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Vol 64, No 1 (2019)

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

X-ray Diffraction Analysis and Electron Microscopy of the Carbon Fiber Structure

Folomeshkin M.S., Pisarevsky Y.V., Prosekov P.A., Volkovsky Y.A., Kumskov A.S., Grigoriev Y.V., Ligacheva E.A., Targonskii A.V., Blagov A.E., Kovalchuk M.V.


A technique for studying the carbon-fiber structure using X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy has been developed. Average crystal-structure parameters are determined for samples of commercial polyacrylonitrile carbon fibers by X-ray diffractometry. Electron microscopy study has confirmed the diffraction data and provided data on the fiber macrostructure. A comparative analysis of the structures and quality of the samples under study has been performed based on the results obtained.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):1-5
pages 1-5 views

Investigation of the Structure of Crystal-Forming Solutions of Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate K(H2PO4) (KDP type) on the Basis of Modeling Precursor Clusters and According to Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Data

Kovalchuk M.V., Alekseeva O.A., Blagov A.E., Ilyushin G.D., Il’ina K.B., Konarev P.V., Lomonov V.A., Pisarevsky Y.V., Peters G.S.


The potassium dihydrogen phosphate K(H2PO4) (KDP) cluster structures formed in aqueous solutions have been theoretically and experimentally investigated. Cluster modeling of the self-assembly of supramolecular KDP structures is performed, and oligomer clusters (dimers, tetramers, and octamers) are determined. Oligomer clusters are found for the first time in saturated KDP aqueous solutions in the temperature range of 5–80°С by small-angle X-ray scattering; their oligomeric composition is quantitatively estimated. It is shown that potassium dihydrogen phosphate exists in the form of dimers in a supersaturated solution in a wide temperature range, and only sharp cooling leads to the occurrence of other clusters: first tetramers and then octamers; the latter are presumably primary chains of the KDP crystal structure. The distance between tetramer centers corresponds to the translation period c = 6.906 Å.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):6-10
pages 6-10 views

Study of the Influence of a Precipitant Cation on the Formation of Oligomers in Crystallization Solutions of Lysozyme Protein

Dyakova Y.A., Boikova A.S., Ilina K.B., Konarev P.V., Marchenkova M.A., Pisarevsky Y.V., Timofeev V.I., Kovalchuk M.V.


The influence of the precipitant cation type in a series of chlorides (NaCl, KCl, LiCl, NiCl2, CuCl2, CoCl2) on the structure of lysozyme solutions has been investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) under the conditions favorable for tetragonal crystal growth. The influence of the precipitant concentration on the volume fraction of the oligomers (dimers, octamers) formed before the protein crystallization has been studied. Along with monomers, significant amount of dimers (3.5–13.1%) and octamers (1.7–3.6%) is found in the lysozyme solutions when adding a precipitant. The volume fractions of all oligomers increase with an increase in the precipitant concentration and with a decrease in temperature. In the series of monovalent and divalent ions, the octamer volume fraction increases as K+ – Na+ – Li+ and Cu2+ – Ni2+ – Co2+, respectively.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):11-15
pages 11-15 views

Theory of Two-Beam X-Ray Diffractometry Method Using Synchrotron Radiation

Kohn V.G.


An accurate theory of the new method of two-beam X-ray diffractometry using synchrotron radiation has been developed. In this method, a beam from the source is reflected from two monochromator crystals without changing direction and then is collimated by a slit with a relatively small size. A diffraction reflection curve (DRC) is obtained by recording the integrated intensity during crystal sample rotation near the Bragg angle for a certain energy, specified by the monochromator. The theory accurately takes into account the influence of the source sizes, the distances, and the slit size on the formation of experimental DRC. It is shown that a practically intrinsic DRC of crystal sample can be obtained even for symmetric reflections from the monochromator crystals and crystal sample if the Bragg angle in the monochromator crystals exceeds the Bragg angle in the crystal sample by a factor of 2 or more. The slit size should to be optimized to exclude its influence on the DRC.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):16-23
pages 16-23 views

Experimental Study of Two-Beam X-Ray Diffractometry Using Synchrotron Radiation

Kohn V.G., Prosekov P.A., Seregin A.Y., Kulikov A.G., Pisarevsky Y.V., Blagov A.E., Kovalchuk M.V.


