massif’s evolution. The nature of the ore occurrence and the relationships between the ore minerals support their crystallization from F-rich aluminosilicate melt and also under melt liquation into aluminosilicate and fluoride (and/or aluminofluoride) fractions.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(3):155-167
pages 155-167 views

Early Precambrian granitoids of the Batomga inlier of the southeastern Siberian Platform basement: Age and geodynamic formation settings

Guryanov V.A., Didenko A.N., Peskov A.Y., Roganov G.V., Dymovich V.A.


New data on the age, composition, sources, and formation conditions of the Early Precambrian granitoids of the Batomga inlier of the southeastern Siberian Platform basement are discussed. Geochronological SRHIMP II U–Pb study of the zircons reveals that the calc-alkaline granitoids of the Khoyunda Complex are 2056–2057 Ma in age and their formation was related to the Early Proterozoic stage in the development of the Batomga granite–greenstone domain. It is established that the primary melts for these rocks formed in subduction settings through melting of the depleted mantle source with some contribution of ancient crustal material. In terms of temperature, partial melting followed by crystallization of the granitoids under peak metamorphic conditions corresponds to the transition between amphibolite and granulite facies at elevated pressure; high temperature and high-grade metamorphism are subduction-related phenomena reflected in the back-arc settings of the active continental margin. The protoliths of calc-alkaline metavolcanics of the Batomga Group are found to be chronologically and compositionally analogous to the subduction granitoids of the Khoyunda and Dzhagdakan complexes; i.e., these granitoids are coeval with the Batomga island arc. The lower age limit of the Batomga Group is estimated at 2.2 Ga and its upper age limit is defined by the age of the intruded Khoyunda granitoids. The formation of the rocks of the Batomga Group and associated granitoids of the Khoyunda and Dzhagdakan complexes reflects the formation of the continental crust at the Early Paleoproterozoic stage of the evolution of the Batomga lithosphere block (2.2–2.0 Ga ago).

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(3):168-188
pages 168-188 views

Granitoid formation time in the Main Kolyma Batholith Belt: Coordination of geological data and isotopic dating results (Northeast Asia)

Kotlyar I.N., Zhulanova I.L., Rusakova T.B., Gagieva A.M.


It is shown that the granitoids of the Main Kolyma Batholith Belt do not penetrate into the Upper Jurassic deposits of the Yana–Kolyma mesozoids. The applicability of U–Pb SHRIMP zirconometry to the Mesozoic period of geological history is subject to critical analysis. It is concluded that analytical limitations preclude the solution of the concordance–discordance alternative of the obtained datings in the Mesozoic U–Pb isotopic systems by computational approaches. The U–Pb isotopic system is established as highly sensitive to the superimposed processes. Based on the reconciliation of the U–Pb, Rb–Sr, Ar–Ar, and K–Ar geochronometric data, the granitoids of the Kolyma Main Batholith Belt intruded 170–160 Ma ago, while their isotopic systems were transformed 150–140, 135–125, and 100–80 Ma ago. The local SHRIMP zirconometry combined with other isotopic methods can be applied to date igneous rocks by the relic dates, to set the time of intrusion into their isotopic systems, and to predict thermal events not identified yet. The U–Pb SHRIMP zirconometry should not be considered as arbitrary.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(3):189-205
pages 189-205 views

Kysylga gold–silver deposit in the terrigenous sequences of the Verkhoyansk–Kolyma mesozoides

Gamyanin G.N., Goryachev N.A., Vikentieva O.V.


The paper reports the mineralogical and geochemical features of the Kysylga gold deposit located in the hornfelsed Norian sedimentary rocks and classified with low-sulfide gold–quartz type of deposits typical of the Verkhoyansk–Kolyma metallogenic province. Detailed typomorphic study of the major minerals (quartz, arsenopyrite, and gold) of the ore veins shows that the deposit is assigned to the gold–silver type. Mineralogical and geochemical data substantiate this conclusion.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(3):206-217
pages 206-217 views

Lithological features, reconstruction of redox setting, and composition of the provenances of the Upper Triassic Kular–Nera shale belt

Polufuntikova L.I., Fridovsky V.Y.


Comprehensive lithogeochemical analysis is carried out for Norian sediments from the central part of the Kular–Nera shale belt. The sediments are represented by alternation of sandstones and siltstones. Petrochemical typification shows that the sandstones are subdivided into graywacke, arkose, and subarenite, while the siltstones belong to shale. The Norian sediments were mainly deposited in an oxidizing environment of a well-aerated basin in the distal parts of the Verkhoyansk passive continental margin. They are characterized by a high sorting of sedimentary material. The correlation between the rock-forming elements and the wide range of (La/Yb)n ratios indicate that the sedimentation basin contained the disintegration products of both acid [(La/Yb)n = 10.52–27.26] and mafic [(La/Yb]n = 6.22–8.96)] rocks. The high values of the La/Sc and Th/Co ratios are typical of acid rocks. The low K2O/Al2O3 values (0.16 ± 0.02) and high Zr/Sc ratio (10.1 ± 2.74) are typical of redeposited material. It is established that several provenances were involved in the formation of the Norian sediments in the central part of the Kular–Nera shale belt. Multicomponent clastics and well-sorted recycled material were supplied into the sedimentation basin.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(3):218-229
pages 218-229 views

Volcanic rocks of the Khabarovsk accretionary complex, southern Far East Russia

Voinova I.P.


The results of study of the volcanic rocks of the Khabarovsk accretionary complex, a fragment of the Jurassic accretionary prism of the Sikhote Alin orogenic belt (the southern part of the Russian Far East), are presented. The volcanic rocks are associated with the Lower Permian limestones in the mélange blocks and Triassic layered cherts. The petrography, petrochemistry, and geochemistry of the rocks are characterized and their geodynamic formation conditions are deduced. The volcanic rocks include oceanic plume basalts of two types: (i) OIB-like intraplate basalts formed on the oceanic islands and guyots in the Permian and Triassic and (ii) T(transitional)-MORBs (the least enriched basalts of the E-MORB type) formed on the midoceanic ridge in the Permian. In addition to basalts, the mélange hosts suprasubduction dacitic tuff lavas.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(3):230-238
pages 230-238 views

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