Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 53, № 2 (2019)


Indium Arsenide-Based Spontaneous Emission Sources (Review: a Decade Later)

Karandashev S., Matveev B., Remennyi M.


The results of investigations of light-emitting diodes based on heterostructures with an InAs active region grown by liquid phase and metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy over the last decade are reviewed. The near-field pattern, LI and IV characteristics, and quantum efficiency of point-contact and flip-chip light-emitting diodes are analyzed in a wide temperature range.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):139-149
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Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Features of the Properties of Rare-Earth Semiconductors

Kaminski V., Sharenkova N.


It is shown that the unique features of the physical properties of rare-earth semiconductor compounds are based on the small values of the ionization potentials of the rare-earth elements included in them. The reason for this is the presence of 4f shells in the electronic structure of the elements.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):150-152
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Influence of Annealing Temperature on Electrically Active Centers in Silicon Implanted with Germanium Ions

Sobolev N., Aleksandrov O., Sakharov V., Serenkov I., Shek E., Kalyadin A., Parshin E., Melesov N.


The implantation of Czochralski-grown p-type silicon with 1-MeV germanium ions at a dose of 2.5 × 1014 cm–2 does not lead to the amorphization of single-crystal silicon. Under subsequent high-temperature annealing, electrically active acceptor centers are transformed. Their concentration and special distribution depend on the annealing temperature. The possible factors determining how these centers are formed are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):153-155
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Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Dislocation-Related Photoluminescence in Silicon Implanted with Germanium Ions

Sobolev N., Kalyadin A., Sakharov V., Serenkov I., Shek E., Parshin E., Melesov N., Simakin C.


The influence exerted by the conditions of the post-implantation annealing of silicon implanted with germanium ions on how luminescence centers are formed is studied. Measurements by the technique of the Rutherford backscattering of medium- and high-energy ions demonstrates that implantation with 1-MeV germanium ions at a dose of 1.5 × 1014 cm–2 does not lead to the amorphization of single-crystal silicon. It is found that subsequent high-temperature annealing of the implanted samples in a chlorine-containing atmosphere at a temperature of 1100°C for 0.5–1.5 h gives rise to so-called D1 and D2 dislocation-related luminescence lines with wavelengths of 1.54 and 1.42 μm. With increasing annealing duration, the intensity of the D1 line decreases and that of D2 remains constant, but the D1 line dominates in all the spectra. The possible factors responsible for a decrease in the intensity of the D1 line and, in particular, the diffusion of germanium atoms and the formation of a silicon–germanium solid solution are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):156-159
pages 156-159 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Laser Annealing of Thin ITO Films on Flexible Organic Substrates

Parshina L., Novodvorsky O., Khramova O., Lotin A., Khomenko M., Shchur P.


Indium–tin oxide (ITO) thin films on polyethylene-terephthalate film substrates are fabricated at room temperature by reactive magnetron sputtering. The minimum of the resistivity of ITO films formed at room temperature is 4.5 × 10–4 Ω cm. The laser annealing of ITO films from 140 to 600 nm in thickness increases their conductivity from 10 to 24% depending on the energy density to the film and irradiation dose. It is established that the laser annealing of films up to 250 nm in thickness is efficient at an energy density in the range from 12 to 35 mJ/cm2. Films from 390 to 600 nm in thickness should be annealed by laser radiation with an energy density of no lower than 46 mJ/cm2. A model problem taking into account the influence of radiative cooling and heat exchange of the film and the substrate on the variation in the film temperature over time during laser annealing is considered. A one-dimensional thermal conductivity equation for a bilayer medium is used. The maximal stresses in the ITO film under various annealing modes are calculated.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):160-164
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Structural, Optical, and Photosensitive Properties of PbS Films Deposited in the Presence of CaCl2

Maskaeva L., Mostovshchikova E., Markov V., Voronin V.


