Author Details

Kovalchuk, M.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 61, No 1 (2016) Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiation In situ study of the state of lysozyme molecules at the very early stage of the crystallization process by small-angle X-ray scattering
Vol 61, No 3 (2016) Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations X-ray diffraction and X-ray standing-wave study of the lead stearate film structure
Vol 61, No 5 (2016) Surface and Thin Films Possibilities of surface-sensitive X-ray methods for studying the molecular mechanisms of interaction of nanoparticles with model membranes
Vol 61, No 6 (2016) Reviews Electron microscopy methods in studies of cultural heritage sites
Vol 61, No 6 (2016) Surface and Thin Films Neuromorphic elements and systems as the basis for the physical implementation of artificial intelligence technologies
Vol 61, No 6 (2016) Surface and Thin Films Electron microscopy study of the microstructure of Ni–W substrate surface
Vol 61, No 6 (2016) Nanomaterials and Ceramics Experimental and theoretical study of the transport of silver nanoparticles at their prolonged administration into a mammal organism
Vol 62, No 3 (2017) Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations Small-angle X-ray scattering study of conditions for the formation of growth units of protein crystals in lysozyme solutions
Vol 62, No 4 (2017) Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations Electron microscopy study of an Old Russian (XII century) encolpion cross with black inlay
Vol 62, No 4 (2017) Surface, Thin Films Modification of the Langmuir–Schaefer method for fabrication of ordered protein films
Vol 63, No 3 (2018) Crystallographic Methods in Humanitarian Sciences Interdisciplinary Study of Egyptian Mummies from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Collection at the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”
Vol 63, No 4 (2018) Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations Double-Crystal Rocking Curve Simulation Using 2D Spectral Angular Diagrams of X-Ray Radiation
Vol 63, No 4 (2018) Crystallographic Methods in Humanitarian Sciences Study of Bronze Statues “John the Baptist” and “Dancing Cupid” from the Collections of the Pushkin State Museum
Vol 63, No 6 (2018) Structure of Macromolecular Compounds Study of the Behavior of Lysozyme Oligomers in Solutions by the Molecular Dynamics Method
Vol 64, No 1 (2019) Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations X-ray Diffraction Analysis and Electron Microscopy of the Carbon Fiber Structure
Vol 64, No 1 (2019) Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations Investigation of the Structure of Crystal-Forming Solutions of Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate K(H2PO4) (KDP type) on the Basis of Modeling Precursor Clusters and According to Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Data
Vol 64, No 1 (2019) Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations Study of the Influence of a Precipitant Cation on the Formation of Oligomers in Crystallization Solutions of Lysozyme Protein
Vol 64, No 1 (2019) Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations Experimental Study of Two-Beam X-Ray Diffractometry Using Synchrotron Radiation
Vol 64, No 4 (2019) Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Triple-Crystal High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Scheme in Reciprocal Space Mapping Technique
Vol 64, No 6 (2019) Crystallographic Methods in Humanitarian Sciences Investigation of the Pigments of the Ancient Portrait Terracotta Found in the Kerch Bay

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