A new scheme of two-beam X-ray diffractometry on the “X-Ray Crystallography and Physical Materials Science” (XCPM) beamline at the Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source (KSRS) has been experimentally investigated. The scheme includes a standard double-crystal monochromator and a narrow slit installed in front of the sample. Measurements have been performed for the Si 111 and 311 reflections in the monochromator and the Si 111 and 220 reflections in the sample crystal. It is shown that this scheme allows one to obtain a near-proper diffraction reflection curve even in the case of symmetric diffraction if the Bragg angle for the monochromator exceeds the Bragg angle for the crystal sample by a factor of 2 or more. The experimental results coincide well with the theory.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):24-29
pages 24-29 views

Theory of Crystal Structures

Skeletal Sublattices of Heavy Components As a Basis of Stability of Crystal Structures

Borisov S.V., Magarill S.A., Pervukhina N.V.


A crystallographic structural analysis of low- and high-temperature phases of BaSi2O5 and Na3SO4F compounds has been carried out in order to confirm the thesis that the stability of natural-abundant structural types is mainly determined by the configuration of the heaviest components. The geometry of cation (skeletal) sublattices is presented; it is shown that they play a key role in the formation of structures and are relatively stable at temperature phase transitions.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Real Structure of Crystals

Investigation of the Intrinsic Defects of LiTaO3 Crystals by NMR Spectroscopy

Yatsenko A.V., Palatnikov M.N., Sidorov N.V.


The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of 7Li and 6Li nuclei in a LiTaO3 single crystal sample of congruent composition has been experimentally investigated. It is found that there are weak side lines in the NMR spectra of 7Li nuclei, which have not been observed before; these lines are due to cation sublattice defects. A computer simulation of NMR spectra has revealed the most likely configuration of \(({\text{Ta}}_{{{\text{Li}}}}^{{{\text{5}} + }} + {\text{4}}{{V}_{{{\text{Li}}}}})\) defect complexes that are present in nonstoichiometric LiTaO3 crystals.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):36-40
pages 36-40 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Nanostructured Crystals of Fluorite Phases Sr1 – xRxF2 + x (R Are Rare-Earth Elements) and Their Ordering. 13: Crystal Structure of SrF2 and Concentration Dependence of the Defect Structure of Nonstoichiometric Phase Sr1 – xLaxF2 + x As Grown (x = 0.11, 0.20, 0.32, 0.37, 0.47)

Sulyanova E.A., Bolotina N.B., Kalukanov A.I., Sorokin N.I., Karimov D.N., Verin I.A., Sobolev B.P.


The defect structure of as-grown SrF2 and nonstoichiometric phases Sr1 – xLaxF2 + x (x = 0.11, 0.20, 0.32, 0.37, 0.47) single crystals, grown from a melt under identical conditions, has been studied by X-ray diffraction analysis. All crystals belong to the CaF2-type structure, sp. gr. \(Fm\bar {3}m\). Deficit of fluorine anions is found in the 8c site in SrF2. Interstitial anions are not visualized in SrF2 in difference electron-density maps. The Sr1 – xLaxF2 + x phases exhibit the presence of vacancies in the main anion motif and interstitial fluorine ions of three types: in two sites 32f (w, w, w) with different coordinates w and in one site 4b. A model of the defect structure of Sr1 – xLaxF2 + x phase is proposed, according to which interstitial fluorine ions and impurity cations La3+ are grouped into clusters of the [Sr1 – nLanF26] tetrahedral configuration. Calculations based on structural data revealed that the average number of La3+ ions per cluster linearly increases from 2.6 to 3.13 with an increase in the LaF3 concentration. The average crystal volume corresponding to one cluster decreases from 1170.6(3) to 336.1(5) Å3. The volume of the anion cluster core decreases from 2.52(7) to 2.42(7) Å3, passing through a minimum in the composition with x = 0.32, which is similar to that of congruently melting phase, and then increases to 2.44(9) Å3 at х = 0.47. Dynamic thermal displacement of matrix anions in Sr1 – xLaxF2 + x is observed in the [111] direction towards the cubic void center in the anion sublattice. Therefore, according to the mechanism of electrical conductivity, anion jumps are most likely in this direction.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):41-50
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Growth, Properties, and Structure of Cadmium Sulfamate Cd(NH2SO3)2 · 2H2O

Timakov I.S., Komornikov V.A., Grebenev V.V., Tsygankova M.V., Lisakova E.I., Andreev P.V., Semikov D.A.


