Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 52, № 4 (2018)


Investigation of the Dielectric Permittivity and Electrical Conductivity of Ce2S3

Zalessky V., Kaminski V., Hirai S., Kubota Y., Sharenkova N.


The rare-earth semiconductor β-Ce2S3 compound samples were synthesized and their dielectric permittivity and electrical conductivity were measured in the temperature range 90–400 K. The energy-band structure has been determined. It is shown that the long-known large electrical parameter spread of semiconductor compounds close in composition to Ce2S3 is explained by the structure of impurity donor levels formed by cerium atoms and ions with different ionization degrees.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):411-413
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Structural, Mechanical and Thermodynamic Properties of Cu2CoXS4 (X = Si, Ge, Sn) Studied by Density Functional Theory

Dong Y., Gao Y.


We have investigated the Structural, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of Cu2CoXS4 (X = Si, Ge, Sn) by using the density functional theory method. In this paper, we used GGA-PBE functional to find the equilibrium structural parameters and to calculate the elastic properties. The Mulliken population analysis indicates the bonds between S atoms and other three atoms in Cu2CoXS4 (X = Si, Ge, Sn) exhibit the feature of covalent bond. Furthermore, the calculated elastic constants prove the mechanical stability of Cu2CoXS4 (X = Si, Ge, Sn) in I\(\bar 4\) 2m structure. The results are given for B/G and AU reveal Cu2CoXS4 (X = Si, Ge, Sn) can behave as a ductile and elastic material. Finally, the heat capacity, thermal expansion, entropy and Debye temperature are also reported at the different pressures (0~50 GPa) and temperatures (0~1000 K).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):414-419
pages 414-419 views

Investigation on High-κ Dielectric for Low Leakage AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMT Device, Using Material Selection Methodologies

Reddy B., Teja K., Kandpal K.


This paper analyzes various high-κ dielectrics for low leakage AlGaN (Aluminium Gallium Nitride)/GaN (Gallium Nitride) MIS-HEMT (Metal Insulator Semiconductor—High Electron Mobility Transistor) device. The investigation is carried out by examining different attributes such as the dielectric constant, conduction band offset, and energy band gap of the dielectric which are crucial for a good dielectric-AlGaN interface. This work also computes the values of band offsets of different dielectrics to AlGaN analytically. The selection of the most promising dielectric is done using three different multi-criteria decision making methods (MCDM) namely the Ashby, VIKOR (VIseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje in Serbian, meaning Multicriteria Optimization and Compromise Solution) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution). All the analyses point to La2O3 as the best gate dielectric for AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMT device.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):420-430
pages 420-430 views

XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Optoelectronics, Optical Properties

THz Stimulated Emission from Simple Superlattice in Positive Differential Conductivity Region

Andronov A., Ikonnikov A., Maremianin K., Pozdnjakova V., Nozdrin Y., Marmalyuk A., Padalitsa A., Ladugin M., Belyakov V., Ladenkov I., Fefelov A.


Narrow band emissions at 2.6–2.8 THz are observed out of liquid helium cooled 1 mm disk chips prepared of a wafer with the very low n type doped weak barrier GaAs–GaAlAs superlattice of 1000 periods. The emissions are at about 8.0–18.0 V pulsed voltage applied to the chips in region of the chips positive DC differential conductivity that guaranties absence of inhomogeneous electric field domains in the chips. The emission frequency bands are estimated with a cyclotron resonance filter; the measurements show that the band width is of about that of the THz quantum cascade laser. By using long voltage pulses the chip heating above 100 K is achieved without substantial change in emission power. We speculate that the emission is super luminescence (amplification) of whispering gallery modes in the chips as a result of inverted Wannier-Stark level transitions under bias. The results are the first world demonstration of THz stimulated emission in a simple superlattice within region of positive DC differential conductivity; they give strong impetus for development of THz and higher frequency sources based on such simple superlattices; the sources should well compete with the THz quantum cascade lasers in particular at elevated temperatures.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):431-435
pages 431-435 views

Magnetooptical Studies and Stimulated Emission in Narrow Gap HgTe/CdHgTe Structures in the Very Long Wavelength Infrared Range

Rumyantsev V., Bovkun L., Kadykov A., Fadeev M., Dubinov A., Aleshkin V., Mikhailov N., Dvoretsky S., Piot B., Orlita M., Potemski M., Teppe F., Morozov S., Gavrilenko V.


