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卷 53, 编号 14 (2019)

2d Electron Gas

Topological Electronic States on the Surface of a Strained Gapless Semiconductor

Kibis O., Kyriienko O., Shelykh I.


We develop the theory describing the topological electronic states on the surface of a gapless strained semiconductor arisen from the mixing of conduction and valence bands. It follows from the present theory that the strain-induced band gap in the Brillouin zone center of the semiconductor results in the surface electronic states with the Dirac linear dispersion characteristic for topologically protected states. The structure of these surface electronic states is studied analytically near their Dirac point within the formalism based on the Luttinger Hamiltonian. The results bring attention to the rich surface physics relevant for topological systems.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1867-1869
pages 1867-1869 views

Plasmons in Infinite 2D Electron System Screened by the Disk-Shaped Metallic Gate

Zabolotnykh A., Volkov V.


We have examined the plasmon modes in infinite two-dimensional (2D) electron system (ES) with the finite-sized gate formed by a metallic disk over a 2D electron plane. Heretofore, such a problem has never been analytically considered. We have predicted that discrete plasmon modes exist in such a partly-gated system even though no voltage was applied to the gate. The plasmon spectrum has been characterized by the radial and azimuthal mode numbers. We used an analytical approach recently developed for the gate in the form of a metallic stripe [A.A. Zabolotnykh and V.A. Volkov, Phys. Rev. B 99, 165304 (2019)]. Under several reasonable assumptions, we analytically find plasmon frequencies and charge density distributions.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1870-1872
pages 1870-1872 views

Microwave Absorption by Axisymmetric Plasmon Mode in 2D Electron Disk

Zagorodnev I., Rodionov D., Zabolotnykh A., Volkov V.


We theoretically analyze the frequency and damping of axisymmetric “dark” plasma mode in disk with 2D electron gas by calculating the absorption coefficient of an electromagnetic wave incident on the system. The problem is solved in a self-consistent approximation taking into account electromagnetic retardation. We use the Drude model for conductivity. The frequency of the axisymmetric plasmon depends on the electromagnetic retardation rather weakly compared with the case for infinite system since the plasma oscillations have zero dipole moment. The linewidth of the absorption resonance strongly changes depending on the ratio between the radiative and collisional decay. It is shown, that in the absence of collisions, the radiative decay rate is determined by the quadrupole moment of the axisymmetric plasma oscillations. In the lowest order by collisional and radiative decay, the linewidth is merely sum of the decays. In general case the collisional decay interplays with the radiative one that results in increase of the quality factor of the resonance.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1873-1875
pages 1873-1875 views

Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices

Spontaneous Emission in the Anti-Waveguiding VCSEL

Savelyev A., Nadtochiy A., Maximov M., Zhukov A., Shchukin V., Ledentsov N.


Spontaneous emission in a vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) have been studied. It was estimated that a significant part of the spontaneous emission (~1/3) in a conventional VCSEL goes into a waveguide mode that propagates in the plane of the Bragg mirrors. The theoretical study of a recently proposed anti-waveguide VCSEL design is presented and the damping of the waveguide mode emission is shown. Moreover we calculate that 3λ/2-cavity AVCSEL has almost the same gain value for vertical mode as conventional λ-VCSEL despite the higher cavity width due to the light redistribution effect while λ/2-cavity AVCSEL has 19% higher gain.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1876-1879
pages 1876-1879 views

Whispering Gallery Modes and Spontaneous Emission in Compact VCSEL Structures

Savelyev A., Breuer S., Maximov M., Zhukov A., Shchukin V., Ledentsov N.


The radiation power from active area into the planar waveguide has been studied theoretically in order to model VCSEL characteristics. Exact and simple quantitative connection between modal gain and spontaneous emission into planar waveguide has been established. The possibility of the in-plane lasing in the conventional VCSEL with gain area laterally limited by gain aperture has been examined and condition required for this has been found.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1880-1883
pages 1880-1883 views

Luminescent Sensing via Photonic Nanojets

Sergeev A., Sergeeva K., Leonov A., Nepomnyaschiy A., Voznesenskiy S., Kulchin Y.


A new optical sensor system based on an array of dielectric aluminum oxide microspheres covered with a layer of chitosan polymer with molecules of a luminescent chemosensitive receptor was developed for determination of ammonia ion concentration in air. The photonic nanojet effect, i.e. strong electromagnetic field local enhancement, was implemented for most effective excitation of the sensitive layer. By using of chitosan swelling polymer the effect of refractive index variation on photonic nanojets excited sensor response was demonstrated. It was shown that under certain conditions such as microsphere diameter and refractive index contrast a detection limit of chemosensitive receptor increases in three times.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1884-1887
pages 1884-1887 views

Record Low Threshold Current Density in Quantum Dot Microdisk Laser

Moiseev E., Kryzhanovskaya N., Zubov F., Mikhailovskii M., Abramov A., Maximov M., Kulagina M., Guseva Y., Livshits D., Zhukov A.