The temperature dependence of the solubility of Cd(NH2SO3)2 compound in the range from 25 to 80°C has been determined. It is found that Cd(NH2SO3)2 · 2H2O and Cd(NH2SO3)2 are crystallized from aqueous solution below and above 40°C, respectively. Cd(NH2SO3)2 · 2H2O single crystals are obtained, their structure is solved, and some physicochemical properties are investigated.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):51-56
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Single-Crystal Synthesis and Structures of Rb-Boroleucite Rb(BSi2)O6 and Boropollucite Cs(BSi2)O6 at 293 and 120 K

Eremina T.A., Belokoneva E.L., Dimitrova O.V., Volkov A.S.


The structures of Rb-boroleucite Rb1.0(B0.333Si0.667)3O6 and boropollucite Cs0.87(B0.290Si0.710)3O6 were studied using single crystals, which were prepared under hydrothermal conditions. In the zeolite-like framework structures, Rb and Cs atoms are located in large window cavities formed by four, six, and eight tetrahedra. The B and Si atom randomly occupy general positions. Cubic space groups of both phases (acentric sp. gr. I\(\bar {4}\)3d for Rb and centrosymmetric holohedral sp. gr. Ia\(\bar {3}\)d for Cs) remain unchanged at room temperature and down to 120 K. Rubidium boroleucite has a stoichiometric formula. Boropollucite is characterized by a deviation from the stoichiometric composition, which is manifested in the predominance of Si atoms in tetrahedra and the defect occupation of the Cs site. The size of alkali metal cations plays a crucial role in the existence of a particular modification, which is consistent with earlier results.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Crystal Structure of New Compound of Platinum: PtLa6(La9,Sr3)(Pt0.9Сu0.1)4O42

Kashaev A.A., Zel’bst E.A., Fundamensky V.S.


The crystal structure of new oxide PtLa6(La9Sr3)(Pt0.9Сu0.1)4O42 is a three-dimensional framework, formed by chains of regular octahedra Pt1 and nine-vertex polyhedra La1, extended along coordinate axes. The framework is filled with regular oxygen octahedral, containing Pt2 atoms (Pt0.9Сu0.1) inside, and ten-vertex polyhedra La2 (La,Sr), located along diagonals. The Pt1О6 octahedron shares vertices with only La1 polyhedra, while the other polyhedra share edges and faces. A framework of similar type was established in the LiFeLaO compound, which differs significantly by the composition and structure of chains of FeО6 octahedra and La1 polyhedra. Previously similar chains of polyhedra and octahedra were found in Cu(La,Sr)2O4 and (Cu,Pt)(La,Sr)2O4 chain structures.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):63-66
pages 63-66 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Synthesis and Crystal Structures of 5-Bromo-3-Methoxysalicylidene-2-Furfurylimine (HL5) and 3-Nitrosalicylidene-2-Furfurylimine (HL6)

Sergienko V.S., Abramenko V.L., Gorbunova Y.E.


5-Bromo-3-methoxysalicylidene-2-furfurylamine (HL5) and 3-nitrosalicylidene-2-furfurylamine (HL6) were synthesized and studied by X-ray diffraction. Both structures are stabilized by strong intramolecular N1–H1···O2 hydrogen bonds. Both molecules exist as zwitterions. The structure of the HL6 molecule has a contribution of the tautomeric quinoid form.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):67-70
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Mesophase-Preceding Crystal Packing of 4,4'-Dialkyl-Substituted Salicylideneanilines; C10H21O–C6H3(OH)–CH=N–C6H4–С7Н13) Structure

Kuz’mina L.G., Navasardyan M.A., Bezzubov S.I.


