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Vol 62, No 4 (2017)

Crystallographic Symmetry

About crystal lattices and quasilattices in Euclidean space

Prokhoda A.S.


Definitions are given, based on which algorithms have been developed for constructing computer models of two-dimensional quasilattices and the corresponding quasiperiodic tilings in plane, the point symmetry groups of which are dihedral groups Dm (m = 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18), and the translation subgroups are free Abelian groups of the fourth or sixth rank. The angles at the tile vertices in the constructed tilings are calculated.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):505-510
pages 505-510 views

Morphotypes of the quartz basic rhombohedra and crystallization conditions

Rakin V.I.


An analysis of the combinatorial–morphological types of faceting for a quartz crystal head has provided 23 types of combinations of faces of basic positive and negative quartz rhombohedra, among which three full-face morphotypes are generally observed under natural conditions. The theoretical occurrence rates are obtained for these morphotypes under isotropic growth conditions, and a morphological analysis is performed over seven samples of natural quartz crystals. A method is proposed for estimating some most important parameters of the crystal formation system: the ratio of variation in the central distances to the faces of crystal rhombohedra, which is related to its growth rates; the ratios of the intermediate growth rates of the rhombohedra and prism, the index of infection with Dauphiné twins, and the feed dissymmetry factor.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):511-521
pages 511-521 views

Theory of Crystal Structures

Strong parameterization and coordination encirclements of graph of Penrose tiling vertices

Shutov A.V., Maleev A.V.


The coordination encirclements in a graph of Penrose tiling vertices have been investigated based on the analysis of vertice parameters. A strong parameterization of these vertices is developed in the form of a tiling of a parameter set in the region corresponding to different first coordination encirclements of vertices. An algorithm for constructing tilings of a set of parameters determining different coordination encirclements in a graph of Penrose tiling vertices of order n is proposed.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):522-528
pages 522-528 views

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

Electron microscopy study of an Old Russian (XII century) encolpion cross with black inlay

Kolobylina N.N., Greshnikov E.A., Vasiliev A.L., Tereschenko E.Y., Zaytseva I.E., Makarov N.A., Kashkarov P.K., Yatsishina E.B., Kovalchuk M.V.


The phase compositions of the basic material (alloy) of a pre-Mongolian Old Russian encolpion cross found near Suzdal and its black inlay have been investigated by methods of scanning and transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. The cross material is lead–zinc–tin α-bronze, and the black is copper sulfide with lead inclusions. As a result of the corrosion, tin and copper oxides and zinc sulfides, which made the cross dark gray, were formed on its surface. It is shown that the corrosion depth is as large as 50 μm; thus, laps must be prepared to accurately determine the morphology and phase composition of the corrosion layer. Decoration with black was apparently performed by pouring with copper sulfide melt or melting a powder preliminarily placed in grooves forming an image on the surface.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):529-536
pages 529-536 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Polymorphism and structure of Nd2MоO6 single crystals

Antipin A.M., Sorokina N.I., Alekseeva O.A., Dudka A.P., Chernyshev D.Y., Voronkova V.I.


The tetragonal and monoclinic modifications of Nd2MoO6 single crystals have been investigated by X-ray diffraction. The analysis has been on laboratory sources (2D CCD diffractometers: Xcalibur S (Shared Research Center, Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences) and BRUKER Smart APEX 2 (Shared Research Center, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences)) and on a synchrotron radiation source (ESRF, Grenoble, PILATUS@SNBL diffractometer). Local displacements of all atoms in the oxymolybdate structure have been revealed for the first time using electron density difference maps. Possible violation of the translational periodicity in the distribution of Mo and Nd atoms over types is indirectly confirmed, and statistical disorder of oxygen atoms is revealed. The results of the study confirm the previous suggestion that polymorphic transformations occur in oxymolybdates at a very low rate and, apparently, continuously in a wide temperature range. With an increase in temperature, layers undergo ordering according to the cation type as a result of the phase transition from the monoclinic to the tetragonal phase.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):537-544
pages 537-544 views

Defect structure and ionic conductivity of as-grown R1–ySryF3–y (R = Ce, Pr, or Nd) crystals with high SrF2 content

Khrykina O.N., Sorokin N.I., Verin I.A., Bolotina N.B., Sobolev B.P.


