No 2 (2024)

Theory and History of Culture

“Logic of substanceless thinking” and simulacra of “superhuman” in the visual culture of Russia of the late 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries

Yanykina A.N.


The article examines the tendency to return to a universal feature of primitive thinking – to “circular logic” or “logic of substanceless thinking”. The author explores from the position of a cultural approach the concept of “superhuman” and the stages of destruction of the matter of “human” in the movement towards simulacra of the “superhuman”. Using the example of Russian cinema, an attempt to construct another being with a “pre-reflective attitude” of consciousness, reflecting a fantastic, spiritual search for truth in a sociocultural space in which the civilizational foundations of life are annihilated, is analyzed. The “looking-glass anti-world” in visual culture is filled with simulacra of the “superhuman”, which are allusions to both man and the “superman”.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):7-14
pages 7-14 views

Pushkin's “eastern” route as part of the cultural heritage of Russia: mysteries of the right bank of the Volga

Nikolaeva E.A., Khaydarov T.F.


The article is devoted to the little-studied part of Pushkin’s “eastern” journey to the places of the Pugachev uprising. Particular attention is paid to Pushkin’s stay in the Sviyazhsky district of the Kazan province. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that Pushkin had two possible travel routes in the Sviyazhsk district, two possible crossing points to the left bank of the Volga. It is impossible to confirm or deny Pushkin’s visit to the district town of Sviyazhsk due to the lack of written evidence.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):14-20
pages 14-20 views

Cultural approach in education and traditional spiritual and moral values

Titova T.А., Fayzullina D.F.


The article is devoted to the study of the strategy of the cultural approach in the educational process. The main idea of the cultural approach in education is the recognition of culture as an integral component of society, its participation in the process of forming thinking.

The emphasis is placed on the strategic importance of humanitarian education. The main methods of the culturological approach in educational activities are considered, educational profiles within the profession of «Culturologist», development prospects are analyzed.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Perspectives and possibilities of CLO 3D program and artistic design of clothes in the process of teaching students

Salakhov R.F., Salakhova R.I., Galiullina A.G.


This article deals with the prospects and possibilities of the CLO 3D program in the artistic design of clothes. The basic techniques and tools in designing and modeling patterns of the clothes are analyzed. The stages of work on the digital model in the program CLO 3D are investigated.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):26-32
pages 26-32 views

Сreative tandem “vocal - bayan” in the history of tatar musical culture of the first half of the 20th century

Borodovskaya L.Z., Sagdiev N.F.


The article analyzes the joint work of Tatar singers and button accordion players of the first half of the 20th century. The formation of the Tatar singing stage gave rise to a new type of creative tandem “vocal-button accordion” for the performance of Tatar folk and original songs. The need to create a new concert genre is caused by many reasons – the love of listeners for the instrument harmonica and button accordion, as well as the ability of this instrument to accompany the complex drawn-out melodies of Tatar folklore, which is performed either a capella or accompanied by a musical instrument. The button accordion has become optimal for decorating Tatar folk songs. Tatar musical culture of the first half of the 20th century is predominantly the result of the vocal art of masters well versed in the traditional folk repertoire that forms the basis of Tatar folk music. Concert teams could travel mobile to any locality in the country, consisting of 1-2 accordion players and 1-3 singers. Button accordion players performed solo numbers in the programs, showing virtuoso mastery of technique and knowledge of the folk musical repertoire. The article analyzes the little-studied creativity of button accordion players of the first half of the 20th century, who created tandems with the best Tatar vocalists of that time. The material for the article was memories of Tatar button accordion players in the Tatar language and an audio collection of Soviet gramophone records. The relevance of the work is due to the need to highlight the phenomenon of the concert union of a singer and a button accordion player as a special genre of pop music and as a development of the traditions of Tatar musical folklore.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):32-38
pages 32-38 views

Тhe methodology of constructivism in teaching historical painting

Tokareva O.V., Tsybisov A.E.