The crystal structure of 4,4'-substituted salicylideneaniline C10H21O–C6H3(OH)–CH=N–C6H4–C7H13 has been investigated by X-ray diffraction. A high degree of disorder of both alkyl chains is revealed. The crystal packing consists of alternating loose aliphatic and closely packed aromatic regions. Weak directional interactions of the С–Н···π type are found in aromatic regions. Specific features of the mesogenic compound crystal packing preceding the mesophase, melting of these compounds, and the formation of mesophase upon isotropic melt cooling are discussed based on the X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry data.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):71-75
pages 71-75 views

Crystal Structure of Potentially Mesomorphic 4-Nonyloxyphenyl-4'-Metacryloyloxy-Benzoate CH2=C(CH3)–COO–C6H4–COO–C6H4–O–С9Н19

Kuz’mina L.G., Navasardyan M.A., Konstantinov I.I.


The crystal structure of 4,4'-substituted phenyl benzoate CH2=C(CH3)–COO–C6H4–COO–C6H4–O–С9Н19 has been investigated by X-ray diffraction. The crystal packing of this compound consists of alternating loose aliphatic and closely packed aromatic regions, which are typical of mesogenic crystals. However, weak directional interactions, responsible for the formation of structured melt, are absent in aromatic regions. Therefore, this compound does not exhibit mesomorphic properties both during melting and upon cooling the isotropic melt.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):76-79
pages 76-79 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

On DNA Motions under Action of Enzymes of Different Types. II

Pikin S.A., Pikina E.S.


In the first part of the work, it was shown how the structure and functioning of enzymes can be described within the formalism of generalized forces and currents. The driving forces in II-type enzymes and DNA translocation in helicases are considered in the second part.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):80-85
pages 80-85 views

Morphology of Composite Films Based on Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) with Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles

Timaeva O.I., Orekhov A.S., Kuz’micheva G.M., Klechkovskaya V.V., Chihacheva I.P.


PVCL25 and PVCL40 films have been synthesized by poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) (PVCL) aqueous solution flow coating and complete desiccation below (∼32–34°С) and above (40°С) the coil–globule phase transition temperature (ТPT) and (Hombifine N/PVCL)25 and (Hombifine N/PVCL)40 nanocomposite films added with Hombifine N (nanoanatase) have been obtained. The films are studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. The differences between the compositions and structural characteristics of the PVCL25 and PVCL40 films and (Hombifine N/PVCL)25 and (Hombifine N/PVCL)40 nanocomposites are found. It is established that the (Hombifine N/PVCL)40 nanocomposite film desiccated at Т > ТPT contains PVCL globules, inside which nanoanatase associates with ОН groups are located on the nanoparticle surface. These assocoiates are bound with water molecules in PVCL by hydrogen bonds, which makes the (Hombifine N/PVCL)40 nanocomposite a unique material with physicochemical properties differing from those of (Hombifine N/PVCL)25 nanocomposite.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):86-93
pages 86-93 views

Modeling of Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate Synthetase from Thermus Thermophilus in Complex with ATP and Ribose 5-Phosphate

Podshivalov D.D., Sidorov-Biryukov D.D., Timofeev V.I., Litunov A.A., Kostromina M.A., Sinitsyna K.V., Muravieva T.I., Kuranova I.P., Esipov R.S.


The positions of the substrates (ATP and ribose 5 phosphate) of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase from Thermus thermophilus were determined by molecular dynamics simulations. The simulation brought the system to an equilibrium state, with the binding poses of the ligands in the active site being stable. Based on the results of simulation of the complex, the environment of the substrates was analyzed and the amino-acid residues of the enzyme that form polar interactions with the substrates were identified. Candidate sites for mutagenesis, which can be mutated in order to broaden the substrate specificity toward ribose 5-phosphate, are proposed.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):94-97
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Molecular Dynamics Study of Thymidine Phosphorylase from E. coli in the Apo Form and in Complexes with Substrates

Sidorov-Biryukov D.D., Podshivalov D.D., Timofeev V.I., Zhukhlistova N.E., Kuranova I.P.


