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Vol 10, No 6 (2016)


Vertical fault systems in the tectonosphere geoelectrical section in petroliferous domains of Sakhalin Island (Russia) and Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam): Evidence from magnetotelluric sounding

Nikiforov V.M., Shkabarnya G.N., Zhukovin A.Y., Kaplun V.B., Palshin N.A., Varentsov I.M., Cuong D.H., Phach P.V., Vuong H.V., Starzhinsky S.S.


The transverse current anomalies evident from magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) data in the transition zone from the Asian continent to the Pacific Ocean and a geoelectrical model suitable for explaining these effects are discussed. Using simulation results and new MTS data on Sakhalin and northern Vietnam, ultra-deep fluid–fault system (UDFFS) models are constructed, comprising steeply dipping low-resistivity and high-resistivity linear bodies which penetrate through the whole section of the lithosphere, continuing deep into the asthenosphere. The structure of these systems reflects the development of deep and ultra-deep fault zones, along which mantle-originated fluids may migrate through sediments to reach the surface. This allows the anisotropic–conductive fractured structures adjacent to these faults to be considered as being most favorable for hydrocarbon accumulations.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(6):395-407
pages 395-407 views

3-D paleotemperature modeling of the geothermal regime of sedimentary basins: Example of the Lunskaya depression, Sakhalin Island

Pyatakov Y.V., Isaev V.I., Starostenko V.I.


The task of 3-D modeling of the thermal field of a sedimentary basin during sedimentation is considered. The aim of the modeling is to determine the temperature at any point of the basin at a given moment of geological time. The mathematical model is based on a system of equations of thermal conductivity for a heterogeneous layered medium with dynamic boundaries. The conditions of the continuous temperature and thermal flow are given at the boundaries of the adjacent layers. The temperature values, which are determined by the values of the secular course of the earth temperature, are given at the upper boundary coinciding with the sedimentation surface. The thermal flow value is considered to be given at the lower boundary. The medium is approximated using a vertical triangle prism, which is accepted in algorithms of interpretation of the gravitation field and characterized by random upper and lower basements and given values of the thermal physical parameters. The equations of thermal conductivity are solved on the basis of potential theory. The precision of this algorithm is demonstrated by calculation of a test example. The thermal evolution of the sedimentary complexes and dynamics of the major zone of oil formation are reconstructed and possible errors of paleotemperature interpretations caused by ignored 3-D modeling medium are determined on the example of the sedimentary basin of the Lunskaya depression of Sakhalin.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(6):408-416
pages 408-416 views

Simulation of triggering and geodeformation processes induced by fluid injection into the geomedium

Zabolotin A.E., Loskutov A.V., Konovalov A.V., Turuntaev S.B.


A module for simulation of seismic and geodeformation processes when fluid is injected into and extracted from the geomedium is developed. Calculation of the stress–strain state of the geomedium involves a modified Biot model that takes the rate of bulk strain in the Darcy equation into account. For software implementation of the module simulating the processes during fluid motion in terms of the Biot model, we applied the OpenFOAM 2.4.0 free package of C++ libraries. This package is a set of compiled modules and their source codes; the latter encapsulate all of the most commonly used objects and operations from computational continuum mechanics in accordance with the principles of object-oriented programming. Development of the stress calculation module is based on the standard solver for elastic deformation of an isotropic body from the OpenFOAM package. Its code was supplemented with the procedure of discretization and solution of the Darcy equation for pore pressure. Geodeformation effects are estimated by direct calculation of free surface displacements near the sources of fluid injection and extraction; these displacements can lead, in particular, to dangerous subsidence and induced seismicity. Triggering seismic effects are estimated by calculation of the accumulation rate for excessive tangential stresses in a fault zone at the depth of the seismogenic layer (5–15 km), with the ratios linking the historical seismicity and the tectonic stress accumulation rate in terms of the modified Dietrich’s model being taken into account. Seismological validation of the possible maximum magnitudes of technogenic earthquakes and their recurrence periods in the NE Sakhalin region of intensive oil and gas development is performed. The models of seismic process activation during technogenic impacts on the geomedium are specified.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(6):417-426
pages 417-426 views

Tectonic model of seismicity for the northeastern segment of the Amur Plate in the Earth’s two-phased rotation

Trofimenko S.V.


