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Vol 11, No 5 (2017)


Structures of degassing and fluid transport within the modern zones of the lithosphere destruction in the eastern margin of the Central Asian Fold Belt

Sorokin A.P., Sorokina A.T., Kaplun V.B., Rozhdestvina V.I., Popov A.A., Artyemenko T.B.


The modern geodynamic transformations of the Amur geoblock are related to the activation of pull-apart–strike-slip and simple strike-slip movements. These movements resulted in the formation of destruction zones along ancient transregional fault systems (Nenjiang–Selemdzha, Lermontovka–Belogorsk, West Turan, Khingan, Tan Lu, and others) and young NW- and WE-trending fractures with distinctly expressed shearing displacements. These processes are fixed by earthquakes, focal magmatism, pulsed degassing of the Earth’s interior, and fluid discharge. High-permeability structures confined to the juncture of the destruction zones and young fractures served as the deep degassing drainage systems. These structures are traced by decompaction fields and anomalies of He and other gases. The most contrasting Varvarovka anomaly is located in the northeastern flank of the Yerkovtsy brown coal deposit. The paleogene coal-bearing rocks studied in the Yuzhny quarry within this deposit are characterized by high contents of noble, rare metals, and rare-earth elements, which frequently exceed their average abundances by ten orders of magnitude. Based on assay analysis, the Au content in the coals varies from trace amounts to 4.6 ppm.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2017;11(5):315-330
pages 315-330 views

Dynamics of geophysical medium from power spectral density of microseisms before and after earthquakes: case study of Bureya massif, Amur region

Trofimenko S.V., Ryabinkin K.S., Pupatenko V.V., Kolotova L.G., Haritonov M.E.


The time–frequency parameters of weak earthquakes and microseisms are studied. The qualitative and quantitative relationships of the power spectral density of seismic waves are established; these relationships vary in terms of frequency spectrum for the areas of the northeastern framing of the Tan Lu fault system and Bureya massif. The reason for these differences could be the influence of the crustal geological structure near the observations points. Resulting from the time–frequency analysis of weak earthquakes, two sites located in the Tan Lu fault zone show an increase in the power spectrum at frequencies of 1 to 5 Hz and the resonant excitation of the medium at high frequencies (12.5–35 Hz) for the area of the Bureya hydroelectric power station during the travelling of seismic waves from weak earthquakes. A longer attenuation of the power spectral density of seismic waves at high frequencies is noted, and this may occur due to resonant excitation of the medium and the influence of the dam on the geological medium. On the contrary, this effect was not observed at the second site located near Lake Udyl. It is shown that the increase in power can be attributed to the interaction between seismic waves and spatial inhomogeneities in the Earth’s crust.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2017;11(5):331-338
pages 331-338 views

Specific features of the mineral composition and petromagnetic properties of rocks from the Minami-Khiosi submarine volcano (Mariana island arc)

Rashidov V.A., Pilipenko O.V., Petrova V.V.


Complex studies of the mineral composition and petromagnetic properties of the rocks which compose an edifice of the Minami–Khiosi submarine volcano located in the Mariana island arc are carried out for the first time. The Minami–Khiosi Volcano is a part of the Khiosi volcanic complex within the alkaline province of the Idzu–Bonin and Mariana island arcs. All of the rocks analyzed are enriched in K2O (1.34–3.30%), Ba (370–806 ppm), and Sr (204–748 ppm). The basalt has a porhyric texture and contains mosTy olivine phenocrysts as individual crystals and growths with a size up to 2 cm; the groundmass is finecrystalline. The samples studied contain at least three Fe-bearing oxide minerals. These are predominant magnetite and less abundant ilmenite and Fe hydroxides. It is established that the samples studied are magnetically isotropic and have high values of natural remanent magnetization and Königsberger ratio. Similarly to the other island-arc Late Cenozoic submarine volcanoes in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, the samples studied are strongly differentiated by the value of natural remanent magnetization and magnetic susceptibility. The low-coercivity magnetic minerals (titanomagnetite and magnetite) of the pseudo-single-domain structure, as well as high-coercivity minerals (hematite) are the main carriers of magnetization. The high values of natural remanent magnetization are explained by the pseudo-single-domain structure of the titanomagnetite grains, whereas the high values of magnetic susceptibility result from the high concentration of ferromagnetic grains.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2017;11(5):339-353
pages 339-353 views

Deep structure of Kamchatka according to the results of MT sounding and seismic tomography

Moroz Y.F., Gontovaya L.I.