We investigate the prospects of HgTe/HgCdTe quantum wells for long-wavelength interband lasers (λ = 15–30 μm). The properties of stimulated emission (SE) and magnetoabsorbtion data of QWs structures with wide-gap HgCdTe dielectric waveguide provide an insight on dominating non-radiative carrier recombination mechanism. It is shown that the carrier heating under intense optical pumping is the main factor limiting the SE wavelength and intensity, since the Auger recombination is greatly enhanced when carriers populate high energy states in the valence band.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):436-441
pages 436-441 views

Experimental Observation of Dyakonov Plasmons in the Mid-Infrared

Takayama O., Dmitriev P., Shkondin E., Yermakov O., Panah M., Golenitskii K., Jensen F., Bogdanov A., Lavrinenko A.


In this work, we report on observation of Dyakonov plasmons at an interface with a hyperbolic metamaterial in the mid-IR. The hyperbolic metamaterial is implemented as a CMOS-compatible high aspect ratio grating structure with aluminium-doped ZnO (AZO) ridges grown by atomic layer deposition in deep trench silicon matrix. The dispersion of Dyakonov plasmons is characterized by the attenuated total reflection method in the Otto configuration. We demonstrate that Dyakonov plasmons propagate in a broad range of directions (a few tens of degrees) in contrast to the classical Dyakonov surface waves (about one tenth of degree). The obtained results provide useful guidelines for practical implementations of structures supporting Dyakonov plasmons in the mid-IR.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):442-446
pages 442-446 views

Optical Properties of AlGaAs/GaAs Resonant Bragg Structure at the Second Quantum State

Chaldyshev V., Kundelev E., Poddubny A., Vasil’ev A., Yagovkina M., Chend Y., Maharjan N., Liu Z., Nakarmi M., Shakya N.


Photoluminescence, optical reflectance and electro-reflectance spectroscopies were employed to study an AlGaAs/GaAs multiple-quantum-well based resonant Bragg structure, which was designed to match optical Bragg resonance with the exciton-polariton resonance at the second quantum state in the GaAs quantum wells. The structure with 60 periods of AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wells was grown on a semi-insulating substrate by molecular beam epitaxy. Broad and enhanced optical and electro-reflectance features were observed when the Bragg resonance was tuned to the second quantum state of the GaAs quantum well excitons manifesting an enhancement of the light-matter interaction under double-resonance conditions. By applying an alternating electric field, we revealed electro-reflectance features related to the x(e2-hh2) and x(e2-hh1) excitons. The excitonic transition x(e2-hh1), which is prohibited at zero electric field, was allowed by a DC bias due to brake of symmetry and increased overlap of the electron and hole wave functions caused by electric field.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):447-451
pages 447-451 views

Purcell Effect in Tamm Plasmon Structures with QD Emitter

Gubaydullin A., Symonds C., Bellessa J., Ivanov K., Kolykhalova E., Sasind M., Pozina G., Kaliteevski M.


We study Tamm plasmon structure based on GaAs/Al0.95GaAs distributed Bragg reflector covered by thin silver layer, with active area formed by InAs quantum dots. We have measured the spectral and angular characteristics of photoluminescence and performed theoretical calculation of the spontaneous emission rate (modal Purcell factor) in the structure by using S-quantization formalism. We show that for Tamm plasmon mode the spontaneous emission can be enhanced by more than an order of magnitude, despite absorption in metallic layer.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):452-457
pages 452-457 views

Localization-Delocalization Transition in Disordered One-Dimensional Exciton-Polariton System

Larionov A., Brichkin A., Höfling S., Kulakovskii V.


