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Vol 12, No 3 (2018)


Rheological Gravity Model of the Crust in the Sinegorsk Ore Region (Southwest of Primorsky Krai)

Petrishchevsky A.M., Isaev V.I.


The spatial correlation of the South Sinegorsk basin with the Paleozoic magma chamber at the depth of 5–7 km is revealed as a result of interpreting the statistical gravitation model representing the rheological properties of the crust in the Sinegorsk ore region to the depth of 30 km. The intrusion center of the volcanic formation is approached at the midst of the basin to the depths of 1–2 km, where a local volcanotectonic elevation is formed with uranium mineralization associated with the eastern flank of the latter. The western flank of this volcanic center occupying the area of the Monastyrishche volcanic depression, overlapped mainly by Cenozoic cover, is assumed to be highly promising. The distribution of density contrasts in the middle and lower layers of the crust indicates the absence of any actual relationships between the uppercrust igneous structures and the deep-seated upper-mantle formations. It is concluded that the top layer of the crust to the depth of 10 km was separated during the Late Paleozoic–Mesozoic time from the mantle “root” of the South Sinegorsk structure and displaced southwestwards synchronously to overthrust and strike–slip dislocations in the west of Sikhote Alin. The occurrence of this root is proposed because of the presence of Paleozoic andesibasalts, basite–hyperbasites, peridotites, and basalts over the entire area considered.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(3):163-173
pages 163-173 views

Spinel–Sapphirine Reaction Structures in the Garnet Metaultramafic Rocks of the Omolon Massif: Petrogenesis and Geological Interpretation (Northeast Asia)

Avchenko O.V., Zhulanova I.L., Chudnenko K.V., Karabtsov A.A.


Spinel–sapphirine reaction structures are studied in detail in the sapphirine gedritites which form a small segregation in one of the garnet metaultramafic bodies framing the Aulandzha charnockitic dome (the pre-Riphean basement of the Omolon Massif). It is established that the sapphirine gedritites resulted from the retrograde evolution of the garnet–spinel metaultramafic rocks, the formation temperature of which may have exceeded 900°C at a probable pressure no more than 7 kbar. It is shown that the spinel–sapphirine reaction structures were formed under conditions of elevated O2 potential close to the magnetite–hematite buffer. Subsequent diaphthoresis of the metaultramafic rocks was accompanied by an increase in the H2O potential and decrease in temperature to at least 760°C. This explains the formation of another group of diaphthorites, garnet gedritites, the index minerals of which are sodium gedrite and calcic plagioclase with strong inverse zoning. A comprehensive analysis of the new petrological data and published materials on the isotope–geochronological study of the pre-Riphean basement of the Omolon Massif makes it possible to attribute the formation of the sapphirine gedritites to 1.9 Ga (middle of the second half of the Early Proterozoic, according to the General Stratigraphic Scale of Russia). The unusually high value of the O2 potential calculated for the spinel–sapphirine reaction structures; the unique magnesian–alumina composition of the gedritites; and the extremely high contents of Zr, Ba, Rb, and Hf allow O.V. Avchenko to hypothesize that the protoliths of these scarce rocks were products of weathering crust after orthomagmatic ultramafic rocks. In this case, the calculated parameters for the formation of the spinel–sapphirine reaction structures may indicate that the value of the O2 potential on the Earth’s surface in the Paleoproterozoic corresponded to the magnetite–hematite buffer.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(3):174-189
pages 174-189 views

Paleozoic Granitoids of the Southern Part of the Voznesenka Terrane (Southern Primorye): Age, Composition, Melt Sources, and Tectonic Settings

Kruk N.N., Golozubov V.V., Kiselev V.I., Kruk E.A., Rudnev S.N., Serov P.A., Kasatkin S.A., Moskalenko E.Y.


This paper presents data on the geological position, geochemistry, age, and isotopic characteristics of the granitoids of the southern part of the Voznesenka terrane, Southern Primorye (Muraviev–Amursky Peninsula and its vicinities). All of the studied granitoids were formed in three stages: the Ordovician, Silurian, and Permian. The Silurian and Permian ages of the granitoid intrusions have been previously determined (Ostrovorussky Massif, 432–422 Ma, and 250 ± 4 Ma, early and late associations, respectively; Sedanka massif, 261 ± 3 Ma). The granites of the Artem and Nadezhdinsky massifs define an U–Pb zircon age of 481 ± 6 and 452 ± 4 Ma, respectively. The geochemical and isotope data show mainly the crustal nature of the granitoids. Their formation was related to melting of relatively immature rocks of the continental crust (mafic–intermediate volcanic rocks). The Nd isotope composition of the granitods (TNd(DM–2) = 1.3 Ga) indicates the absence of the mature ancient crust at the basement of the southern Voznesenka terrane. The maximum contribution of mantle sources to the granite formation is recorded in the Permian associations. A comparison of the peaks of intrusive magmatism in the southern part of the Voznesenka terrane and adjacent territories suggests that the formation of the granitoids of the Muraviev–Amursky Peninsula and its vicinities was caused by the interaction of continental blocks with two oceanic basins: the Paleoasian (and its fragments) and Paleopacific ones.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(3):190-209
pages 190-209 views

Age, Mineralogical and Geochemical Features, and Tectonic Position of Gabbroids of the Dzhigdinskii Massif, Southeastern Environ of the North Asian Craton

Rodionov A.A., Buchko I.V., Kudryashov N.M.


Complex mineralogical, geochemical, and geochronological studies of the gabbroids from the Dzhigdinskii Massif located in the western part of the Dzhugdzhur–Stanovoy Superterrane are performed. It is established that the age of the rocks from the Dzhigdinskii Massif is Middle Triassic (244 ± 5 Ma), rather than Early Archean, as was previously assumed. The age of the Dzhigdinskii Massif is close to the age of the formation of the other Triassic gabbroid massifs, such as the Amnunaktinskii (~240 Ma), Lukindinskii (~250 Ma), and Luchinskii (~248 Ma) in the southeastern environ of the North Asian Craton. One of the stages in the formation of the Selenga–Vitim volcanoplutonic belt falls in this period as well. This indicates that the Selenga–Vitim volcanoplutonic belt, along with the granitoids and volcanic rocks, is composed of ultrabasic–basic and basic massifs and that this belt is superposed on the structures of the Selenga–Stanovoy Superterrane, as well as on the western part of the Dzhugdzhur–Stanovoy Superterrane. The gabbro, gabbro–diorite, and series of gabbro and gabbro–diorite with high sodic alkalinity from the Dzhigdinskii Massif show obvious geochemical features of duality, including combination of intraplate and super-subduction origin. In this relation, we can assume that the origin of the gabbroids of the Dzhigdinskii Massif is related to the detachment of the oceanic lithosphere and its subduction into the mantle with the formation of an “asthenospheric window.”

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(3):210-224
pages 210-224 views

Gas-Geochemical Anomalies of Surface and Ground Waters of the Birofeld Graben of the Middle Amur Sedimentary Basin (Far East of Russia)

Gresov A.I., Yatsuk A.V., Obzhirov A.I., Razvozzhaeva E.P.


Anomalous concentrations of dissolved gases, exceeding their background values by an order of magnitude or more, are recorded in the surface and ground waters of the Birofeld Graben of the Middle Amur sedimentary basin. The main geological factors that influence the formation of the gas composition and gas saturation of waters are determined. The gas-geochemical indicators for the dissolved hydrocarbon gases, which make it possible to estimate their genesis and prospects for the oil-and-gas contents of the Birofeld graben, are specified.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2018;12(3):225-238
pages 225-238 views

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