Introduction. The authors of the article share their experience of teaching fine arts based on the methodology of constructivism in teaching students painting based on the preparation of the exhibition project “Moskovia – Volga Bulgaria: at the crossroads of paths and destinies”.

Goal. Formation of ideas in the public space about the events of national history.

Methods. Сonstruction of historical events of the past by means of historical painting, classification and typologization.

The scientific novelty of the resеarch. It is proposed to use the approach of the philosophy of constructivism in the training of painters. Methods of teaching painting according to the project “Moskovia – Volga Bulgaria: at the crossroads of paths and destinies.” A new classification of historical painting genres is presented and described: the battle genres “triumphant-symbolic”; “socio-political-symbolic”; "socio-dramatic"; “nationally identical-everyday”.

Results. Creation of a project of 15 paintings “Moskovia – Volga Bulgaria: at the crossroads of paths and destinies”, dedicated to the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria.

Conclusions. From the point of view of constructivism, we have defined the classification of Russian historical painting in two directions: religious-iconographic and secular. We divided these trends into subgenres of historical painting, firstly, according to the criterion of plot; secondly, according to the criterion of reflecting state symbolic policy. We are talking about historical paintings commissioned by socio-political institutions. The order can come from the sovereign, the state or from a public organization. Conventionally, these types of genres can be designated as follows: The first subgenre is “triumphal-symbolic” battles, for example, works commissioned by the Russian tsars, dedicated to victory in wars; The second subgenre is “socio-political – symbolic”, an example of a modern project of 15 canvases “Moskovia – Volga Bulgaria: at the crossroads of paths and destinies ", commissioned by the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Moscow Region. Two other “socially significant” subgenres of historical painting are not necessarily custom-made, but do not deny this: 1) “socio-dramatic” is based on the dramatic basis of the relationships of historical characters; 2) “national-identical-everyday”, conveying the atmosphere of the past through everyday life.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Stylization as a method of optimizing the figurative solution in the artist's work (on the author's example of paintings)

Titova E.А.


The article considers the concepts of "stylization" and "transformation" as a vector of development of an imaginative solution in the modern art of painting. The purpose of the work is to analyze stylization as a creative method for creating new artistic images of objects and their environment, to enhance the impact of visual and sensory perception from the figurative solution of the painting. As an example, the paintings of a professional artist are used. The rationale for the use of the stylization method in works of fine art is given. The methodology of the analysis begins with the concepts: style, stylization, transformation and their implementation in the artist's works. A comparative analysis with the realistic works of the same author from the point of view of the figurative solution is carried out, the relationship between the image from nature and the stylized image is analyzed. The stages of the development of imaginative thinking in creativity after the application of the method of stylization and the method of transformation are considered. The necessity of active implementation of the stylization method in modern art education and in the works of artists is proved. The scientific works related to the topic of stylization, its method and techniques are analyzed, evidence is provided that the method works and is necessary for modern society. It is proved that the method of stylization can be applied based on visual experience about the surrounding reality. Conclusions are drawn about the need to apply the method of stylization in the works of contemporary artists and in educational creative methods.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):45-54
pages 45-54 views

Museum of the future: preservation and presentation of cultural heritage in museums of the digital age on the example of museums in China

Chen J.


With the development of the information age, the application of digital technologies in the cultural field is becoming more mature. This article focuses on museum exhibitions equipped with digital technologies, exploring their application in modes of presentation and cultural dissemination, discusses the necessity of introducing digital technologies into museums, and analyzes the positive effects of digital technologies on the preservation of museum objects, modes of exhibition, cultural dissemination and service quality, as well as the practical effectiveness of their application through case studies.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):54-61
pages 54-61 views

Art History

The concept of "nature" in Russian painting of estates and parks of the 18th – early 20th centuries from symbolism to realism

Portnova I.V.