We demonstrate a record low threshold current density of 250 A/cm2 in a quantum dot microdisk laser with a 31-μm diameter operating at room temperature in continuous wave regime without temperature stabilization. This low threshold current density is very close to the transparency current density estimated in broad-area edge-emitting lasers made of the same epitaxial wafer.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1888-1890
pages 1888-1890 views

Nanostructures Characterization

A New Algorithm for Measuring the Young’s Modulus of Suspended Nanoobjects by the Bending-Based Test Method of Atomic Force Microscopy

Ankudinov A.


Atomic force microscopy is a unique technique for probing the mechanical properties of nanostructures. Using the bending-based test method, one can measure the Young’s modulus of the material of a suspended object, a nanobridge. This article presents a new, improved version of the bending-based test method. A special algorithm is elaborated to establish the nanobridge span length and to identify the boundary conditions of the nanobridge fixation. In particular, to realize this algorithm we propose a model of the beam with transformable boundary conditions (between clamped and supported beam model cases) varied by the only fitting parameter. To illustrate the main features of the developed bending-based test method application, the Young’s modulus measurements of mineral chrysotile nanoscrolls, forming the nanobridges across the pores of a track membrane, are presented.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1891-1899
pages 1891-1899 views

Luminescence Line Broadening Caused by Alloy Disorder in InGaN Quantum Wells

Arteev D., Sakharov A., Lundin W., Zavarin E., Zakheim D., Tsatsulnikov A.


The broadening of the spectral linewidth of the GaN/InGaN/GaN quantum wells caused by the random distribution of indium and gallium atoms in the cation sublattice was analyzed theoretically. The calculated values of the full width at half maximum of the emission spectra at low temperature are much smaller than the usually observed experimental values, indicating that the emission linewidth of the InGaN quantum wells is mostly determined by other broadening mechanisms (e.g. indium clustering, quantum well width fluctuations, background impurity broadening, etc.).

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1900-1903
pages 1900-1903 views

Optical Estimation of the Carrier Concentration and the Value of Strain in Monolayer Graphene Grown on 4H-SiC

Eliseyev I., Davydov V., Smirnov A., Nestoklon M., Dementev P., Lebedev S., Lebedev A., Zubov A., Mathew S., Pezoldt J., Bokai K., Usachov D.


Systematic studies of the effect of the electron concentration on the Raman spectra of single-layer graphene films have been carried out. The samples were grown by thermal destruction of the Si-face of the 4H-SiC substrate. Analysis of the results led us to the conclusion that for the correct estimation of the electron concentration and strain values in graphene using Raman spectroscopy data it is necessary to take into account the value of the Fermi velocity in the graphene layer. This conclusion is valid for graphene on any other substrate as well, since the Fermi velocity in graphene depends on the dielectric constant of the substrate.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1904-1909
pages 1904-1909 views

Matched X-Ray Reflectometry and Diffractometry of Super-Multiperiod Heterostructures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Goray L., Pirogov E., Sobolev M., Ilkiv I., Dashkov A., Vainer Y., Svechnikov M., Yunin P., Chkhalo N., Bouravlev A.


Heterostructures with strongly-coupled multiple quantum wells, such as super-multiperiod superlattices with high perfection, may contain hundreds of layers, whose thicknesses can vary by orders of magnitude. The proposed method of characterization, consisting of the matched application of high-resolution X-ray diffractometry and reflectometry, makes it possible to study super-multiperiod structures of various types, including those with long periods and thin layers, and with high accuracy to determine the thicknesses of layers and roughness/diffuseness of boundaries. The difference between the expected and resulting thicknesses of the layers was 2–7% and 1–3% for the type I (InAs/GaAs) and type II (GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As) samples, respectively. Both types of structures are characterized by sharp interfaces with the RMS width of the transition layers of the order of several Å. Based on the best solution of inverse scattering problems, it is possible to determine with high accuracy both the morphology of the layers and their composition. That can be considered as the first step in the analysis of structures with a very large number of periods.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1910-1913
pages 1910-1913 views

Photoluminescence and Transmission Electron Microscopy Methods for Characterization of Super-Multiperiod A3B5 Quantum Well Structures

Goray L., Pirogov E., Nikitina E., Ubyivovk E., Gerchikov L., Ipatov A., Dashkov A., Sobolev M., Ilkiv I., Bouravlev A.


