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Issue Section Title File
No 1 (2024) Theory and History of Culture Modern song of the Volga-Ural Tatars in social networks and the blogosphere: an axiological approach PDF
No 1 (2024) Theory and History of Culture The introduction of digital technologies into contemporary art PDF
No 1 (2024) Theory and History of Culture History, production and technology of Kazan ichigs PDF
No 1 (2024) Theory and History of Culture Influence of traditional culture in the preservation of natural resources: Adyghe (Circassian) culture PDF
No 1 (2024) Art History Refraction of the principles of neofolklorism in the works of Akshin Alizadeh PDF
No 1 (2024) Art History Interference as a factor in the formation of imagical structures in painting PDF
No 1 (2024) Art History Popularization of the cultural heritage of the region through the use of ethnographic resources of the Omsk region PDF
No 1 (2024) Art History Chronicle cinema and communication. On the example of the pre-revolutionary non-fiction films PDF
No 1 (2024) Art History Kinetics of round dances in the village of Karsovay, Balezinsky district, Udmurt Republic PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education School as an open educational environment in the era of digital transformation PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Structural model of formation of musical culture of an Institute student personality PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Synergy of the educational environment and the effectiveness of higher technical education PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education The use of interactive methods of training to develop communicative competence in English classes at the Law Institute PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Interactive methods of teaching grammar in foreign language classes PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Modern educational technologies in teaching a foreign language in the training of law enforcement officers PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Results of approbation of the model of social and professional self-development of engineering students in the process of foreign language training PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Problems of engineering training of personnel of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Modeling of the systemic process of civil-patriote education of students of the institute of culture in conditions of digitalization PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Prediction skills for a child with dysontogenesis deficities: formation experience PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education The influence of cultural and historical heritage on the education of a culture of safe behavior of working youth PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education The concept of the formation and coaching of the national team of the Republic of Tatarstan in olimpiad programming PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Methodological activity of A.F. Bormusov in the context of the formation of musical culture of Tatarstan PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Teaching Jazz to students of music schools and students of colleges and universities in the conditions of the predominance of the academic education system PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Implementation of group activity technology in the conditions of development of performing skills of music college students PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Vocal exercises and solfeggi in pedagogical practice of the 18th century: the example of Giuseppe Aprile’s method PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education The axiological foundations of the search for the color solution of an artwork: the pedagogical aspect PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education "Teacher's Creative Workshop" Educational Technology in the art education of bachelors PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education The experience of studying the symbolism of the dragon dance as a factor in preserving the intangible cultural heritage of Сhina PDF
No 1 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Competence approach in the formation of professional skills of future teachers of choreography: diagnostics and modelling in the system of dance education PDF
No 2 (2024) Theory and History of Culture “Logic of substanceless thinking” and simulacra of “superhuman” in the visual culture of Russia of the late 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries PDF
No 2 (2024) Theory and History of Culture Pushkin's “eastern” route as part of the cultural heritage of Russia: mysteries of the right bank of the Volga PDF
No 2 (2024) Theory and History of Culture Cultural approach in education and traditional spiritual and moral values PDF
No 2 (2024) Theory and History of Culture Perspectives and possibilities of CLO 3D program and artistic design of clothes in the process of teaching students PDF
No 2 (2024) Theory and History of Culture Сreative tandem “vocal - bayan” in the history of tatar musical culture of the first half of the 20th century PDF
No 2 (2024) Theory and History of Culture Тhe methodology of constructivism in teaching historical painting PDF
No 2 (2024) Theory and History of Culture Stylization as a method of optimizing the figurative solution in the artist's work (on the author's example of paintings) PDF
No 2 (2024) Theory and History of Culture Museum of the future: preservation and presentation of cultural heritage in museums of the digital age on the example of museums in China PDF
No 2 (2024) Art History The concept of "nature" in Russian painting of estates and parks of the 18th – early 20th centuries from symbolism to realism PDF
No 2 (2024) Art History The structure of the image of the models of a dramatic performance in a theater workshop PDF
No 2 (2024) Art History Using the storytelling method in the creation of advertising and video content on television and the internet PDF
No 2 (2024) Art History Features of the selection of repertoire for an ensemble of two domras and a guitar PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Vectors of development of research activity of Кazan State Institute of Culture PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Development of general and professional competencies in the context of modern pedagogy PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Theoretical bases of formation of managerial competence in higher school students PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Cultural and creative environment of higher education institution as a pedagogical condition of students' citizenship formation PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Functions of art science in the socialization of junior school сhildren PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Pedagogical communication in the technological support of the development process of instrumental students PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Types and features of scientific and educational centers of technical universities PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Training of personnel of the commanding staff of the army in civilian educational institutions of Kazan in the 1920s PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Socio-cultural rehabilitation of the disabled PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Art therapy for people with disabilities through musical and theatrical creativity on the example of the ABILIMPICS movement PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Using artificial intelligence to develop reading literacy among students in foreign language lessons PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Тhe use of audio podcasts in the process of teaching a foreign language PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Mind map application at the pre-writing stage on a foreign language lesson PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Model of formation of students' intentional values of physical culture PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Features of the use of digital technologies in the management of an instrumental team PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Integration of ethnic and deconstructivist practices in the production of design objects in educational practices (KAZNAI named after Temirbek Zhurgenov) PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Images of vocal lyrics in the development of empathy younger teens at music lessons PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Development of a model for mastering Tchaikovsky's vocal music by Chinese vocal students PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Formation of special competencies of the performing musician in the artistic and pedagogical practice of staging work on a musical PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Ways to overcome psychological pressure on stage PDF
No 2 (2024) Pedagogy and Education Valeological culture as a factor of physical and spiritual development of youth in the 21st century PDF

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