The transition from the delocalized to the localized state has been investigated in a quasi-onedimensional exciton-polariton system excited nonresonantly in GaAs-based microcavity wire with disordered potential. The photoexcited polariton condensate has been found to spread along the wire with а velocity exceeding 1 μm/ps. The propagation along the wire is provided by high energy polaritons. The LP localization length decreases with decreasing blue shift of LPs in the excited spot. The polariton condensate returns to the Bose glass state when the blue shift of the LP resonance at the excitation spot decreases below the critical level that depends on the potential disorder.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):458-461
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Hybrid GaAs/AlGaAs Nanowire—Quantum dot System for Single Photon Sources

Cirlin G., Reznik R., Shtrom I., Khrebtov A., Samsonenko Y., Kukushkin S., Kasama T., Akopian N., Leonardo L.


III–V nanowires, or a combination of the nanowires with quantum dots, are promising building blocks for future optoelectronic devices, in particular, single-photon emitters, lasers and photodetectors. In this work we present results of molecular beam epitaxial growth of combined nanostructures containing GaAs quantum dots inside AlGaAs nanowires on a silicon substrate showing a new way to combine quantum devices with Si technology.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):462-464
pages 462-464 views

Plasmon Resonance Induced Photoconductivity in the Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Films with Embedded Au Nanoclusters

Filatov D., Antonov I., Sinutkin D., Liskin D., Gorshkov A., Gorshkov O., Kotomina V., Shenina M., Tikhov S., Korotaeva I.


We report on the investigation of the photoconductivity (PC) in the yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) films with embedded Au nanoclusters (NCs). A peak in the PC spectrum corresponding to the plasmon optical absorption resonance in the Au NCs was observed. The temperature dependence of PC near 300 K obeyed Mott law. In this case, the PC was attributed to the heating of the YSZ matrix due to the plasmon optical absorption in the Au NCs (bolometric effect). Near 77 K, the PC did not depend on temperature and was attributed to plasmon-assisted electron transport between the NCs via the vacancy α-band in YSZ.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):465-467
pages 465-467 views

Resonant Optical Reflection from AsSb–AlGaAs Metamaterials and Structures

Ushanov V., Chaldyshev V., Preobrazhenskiy V., Putyato M., Semyagin B.


The optical reflection in periodic structures based on a semiconductor AlGaAs matrix containing two-dimensional arrays of plasmonic AsSb nanoinclusions was studied. The number of periods was 12 or 24. The spatial period was near 110 nm in both cases. In the experimental optical reflection spectra at normal incidence we observed resonant Bragg diffraction with the main peaks at wavelengths of 757 or 775 nm, depending on the spatial period of the nanostructure. The magnitudes of the resonance peaks reached 19 and 31% for the systems of 12 and 24 AsSb–AlGaAs layers, while the volume fraction of the nanoinclusions was much less than 1%. In the case of light incident at inclined angles, the Bragg-diffraction pattern shifted according to Wulff-Bragg’s law. Numerical calculations of the optical reflection spectra were performed using the transfer-matrix method by taking into account the spatial geometry of the structures and the resonance characteristics of the plasmonic AsSb layers.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):468-472
pages 468-472 views

XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Transport In Heterostructures

Transport in Short-Period GaAs/AlAs Superlattices with Electric Domains

Altukhov I., Dizhur S., Kagan M., Khvalkovskiy N., Paprotskiy S., Vasil’evskii I., Vinichenko A.


Electronic transport in short-period GaAs/AlAs superlattices with resonant cavities was studied at room temperature. The evolution of tunneling current at forward and backward bias sweep was investigated. The step-like decrease in current at some threshold voltage was referred to moving domain formation. The current hysteresis observed in current-voltage characteristics was explained by changes in electrical domain regimes. The series of maxima in the current-voltage characteristics was attributed to resonant tunneling of electrons through several barriers inside the domain. The change of threshold voltage for the domain formation at the change of the cavity parameters explained by the excitation of high-amplitude oscillations in the cavity which demonstrated the possibility to excite oscillations in the THz cavity by dynamical negative resistance of SLs with domains.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):473-477
pages 473-477 views

High Temperature Quantum Kinetic Effects in Silicon Nanosandwiches

Bagraev N., Klyachkin L., Khromov V., Malyarenko A., Mashkov V., Matveev T., Romanov V., Rul’ N., Taranets K.