Promising semiconductor devices, such as quantum-cascade lasers and similar to them heterostructures with multiple strongly-coupled quantum wells, may contain hundreds and even thousands of layers. Independent methods of photoluminescence (PL) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), along with X-ray diffractometry and reflectometry, make it possible to characterize super-multiperiod (SMP—superlattices with 100 and more periods) structures and to determine, with high accuracy, the thicknesses of layers, the roughness/diffusion of interfaces and the composition of solid solutions. The difference between the expected and measured using PL and TEM thicknesses of the layers of GaAs/AlGaAs samples synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy was 5–10%. The SMP structures are characterized by stable thicknesses of the layers in depth and sharp boundaries with a width of transition interfaces of the order of several Å that is consistent with the X-ray analysis. Based on the data obtained on thicknesses of layers, by comparing the theoretical and experimental values of photoluminescence intensities it is possible to accurately determine the composition of Al0.3Ga0.7As which corresponds to the X-ray diffraction data.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1914-1917
pages 1914-1917 views

Arsenic Diffusion in the Natural Oxidation of the Heavily Defected GaAs Surface

Mikoushkin V., Solonitsyna A., Makarevskaya E., Novikov D.


Oxidation specific of the defected GaAs has been considered on the basis of elemental and chemical composition study of the oxide layer naturally emerged on the GaAs surface strongly irradiated by Ar+ ions with energy Ei = 3000 eV and fluence Q ~ 3 × 1015 cm–2. The diffusivity of elemental arsenic known to form an interface layer was shown to increase at room temperature by more than 35 orders of magnitude due to radiation defects and to amount to the value D ~ 1 × 10–17 cm2/s. Efficient room temperature diffusion results in total removal of elemental arsenic from oxide into the bulk, thus curing the damaged substrate.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1918-1921
pages 1918-1921 views

JV Characteristic of pn Structure Formed on n-GaAs Surface by Ar+ Ion Beam

Mikoushkin V., Kalinovskii V., Kontrosh E., Makarevskaya E.


A highly defective ~10-nm-thick layer was fabricated in a high vacuum by 2.5 keV Ar+ ion bombardment of the n-GaAs surface. Valence band photoelectron spectra showed a p-type conductivity of the layer arising due to the high concentration of mechanically created point defects (p-centers). JV characteristics measured ex situ for the structure consisting of the irradiated p-layer on the n-type substrate revealed a diode effect. Analysis of the data attributes the effect to the formation of a specific pn junction. Thereby, we demonstrated that Ar+ ion bombardment of the n-GaAs surface results in that a nanostructure with the pn junction properties is formed. The pn junction under consideration seems to deserve further study and possible application since it can be formed in high-vacuum clean conditions directly by exposure to a low-energy Ar+ ion beam without wet lithography.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1922-1925
pages 1922-1925 views

Lithography and Plasma Treatment Effect on Conductivity of Carbon Nanotubes

Mitin D., Raudik S., Mozharov A., Bolshakov A., Fedorov V., Nepokh V., Rajanna P., Nasibulin A., Mukhin I.


Transparency and sheet resistance measurements of transferred CNT film on glass substrate were performed. Effect of optical lithography and plasma treatment processes on CNT film sheet resistance was analyzed. CNT film demonstrates good electrical conductivity and chemical stability to post-growth processing techniques. The maximum increase in the sheet resistance of the CNT film after optical lithography and plasma treatment processes is no more than 7%.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1926-1928
pages 1926-1928 views

Ab Initio Study of Absorption Resonance Correlations between Nanotubes and Nanoribbons of Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride

Payod R., Saroka V.


Density functional theory calculations are performed for the electronic band structures and optical absorption spectra of the zigzag nanoribbons and armchair nanotubes of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride as well as hybrid tubular structures obtained by embedding two dimer lines of B and N atoms into an armchair nanotube. Linear correlation coefficient analysis is carried out to quantitatively investigate relations between energies of absorption resonances in these tube-ribbon pairs. Despite the large disparity in the energy band gaps of some of these structures, our results show a high degree of correlation (r > 0.85 with >95% confidence level) between them.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1929-1934
pages 1929-1934 views

Electronic Structure of SiN Layers on Si(111) and SiC/Si(111) Substrates

Timoshnev S., Mizerov A., Lapushkin M., Kukushkin S., Bouravleuv A.