The article examines the image of "nature" in Russian painting of estates and parks of the 18th–20th centuries as a conceptual cultural theme that is reflected in the visual arts. The purpose of the article was to study the concept of "nature" using the example of paintings of the 18th–20th centuries as an important trend in Russian culture. The author identifies style preferences, existing fashion trends in landscape art, and identifies a national cross-section in the arrangement of Russian estates. The idea of nature is considered in three aspects: cultural–historical, ideological and artistic-stylistic, which allows us to assess the phenomenon under consideration from different sides. The relevance of the topic of the article is related to the unflagging attention to the image of the garden and park in the modern cultural space. In connection with environmental issues, the interpretation of nature in a broad sense is becoming more important.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):62-74
pages 62-74 views

The structure of the image of the models of a dramatic performance in a theater workshop

Kosyrova A.A., Ogareva L.A., Tokareva O.V.


The article examines the design of the structure of the image of a dramatic performance in a theater workshop in the process of training students of actors, directors and artists from the point of view of the methodology of structuralism and constructivism. Models of performances based on the literary basis of poetry and comedic drama with the constituent factors of verbal and non-verbal communications are presented. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication are designated as means of constructing the image of the stage reality of a dramatic performance. From the point of view of structuralism, a theatrical performance is a structure. From the point of view of constructivism, a theatrical performance is a model where the world of an imaginary performance, which is present in the mental forms of the directors, is recreated on stage and, finally, transmitted to the audience at the level of subconscious perception. The article defines the image model of a dramatic performance from the point of view of structuralism and constructivism. The work of the theater teaching practice of the co-authors of the study is described as examples. The research used the following methods: experiment, structural analysis, formal-stylistic and cultural-historical analysis of drama, construction of the visual image of the performance by means of artistic design. Acting training exercises are described.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):75-83
pages 75-83 views

Using the storytelling method in the creation of advertising and video content on television and the internet

Zakharova Y.V.


This article examines the influence of the storytelling format on the audience’s perception of television content. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that television remains a key tool for influencing the population, despite the development of the Internet.

The paper analyzes storytelling techniques and their effectiveness in presenting various types of television material. Particular attention is paid to studying the context in which content is presented and its influence on the formation of behavioral models and ideological attitudes of television viewers.

The study highlights the connection between history and storytelling and demonstrates that storytelling is a universal way of communicating information that can be used in various fields, including marketing. Particular attention is paid to the use of storytelling in advertising, where it helps to increase sales and build brand loyalty.

The study's findings may be useful for marketers, advertising and television content specialists, and anyone interested in the impact of storytelling on audiences.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):84-88
pages 84-88 views

Features of the selection of repertoire for an ensemble of two domras and a guitar

Varankina V.M., Kurbanova A.S., Khametova A.Z.


The authors of the article, examining the scientific literature on the peculiarities of selecting a repertoire for an ensemble of two domras and a guitar, pay attention to the fact that the musical repertoire material for these instruments is not very rich. The difficulty lies in the fact that each instrument has its own history, its own composers, its own personality. The originality and uniqueness of professional ensemble music making lies in the timbral and sound performance, therefore, the correct selection of the repertoire is to find special styles in which you can hear classical, folk, folklore and modern performance and convey to listeners, not the monotony of any one instrument, but a musical dialogue of melody and cantilence. The means of expression possessed by each instrument and the equal partnership of performers are aimed at fulfilling creative tasks and all this depends on the quality of the selection of the repertoire.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):88-93
pages 88-93 views

Pedagogy and Education

Vectors of development of research activity of Кazan State Institute of Culture

Ahmadieva R.S., Garifullina R.S., Gilmeeva R.K., Tarasova E.N.