Polycrystalline lead-sulfide (PbS) films doped with calcium are synthesized on sitall and glass substrates by chemical bath deposition with the use of thiocarbamide and a CaCl2 additive at concentrations of up to 5 mM. Introduction of the CaCl2 additive into the reaction solution greatly prolongs the induction period of the process of synthesis. The thicknesses of the PbS and PbS(Ca) films are, correspondingly, 200 and 150 nm at an average crystallite dimension of ~100 nm. The maximum calcium content in the films is 0.06 at % for layers on sitall substrates and 0.11 at % for layers on glass substrates. Doping with calcium does not influence the crystal structure of lead sulfide (the cubic B1 structure, space group Fm3\(\bar {m}\)) but brings about an increase in the crystal-lattice period from a = 0.59343(2) nm to a = 0.59413(1) nm, an increase in microstrains, and partial ordering of the crystallites forming the film. Upon the introduction of calcium, the band gap decreases from Eg = 0.40 eV at 295 K (0.38 eV at 90 K) to Eg = 0.38 eV (0.37 eV). The introduction of up to 5 mM of CaCl2 into the reaction mixture increases the voltage–power sensitivity of the films by a factor of ~1.7, which is attributed to oxygen-containing compounds formed in the films as a result of the increase in the induction period of the process of synthesis.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):165-171
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Technique for the Formation of Antireflection Coatings Based on ITO Films

Markov L., Pavluchenko A., Smirnova I.


A technique for forming transparent conducting indium-tin-oxide films for applications, which require high current densities, are considered. These films have to combine a good surface conductivity with an increased transmittance of radiation within a wide wavelength range. A two-stage process is designed to fabricate such coatings: at the first stage, a dense indium-tin-oxide film with high electrical conductivity is formed; then, an additional antireflection layer of the same material is deposited. Possible methods for optimizing these additional indium-tin-oxide films obtained by forming nanostructured self-assembled coatings on the surface of dense films are investigated. It is shown that the best light extraction over a wide wavelength range is provided by the composite film-deposition technique, which consists in the deposition of self-assembled nanostructured coatings by electron-beam evaporation on a hot substrate and the further filling of voids by magnetron sputtering at room temperature. Since the optical properties of the obtained antireflection coatings depend on the mass ratio of materials deposited at each stage, the technique makes it possible to optimize the film properties on the basis of problems specified by the area of their application. Computer simulation of the behavior of the material distribution in the structure of the studied coatings confirms the ability of the method of combined film deposition to form the smoothest character of the change in the effective refractive index of the coating structure, which leads to the most efficient extraction of optical-range light.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):172-179
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Photoelectric Properties of GaN Layers Grown by Plasma-Assisted Molecular-Beam Epitaxy on Si(111) Substrates and SiC/Si(111) Epitaxial Layers

Kukushkin S., Mizerov A., Grashchenko A., Osipov A., Nikitina E., Timoshnev S., Bouravlev A., Sobolev M.


The photoelectric properties of GaN/SiC/Si(111) and GaN/Si(111) heterostructures grown by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy under the same growth conditions on identical silicon substrates, but with different buffer layers, are experimentally investigated. The GaN/SiC/Si(111) structure is formed on a Si substrate with the SiC buffer layer grown by a new atom-substitution technique and the GaN/Si(111) structure, on a Si substrate subjected to pre-epitaxial plasma nitridation. The significant effect of carbon-vacancy clusters contained in the SiC layer on the growth of the GaN layer and its optical and photoelectric properties is found. It is experimentally established that the GaN/SiC/Si(111) heterostructure has a higher photosensitivity than the GaN/Si(111) heterostructure. In the GaN/SiC/Si(111) heterostructure, the coexistence of two oppositely directed pn junctions is observed. One pn junction forms at the SiC/Si interface and the other, at the GaN/SiC interface. It is shown that the occurrence of an electric barrier in the GaN/Si(111) heterostructure at the GaN/Si(111) heterointerface is caused by the formation of a thin silicon-nitride transition layer during pre-epitaxial plasma nitridation of the Si(111) substrate.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):180-187
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Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Electronic Excitation Energy Transfer in an Array of CdS Quantum Dots on a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Surface

Bondar N., Brodyn M., Matveevskaya N., Beynik T.


The optical spectra of films composed of spherical silicon-dioxide particles coated with small-radius CdS quantum dots are recorded and analyzed. Large shifts of the absorption and photoluminescence bands are detected and studied in relation to the concentration of quantum dots and to the pumping density and wavelength. Analysis of the experimental data shows that the effects are due to electronic excitation energy transfer by particles through the mechanism of tunneling induced by a strong interaction between quantum dots. The results obtained at low pumping densities and different excitation wavelengths make it possible to describe the size distribution of CdS quantum dots. This distribution can be adequately approximated with a Gaussian function.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):188-194
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Plasmon Enhancement of the Electric Field in Mid-Infrared Ge/Si Quantum-Dot Photodetectors with Different Thicknesses of the Active Region

Bloshkin A., Yakimov A., Dvurechenskii A.