Ultrathin epitaxial silicon nitride films were formed on different Si(111) and SiC/Si(111) substrates by nitridation with plasma-activated nitrogen. Photoemission studies of the electronic structure of the SiN and SiCN layers were carried out using photoelectron spectroscopy. The photoemission spectra in the region of the valence band and the core levels of N 1s and Si 2p are studied with synchrotron excitation in the photon energy range of 80–770 eV. The photoelectron spectra of the Si 2p core level for SiN on Si(111) show a characteristic set of components corresponding to the formation of stoichiometric Si3N4. The positions of the intrinsic surface states for the SiN and SiCN films are determined.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1935-1938
pages 1935-1938 views

Temperature Dependences of the Hysteresis Optical Properties of CdS-LDPE Polymer Nanocomposites

Ushakov N., Kosobudsky I.


The article presents the results of an experimental study of the thermo-optical properties of a polymer composite nanomaterial based on 10 wt % CdS-LDPE. It is shown that the temperature dependences of the refractive index have a hysteresis in the heating-cooling cycle. The thermo-optical coefficients of the material during its heating and cooling, which had a negative value from –0.00026 to –0.0076 1/K were estimated. In the temperature range of 55–75°C, a strong nonlinearity of the temperature dependences of the refractive index of the width and energy gap of the material was observed. With increasing temperature up to 65°C, a decrease in the width of the forbidden zone was observed, and at temperatures above 65°C an increase in the width of the energy gap was observed. The maximum change in the band gap was about 0.2 eV. A strong change in the band gap in the temperature range 55–75°C is associated with a phase transition in the material. The detected thermo-optical properties of the polymer composite nanomaterial can be useful in the development of nanophotonic information-processing devices.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1939-1941
pages 1939-1941 views

Increase of the Zero-Phonon-Line Emission from Color Centers in Nanodiamonds by Coupling with Dielectric Nanocavity

Sergaeva O., Yaroshenko V., Volkov I., Zuev D., Savelev R.


Development of single photon sources based on color centers in diamond nanoparticles requires a sufficient increase in their brightness. Conventionally, this may be accomplished by coupling of a color center to a high-quality dielectric cavity. Efficient interaction requires a nanodiamond to be placed close to the maximum of the field distribution of the mode of the structure, which can be achieved with a dielectric nanoparticle cavity characterized by a strong electric field inside the gap between the particles. In this work, we calculate the characteristics of such cavity composed of dielectric nanocylinders with realistic geometrical parameters, and investigate the influence of material losses in dielectric on the performance of such system for different color centers. Our results provide a way for designing a dielectric cavity for efficient increase of emission rate of color centers embedded in nanodiamonds.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1942-1945
pages 1942-1945 views

Nanostructure Devices

Fullerene for the Improvement of PbS QDs-Based Hybrid Solar Cells

Korzhenevskii I., Onishchuk D., Babaev A., Dubavik A., Parfenov P., Litvin A.


In the present study, the hybrid photovoltaic devices based on PbS quantum dots (QDs) and poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5diyl) have been fabricated. The effect of the insertion of [6,6]-phenyl C71 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) into the hybrid blend has been investigated and analyzed by using light and dark current density-voltage measurement, and impedance spectroscopy: capacitance-frequency and capacitance-voltage measurement. It is demonstrated that the introduction of PCBM into solar cells improves their efficiency with the optimal PCBM concentration of 3 wt %. It is shown that the main contribution in limitation of solar cells efficiency is brought by shallow traps induced by air exposure.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1946-1949
pages 1946-1949 views

Synthesis, Structural and Spectral Properties of Surface Noble Metal Nanostructures for Fiber-Optic Photoacoustic Generation

Goncharov V., Kozadaev K., Mikitchuk A., Puzyrev M.


The method for synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles monolayers on the surface of optical fiber edge is proposed. Structural and optical spectral properties of such nanostructures are studied from the viewpoint of photoacoustic fiber-optic generation. In this paper, we examined experimentally surface nanostructures previously simulated for photoacoustic fiber-optic transducers.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1950-1953
pages 1950-1953 views

Study of the Photovoltage in Mn/SiO2/n-Si MOS Structure at Cryogenic Temperatures

Bondarev I., Rautskii M., Yakovlev I., Volochaev M., Lukyanenko A., Tarasov A., Volkov N.