The negative-U impurity stripes confining the edge channels of semiconductor quantum wells are shown to allow the effective cooling inside in the process of the spin-dependent transport, with the reduction of the electron-electron interaction. The aforesaid promotes also the creation of composite bosons and fermions by the capture of single magnetic flux quanta on the edge channels under the conditions of low sheet density of carriers, thus opening new opportunities for the registration of the high temperature de Haas-van Alphen, 300 K, quantum Hall, 77 K, effects as well as quantum conductance staircase in the silicon sandwich structure.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):478-484
pages 478-484 views

Partial Electron Localization in a Finite-Size Superlattice Placed in an Electric Field

Vlasov K., Pyataev M., Shorokhov A.


Partial electron localization in a finite-size superlattice placed in an electric field is considered. The role of electric field in forming of quasilocalized states is investigated. A quantitative criterion for the degree of partial localization is suggested based on analysis of maximal probability density of finding an electron at a given point. It is found that with increase in the electric field the degree of localization does not increase monotonically. Furthermore, the localization is affected stronger by the amplitude of superlattice potential than by the electric field.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):485-488
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Core-Shell III-Nitride Nanowire Heterostructure: Negative Differential Resistance and Device Application Potential

Mozharov A., Vasiliev A., Bolshakov A., Sapunov G., Fedorov V., Cirlin G., Mukhin I.


In this work we have studied volt-ampere characteristics of single core-shell GaN/InGaN/GaN nanowire. It was experimentally shown that negative differential resistance effect can be obtained in the studied heterostructure. On the base of numerical calculation results the model describing negative differential resistance phenomenon was proposed. We assume this effect to be related with strong localization of current flow inside the nanowire and emergence of Gunn effect in this area.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):489-492
pages 489-492 views

XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Quantum Wells, Quantum Wires, Quantum Dots, and Band Structure

Enhancement of Photoconductivity by Carrier Screening Effect in n-GaSb/InAs/p-GaSb Heterostructure with Single Deep Quantum Well

Danilov L., Mikhailova M., Levin R., Konovalov G., Ivanov E., Andreev I., Pushnyi B., Zegrya G.


n-GaSb/n-InAs/p-GaSb heterostructure with a single InAs QW was grown for the first time by MOVPE. Photocurrent spectra were obtained at reverse bias in the range from 0 to 0.8 V. It was shown that the photocurrent increases nonlinearly. The maximum of differential photoconductivity is archived at low applied voltage up to 0.2 V. This effect was explained by electrostatic screening of electrons localized in QW.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):493-496
pages 493-496 views

Density Control of InP/GaInP Quantum Dots Grown by Metal-Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy

Lebedev D., Kalyuzhnyy N., Mintairov S., Belyaev K., Rakhlin M., Toropov A., Brunkov P., Vlasov A., Merz J., Rouvimov S., Oktyabrsky S., Yakimov M., Mukhin I., Shelaev A., Bykov V., Romanova A., Buryak P., Mintairov A.


We investigated structural and emission properties of self-organized InP/GaInP quantum dots (QD) grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition using an amount of deposited In from 7 to 2 monolayers (ML). In the uncapped samples, using atomic force microscopy (AFM), we observed lateral sizes of 100–200 nm, together with a bimodal height distribution having maxima at ∼5 and ∼15 nm, which we denoted as QDs of type A and B, respectively; and reduction of the density of the type-B dots from 4.4 to 1.6 μm–2. The reduction of the density of B-type dots were observed also using transmission electron microscopy of the capped samples. Using single dot low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy we demonstrated effects of Wigner localization for the electrons accumulated in these dots.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):497-501
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Wigner Localization and Whispering Gallery Modes of Electrons in Quantum Dots

Mintairov A., Merz J., Kapaldo J., Vlasov A., Blundell S.


We used a low temperature near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) to study a formation of Wigner molecules (WMs) in the emission spectra of self-organized InP/GaInP QDs having up to seven electrons. We used a Schottky diode structure for the electrostatic control of the number of the electrons (N) in QD, and we observed the emission of the charged excitons (for N < 3) and of the WMs (for N > 2) in the regime of weak Wigner localization. We show, that a contribution of whispering gallery modes (WGMs) of the electrons and rearrangement of the electrons between the WM and WGM states in the QDs, can explain the anomalous dependence of NSOM image size on the quantum confinement observed for some dots.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):502-506
pages 502-506 views

Self-Consistent Simulation of GaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures Photoluminescence Spectra and Its Application to pHEMT Structures Diagnostics

Mironova M., Zubkov V., Dudin A., Glinskii G.