The spatial distribution of the electric field in Ge/Si photodetector heterostructures coated with a gold film containing a regular two-dimensional array of subwavelength apertures is calculated by the finite-element method. The array period and aperture diameter are 1.2 and 0.7 μm, respectively. The efficiency of field enhancement is determined for different thicknesses of the active region occupied by quantum dots. It is demonstrated that the field-enhancement factor for an electromagnetic wave incident on the structure from the side of the substrate is ~3.5 times larger than that for a wave incident from the opposite side. In the first case, the field-enhancement factor varies nonmonotonically with the thickness of the active region.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):195-199
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Lateral Mode Discrimination in Edge-Emitting Lasers with Spatially Modulated Facet Reflectance

Gordeev N., Payusov A., Mukhin I., Serin A., Kulagina M., Guseva Y., Shernyakov Y., Zadiranov Y., Maximov M.


A post-growth technique aimed at spatial modification of facet reflectance of edge-emitting diode lasers has been proposed. It is based on the deposition of an anti-reflection coating and subsequent precise etching with a focused ion beam. The technique allowed suppressing of high-order lateral modes in 10 μm stripe lasers based on ten layers of InAs/InGaAs quantum dots.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):200-204
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Silicon Nanopillar Microarrays: Formation and Resonance Reflection of Light

Basalaeva L., Nastaushev Y., Dultsev F., Kryzhanovskaya N., Moiseev E.


Abstract—The results of investigating the spectral characteristics of reflection from silicon nanopillar (Si NP) microarrays in the wavelength region from 400 to 1100 nm are presented. The Si nanopillars are formed by electron lithography on a negative resist with subsequent reactive ion etching. The Si nanopillars are etched through a resist mask and SiO2 100 nm thick. In the spectra of reflection from nanopillar microarrays, minima are observed, the position of which depends strongly on the Si nanopillar diameter.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):205-209
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Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Influence of Electric Field on the Activation Energy of Local Levels in Semiconductors with Layered (GaSe) and Cubic (Ga2Se3) Structures

Pashayev A., Tagiyev B., Tagiyev O., Majidova V., Sadikhov I.


The results of measuring the electrical conductivity of layered crystals (GaSe, GaTe, and their solid solutions) and cubic crystals (Ga2Se3) in strong electric fields (up to 5 × 105 V/cm) in the temperature range of 77–300 K are presented. These results are compared with predictions of the phenomenological theory of concentration instability in semiconductors. This theory considers the role of the Frenkel effect, which is related to the thermionic ionization of traps causing instability in semiconductors with an S-shaped current–voltage (IV) characteristic. Based on the results of measuring the electrical conductivity of layered and cubic crystals exhibiting the Frenkel effect and described by the theory of current instability in semiconductors, the free-carrier concentration in the aforementioned types of chalcogenide semiconductors is estimated to be n = (3 × 1013–4 × 1015) cm–3.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):210-214
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Effect of Praseodymium and Lanthanum Substitution for Bismuth on the Thermoelectric Properties of BiCuSeO Oxyselenides

Novitskii A., Serhiienko I., Novikov S., Kuskov K., Leybo D., Pankratova D., Burkov A., Khovaylo V.


The  results  of  investigating  the  thermoelectric  properties of the bulk р-type oxyselenides Bi1 –xPrxCuSeO (x = 0, 0.04, 0.08) and Bi0.96La0.04CuSeO obtained by the solid-state reaction technique are presented. The temperature dependences of the thermopower, electrical resistivity, and thermal conductivity are measured at temperatures from room temperature to 800 K. Over the whole temperature range, a decrease in the electrical resistivity and thermopower is observed with increasing substitution level, while the thermal conductivity is almost unaffected by the substitution of rare-earth elements for bismuth. Despite the nominal valence of Bi, La, and Pr being the same, the replacement of bismuth by rare-earth ions leads to an increase in the charge-carrier concentration, which may be caused by a difference in the electronic configurations of ions, resulting in a shift of the Fermi level to the valence band.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):215-219
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Thermoresistive Semiconductor SiC/Si Composite Material

Brantov S., Yakimov E.