The spatial distribution of the epicenters and hypocenters is analyzed for earthquakes of 2 ≤ M < 6 that occurred in the northeastern segment of the Amur Plate in two phases of changes in the angular speed of the Earth’s rotation. Groups of seismic events in the magnitude interval of 5 ≤ M < 6 are distinguished in the form of NE-trending seismic clusters regularly alternating along the plane of latitude. The seismic clusters are up to 1500 km long and 180–240 km wide and cover the seismic zones with different geodynamic and seismotectonic conditions of seismicity origination. In terms of the epicentral distributions for earthquakes with 2 ≤ M < 4, seismic activity zones are distinguished; these zones are seen as seimolineaments coupling the Tan Lu seismic zones and the eastern flanks of the latitudinal seismic zones. A scheme of distinguishing the compression and extension zones from the spatial clusters of earthquakes with 5 ≤ M < 6 in two phases of changes in the angular speed of the Earth’s rotation is proposed. This scheme satisfactorily agrees with the model of seismotectonic reconstructions of the compression–extension fields and axes.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(6):427-434
pages 427-434 views

Volcanic edifices on guyots of the Magellan Seamounts (Pacific Ocean)

Mel’nikov M.E., Pletnev S.P., Anokhin V.M., Sedysheva T.E., Ivanov V.V.


Analysis of detailed bathymetric charts and records of phototelevision profiling over the surfaces of the guyots of the Magellan Seamounts reveals many cones and domes. Their diameters and heights vary from a few hundreds of meters to 10 km and from 30 to 350 m, respectively. The age generations of these mesomorphic structures correspond to the Campanian–Maastrichtian, Late Paleocene–Eocene, and Miocene. The formation of complicating volcanic edifices is most likely determined by late phases of volcanic activity related to differentiation of magmatic melts. At the same time, the tectonic factor responsible for their formation is also sufficiently well evident: volcanic edifices on plateau summits are associated spatially with linear morphostructures and lineaments.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(6):435-442
pages 435-442 views

Genesis of the boron potential of the Taukha metallogenic zone, Sikhote Alin, and boron sources during formation of the Dal’negorsk boron deposit

Ratkin V.V., Karas O.A., Golozubov V.V.


It is shown that the formation of borosilicate skarn in the Taukha metallogenic zone completes a series of successive stages of the formation and transformation of the folded sequences of the Taukha accretionary wedge. The Early Cretaceous sedimentary stage, including accumulation of detrital tourmaline-rich sedimentary rocks, was implemented in the marginal sea of the Paleopacific Sino-Korean segment. In the Turonian–Campanian, the boron-bearing folded sequences of the accretionary wedge were involved in anatexis to generate siliceous S-type boron-bearing melts. The thus-formed magmatic chambers were emptied during catastrophic volcanic eruptions. At the final Middle Campanian volcanic stage, fluid-magmatic differentiation of the melt in the residual chambers generated fluid flow. The infiltration interaction of the fluids, which inherited enrichment in boron, with limestones of the olistostrome sequence resulted in the formation of a giant zone of grossular–wollastonite skarns and danburite lodes. The boron potential of the Taukha boron–lead–zinc metallogenic zone may be considered as a reproduction of the Precambrian boron metallogeny of the eastern Eurasian margin, which was implemented in the Late Mesozoic during recycling of the continental crust.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(6):443-457
pages 443-457 views

Geochemical features of major and rare-earth element behavior in the Paratunka and Bol’shebannyi hydrothermal systems of Kamchatka

Chudaev O.V., Chelnokov G.A., Bragin I.V., Kharitonova N.A., Rychagov S.N., Nuzhdaev A.A., Nuzhdaev I.A.


This paper presents original data on the content and distribution of major and rare-earth elements in the modern hydrothermal systems of the Paratunka and Bol’shebannyi thermal water deposits. In spite of the similar geochemical type of the waters, the individual sites of the hydrothermal systems differ in the major component composition, which is caused by the time of water–rock interaction, temperature control, and the possible influence of seawater intrusions. The REE concentrations in the studied thermal waters are extremely low (a few tenths of ppb). A distinctive feature of these thermal waters is the presence of a positive Eu anomaly. The possible reasons for its appearance are discussed. Calculation of REE speciation shows that the main parameters controlling the formation of the REE complexes in the Paratunka and Bol’shebannyi hydrothermal systems are their individual chemical properties, as well as pH, Eh, and temperature of the aqueous solution.

Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2016;10(6):458-475
pages 458-475 views

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