The structure of defect nonstoichiometric phases of Ce0.88Sr0.12F2.88, Pr0.85Sr0.15F2.85, and Nd0.85Sr0.15F2.85 single crystals has been investigated by X-ray diffraction at room temperature. Crystals R1–ySryF3–y (R = Ce, Pr, or Nd) belong to the tysonite structural type (LaF3), which has two forms (α and β). The morphotropic transition from the trigonal β form of the crystals to the hexagonal α form is confirmed, which was previously found for the first time when analyzing the nonstoichiometric phase of La1–ySryF3–y with a SrF2 content above 10 mol % (y ≥ 0.1). Temperature dependences of fluorine-ion conductivity are obtained. It is established that the conductivity of the α form of Ce0.88Sr0.12F2.88 and R0.85Sr0.15F2.85 crystals (R = Pr or Nd) is lower than that for the β form of R0.95Sr0.05F2.95 (R = La–Nd) by 1–2 orders of magnitude. The sublattice of fluorine atoms in the α-form crystals is characterized by an elevated (in comparison with the β form) content of vacancies and more uniform structural and dynamic properties, which leads to a decrease in the mean diffusion mobility of fluorine ions and an increase in the ion-transport activation enthalpy.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):545-550
pages 545-550 views

Modular structure of highly ordered eudialyte and its place among hydrated minerals of rastsvetaevite family

Rastsvetaeva R.K., Viktorova K.A., Aksenov S.M.


The crystal structure of a representative of eudialyte group, which was found by A.P. Khomyakov at the Rasvumchorr mountain of the Khibiny alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula), has been studied by X-ray diffraction. The trigonal unit-cell parameters are found to be a = 14.2328(5) Å, c = 60.217(2) Å, V = 10564.08(3) Å3, sp. gr. R3m. The structure has been refined with the isotropic and anisotropic approximation displacement parameters to the total reliability factor R = 5.6%, based on 2989 reflections with |F| > 4σ(F). The idealized formula (Z = 3) is determined as [(H3O)11Na10K5]Cа12(Na3Fe2Mn)Si4Zr6(Si48O144)(OH,Cl)5(H2O)5. The unit cell of the mineral is doubled due to the presence of two modules of different composition and structure in it (alluaivite-and kentbrooksite-like ones) and the formation of a polyhedral cluster in the kentbrooksite module. A comparison with two hydrated minerals having a modular structure shows that these minerals, being similar in their chemical composition, differ in the cation ordering over the sites of the two modules. The sample under study contains potassium in only one module, while oxonium groups are distributed in both modules but over different sites.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):551-557
pages 551-557 views

Crystal structure of chlorinated mineral of cancrinite group with bystrite-type framework

Kaneva E.V., Sapozhnikov A.N., Suvorova L.F.


The formula of chlorinated bystrite (rare mineral of cancrinite group) has been refined to Na7.22Ca0.92[Al6Si6O24](S5)0.94Cl1.01. The X-ray diffraction data on the contents of chlorine and sulfur in this mineral are confirmed by the results of chemical analysis. The bystrite cage is found to contain a (S5)2–cluster, which is elongated along the c axis and has a chain configuration. Different ways of aggregation of sulfur atoms lead to cis- and trans-configurations of chains. Columns of cancrinite cages contain–Ca–Cl–Ca–Cl–chains, which were observed previously in the structures of minerals of davyne subgroup, afghanite, and tounkite.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):558-565
pages 558-565 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Crystal structure of (2Z)-(3,3-dimethyl-3,4-dihydroisoquinolin- 1(2H)-ylidene)nitrosoacetonitrile

Polyakova E.I., Polyakova I.N., Davydov V.V., Ryabov M.A., Sergienko V.S., Shklyaev Y.V.


The crystal structure of (2Z)-(3,3-dimethyl-3,4-dihydroisoquinolin-1(2Н)-ylidene)nitrosoacetonitrile is determined (T = 150 K, R1 = 0.0435). The compound crystallizes as the E-cis and Z-cis isomers of the nitroso tautomer. Two independent molecules differ in the rotation of the nitroso group about the С–С bond between the dihydroisoquinoline group and the substituent. Analysis of bond lengths reveals their conjugation and prevailing contribution of the zwitter-ionic structures with the positive charge located on the isoquinoline fragment and the negative charge located on the substituent. Molecules having E and Z conformations are connected by the N–H···O hydrogen bond (N···O 2.922(3) Å) into dimers. The N–H group of the other molecule forms the intramolecular N–H···O hydrogen bond (N···O 2.544(3) Å) which closes a sixmembered cycle. Electronic absorption spectra are studied, and quantum-chemical modeling of the compound is performed.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):566-571
pages 566-571 views

Synthesis and structure of cesium complexes of nitrilotris(methylenephosphonic) acid [Cs-μ6-NH(CH2PO3)3H4] and [Cs210-NH(CH2PO3H)3] · H2O

Somov N.V., Chausov F.F., Zakirov R.M.