Models of E. coli thymidine phosphorylase in complexes with the substrates — the complex with phosphate and the complex with phosphate and thymidine — were obtained by molecular docking calculations. The influence of the substrates on domain movements in the dimeric thymidine phosphorylase molecule was probed by molecular dynamics simulations. The two subunits were shown to function asynchronously. In the thymidine phosphorylase/phosphate and thymidine phosphorylase/phosphate/thymidine complexes, phosphate is more weakly bound in the active site and moves away from the phosphate-binding site during the 60-ns trajectory, whereas thymidine remains in the active site but undergoes conformational changes.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):98-104
pages 98-104 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Effect of Heat Treatment in a СF4 Atmosphere on the Ion-Conductive Properties of Hot-Pressed 95 mol % CeF3 × 5 mol % SrF2 Ceramics

Sorokin N.I., Karimov D.N., Smirnov A.N., Sobolev B.P.


X-ray and electrophysical investigations of ceramics with a charge composition 95 mol % CeF3 × 5 mol % SrF2 synthesized by hot pressing of CeF3 and SrF2 powders (300 MPa, 900°С, 20 min) in vacuum and the same ceramics annealed in a fluorinating atmosphere (CF4, 1000°С, 180 min) have been carried out. The initial two-phase ceramics consists of the tysonite phase (a = 7.130(1) Å, c = 7.295(1) Å) and up to 2 wt % of fluorite impurity phase (a = 5.77(1) Å). The ionic conductivity of the initial ceramics is σdc = 2.8 × 10–4 S/cm at room temperature. Heat treatment of the ceramics in a fluorinating atmosphere eliminates the fluorite phase. After the annealing, the ceramics becomes single-phase and turns to the Ce1 − ySryF3 − y tysonite solid solution. The σdc value of the annealed ceramics with the nominal composition Ce0.95Sr0.05F2.95 increases by a factor of ∼1.5 and coincides with the σdc value for a single crystal of the same composition.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):105-109
pages 105-109 views

Ionic Conductivity of AgBaSc(VO4)2 Crystals with Glaserite-Type Structure

Sorokin N.I.


The electrical conductivity σdc of AgBaSc(VO4)2 vanadate crystals with glaserite structure (K3Na(SO4)2 type, sp. gr. P\(\bar {3}\)m1) has been investigated by impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range of 5–5 × 105 Hz and at temperatures from 505 to 835 K. A jump in the σdc value by a factor of ~2.5 is observed at 700–725 K in the σdc(T) curve, which indicates the existence of a first-order phase transition. The temperature range of the σdc jump coincides with that of the endothermic effect observed in AgBaSc(VO4)2 at ~723 K. The σdc value at 835 K is 7 × 10–5 S/cm. The electrical conductivity mechanism is related to the Ag+ ion transport in the AgBaSc(VO4)2 lattice.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):110-112
pages 110-112 views

Influence of Annealing in Zinc Vapor on the Microstructure and Activator Radiation of ZnSe : Fe

Kalinushkin V.P., Klechkovskaya V.V., Klevkov Y.V., Chukichev M.V., Rezvanov R.R., Ilichev N.N., Orekhov A.S., Uvarov O.V., Mironov S.A., Gladilin A.A., Chapnin V.A.


The effect of thermal treatment in zinc vapor on the stoichiometry, defect and impurity structure, and activator cathodoluminescence of ZnSe doped with iron by the thermal diffusion method has been studied. Using a variety of measurement methods, it is found that, on the one hand, the separate regions in which the edge luminescence intensity drops become larger. On the other hand, the stoichiometry is improved and the integrated luminescence intensity, as well as the activator luminescence intensity, increase. The data obtained agree with the general approach to the mechanism of the influence of thermal treatment on the properties of doped ZnSe.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):113-118
pages 113-118 views

Surface and Thin Films

Synthesis of the Autocorrelation Function for Solving the Thin Film Reflectometry Inverse Problem

Astaf’ev S.B., Yanusova L.G.


A method is proposed to estimate (using the autocorrelation function (ACF)) the thickness of layers determining the electron density profile of a thin film. The method does not require additional conditions and is applicable to an arbitrary reflectivity curve. It is based on the ACF synthesis by a superposition of Gaussians, whose parameters are related to the characteristics of the film layers and interfaces. The potential of this method is demonstrated by a number of model examples.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):119-121
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Structural Features of Steel 35 after Quenching by Deforming Cutting

Degtyareva A.G., Zhigalina O.M., Khmelenin D.N., Simonov V.N.