We performed numerical self-consistent solution of Schrödinger and Poisson equations for GaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs pHEMT structures with quantum well. Based on the results we calculated optical transition matrix elements and photoluminescence spectra of such structures with the same design and different parameters (such as doping level and epitaxial layers width). In the photoluminescence spectra calculations three fitting parameters have been used. These parameters are GaAs/InGaAs valence band offset in strained quantum well, hole quasi Fermi level and inhomogeneous broadening. The PL peaks amplitudes and positions dependencies on the structure parameters were established. These dependencies can be used as the basis for pHEMT structure non-destructive diagnostics.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):507-510
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Red Single-Photon Emission from InAs/AlGaAs Quantum Dots

Rakhlin M., Belyaev K., Klimko G., Mukhin I., Ivanov S., Toropov A.


We report on single-photon emission of InAs/AlGaAs self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy. By varying the growth conditions the QDs luminescence could be tuned over a wide wavelength range from 0.64 to 1 μm, including red part of the visible spectrum. Emission properties of individual QDs are investigated by micro-photoluminescence (μ-PL) spectroscopy using 500-nm-size etched mesa structures. Autocorrelation functions of photons from single QDs, measured in the wide spectral range demonstrate antibunching effect at zero delay time with a value of g(2)(0) ~ 0.17 that is a clear evidence of non-classical light.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):511-513
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Luminescence of ZnMnTe/ZnMgTe Heterostructures with Monolayer Manganese Inclusions in ZnTe Quantum Wells and Its Behavior in a Magnetic Field

Shtrom I., Agekyan V., Serov A., Filosofov N., Akhmadullin R., Krizhkov D., Karczewski G.


Light emission from ZnMnTe/ZnMgTe structures with the quantum wells ZnTe containing monolayer manganese inclusions and quantum wells Zn0.45Mn0.15Te were investigated under the different excitation conditions. The heavy-hole exciton σ+ and σ magnetic components show the unusual behavior concerning their energy shifts and intensities. It is possible to explain the Zeeman splitting of the heavy exciton emission band if the following factors are taken into account. Firstly, ZnMnTe/ZnMgTe quantum well structures are of the type II due to the strains as concerns to the electron and heavy hole. Secondly, the electron and hole magnetic sublevels population is far from equilibrium due to the fast energy transfer from the electron- hole system to the 3d-shells of magnetic ions.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):514-518
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Zeeman Splitting of Electron Spectrum in HgTe Quantum Wells Near the Dirac Point

Germanenko A., Minkov G., Sherstobitov A., Rut O., Dvoretski S., Mikhailov N.


The Zeeman splitting of the conduction band in the HgTe quantum wells both with normal and inverted spectrum has been studied experimentally in a wide electron density range. The simultaneous analysis of the Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations in low magnetic fields at different tilt angles and of the shape of the oscillations in moderate magnetic fields gives a possibility to find the ratio of the Zeeman splitting to the orbital one and anisotropy of g-factor. It is shown that the ratios of the Zeeman splitting to the orbital one are close to each other for both types of structures, with a normal and inverted spectrum and they are close enough to the values calculated within kP method. In contrast, the values of g-factor anisotropy in the structures with normal and inverted spectra are strongly different and for both cases differ significantly from the calculated ones. We assume that such disagreement with calculations is a result of the interface inversion asymmetry in the HgTe quantum well, which is not taken into account in the kP calculations.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):519-522
pages 519-522 views

Floquet Engineering of Gapped 2D Materials

Kibis O., Dini K., Iorsh I., Shelykh I.