A new method for growing a layer of self-bonded silicon-carbide crystallites on the surface of a flexible carbon foil with subsequent impregnation of the formed structures by silicon melt is developed. Thermistors for a temperature range of 900–1450 K with s thermal sensitivity attaining 11 350 K able to be used in air are fabricated based on this composite material. The structural and electrophysical characteristics of the mentioned material are investigated.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):220-223
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Optical Properties of Polyethylene Filled with Bi2Te3 Nanocrystallites

Gamzayeva A., Alizade E., Mamedov N., Abdullayev N., Amiraslanov I., Aliyeva Y., Akhmedova K., Azhdarov G., Kahramanov K., Nemov S.


Composite mixtures with various component concentrations are fabricated by the thermal pressing of low-density polyethylene and Bi2Te3 in the powder-like state with a nanocrystal size of ~50 nm. These samples preliminarily characterized by X-ray diffractometry and Raman spectroscopy are investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry in a photon energy range of 1–6 eV. The dielectric functions for composites with a nominal Bi2Te3 weight concentration of 5, 10, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70% are calculated based on the measured optical constants of polyethylene and the Bi2Te3 crystal in the approximation of the Bruggeman effective medium. The analysis of depolarization features of reflected light makes it possible to establish the actual inhomogeneity of the composite samples under study caused by the clusterization of nanocrystallites with an increase in the Bi2Te3 weight concentration in polyethylene and propose the most reliable optical model of the formed composites.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):224-228
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Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Features of MIS Structures with Samarium Fluoride on Silicon and Germanium Substrates

Shalimova M., Sachuk N.


The electrophysical characteristics of silicon and germanium MIS structures with an SmF3 insulator film, as well as their degradation due to the effect of electric fields, although similar, have a number of specific features. The current-transmission mechanism in all studied structures is described by the power dependence. Interface traps form the charge of electrically active traps, which varies during capacitance–voltage measurements, and the charge of inactive traps, which remains invariable. This charge is negative on the n-Ge surface, and the corresponding charge on the n-type and p-type silicon surface is positive. The trap charge density in the bulk of samarium fluoride lies in the range from –0.2 × 10–8 to 0.6 × 10–8 C/cm2 and is negligibly small when compared with the charge of interface traps in most cases.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):229-233
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Effect of the Hydrogen Concentration on the Pd/n-InP Schottky Diode Photocurrent

Grebenshchikova E., Sidorov V., Shutaev V., Yakovlev Y.


The variation rate of the short-circuit photocurrent of Pd/n-InP Schottky diodes is studied as a function of the presence of hydrogen in a gas mixture with H2 concentrations of 1–100 vol %. It is shown that upon the simultaneous exposure of the Schottky diode to a hydrogen-containing gas mixture and to light (λ = 0.9 μm), the hydrogen concentration in the gas mixture and the Pd/n-InP diode photocurrent variation rate are related exponentially. The Schottky-diode response rate to the presence of hydrogen in the gas mixture increases with the illumination intensity.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):234-236
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Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Low-Temperature Ta/Al-Based Ohmic Contacts to AlGaN/GaN Heteroepitaxial Structures on Silicon Wafers

Erofeev E., Fedin I., Fedina V., Fazleev A.


The formation features of a low-temperature Ta/Al-based ohmic contact to Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN heteroepitaxial structures on silicon substrates are studied. The fabricated ohmic contacts based on Ta/Al/Ti (10/300/20 nm) compositions have a low contact resistance (0.4 Ω mm) and smooth surface morphology of the contact area and its edge after 60-s annealing at T = 550°C in a nitrogen atmosphere.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):237-240
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Anodic Oxidation of Hydrogen-Transferred Silicon-on-Insulator Layers

Tyschenko I., Popov I., Spesivtsev E.


The anodic oxidation rate of silicon-on-insulator films fabricated by hydrogen transfer is studied as a function of the temperature of subsequent annealing. It is established that the oxidation rate of transferred silicon-on-insulator films is five times lower compared to the oxidation rate of bulk single-crystal silicon samples. The oxidation rate increases, as the annealing temperature is elevated in the range 700–1100°C and as the depth of gradually removed anode-oxidized layers is increased. The results obtained in the study are attributed to an increase in the efficiencies of the anodic current and oxygen–silicon interatomic interaction due to the annealing of defects and due to release of hydrogen from the bound state, respectively. The formation of hydrogen bubbles in the surface region of silicon due to the diffusion of hydrogen, released in the process of the oxidation reaction, towards micropores in the silicon-on-insulator layer is detected.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):241-245
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Electrical and Photoluminescence Studies of {LT-GaAs/GaAs:Si} Superlattices Grown by MBE on (100)- and (111)A-Oriented GaAs Substrates

Galiev G., Klimov E., Klochkov A., Kopylov V., Pushkarev S.