The structure of steel 35 after high-speed quenching by deforming cutting has been investigated. The phase composition and structural features of the hardened surface layer, consisting of regions (edges) with a similar periodic inhomogeneity, are established. A martensite-like structure of different degree of dispersivity (1–3 µm) is found to be localized in the vicinity of the cutter. A ferrite structure with a grain size of 1.0–1.5 µm dominates in the zone located far from the cutter effect. The revealed periodic structural inhomogeneity is due to the nonuniform temperature distribution during deforming cutting. Partial dissolution and a change in the shape and sizes of cementite plates in the α-Fe matrix as a result of plastic deformation are revealed by electron microscopy.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):122-127
pages 122-127 views

Nanomaterials and Ceramics

Magnetite Nanoparticles in Hybrid Micelles of Polylactide-block-polyethylene Oxide and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate in Water

Loginova T.P., Istratov V.V., Shtykova E.V., Vasnev V.A., Matyushin A.A., Shchetinin I.V., Oleinichenko E.A., Talanova V.N.


Magnetite nanoparticles have been obtained in hybrid micelles of polylactide-block-polyethylene oxide (PL-b-PEO) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in a one-stage process. Dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering data show that hybrid micelles form micellar associates, and the size of magnetite nanoparticles in hybrid micelles of the block-copolymer varies from 0.5 to 10 nm. The specific magnetization of solid samples has been measured.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):128-133
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A Universal Method for Self-Assembly of 2D Nanomaterials for Photovoltaic Structures

Aslanov L.A., Zakharov V.N., Paseshnichenko K.A., Tyablikov I.A., Yatsenko A.V.


A universal method for self-assembly of 2D nanocrystals is proposed. It is shown by the example of five compounds that the method for self-assembly of nanocrystals from quantum dots (QDs) is based on specific interactions between perfluorophenyl ligands, which can be used for designing 2D nanocrystals.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):134-140
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Crystal Growth

Growth and Study of Properties of Mixed Crystals (NH4)2NixCo1 –x(SO4)2 · 6H2O

Vasilyeva N.A., Baskakova S.S., Lyasnikova M.S., Manomenova V.L., Rudneva E.B., Voloshin A.E.


Mixed crystals (NH4)2NixCo1 –x(SO4)2 · 6H2O have been grown from aqueous solutions of different compositions by reducing the solution temperature in two growth regimes: static and dynamic. The optical characteristics of crystal samples are analyzed, the dehydration temperatures are measured, and the defect structure of the crystals is studied.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):141-145
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The Particle-Size Distribution Method for Studying the Crystallization of Calcium Oxalate in the Presence of Impurities

Golovanova O.A.


The crystallization of CaC2O4 · H2О from model solutions of a crystal-forming medium (human urine) has been studied by the dispersion method. It is shown that addition of amino acids to a model solution slows down the growth of CaC2O4 · H2О crystals and affects the specific surface area and dispersivity of solid samples. The decelerating effect of amino acids increases with an increase in their concentration and depends on the amino acid structure.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):146-151
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Nucleation and Growth of Crystallites from a Model Saliva Solution in the Presence of Amino Acids

Chikanova E.S., Golovanova O.A.


The nucleation and growth of crystallites from a model saliva solution in the presence of amino acids (in concentrations corresponding to the physiological level and exceeding the norm by a factor of 5) have been studied. It is found that additives may either decrease or increase the crystallization rate, depending on the nature of amino acid, its concentration, and the initial supersaturation of the solution.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):152-160
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The Influence of Inorganic and Organic Components of Biofilms with Microscopic Fungi on the Phase Composition and Morphology of Crystallizing Calcium Oxalates

Kuz’mina M.A., Rusakov A.V., Frank-Kamenetskaya O.V., Vlasov D.Y.