The article presents a generalized vision of scientific research activity of Kazan State Institute of Culture as an innovative direction of pedagogical science in accordance with the Concept of development of creative (creative) industries and mechanisms of implementation of their state support until 2030. The authors of the article identified the potential of culture in the era of digitalization, determining the cultural appropriateness of education as part of the digital world, while maintaining social and cultural sustainability and active use of digital opportunities. The principal here is the appeal to the cultural approach as a methodological basis of scientific research activities of the Institute. The content of the scientific directions of the Institute, which are based on the design and implementation of current developments in the field of pedagogy and education, theory and history of culture, art history, library science, bibliography and book studies. The authors of the article define the dominant priorities, directions of scientific search in accordance with the challenges of the creative economy, the needs of the individual, society and the state. The article defines the key idea of research activity of the Institute, based on the assimilation of basic national values. The problem of forming a cultural code as a consolidating core of ensuring Russian statehood is actualized.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):94-102
pages 94-102 views

Development of general and professional competencies in the context of modern pedagogy

Nagovitsyn R.S., Plekhova A.A., Varlamova A.M.


The article is devoted to the study and comparison of the views of employers and future graduates of secondary vocational and higher education on the desired competencies of potential participants in the labor market. The empirical research method was a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods – interviews conducted among representatives of potential employers and surveys of future college and university graduates. The study showed that both graduates and employers identify a shortage of professional competencies and the need to improve the quality of student training in the context of modern pedagogy. Differences in opinions were associated with their assessment of general competencies; according to employers, young specialists lack practical experience and graduates are not ready to use the acquired theoretical knowledge in practical activities. However, employers see great potential for modern pedagogy to develop graduates' general and professional competencies, especially in the area of practical experience.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):102-107
pages 102-107 views

Theoretical bases of formation of managerial competence in higher school students

Pavlovsky P.V., Fakhrutdinova A.V.


The task of maintaining the country's technological sovereignty is hampered by the shortage of personnel ready to make and implement managerial decisions. Modern training of managerial personnel is determined by the possibility of effective response of the Russian society to great challenges at the current stage of global development, including applying the methods of humanities and social sciences. The conducted analysis of the theoretical base allowed us to identify scientific approaches, principles and search for mechanisms of formation of managerial competence of university graduates capable of responding to the challenges of time. The article shows the stages of transformation of the concept of competence. The purpose of this research is to study the modern ideas about the phenomena of competence from the position of identifying the key, in the authors' opinion, Russian and foreign approaches to the organization of practices of managerial competence formation in educational organizations of higher education. The article presents a refined definition of "managerial competence of higher education students". Motivational-value, cognitive, activity components are presented as structural components of "managerial competence" of students of economic profile programs.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):108-113
pages 108-113 views

Cultural and creative environment of higher education institution as a pedagogical condition of students' citizenship formation

Grechannikova N.V., Druzhkov S.N.


The article presents the experience of creating a cultural and creative environment, which has a significant impact on the formation of morality, identity and citizenship of students. The author described the forms of extracurricular work with students of the Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, which are based on the free choice of students of the association of socio-cultural orientation functioning in the university or the creation and implementation of their own creative project, these associations are considered by the author as tools for the education of patriotism and development of interethnic communications of students. As a result of the study, the author concludes that the creation of a cultural and creative environment in higher education institution promotes deep immersion of students in the study of traditions, culture, history of the city, region and country as a whole, forms the citizenship of students.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):113-119
pages 113-119 views

Functions of art science in the socialization of junior school сhildren

Kovalenko V.I., Tupichkina E.A., Igropulo I.F., Lyakh V.I.


The aim of the study was to determine the vector and theoretical and methodological basis for the transformation of the functions of art history as a block of aesthetic disciplines of primary general education school in the process of socialization of students. The factors of increasing complexity and uncertainty of the new social reality, the deformation of spiritual and moral foundations and world outlook guidelines of the younger generations, determine the scientific search for ways to strengthen the educational role of general education school in the socialization of younger schoolchildren. Socialization of personality, as a continuous process of cognition of culture and mastering the ways of being in it, is largely conditioned by its aesthetic culture and the ability to understand the essence of things and phenomena with the help of artistic and aesthetic images and values of art. It is necessary to transform the traditional for primary school education personality-oriented functions of teaching and education of students in the direction of their in-depth socialization in the process of studying academic disciplines of art history. We propose a system of functions of art history in the education of junior schoolchildren oriented to: preservation and development of culture; distinction of good and evil on the basis of artistic and aesthetic images, values and norms; joint activity for the common good; creativity on the basis of beauty and harmony; individual and social subjectivity; self-development of their creative potential; development of individual emotional and sensual sphere in the conditions of information-technogenic environment. The functional-technological matrix of modeling the process of implementation of these functions in junior comprehensive school is developed to help teachers.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):119-126
pages 119-126 views

