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Vol 12, No 2 (2018)


Hydrocarbon Potential of Paleo- and Modern Suprasubduction Provinces: Tectonic, Geodynamic, Mineralogical-Geochemical, and Biochemical Aspects

Raznitsin Y.N., Savelieva G.N., Fedonkin M.A.


The paper is devoted to the integrated analysis of the interdisciplinary problem of the genesis of hydrocarbon potential in suprasubduction provinces. A geodynamic model is proposed for the formation of petroleum pools on the shelves of the Meso-Cenozoic back-arc basins in the western Pacific Ocean. Original data on the tectonics and composition of the mantle peridotites of the Polar Ural ophiolite complexes are given for comparison. These data are used to consider the low-temperature lizardite–chrysotile and high-temperature antigorite types of peridotite serpentinization in the back-arc basins and in the mantle wedges above the subduction zones of the paleozoic Paleouralian ocean. It is established that these processes are responsible for the abiogenic synthesis of hydrogen and methane. Of great theoretical and applied importance are the conclusions concerning the high antiquity of serpentinization as a hydrogen source, the possible relationships of the origin of life and its early evolution with hydrogen emission in the benthal, the predominance of chemoautotrophic prokaryotes with hydrogen exchange among the primary producers of organic matter in anaerobic conditions, and the high probability of naphthidogenesis based on the prokaryotic communities in the Archean and Proterozoic. The origin of hydrocarbons in the framework of the considered model is regarded from a viewpoint of a polygenetic paradigm of oil and gas generation.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(2):81-92
pages 81-92 views

The Lower Paleogene Biostratigraphic Scale of the Northern Pacific Based on Deep-Water Benthic Foraminifera

Ol’shanetsky D.M.


Based on the stratigraphic distribution of benthic foraminifera in the lower bathyal–abyssal sediments uncovered by boreholes drilled under the framework of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) in the Northern and Southern Pacific, the Lower Paleogene biostratigraphic zonal scale based on deep-water benthic foraminifera is proposed. The proposed scale includes eight subdivisions: six zones and two subzones. The boundaries of the zonal subdivisions are determined by biotic events (appearance or disappearance (extinction)) of stratigraphically important taxa and are correlated to the zonal scales based on planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nanoplankton. Most of these events are considered to be subglobal.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(2):93-118
pages 93-118 views

Paleogene–Neogene Boundary of Primorye, Russian Far East

Pavlyutkin B.I., Petrenko T.I., Chekryzhov I.Y.


Complex geological and paleobotanic analysis of sections of the boundary Oligocene–Miocene sediments of southern Primorye is conducted. The presence of a stratigraphic hiatus is identified in the transitional complexes of the Pushkino and Pavlovka depressions but not in the sections of the Rakovka depression; thus, it is suggested to use one of them (borehole no. 15) to choose the stratotype of the Paleogene–Neogene boundary. The previous conclusion on the presence of economic coal deposits of Primorye within the Paleogene part of the Tertiary complex is supported. It is suggested to use the section which is exposed by the Rakovka brown coal open pit (point 9209) as a stratotype of the upper subformation of the Pavlovka Formation.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(2):119-134
pages 119-134 views

The Problems of Seismic Risk Prediction for the Territory of the Lower Amur Region: Paleoseismogeological and Seismological Analysis

Ovsyuchenko A.N., Trofimenko S.V., Novikov S.S., Didenko A.N., Imaev V.S.


The studied region is located at the junction between the Pacific and Central Asian seismoactive belts. Macroseismic data on earthquakes of this region are available for the last 150 years, while instrumental seismological observations began in the mid-20th century; however, the recurrence interval of strong earthquakes can be up to several centuries and even thousands of years. In this respect, many areas of the Amur region had been believed to be nearly aseismic until earthquakes occurred there. Paleoseismogeological studies of recent years have allowed the character of Holocene displacements to be estimated for some of the main regional structures. As a result, the main tendencies of the Late Quaternary geological evolution of the region remain uncertain and the potential seismogenerating structures are not completely known. Therefore the problem of revealing new zones and periods of seismic activity is topical for the entire Amur region. The importance of this problem is related to the weak degree of study of the region by contemporary methods of active tectonics, the intensive development of engineering infrastructure, which is vulnerable to seismic impacts, and the necessity of long-term seismic forecasting. The present work provides the results of paleoseismogeological studies of the active faults in the Amur region. On the basis of new data on the magnitude potential of seismogenerating structures based on the magnitudes of historical earthquakes and instrumentally recorded ones, we have estimated the seismic effects from strong deep-focus earthquakes and the attenuation coefficients and calculated radii of the first three isoseismals for crustal earthquakes. By using the methods of statistical modeling, we distinguish the periods when seismic effects increased from earthquakes with 2 ≤ M ≤ 6. It is shown that seismic hazard assessment should take into account the dynamics of the seismic regime, caused by the change of the earthquake source depth. It is found that the epicenters of earthquakes with 5 ≤ M ≤ 6 form non-crossing seismic zones in different phases of changes in the Earth’s annual rotation.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(2):135-150
pages 135-150 views

Structure of the Northwestern Boundary of the Middle Amur Sedimentary Basin (Russian Far East) from Audiomagnetotelluric Sounding Data

Kaplun V.B.


This paper reports the data on the structure of the northwestern boundary of the Middle Amur sedimentary basin which were obtained after resumption of audiomagnetotelluric soundings. The geoelectric sections for two profiles across the basin strike are constructed, the sedimentary cover and basement structures are studied, and their electrical properties are determined. The compared data of the earlier and present studies show low-resistivity zones of 50–150 Ohm m beneath high-resistivity rocks of 500–1000 Ohm m in the northwestern part of the Ul’dura–Churki uplift at a 2–4 km depth, which are absent in the southwestern part of the uplift. This fact is related to strike-slip–overthrust processes due to graben formation in the area of junction with the Jiamusi–Bureya Massif in the Kur fault zone (YYilan–Yitong branch of the Tan-Lu fault zone) and also to global left-lateral strike-slip displacements and volcanic activity.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(2):151-161
pages 151-161 views

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