The influence of organic and inorganic components of biofilms with microscopic fungi on the phase composition and morphology of precipitating calcium oxalates has been experimentally investigated. It is established that biofilm components may facilitate the formation of metastable calcium oxalates (dihydrous weddellite and trihydrous caoxite) in the crystallization range of monohydrous whewellite. It is shown that the decisive role in the formation of weddellite crystals in biofilms is played, along with oxalic acid, by the citric acid released by micromycetes, Fe3+ ions from the environment entrapped by the biofilm, and the ratio of Ca2+ ions and oxalate ions. The transformation of bipyramidal habit of weddellite into bipyramidal‒prismatic habit may be caused by the presence of Mg2+ and \({\text{SO}}_{4}^{{2 - }}\) ions in the crystallization medium.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):161-167
pages 161-167 views

Indices of Faces Developing on Czochralski-Grown Paratellurite Crystals

Kolesnikov A.I., Kaplunov I.A., Sokolova E.I., Aydinjan N.V., Grechishkin R.M., Tretiakov S.A.


The known data on the morphology of paratellurite single crystals grown from melt by the Czochralski method are analyzed. The structure of faces is studied by scanning electron microscopy and interference profilometry, and their inclination angles to the pulling axis are measured. Based on calculations, the found faces are indexed as {113}.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):168-173
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Conditions for Obtaining High-Quality Crystals by the Czochralski Method

Matrosov V.N.


The effect of two control contours on the shape of crystal‒melt interface has been examined. It is shown that the shape of crystal‒melt interface can be flexibly and efficiently governed using these contours with large and small time constants. The dependences of the shape of crystal‒melt interface on the fluctuations of cooling water temperature, growth room temperature, and input voltage have been established. The investigations made it possible to improve significantly the growth process parameters and obtain high-quality crystals.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):174-176
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Crystallographic Methods in Humanitarian Sciences

Possibilities, Limitations, and Prospects of Using Neutron Tomography and Radiography for Preservation of Archaeological Heritage Objects

Saprykina I.A., Kichanov S.E., Kozlenko D.P.


Some archaeological heritage objects (miniature golden vial, encolpion crosses, boulatiry) have been studied by neutron tomography and radiography. It is shown that this method can reliably be used for articles made of nonferrous and precious metals. The study of a miniature golden incense vial dated I AD yielded important data on the presence of internal filling; as for the crosses, the absence of the so-called “holy relics” in these peculiar reliquary vessels was established. The study of the Old Russian iron boulatiry did not give any information on the presence or absence of traces of images under the corrosion layer on stamp working places. The data obtained are important for further historical interpretations and choosing methods of preservation of archaeological heritage objects, museum exposure, and presentation.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):177-180
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Crystallographic Software

Method for Studying the Temperature Dynamics of Crystal Structures

Dudka A.P.


A new approach to the structural analysis of crystals based on diffraction data obtained in a series of experiments performed at different temperatures (i.e., to the multitemperature structural characterization) is proposed and implemented. Calculations are performed using symmetry-averaged diffraction data. The full-matrix least-squares method is applied to calculate simultaneously the composite structural model from several datasets. The main purpose of the proposed algorithm is to determine which of the refined parameters are general (temperature-stable) and which reflect the dataset individuality (i.e., change with temperature). The method is applied to determine the occupancies of mixed atomic sites in rubidium titanyl phosphate doped with zirconium, to search for the mobile atoms responsible for the ion transport in this crystal, and to study the structural evolution of the boron framework in crystals of rare-earth element dodecaborides (RB12) of several compositions.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):181-184
pages 181-184 views

X-Ray Tomography in Polychromatic Case: Utilizing the Multicomponent Object Structure in the Reconstruction Method

Prun V.E., Buzmakov A.V., Chukalina M.V.


A new approach is proposed to solve the problem of tomographic reconstruction when scanning objects by polychromatic radiation. The application of algebraic reconstruction method, which makes it possible to take into account the spectral features of the interaction between object components and radiation, allows one to reconstruct component distribution maps. Simultaneous analysis of the thus obtained maps and the results of reconstruction using convolution and inverse projection makes it possible to interpret quantitatively the reconstruction result, despite the arising distortions. The optimization problem is solved under limitations imposed on the local composition. The reconstruction results for synthetic projections are discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(1):185-190
pages 185-190 views

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