Pedagogical communication in the technological support of the development process of instrumental students

Korolkova E.V.


The article considers actual technologies in the modern education system. The importance of the development of pedagogical communication as a structural component of pedagogical technology is revealed. The significant role of communication in solving problems of the educational process, in creating conditions for working interaction between teachers-colleagues, in providing optimal conditions for interaction between teacher and student is proved. The results of this study can be used in the implementation of innovative approaches in the pedagogical process in the present conditions on the example of the activity of the teacher of the instrumental ensemble class of the Department of Musical Art of Kazan State Institute of Culture under E.V. Korolkova.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):127-134
pages 127-134 views

Types and features of scientific and educational centers of technical universities

Vildanov I.E.


The training of highly qualified specialists is impossible without the integration of three systems: science, education and production. Scientific and educational centers can be an effective form of this process. Since 1996 their widespread implementation has begun in connection with the adoption of the Presidential target Program "State support for the integration of higher education and fundamental Science for 1997-2000". Currently, such centers have been established in almost all universities. The analysis of the work of the centers, the study of scientific publications on this issue showed the diversity of their types. Therefore, there is a need to classify them, highlight the features of scientific and educational centers of technical universities.

The purpose of the article is to develop the basis for the typologization of scientific and educational centers of technical universities, to identify the features of the activities of the centers of a construction university.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):135-139
pages 135-139 views

Training of personnel of the commanding staff of the army in civilian educational institutions of Kazan in the 1920s

Kadyrov B.G.


The training of personnel of the commanding staff of the reserve for the Armed Forces in the 1920s was important. Military training departments have been established in a number of institutions of higher and secondary education. They trained cadres of commanders and political workers of the reserve.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):139-143
pages 139-143 views

Socio-cultural rehabilitation of the disabled

Terekhov P.P.


The article considers rehabilitation as a key direction in the social sphere of development in relation to persons with disabilities, aimed at strengthening their mental health, physical development, professional skills, socio-cultural prospects.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):143-147
pages 143-147 views

Art therapy for people with disabilities through musical and theatrical creativity on the example of the ABILIMPICS movement

Gimatdinova E.R., Kustyaeva A.R., Babaeva G.B.


In the article the authors revealed one of the urgent problems at the present stage of the possibilities for people with disabilities to enter the world of healthy people. It is especially important today that a healthy population understands the difficulties of such people and seeks all possible means for their entry into society without restrictions.

Within the framework of the analyzed and studied material, we proposed our vision of art therapy for people with disabilities through musical and theatrical creativity using the example of the Abilimpix movement.

Our attention is paid to such competence as performing skills (vocals) in synthesis with theatrical activities, since the Kazan State Institute of Culture trains professionals in this field. It is these specialists who can help people with disabilities, accompanied from the moment of their professional orientation to a specialist of their chosen profile.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):147-151
pages 147-151 views

Using artificial intelligence to develop reading literacy among students in foreign language lessons

Bulygina M.V., Borovskikh D.V.


The article considers the possibilities of using an artificial intelligence to create a bank of foreign-language texts and tasks to them in order to develop reading literacy of students in the foreign (English) language lessons. The authors propose an algorithm of using the artificial intelligence model GigaChat to create texts and tasks to them, the content of which is aimed at expending the learning topics and outlook of students, individualization of teaching different types of reading in the framework of the formation of functional literacy.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):151-157
pages 151-157 views

Тhe use of audio podcasts in the process of teaching a foreign language

Khakimova K.L., Khanipova D.R., Korneva I.G.


