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Vol 11, No 4 (2017)


Deep structure, genesis, and seismic activation of the Bureya orogen, Russian Far East

Stepashko A.A., Merkulova T.V.


The Bureya orogen is a special object among the geodynamic factors determining the high seismicity of the Lower Amur region. Its location and deep structure are studied on the basis of comprehensive geophysical and tectonic data. This orogen is a low-density lithospheric domain expressed by an intensive negative gravity anomaly and Moho sunken down to 40 km depth. Within the limits of this lithospheric structure, contemporary uplifting takes place to form a meridional dome peaking at more than 2000 m altitude. The position of the orogen in the regional structure gives us grounds to think that the Bureya orogen formed in the Paleogene, at the finishing stage of tectonic block movement along the Pacific margin represented by the NE-trending strike-slip faults of the Tang Lu Fault Zone. Compression was concentrated at the triple junction between the Central Asian, Mongolian–Okhotian, and Sikhote Alin tectonic belts. The meridional orientation of the Bureya orogen is associated with the parallel elongated Cenozoic depressions in the region. The united morphotectonic system may have formed resulting from lithospheric folding under horizontal shortening in the Paleocene–Eocene. The wavelength of the Lower Amurian fold system is 250 km, which is consistent with the theoretical estimates and examples of lithospheric folds in other regions. The contemporary activation of the Bureya orogen began in the Miocene, under the effect of the Amurian Plate front moving in the northeastern direction. As a result of shortening, the meridional cluster of weak (M ≥ 2.0) earthquakes formed along the western boundary of the orogenic dome. The most intensive deformations caused another type of seismicity associated with the activation-related uplift of the mentioned orogen. As a result, the so-called Bureya seismic zone formed above the apex of the dome, and it is here that the strongest regional earthquakes (M ≥ 4.5) occur.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2017;11(4):237-250
pages 237-250 views

Geoelectric section of the crust and upper mantle of the northern Sikhote-Alin from magnetotelluric sounding data

Kaplun V.B., Bronnikov A.K.


Magnetotelluric soundings (MTS) were conducted in a broad frequency range of 10 kHz to 0.001 Hz at a total of fifty-seven sounding sites of the profile spaced 5 km apart and intersecting the northern Sikhote-Alin across the strike. The analysis of the obtained magnetotelluric parameters has been made which shows three-dimensional geoelectric nonuniformities in the lower crust and upper mantle. The MTS curve interpretation was carried out in the framework of a three-dimensional model. As a result of the inverse problem solution, the geoelectric section has been constructed down to 150 km depth. The section distinguishes the crust with a resistivity higher than 1000 Ohm m and variable thickness between 30 and 40 km which is consistent with deep seismic sounding (DSS) data. The crust is subdivided into four blocks by deep faults, and each block is characterized by a set of parameters. The data support the existence of the Vostochny deep fault in the study area, whereas, on the contrary, the deep roots for the Central Sikhote-Alin fault have not been established. The upper mantle structure is nonuniform; three low-resistivity zones are identified that coincide with the boundaries of crustal blocks. In the revealed zones, an increase in the resistivity is noted from the continent to the Tatar Strait coast. A high-resistivity layer of 300–400 Ohm m was observed in the coastal area, which was steeply dipping from the crustal base down to 120 km depth and extended beneath the continent. Based on a set of geological and geophysical data, the ancient subducting plate is suggested in this area, and the evolutionary model of the region is proposed starting from the Late Cretaceous. The most probable mechanism of conductivity within the upper mantle is determined from petrological and petrophysical data. The low resistivity values are linked to dry peridotite mantle melting.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2017;11(4):251-269
pages 251-269 views

Petrology and mineralogy of ophiolites in pull-apart structures of the Cayman Trough

Vysotskiy S.V., Golich A.N.


New geological, mineralogical, and geochemical data on rocks dredged in the local spreading zone of the Cayman Trough (Caribbean Sea) make it possible to use this ophiolite complex as a reference one for pull-apart structures. The ophiolites form fault-bounded narrow elongated zones. Separate magmatic complexes within these zones can be of different ages, which decrease along the strike from the flanks to the central parts. The base of the ophiolite complex is mostly composed of lherzolites, while the gabbroid complex demonstrates clear magmatic layering formed through crystallization differentiation. At the same time, the crystalline and igneous rocks define a single geochemical series, which is characterized by the accumulation of lithophile and light rare-earth elements in more differentiated varieties. The REE distribution patterns are strongly correlated with the mineral composition of the rocks. The geochemical characteristics of the ophiolites indicate their affiliation to the plume type.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2017;11(4):270-283
pages 270-283 views

Petrogeochemical conditions and geodynamic settings of volcanic rocks in the Kiselyovka–Manoma accretionary complex (Russian Far East)

Voinova I.P., Zyabrev S.V.


The Kiselyovka–Manoma accretionary complex formed at the end of the Early Cretaceous during subduction of the Pacific oceanic plate underneath the Khingan–Okhotsk active continental margin along the east of Eurasia. It is composed of Jurassic–Early Cretaceous oceanic chert, siliceous mudstone, and limestone that include a significant amount of basic volcanic rocks. The known and newly obtained data on the petrogeochemistry of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous basalt from various parts of the accretionary complex are systemized in the paper. Based on the comprehensive analysis of these data, the possible geodynamic settings of the basalt are considered. The petrogeochemical characteristics provide evidence for the formation of basalt in different parts of the oceanic floor within the spreading ridge, as well as on oceanic islands far from the ridge. The basalts of oceanic islands are mostly preserved in the accretionary complex. The compositional variations of the basalts may be controlled by the different thickness of the oceanic lithosphere on which they formed. This is explained by the varying distances of the lithosphere from the spreading zone.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2017;11(4):284-296
pages 284-296 views

Formation conditions and rare-earth mineralization of Riphean carbonaceous shales of the Upper Nyatygran Subformation, Russian Far East

Cherepanov A.A., Berdnikov N.V., Shtareva A.V., Krutikova V.O.


Graphitic and graphite varieties are distinguished in the carbonaceous shales of the Riphean Upper Nyatygran Subformation in the Melgin fragment of the Turan block, eastern Bureya Massif. The protolith of the graphitic shales had a terrigenous source related to island-arc volcanism. Pelagic sedimentation played a great role in the formation of the protolith of the graphite shale. These rocks were juxtaposed during the formation of an accretionary wedge on an active continental margin. The carbonaceous shales are characterized by high (>600 ppm) REE + Y contents, especially in the zones of brecciation and hydrothermal reworking. Detrial monazite enriched in LREE and MREE is the main carrier of REE mineralization in the graphitic shales. The main REE carrier in the graphite shales is REE phosphate (xenotime) formed during lithogenesis of sediments. Preliminary experimental treatment of the graphite shales of the Upper Nyatygran Subformation by ammonium hydrofluoride shows their potential for economic extraction of REE and Y.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2017;11(4):297-307
pages 297-307 views

Gas content of bottom sediments and geochemical indicators of oil and gas on the shelf of the East Siberian Sea

Gresov A.I., Obzhirov A.I., Yatsuk A.V., Mazurov A.K., Ruban A.S.


The work reports on the results of geochemical studies of the bottom sediments on the shelf of the East Siberian Sea. The sediments’ gas content, gas composition, and gas geochemical and isotopic characteristics are determined. Abnormal zones of distribution of methane, hydrocarbon gases, and carbon dioxide are revealed within the studied areas, along with the general geological factors affecting gas formation. Areas of distribution of hydrocarbon gases of varying origins are distinguished. The potential for oil-and-gas content is estimated.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2017;11(4):308-314
pages 308-314 views

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