It is demonstrated theoretically that the interaction of gapped 2D materials (gapped graphene and transition metal dichalchogenide monolayers) with a strong high-frequency electromagnetic field (dressing field) crucially changes the band structure of the materials. As a consequence, the renormalized band structure of the materials drastically depends on the field polarization. Particularly, a linearly polarized dressing field always decreases band gaps, whereas a circularly polarized field breaks the equivalence of band valleys in different points of the Brillouin zone and can both increase and decrease corresponding band gaps. It is shown also that a dressing field can turn both the band gaps and the spin splitting of the bands into zero. As a result, the dressing field can serve as an effective tool to control spin and valley properties of the materials in various optoelectronic applications.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):523-525
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Is the Edge States Energy Spectrum of a 2D Topological Insulator Linear?

Entin M., Mahmoodian M., Magarill L.


The linearity of the edge states spectrum in a 2D topological insulator, important for various transport phenomena, is studied. Different edge state models are examined. It is found that, in some of them, the linearity is perfect, while, in others, the linearity is approximate.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):526-530
pages 526-530 views

XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Spin Related Phenomena In Nanostructures

Photon Echo from an Ensemble of (In,Ga)As Quantum Dots

Babenko I., Yugova I., Poltavtsev S., Salewski M., Akimov I., Kamp M., Höfling S., Yakovlev D., Bayer M.


Photon echo from trions and excitons in (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots was studied theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical analysis allowed us to distinguish between photon echo signals from excitons and trions measured in the same range of wavelength using different polarization configurations of laser excitation. The theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):531-534
pages 531-534 views

Electronic States and Persistent Currents in Nanowire Quantum Ring

Kokurin I.


A new model of a quantum ring defined inside a nanowire is proposed. The one-particle Hamiltonian for electron in [111]-oriented nanowire quantum ring is constructed taking into account both Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. The energy levels as a function of magnetic field are found using the exact numerical diagonalization. The persistent currents (both charge and spin) are calculated. The specificity of spin-orbit coupling and arising anticrossings in energy spectrum lead to unusual features in persistent current behavior. The variation of magnetic field or carrier concentration by means of gates can lead to pure spin persistent current with the charge current being zero.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):535-538
pages 535-538 views

Quantum Dynamics of a Domain Wall in the Presence of Dephasing

Castelnovo C., Dykman M., Smelyanskiy V., Moessner R., Pryadko L.


We compare quantum dynamics in the presence of Markovian dephasing for a particle hopping on a chain and for an Ising domain wall whose motion leaves behind a string of flipped spins. Exact solutions show that on an infinite chain, the transport responses of the models are nearly identical. However, on finitelength chains, the broadening of discrete spectral lines is much more noticeable in the case of a domain wall.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):539-542
pages 539-542 views

Impact of UV Pulsed Laser Radiation and of the Electron Flow on Dielectric States of Polymer Composite Nanomaterial Based on LDPE Matrix

Ushakov N., Kosobudskii I.


The influence of the soft electron flow and irradiating pulsed UV laser on dielectric states of polymer composite nanomaterial based on LDPE matrix is experimentally studied. It was shown that irradiation of the samples LDPE–ZnO by electron beam (10 keV) for 10–15 minutes gives rise the appearance of the horizontal portion of the temperature dependence of capacitance (permittivity) and to memory effect (slow relaxation of dielectric situation within a few days). Irradiation with pulsed UV laser of the LDPE–CdS sample allows you to switch into a conducting state and return it to their original state upon application of a weak electric field. The observed phenomena may find practical applications for the polymer electronic memories and switching devices.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):543-547
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Photocharging Dynamics in Colloidal CdS Quantum Dots Visualized by Electron Spin Coherence

Yakovlev D., Feng D., Pavlov V., Rodina A., Shornikova E., Mund J., Bayer M.


We use a time-resolved technique with three laser pulses (pump, orientation and probe) to study the photocharging dynamics with picosecond resolution on a long timescale ranging from ps to ms in CdS colloidal quantum dots. The detection is based on measuring the coherent spin dynamics of electrons, allowing us to distinguish the type of carrier in the dot core (electron or hole). We find that although initially negative photocharging happens because of fast hole trapping on surface states, eventually it evolves to positive photocharging due to electron trapping and hole detrapping. The positive photocharging lasts up to hundreds of microseconds at room temperature.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(4):548-550
pages 548-550 views

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