In the article, the authors reveal the features of using audio podcasts in the process of teaching a foreign language. In the modern information age of digital relations, changes are taking place in the educational process, which seek to qualitatively change the methodology of learning a foreign language. Currently, foreign language learners have access to a wide range of universal tools and online resources. The use of audio podcasts in the process of teaching foreign languages is changing the content of educational programs that can be used both in the educational process and in everyday life.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):157-162
pages 157-162 views

Mind map application at the pre-writing stage on a foreign language lesson

Popova M.I.


The purpose of this article is to suggest mind map technique as one of those for working on writing skills at the pre-writing stage on a foreign language lesson. The objectives of this study are: to describe the algorithm to use mind maps and to explain the advantages of this technique. To fulfill this task, modern publications on the topic of research by domestic and foreign authors were analyzed; in order to determine the effectiveness of mind map technique in teaching writing, an instructive experiment was conducted in the group of first-year humanities students in the non-linguistic university. When applied regularly, mind map has a number of advantages over the traditional drawing up of a plan for creative writing: during content planning, it enables students to generate ideas, logically organize and visualize information and, thus, to structure a written work; it promotes the development of critical thinking skills, as it involves analysis and evaluation of ideas, investigation of connections between them; it increases students motivation to write because they feel more confident in their abilities seeing their ideas in a logical order.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):162-167
pages 162-167 views

Model of formation of students' intentional values of physical culture

Kosareva O.V.


The relevance of the topic is confirmed by the desire of the individual to lead a healthy lifestyle. The analysis of scientific papers suggests that the available approaches to the research topic are not disclose mechanisms for the effective functioning of the process of formation of intentional values, taking into account modern requirements. In accordance with this, there is a problem of research increasing the levels of motivation for physical culture classes, awareness of the prestige of a healthy lifestyle. We identified the following organizational and pedagogical conditions: the creation of a special integrative and holistic educational environment; the development of a technological component of the process of developing intentional values; systematic monitoring of the development of intentional values in order to adjust this process. These organizational and pedagogical conditions formed the basis of our research. The article reveals the content of this model, examines its constituent blocks: target, methodological, substantive, technological, evaluative and effective. The author developed theoretical model will contribute to our further research.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):167-173
pages 167-173 views

Features of the use of digital technologies in the management of an instrumental team

Dodonova S.G., Nurgazizov I.A., Safina E.R.


In the last few years, there has been a trend of digitalization all over the world. Many things that once seemed only mechanical have now become digital. Digital technologies are also being actively introduced into the field of music. The purpose of this study is to analyze digital technologies that contribute to the popularization and development of concert and performance activities of instrumental groups in modern society. The article examines the impact of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic on the activities of instrumental groups. During the pandemic, many orchestras were forced to resort to the use of digital instruments and technologies in order not to lose their listeners, as well as profits. The scientific work analyzes the use of digital technologies in the management of orchestras, examines the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in this field.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):173-177
pages 173-177 views

Integration of ethnic and deconstructivist practices in the production of design objects in educational practices (KAZNAI named after Temirbek Zhurgenov)

Nurdubaeva A.R., Bekibayeva G.D.


The study examines form creation for architectural and fashion design – the conversion of plane thinking to multidimensionality while integrating virtual techniques in an environment where experimental work on transformation allows working with a visual picture, designing the character of media and spatiality in an image, simultaneously being in a mixed reality, where an object is thought of as a transfer of information and an ability to apply algorithmic solutions. The form of the design of an object, created through algorithmic solutions, communicates with the viewer through its incompleteness, creating an involvement with the author, and any texture and element can become an object of art, turning modeling into architectural forms and, conversely, deconstructing its integrity, tricalization of everyday life, deconstruction, fashion, design, layouts, modular method.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):177-186
pages 177-186 views

Images of vocal lyrics in the development of empathy younger teens at music lessons

Lipkan N.V.


