
Lithochemistry Potential for Comparison and Correlation of Deposits on the Example of the Komsomolsk Section in Northern Sikhote-Alin, Far East of Russia
Medvedeva S.
Early Cretaceous Granitic and Monzonitic Rocks of the Southern Part of the Zhuravlevka Terrane (Sikhote-Alin): Geochemical Composition and Melt Sources
Kruk N., Gvozdev V., Orekhov A., Kruk E., Kasatkin S., Golozubov V., Rudnev S., Aoki S., Komiya T., Kovach V., Serov P.
Albian–Cenomanian Orogenic Belt and Igneous Province of Pacific Asia
Khanchuk A., Grebennikov A., Ivanov V.
Manganese Mineralization in the Mesozoic Siliceous Deposits of the Central Sikhote-Alin and Nadanhada-Alin
Volokhin Y., Karabtsov A., Ustinov A.
Development of the Natural Environment of Midlands of the Southern Sikhote-Alin Recorded in the Sergeev Plateau Peat Bogs
Razzhigaeva N., Ganzey L., Grebennikova T., Mokhova L., Kopoteva T., Kudryavtseva E., Arslanov K., Maksimov F., Petrov A., Klimin M.
Microfacies and Mineral Assemblages of Silver–Base-Metal Ores of the Maiminovskoe Vein Deposit (Sikhote-Alin, Dal’negorsky Ore District)
Ratkin V., Simanenko L., Eliseeva O.
The upper crustal structure along the Troitskoe–Lidoga–Vanino profile (Northern Sikhote-Alin region) based on AMT sounding data
Kaplun V.
Accretion of the Anuy Zone, Tectonic Zonation, and Evolution of the Samarka Accretionary Complex: Details of Evolutionary Scenario of the Sikhote-Alin Segment of the East Asian Continental Margin
Zyabrev S., Shevelev E.
Yakchi chert–volcanogenic Formation—fragment of the Jurassic accretionary prism in the Central Sikhote-Аlin, Russian Far East
Zyabrev S., Voinova I., Martynyuk M., Shevelev E.
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