3D coordination polymers cesium nitrilotris(methylenephosphonate) and dicesium nitrilotris( methylenephosphonate) are synthesized and their crystal structure is determined. In the crystal of [Cs-μ6-NH(CH2PO3)3H4] (space group P, Z = 2), cesium atoms occupy two crystallographically inequivalent positions with c.n. = 10 and c.n. = 14. The phosphonate ligand plays the bridging function; its denticity is nine. The crystal packing consists of alternating layers of Cs atoms in different environments with layers of ligand molecules between them. A ligand is bound to three Cs atoms of one layer and three Cs atoms of another layer. In the crystal of [Cs210-NH(CH2PO3H)3] · H2O (space group P, Z = 2), the complex has a dimeric structure: the bridging phosphonate ligand coordinates Cs to form a three-dimensional Cs4О6 cluster. The denticity of the ligand is equal to nine; the coordination numbers of cesium atoms are seven and nine. Two-dimensional corrugated layers of Cs4О6 clusters lie in the (002) plane, and layers of ligand molecules are located between them. Each ligand molecule coordinates eight Cs atoms of one layer and two Cs atoms of the neighboring layer.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):572-579
pages 572-579 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of recombinant adenine phosphoribosyltransferase from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus strain HB27

Sinitsyna E.V., Timofeev V.I., Tuzova E.S., Kostromina M.A., Murav’eva T.I., Esipov R.S., Kuranova I.P.


Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) belongs to the type I phosphoribosyltransferase family and catalyzes the formation of adenosine monophosphate via transfer of the 5-phosphoribosyl group from phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate to the nitrogen atom N9 of the adenine base. Proteins of this family are involved in a salvage pathway of nucleotide synthesis, thus providing purine base utilization and maintaining the optimal level of purine bases in the body. Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase from the extremely thermophilic Thermus thermophilus strain HB27 was produced using a highly efficient E. coli producer strain and was then purified by affinity and gel-filtration chromatography. This enzyme was successfully employed as a catalyst for the cascade biosynthesis of biologically important nucleotides. The screening of crystallization conditions for recombinant APRT from T. thermophilus HB27 was performed in order to determine the enzyme structure by X-ray diffraction. The crystallization conditions, which were found by the vapor-diffusion technique, were then optimized to apply the counter-diffusion technique. The crystals of the enzyme were grown by the capillary counter-diffusion method. The crystals belong to sp. gr. P1211 and have the following unitcell parameters: a = 69.86 Å, b = 82.16 Å, c = 91.39 Å, α = γ = 90°, β = 102.58°. The X-ray diffraction data set suitable for the determination of the APRT structure at 2.6 Å resolution was collected from the crystals at the SPring-8 synchrotron facility (Japan).

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):580-583
pages 580-583 views

Modeling of the structure of ribosomal protein L1 from the archaeon Haloarcula marismortui

Nevskaya N.A., Kljashtorny V.G., Vakhrusheva A.V., Garber M.B., Nikonov S.V.


The halophilic archaeon Haloarcula marismortui proliferates in the Dead Sea at extremely high salt concentrations (higher than 3 M). This is the only archaeon, for which the crystal structure of the ribosomal 50S subunit was determined. However, the structure of the functionally important side protuberance containing the abnormally negatively charged protein L1 (HmaL1) was not visualized. Attempts to crystallize HmaL1 in the isolated state or as its complex with RNA using normal salt concentrations (≤500 mM) failed. A theoretical model of HmaL1 was built based on the structural data for homologs of the protein L1 from other organisms, and this model was refined by molecular dynamics methods. Analysis of this model showed that the protein HmaL1 can undergo aggregation due to the presence of a cluster of positive charges unique for proteins L1. This cluster is located at the RNA–protein interface, which interferes with the crystallization of HmaL1 and the binding of the latter to RNA.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):584-588
pages 584-588 views

Real Structure of Crystals

Low-Temperature epitaxial growth of InGaAs films on InP(100) and InP(411)A substrates

Galiev G.B., Klimova E.A., Pushkarev S.S., Klochkov A.N., Trunkin I.N., Vasiliev A.L., Maltsev P.P.