The article actualizes the problem of developing empathy in younger adolescents in a music lesson. The purpose of this study is to substantiate, identify, and experimentally test the effectiveness of a didactic model for the development of empathy in younger adolescents in a music lesson based on images of vocal lyrics in the context of the theories of P.Ya. Galperin and K.S. Stanislavsky.

As a result of the study, the authors were able to present a tested algorithm for the development of empathy in younger adolescents in music lessons based on images of vocal lyrics.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):186-194
pages 186-194 views

Development of a model for mastering Tchaikovsky's vocal music by Chinese vocal students

Liang Y.


In the modern musical environment, representatives of Oriental peoples and cultures attach great importance to the emotional impact of Russian romance. P.I. Tchaikovsky was a recognized master of Russian romance. Tchaikovsky's romances are filled with artistic and technical possibilities for vocalists, which is why teachers of Russian and foreign universities turn to them. In China, many competitions are held every year among vocalists for the best performance of Tchaikovsky's romances, and works in the genre of Chinese romance are created. Russian romances reflect universal human values, are imbued with national Russian specifics, they trace the characteristic features of the Russian person and the Russian people.

Russian romances create unique material for mastering vocal music. Vocal parts from Tchaikovsky's romances are convenient for learning, which allows them to be considered as educational material for teaching vocals in universities. Russian is also studied by foreign students who resort to learning Russian romances.

However, mastering Tchaikovsky's vocal music requires a special approach and methodology. It is much more difficult for international vocal students to master performing techniques. In this regard, the issue of developing an optimal model for mastering the vocal music of P.I. Tchaikovsky is relevant. The developed model will allow to present and analyze step by step the entire creative process of mastering romances.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):195-203
pages 195-203 views

Formation of special competencies of the performing musician in the artistic and pedagogical practice of staging work on a musical

Qi M.


Actualization of the process of formation of special competencies among musical students is a priority from the point of view of modern requirements of the professionogram of a musical theater specialist. The purpose of the study is to reveal the pedagogical specifics and conditions for the formation of special competencies for the professional training of musical theater (musical genre) specialists based on the synthesis of musical and theatrical arts. The study notes that the formation of special competencies of performing musicians occurs when creating special pedagogical conditions close to the working conditions of a professional musical theater (music hall). In the course of experimental pedagogical work, the relationship between the processes of formation of general cultural and professional competencies and the formation of special competencies of musical artists during the period of practical artistic production work is determined.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):203-211
pages 203-211 views

Ways to overcome psychological pressure on stage

Kankan Y.


This article discusses the problems of the singer's stage adaptation in concert performance. The author of the article focuses on several aspects of this issue. First of all, we are talking about certain conditions of the artist, among which stage excitement and stage pressure are a big problem. The author talks about the reasons for these difficulties. It is noted that pressure on the vocalist is exerted by both modern stage directors and stage partners, colleagues, who sometimes create a very strong and negatively oppressive atmosphere on individual singers. The second factor that causes problematic situations during public performances of the vocalist is his own sense of hyper-responsibility and the desire for perfect refinement and verification of all components of the role, or, on the contrary, the lack of responsible and attentive attitude to the party. The result of the study was the statement that regular and constant.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):211-218
pages 211-218 views

Valeological culture as a factor of physical and spiritual development of youth in the 21st century

Valter S.S., Chai Z., Dobrotvorskaya S.G.


The article establishes the relationship of human health with the level of general culture and lifestyle. The regularities of the development of valeology as a scientific, practical and educational discipline are determined, and the place of valeology in the system of other sciences is indicated. A special place in the article is given to the concept of valeological culture as a factor of physical and spiritual development of youth, problems of its formation and development prospects.

Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kulʹtury i iskusstv. 2024;(2):218-227
pages 218-227 views

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