The key features in the distribution of geoelectric and velocity heterogeneities in the Earth’s crust and the upper mantle of Kamchatka are considered according to the data of deep magnetotelluric sounding and seismotomography. Their possible origin is discussed based on the combined analysis of electric conductivity and seismic velocity anomalies. The geoelectric model contains a crustal conducting layer at a depth of 15–35 km extending along the middle part of Kamchatka. In the Central Kamchatka volcanic belt, the layer is close to the ground surface to a depth of 15–20 km, where its conductivity considerably increases. Horizontal conducting zones with a width of up to 50 km extending into the Pacific Ocean are revealed in the lithosphere of eastern Kamchatka. The large centers of current volcanism are confined to the projections of the horizontal zones. The upper mantle contains an asthenospheric conducting layer that rises from a depth of 150 km in western Kamchatka to a depth of 70–80 km beneath the zone of current volcanism. According to the seismotographic data, the low- and high-seismic-velocity anomalies of P-waves that reflect lateral stratification, which includes the crust, the rigid part of the upper mantle, the asthenospheric layer in a depth range of ~70–130 km, and a high-velocity layer confined to a seismofocal zone, are identified on the vertical and horizontal cross sections of eastern Kamchatka. The cross sections show low-velocity anomalies, which, in the majority of cases, correspond to the high-conductivity anomalies caused by the increased porosity of rocks saturated with liquid fluids. However, there are also differences that are related to the electric conductivity of rocks depending on pore channels filled with liquid fluids making throughways for electric current. The seismic velocity depends, to a great extent, on the total porosity of the rocks, which also includes isolated and dead-end channels that can be filled with liquid fluids that do not contribute to the electric-current transfer. The data on electric conductivity and seismic velocity are used to estimate the porosity of the rocks in the anomalous zones of the Earth’s crust and the upper mantle that are characterized by high electric conductivity and low seismic velocity. This estimate serves as the basis for identifying the zones of partial melting in the lithosphere and the asthenosphere feeding the active volcanoes.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2017;11(5):354-367
pages 354-367 views

Material composition and geochemical characteristics of ores of the Malinovskoe gold-ore deposit (Primorskii Krai, Russia)

Dobroshevsky K.N., Gvozdev V.I., Shlykov S.A., Stepanov V.A., Fedoseev D.G.


The mineral composition and geochemical characteristics of the ores of the Malinovskoe gold-ore deposit are studied by the data from mining works (ditches, cleanings, and boreholes). It is found that the ore–magma system of the deposit was formed in several stages of mineralization characterized by two phases of magmatism differing in age. In terms of the set of features (the geological–structural position of the deposit, as well as the material composition and geochemical characteristics of the ores), the deposit is attributed to the gold–tourmaline type of mineralization associated spatially and genetically with the “raremetal” granitoid magmatism. This type has not previously been found in Primorskii Krai. The studies of the material composition and geochemical characteristics of the ores allow us to ascertain the correlations between the elements along with the reasons of their origination. By analogy with other gold-ore formations of the Russian Far East, the mineralogical and geochemical model of the deposit is developed (Be–Sn–Cr–Ba–Au–Cu–Mo–Pb–V–Ti–Co–W–Ag–Bi–Ni–Mn–Sr–Zn–Sb–As modeling element series of vertical zoning), which enables us to estimate the levels of the erosion section of the ore bodies and to evaluate their prospects. It is found that the most productive associations in the deposit are the gold–bismuth geochemical association (Au–Ag–Bi–Cu–As–Co) and, to a lesser degree, the gold–tungsten association (W–Au–Ag–Cu–Bi–As).

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2017;11(5):368-382
pages 368-382 views

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