The results of studying semiconductor structures proposed for the first time and grown, which combine the properties of LT-GaAs with p-type conductivity upon doping with Si, are presented. The structures are {LT-GaAs/GaAs:Si} superlattices, in which the LT-GaAs layers are grown at a low temperature (in the range 280–350°C) and the GaAs:Si layers at a higher temperature (470°C). The p-type conductivity upon doping with Si is provided by the use of GaAs(111)A substrates and the choice of the growth temperature and the ratio between As4 and Ga fluxes. The hole concentration steadily decreases, as the growth temperature of LT-GaAs layers is lowered from 350 to 280°C, which is attributed to an increase in the roughness of interfaces between layers and to the formation of regions depleted of charge carriers at the interfaces between the GaAs:Si and LT-GaAS layers. The evolution of the photoluminescence spectra at 77 K under variations in the growth temperature of LT-GaAs is interpreted as a result of changes in the concentration of GaAs and VGa point defects and SiGaVGa, VAs–SiAs, and SiAs–SiGa complexes.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):246-254
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Effect of the Temperature of Photonic Annealing on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Films Synthesized by Dual Magnetron-Assisted Sputtering

Zaitsev S., Vaschilin V., Kolesnik V., Limarenko M., Prokhorenkov D., Evtushenko E.


Zinc-oxide films 1.4 μm in thickness are deposited onto glassy substrates by the dual magnetron-assisted sputtering of zinc targets in an argon and oxygen gas atmosphere. The dependences of the structural and optical characteristics of the ZnO films on the temperature of postdeposition photonic annealing are studied. It is established that an increase in the annealing temperature yields an increase in the degree of crystallinity of the films. Electron microscopy shows that the deposited ZnO coatings are columnar in structure and the microstructure density and crystallite size increase upon annealing. It is found that, at an annealing temperature of 450–650°C, the optical transmittance increases to >90% in the spectral range 400–1100 nm. The experimental results show that the temperature of vacuum photonic annealing has the most profound effect on the final properties of ZnO coatings.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):255-259
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On the Possibility of Manufacturing Strained InAs/GaSb Superlattices by the MOCVD Method

Levin R., Nevedomskyi V., Bazhenov N., Zegrya G., Pushnyi B., Mizerov M.


The first results showing the possibility of manufacturing InAs/GaSb superlattices by the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) method are presented. The possibility of manufacturing heterostructures with an InAs/GaSb strained superlattice with layer thicknesses of 2–4 nm is experimentally demonstrated. The 77-K electroluminescence spectra of the structures show a long-wavelength peak at around 5.0 μm (0.25 eV). This peak is probably associated with the strained superlattice because solid solutions that could form on the basis of composite compounds do not provide this carrier-recombination energy.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):260-263
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Oxide Removal from the InSb Plate Surface to Produce Lateral Spin Valves

Viglin N., Gribov I., Tsvelikhovskaya V., Patrakov E.


The formation conditions of a smooth and oxide-free surface of InSb semiconductor with the purpose of fabricating lateral spin devices based on it are investigated. The dry etching rate by Ar ions of the surface of the crystalline faces (100) of InSb plates as well as a variation in their roughness depending on the power supplied to ion etching devices are investigated. The degree of oxidation of the semiconductor surface exposed to air after ion cleaning and annealing in molecular hydrogen are evaluated. Based on comparison of the efficiency of spin injection in devices formed with semiconductors subjected to various types of treatment, a conclusion is made about the parameters of optimal preparation of the surface of the InSb wafers for the fabrication of lateral spin devices.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):264-267
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Technique for the Electrochemical Capacitance–Voltage Profiling of Heavily Doped Structures with a Sharp Doping Profile

Frolov D., Yakovlev G., Zubkov V.


The specific features of applying electrochemical capacitance–voltage profiling to investigate heavily doped structures with a sharp doping profile are considered. Criteria are presented, and recommendations are given for selection of the optimal measurement parameters, and the necessity of increasing the frequency, at which the capacitance is measured during profiling, is substantiated. The described procedure is considered by the example of profiling p-type silicon structures with ion implantation as well as n-GaAs epitaxial and substrate structures for pHEMT devices.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(2):268-272
pages 268-272 views

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