Lateral photovoltaic effect in metal/insulator/semiconductor hybrid structures is a significant phenomenon for spintronics, as it establishes the interplay between the optical irradiation, electronic transport and spin-dependent properties of carriers. In present work we investigated photovoltaic phenomena in Mn/SiO2/n-Si MOS structure. The sample was prepared on a single-crystal n-Si (phosphorus-doped) substrate. The SiO2 layer with thickness of 1.5 nm was formed on the substrate surface by a chemical method. Manganese film with thickness of 15nm was deposited by thermal evaporation in ultrahigh vacuum in the “Angara” chamber. It was observed that at T < 45 K the values of lateral and transversal photovoltage non-monotonically depend on the temperature and such dependences show complex behavior. Features of the photovoltage dependence on temperature, in the region above 20 K are explained by the change of carriers’ mobility and the competition between carriers’ drift velocity in the electric field of the space-charge region and their diffusion rate in the transverse and lateral directions. Below 20 K, the main contribution into the photovoltage is given by hot electrons injected from surface states levels to the conduction band. A strong magnetic field influence on the photovoltage below 20 K was observed. We associate it with the Lorenz force effect on the hot electrons, although we also don’t exclude the presence of mechanisms caused by spin-dependent scattering and recombination of hot electrons at occupied donor states.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1954-1958
pages 1954-1958 views

Capacitive Characteristics of High-Speed Photovoltaic Converters at Combined Lighting

Emelyanov V., Pokrovskiy P., Kalyuzhnyy N., Nakhimovich M., Shvarts M.


pin GaAs photovoltaic converters of modulated laser radiation (810–830 nm) transferring both energy (laser power) and information signal were developed. The capacitance and frequency characteristics of the photovoltaic converters at a constant 0.2–1 W and variable 16 mW laser power were studied. The dependences of the heterostructures capacitance on the voltage at the pin junction were obtained; it has been found out that the charge accumulated in the i-layer plays the dominant role. As a result, the decrease in the thickness of the undoped region improves the frequency characteristics. This paper shows that at the voltage in the DC circuit of 0.8 V and the laser power of 0.6 W, the efficiency of 39% can be achieved with the 450 MHz transmission band in case of the 20 mV AC signal amplitude at the load of 2.5 Ω. For the voltage in the DC circuit of 1 V in similar modes of continuous laser radiation, the efficiency was 48.6%, and the transmission band was 135 MHz. Increasing the laser power to 1 W reduced the efficiency by about 1% and the bandwidth by 30 MHz. The achieved characteristics of the studied photovoltaic converters would make it possible to use them for providing autonomous power supply for devices with low power consumption at the data rate of 100 Mbit/s and above.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1959-1963
pages 1959-1963 views

Magnetoimpedance Effect in a SOI-Based Structure

Smolyakov D., Tarasov A., Yakovlev I., Volochaev M.


This paper presents the results of the study the transport properties of the SOI-based structure. Measurements were carried out on an alternating current with an external magnetic field in a wide temperature range. The influence of the magnetic field was found. We associate this effect with the influence on the surface states located at the interface, this appears as a change of the energy of their levels. This effect is enhanced by the nanoscale of the silicon channel.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1964-1966
pages 1964-1966 views

High Directivity in the Narrow Band of Spherical Dielectric Antennas in GHz and THz Ranges

Storozhenko D., Nepomnyaschiy A., Deev A.


The article presents the results of numerical simulation by the finite element method of a spherical dielectric resonator with a dipole antenna placed inside. The directional properties of this type of antenna in the 2–4 GHz and 0.2–0.35 THz bands are calculated. It is shown that in a narrow band due to high order Mie resonances, the peak directivity of the antenna can reach values of 12.5 dBi with radiation efficiency of 0.9 and a sphere size of the order of 1.2λ. A variant of the antenna for the 0.2–0.35 THz range with its placement on a dielectric substrate is proposed, and the dimensional ratios of the structural elements for the narrowband mode with maximum gain are presented.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1967-1969
pages 1967-1969 views

Monopolar Resistive Switching in Diamond-Like Carbon Films

Rylkov V., Vedeneev A., Luzanov V.


Current–voltage characteristics were studied for Pt/diamond-like C/Pt structures based on thin (20 nm) diamond-like carbon films, when the ratio between carbon phases with sp2 and sp3 hybridization was controlled by the film growth conditions at the high-frequency diode sputtering method. The effects of resistive switching from the initial high-resistive state to a low-resistive state at an applied voltage of V ~ 3 V and reverse switching at V ~ 0 are detected. These effects are symmetric with respect to change in voltage polarity and are associated with the change in the hybridization type of local carbon regions, which causes switching from the high- to low-resistive state in strong (~106 V/cm) fields because of sp3sp2 transitions and reverse switching in the field absence. The high-to-low resistance ratio reaches ~50.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(14):1970-1973
pages 1970-1973 views