The structural and electrical characteristics of In0.53Ga0.47As epitaxial films, grown in the low-temperature mode on InP substrates with (100) and (411)A crystallographic orientations at flow ratios of As4 molecules and In and Ga atoms of γ = 29 and 90, have been comprehensively studied. The use of InP(411)A substrates is shown to increase the probability of forming two-dimensional defects (twins, stacking faults, dislocations, and grain boundaries), thus reducing the mobility of free electrons, and AsGa point defects, which act as donors and increase the free-electron concentration. An increase in γ from 29 to 90 leads to transformation of single-crystal InGaAs films grown on (100) and (411)A substrates into polycrystalline ones.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):589-596
pages 589-596 views

Microstructural study of He+-implanted and thermally annealed silicon-on-sapphire layers

Chesnokova Y.M., Aleksandrova P.A., Belova N.E., Shemardov S.G., Vasiliev A.L.


The effect of He+ ion implantation and subsequent annealing on the silicon-on-sapphire microstructure is studied by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. It is established that He+ ion implantation leads to the formation of defects in the Si layer and α-Al2O3, while subsequent annealing causes dissociation of radiation defects in Si and formation of nanopores in α-Al2O3. The effect of implanted-ion dose and annealing temperature on the parameters of the porous α-Al2O3 layer and structural quality of the Si layer is investigated.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):597-601
pages 597-601 views

Lattice Dynamics and Phase Transitions

Planar lattices of magnetic nanoparticles with antiferromagnetic interaction

Shutyi A.M., Sementsov D.I.


Square lattices of magnetic nanoparticles undergoing dipole–dipole and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions have been investigated. The main types of equilibrium states with zero and nonzero total magnetic moments have been revealed. It is shown that transitions between different equilibrium states may occur by means of a uniform magnetic field due to the presence of configuration bistability. Orientational transitions between equilibrium states under the action of a magnetic-field pulse on the system and transient oscillation processes have been studied.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):602-609
pages 602-609 views

Temperature-Induced structural phase transformations in Cu1.50Zn0.30Te and Cu1.75Cd0.05Te single crystals

Aliyev Y.I., Babaev A.G., Asadov Y.G., Ganizade G.F., Aliyeva R.D., Jabarov S.G., Trukhanov A.V.


The results of studying the temperature-induced polymorphic phase transformations in Cu1.50Zn0.30Te and Cu1.75Cd0.05Te single crystals are presented. The single crystals have been investigated in the range of 290–1100 K using X-ray diffraction analysis. The temperature dependences of the unit-cell parameters, X-ray density, and coefficients of thermal expansion for each polymorphic modification of Cu1.50Zn0.30Te and Cu1.75Cd0.05Te single crystals are presented. The influence of cationic substitution (replacement of Cu2+ with Zn2+ and Cd2+ cations) on the phase-formation processes, number of polymorphic modifications, and temperature of structural phase transition in single crystals of these solid solutions is demonstrated.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):610-617
pages 610-617 views

Influence of cation substitution on the polymorphic transformation in Ag2–хCuхS (х = 0.45, 0.8, and 1.07) crystals

Asadov Y.G., Aliyev Y.I., Babaev A.G., Ganizade G.F., Aliyeva R.D., Jabarov S.G., Trukhanov A.V.


The influence of the concentration substitution of Ag ions for Cu ions in the structure of Ag2–хCuхS (х = 0.45, 0.8, and 1.07) solid solutions on the temperature of polymorphic phase transitions is demonstrated. The phase composition of Ag2–хCuхS (х = 0.45, 0.8, and 1.07) solid solutions has been investigated by X-ray diffraction at different temperatures. It is shown that the structure of the polymorphic modification of Ag0.93Cu1.07S composition and the phase transition temperature correspond to the structure and parameters of AgCuS single crystal. The structures of the modifications of compositions with a high silver concentration (Ag1.55Cu0.45S and Ag1.2Cu0.8S) and the phase transitions temperatures differ from the structure and corresponding parameters of AgCuS single crystal.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):618-621
pages 618-621 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Influence of impurity atmosphere on the deformation of silicon crystals

Klyuchnik P.A., Petukhov B.V.


The Alexander–Haasen theory, which describes the deformation kinetics of silicon crystals, has been generalized for impurity crystals. The deformation kinetics of an impurity sample is calculated in a wide range of parameters, including the cases of partial and complete entrainment of impurities by moving dislocations. The developed model, despite its simplicity, adequately describes the qualitative transformation of the stress–strain curves of impurity silicon crystals in dependence of the impurity concentration and other material parameters. The manifestation of negative velocity dependence of the yield stress, observed in natural experiments, is analyzed.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):622-628
pages 622-628 views

Electrical conductivity of CsCuCl3 crystals at structural phase transition

Sorokin N.I.


