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Vol 10, No 4 (2016)


Age, main geochemical characteristics, and sources of late Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the Udurchukan volcanic area (Amur Region)

Chashchin A.A., Sorokin A.A., Lebedev V.A., Blokhin M.G.


This paper presents new mineralogical, petrographic, geochemical, and isotope–geochronological data on the Cenozoic basaltic trachyandesites from the Udurchukan volcanic area (Amur region), which occupies the watersheds of the Uril, Mutnaya, and Khingan rivers. Based on the available geochrolonological data and new K–Ar dating, the basaltic trachyandesites are middle Miocene in age (18.9–17.1 Ma). Petrogeochemically, they are divided into two groups. These groups differ in the contents of MgO, TiO2, P2O5, as well as Sr, Ba, Nb, Ta, and LREE, which is presumably related to the different degrees of metasomatic reworking of the mantle sources and their melting. In terms of the trace-element distribution and ratios, the basaltic trachyandesites from the Udurchukan area are close to the within-plate rocks and were contributed by enriched lithospheric mantle previously subjected to fluid metasomatism.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(4):239-248
pages 239-248 views

The importance of radiocarbon dates and tephra for developing chronologies of Holocene environmental changes from lake sediments, North Far East

Lozhkin A.V., Brown T.A., Anderson P.M., Glushkova O.Y., Melekestsev I.V.


Developing continuous chronologies of paleoenvironmental change in northern areas of the Far East using 14C can be problematic because of the low organic content in lake sediments. However, Holocene age-models can be supplemented by widespread tephra deposits reported in the Magadan region. The best documented of these tephras has been correlated to the KO tephra from southern Kamchatka dated to 7600 BP. Although a key chronostratigraphic marker, no detailed compendium of the distribution of this tephra and its associated 14C dates has been available from sites in the northern Far East. We provide such a summary. Known locally as the Elikchan tephra, lake cores indicate an ash fall that extended ~1800 km north of the Kamchatkan caldera with a ~500 km wide trajectory in the Magadan region. Other Holocene tephras preserved in lake sediments have poorer age control and possibly date to ~2500 BP, ~2700 BP and ~6000 BP. These ashes seem to be restricted to coastal or near-coastal sites. A single record of a ~25,000 BP tephra has also been documented ~100 km to the northeast of Magadan.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(4):249-262
pages 249-262 views

Sources and formation conditions of ferromanganese mineralization of the Bureya and Khanka massifs, Russian Far East

Berdnikov N.V., Nevstruev V.G., Saksin B.G.


The geochemical features of typical representatives of ferromanganese deposits are studied in the eastern Bureya and Khanka massifs (Russian Far East). Based on the major-, trace-, and rare-earth element distribution, the hydrothermal–sedimentary (with hydrogenic component) nature of their mineralization is established and the geodynamic setting and depth of ore formation are estimated. The differences in the depth and redox conditions of ore formation resulted in the metallogenic zonation of the Khingan block (Bureya Massif), which is expressed in a westward change in ore composition from the magnetite ores of the Kosten’ga–Kimkan zone to the hematite–magnetite and iron–manganese ores of the South Khingan zone. The conclusions about the participation of hydrothermal sources in the formation of ore mineralization of the studied deposits and the specifics of their localization require revision of the strategy of exploration and evaluation of ferromanganese ores in the southern Far East.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(4):263-273
pages 263-273 views

Seismic anisotropy of the mantle beneath Eastern Asia based on ScS and S waves from deep-focus earthquakes

Luneva M.N., Pupatenko V.V.


The seismic anisotropy of the mantle is studied based on the data of S and ScS waves from earthquakes occurred in the mantle transition zone over the period of 2007–2013 and recorded by seismic stations in the continental margin of Asia, on Sakhalin Island, and in the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The measurements of the azimuths of polarization of the fast S and ScS waves in the continental margin of Asia show that they are predominantly oriented in the E–SE directions. Based on the distribution of the shear wave splitting parameters, the symmetry of the medium can be described in terms of a transversely isotropic model with a horizontal symmetry axis and may correspond to horizontal flow in the upper mantle beneath the Amur Plate. The fast azimuths of polarization of ScS wave, which were determined to be of N–NE directions in the northern area of Sakhalin Island and in the continental part of Asia, may correspond to an inclined flow under the conditions of oblique subduction and complex geometry of the downgoing Pacific Plate. In the south of the Kamchatka Peninsula, the S- and ScS-wave azimuths of polarization from the M 8.4 Sea of Okhotsk earthquake are determined to be oriented along the direction of the Pacific Plate motion. The fast-S-wave azimuths of polarization from the aftershocks of the Sea of Okhotsk earthquake and from other large events of 2008–2009 are determined to be nearly parallel to the motion trend of the Pacific Plate, but orthogonal to it for the events of 2008–2009. On the basis of the distribution of azimuths of polarization of the fast S waves, the symmetry of the medium can be described in terms of a transversely isotropic model with the symmetry axis inclined orthogonally to the plane of downgoing plate and oriented westward orthogonally to the trench strike.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(4):274-282
pages 274-282 views

Problems of Paleogene–Neogene stratigraphy of the Zerkal’naya depression, East Sikhote Alin

Pavlyutkin B.I., Chekryzhov I.Y., Petrenko T.I.


The Paleogene–Neogene stratigraphic scale of the Zerkal’naya River basin is modified with account for new isotopic and paleobotanical data. It is established that the Tadushi Formation and underlying volcanics, which were previously considered as representing transitional Cretaceous–Paleocene strata, are separated in the section of the Ustinovka quarry by a significant stratigraphic hiatus. According to the new data, the volcanics and the Tadushi Formation are established as Campanian and Late Paleocene in age, respectively. The Bogopol Formation in the type section is dated back to the Middle–Late Paleocene. The Svetlyi Formation is now considered to be Early Eocene in age, rather than Late Eocene–Oligocene as previously thought. A new variant of the stratigraphic scale is proposed for the Paleogene–Neogene deposits of the Zerkal’naya depression.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(4):283-298
pages 283-298 views

New data on chemical composition of Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Bureya basin (Far East of Russia)

Medvedeva S.A.


The first data on the whole-rock chemical composition of Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks cropping out in the Soloni–Umal’ta river interfluve (Bureya sedimentary basin) are used for revealing the distribution of their rock-forming elements. It is shown that the clastic material originated mostly from acid igneous rocks, while their intermediate varieties, as well as quartz-rich sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, played a subordinate role. It is assumed that the bulk of the clastic material was transported from the west and southwest (Bureya massif) and a smaller share from the east. The most significant differences between the Lower–Middle Jurassic and Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous rocks mark a break in sedimentation.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(4):299-316
pages 299-316 views

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