The electrical conductivity σ of CsCuCl3 single crystals synthesized by the crystallization method from aqueous solutions in the ternary CsCl–CuCl2–H2O system has been studied. The σ measurements for CsCuCl3 crystals have been carried out in the temperature range of 397–455 K, which covers the structural phase transition from the low-temperature (sp. gr. P6122, Z = 6) to the high-temperature (sp. gr. P63mc, Z = 2) modification at Ttr = 423 ± 8 K. A jump of σ by a factor of ~3 is observed on the σ(T) dependence in the region of the structural transition, which indicates the existence of first-order phase transition. The electric transfer activation enthalpies ΔHσ are found to be 1.0 ± 0.1 eV at T > Ttr and 0.8 ± 0.1 eV at T < Ttr. The σ value for CsCuCl3 crystals amounts to 7 × 10–6 S/cm at 455 K.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):629-631
pages 629-631 views

Surface, Thin Films

Modification of the Langmuir–Schaefer method for fabrication of ordered protein films

Kovalchuk M.V., Boikova A.S., Dyakova Y.A., Marchenkova M.A., Opolchentsev A.M., Pisarevsky Y.V., Prosekov P.A., Seregin A.Y.


A modification of the Langmuir–Schaefer method for the fabrication of high-quality protein films on a solid substrate was proposed and applied to lysozyme. The procedure relies on the use of a pre-prepared protein solution, the parameters of which correspond to crystallization conditions. A lysozyme Langmuir monolayer was shown to be formed with the involvement of complexes, namely, dimers and octamers of protein molecules that are present in such protein solutions. These complexes apparently retain the structure after spreading a protein solution onto an aqueous subphase in a Langmuir trough. The thickness of the film after the transfer of the monolayer, which was formed by the proposed procedure, onto a solid substrate corresponds to the diameter of the octamer and this film is dense, continuous, and uniform, as was demonstrated by several methods: X-ray reflectivity, total external reflection X-ray standing wave, and atomic force microscopy. A layer of chloride ions that formed under the Langmuir monolayer was found at the air–protein film interface. This fact confirms an important role of the precipitating agent (chloride ions) in all steps of the formation of lysozyme films.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):632-638
pages 632-638 views

Crystal Growth

Oxidation–reduction processes upon interaction of aluminum oxide melt with molybdenum and tungsten in a hydrogen-containing atmosphere

Kostomarov D.V.


A thermodynamic analysis of the processes occurring in the Мо–W–Al2O3 system at T = 2400 K and a total pressure of 1 bar, set by controlled reducing Ar + H2 atmosphere, has been performed. It is found that the basic components of the system do not interact directly, although may be actively involved in chemical reactions with participation of other components to undergo numerous cyclic oxidation–reduction processes. Particular attention is paid to the processes involving such chemically active reagents as Н2O2, HO2, H2 (H), gaseous Al, and its hydrides (AlH, AlH2, AlH3).

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):639-647
pages 639-647 views

Peculiarities of the micromorphology of the CaC2O4 · H2O crystal faces

Poliyenko A.K., Osadchy V.K., Parnachyov V.P., Sevostyanova O.A.


Peculiarities of the faceted microrelief formed during the growth of CaC2O4 · H2O calcium oxalate monohydrate (whewellite) crystals are investigated to gain insight into the nature of the mineral formation (ontogeny) in uroliths.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):648-650
pages 648-650 views

Crystallographic Software

Algorithm and program for precise determination of unit-cell parameters of single crystal taking into account the sample eccentricity

Dudka A.P., Smirnova E.S., Verin I.A., Bolotina N.B.


A technique has been developed to refine the unit-cell parameters of single crystals with minimization of the influence of instrumental errors on the result. The corresponding computational procedure HuberUB is added to the software package of Huber-5042 diffractometer with a point detector and closedcycle helium cryostat Displex DE-202. The parameters of unit cell, its orientation, the goniometer zero angles, the sample eccentricity, the distances in the goniometer, and the radiation wavelength were refined by the nonlinear least-squares method, which allows imposition of constraints on the unit-cell parameters, depending on the crystal symmetry. The technique is approved on a LuB12 single crystal. The unit-cell parameters are determined in a temperature range of 20–295 K, with an absolute error not larger than 0.0004 Å (the relative error is of ~5 × 10–5). The estimates of the unit-cell parameters obtained by the proposed method are evidenced to be unbiased. Some specific features of the behavior of parameters in the ranges of 120–140 and 20–50 K are revealed, which correlate with the anomalies of the physical properties of the crystal.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):651-659
pages 651-659 views


Nikolai Andreevich Kiselev (October 5, 1928–September 17, 2016)

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(4):660-661
pages 660-661 views

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