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Vol 48, No 4 (2019)


Effect of the Composition on the Dielectric Properties and Charge Transfer in 2D GaS1 –хSeх Materials

Asadov S.M., Mustafaeva S.N., Lukichev V.F., Guseinov D.T.


The effect of the composition of the GaS–GaSe layered solid solutions on their dielectric characteristics and ac conductivity in the frequency band of 5 × 104 to 3.5 × 107 Hz is investigated. It is shown that with an increase in the selenium content in the GaS1 –хSeх single crystals the real and imaginary parts of the complex permittivity, dissipation factor, and ac conductivity grow significantly. The experimentally observed decrease in the permittivity of the investigated solid solutions with an increase in the frequency from 5 × 104 to 3.5 × 107 Hz is attributed to the relaxation dispersion. The nature of dielectric loss (reach-through conductivity loss) in the GaS1 –хSeх single crystals and the hopping mechanism of charge transfer over the states localized at the Fermi level are established. The main parameters of the localized states in the GaS1 –хSeх band gap are estimated.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(4):203-207
pages 203-207 views

Estimating the Interrelation between the Rate of Atomic Layer Deposition of Thin Platinum-Group Metal Films and the Molecular Mass of Reactant Precursors

Vasilyev V.Y.


The published data on the atomic layer deposition of thin platinum-group metal (Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, and Pt) films with the use of different reactant precursors and second reactants (O2, O3, H2, etc.) are generalized in the context of microelectronic technologies. A procedure for analyzing the data on the atomic layer deposition kinetics is discussed. The rate of atomic layer deposition of metallic ruthenium is not higher than 0.15 nm/cycle. An inverse dependence of the limiting atomic layer deposition growth rate on the precursor molecular mass is established. The rates of atomic layer deposition of thin films of all the remaining metals in the group range between 0.03–0.07 nm/cycle, which is lower than the values for a monolayer of these metals by several times. The methodology and ways of enhancing the reliability of the kinetic data on the atomic layer deposition are discussed, including the need for taking into account the sample surface types and effects of nucleation delays at the initial growth stages of the thin platinum-group metal film. The possible occurrence of chemical deposition reactions with intermediate products involved at the pulsed injection of the reactants is considered.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(4):208-219
pages 208-219 views

Possibility of Controlling the Impurity Concentration in the Near-Surface Layers of Films Grown by the ALD Method

Fadeev A.V., Rudenko K.V.


The theory-based mode allowing control of the impurity concentration in the near-surface layers of the films of dielectric oxides grown by the method of atomic layer deposition (ALD) from metalorganic precursors is discussed. It is shown by simulation that, in the near-surface dielectric layer of ~20 monolayers in thickness, the concentration of impurity carbon can be reduce by up to a factor of 5, to the level of values of the per-unit-volume concentration of this impurity. We propose carrying out the growth processes of films with the modification of the parameters of the ALD cycle that should lead to an improvement of the dielectric parameters on the interfaces of multilayered structures.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(4):220-228
pages 220-228 views

Atomic Layer Deposition of Silicon Nitride Films on Gallium Arsenide Using a Glow Discharge

Ezhovskii Y.K., Mikhailovskii S.V.


The process of the formation of silicon–nitrogen nanostructures at a GaAs surface with orientation (100) and (110) by atomic layer deposition (molecular layering) is considered. The synthesis ios carried out in a vacuum unit using SiCl4 and NH3 vapors in the temperature range 423–723 K with activation of the process by a glow discharge at the ammonia pulsing stage. The conditions of the growth of silicon nitride nanostructures and the conditions of a layer mechanism of their formation are determined. It is established that, at temperatures of synthesis above 573 K, the increase in the silicon nitride layer’s thickness reaches ≈0.5 nm/cycle, which is likely to be explained by the participation of hydrazine in the process of film formation.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(4):229-235
pages 229-235 views

The Effect of an N2 Additive on the GaAs Etching Rate in CF2Cl2 Plasma

Pivovarenok S.A.


The kinetics of GaAs etching in CF2Cl2 and CF2Cl2/N2 is investigated. It is shown that the shape of the dependences of the etching rate on the gas flow rate is determined by the energy of the ions bombarding the treated surface. It is demonstrated that, when a plasma-forming gas is diluted in a ratio of 1/1, the etching rate of the sample decreases by a factor of approximately 1.6. An increase in power (Wrf or Wbias) leads to significant changes in the GaAs etching rate.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(4):236-239
pages 236-239 views

Synthesis of a Concurrent Error Detection Circuit Based on the Spectral R-Code with the Partitioning of Outputs into Groups

Stempkovskii A.L., Tel’pukhov D.V., Zhukova T.D., Demeneva A.I., Nadolenko V.V., Gurov S.I.


The pace of development of the microelectronic industry and the progress in the development of computer-aided design tools make problems associated with the development of combinational circuits that are resistant to short self-clearing faults relevant again. These faults occur due to a combination of many different factors, such as extreme operating conditions and transition to nanometer design standards. Structural redundancy methods are often used to solve this problem by the principles of the noiseless coding theory to protect information during its transmission over communication channels. However, these methods have a significant drawback, i.e., large structural redundancy. In this paper, we propose to use an approach based on the synthesis of fault-tolerant combinational circuits based on the spectral R-code to solve the problem of developing fault tolerant combinational circuits. If a specific part of the coder is protected using special technological means, this code can correct a single-bit error and detect a double-bit error. The resulting circuit has less structural redundancy compared to the traditional method of triple modular redundancy (TMR). An approach is also proposed based on partitioning circuit outputs into groups followed by synthesizing fault-tolerant combinational circuits based on the R-code, which increases the probability of error detection/correction, to minimize the probability of multiple-bit errors within a combinational circuit. The paper presents the results of a series of numerical experiments that show the efficiency of the proposed approaches.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(4):240-249
pages 240-249 views

Mechanisms of Initiation of Unstable Latchup Effects in CMOS ICs

Chumakov A.I., Bobrovsky D.V., Pechenkin A.A., Savchenkov D.V., Sorokoumov G.S., Shvetsov-Shilovskiy I.I.


The results of research on nonstationary latchup effects (LEs) under the influence of heavy charged particles and ionizing radiation pulses, which are spontaneously counteracted depending on the operating conditions, are presented. This behavior is caused by the effects of the rail span collapse inside the complementary metal-oxide-system (CMOS) of very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. The experimental studies are carried out on both the ion accelerator and the laser facilities.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(4):250-254
pages 250-254 views

Memristor Based Pulse Train Generator

Rakitin V.V., Rusakov S.G.


The memristor pulse series oscillator based on the Schmitt trigger with a memristor and a capacitor at the input is discussed. It is shown that such circuit provides the generation of a pulse series the duration of which is determined by the amplitude of the input signal. The simulation results corroborate the wide functionality of the oscillator under discussion.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(4):255-261
pages 255-261 views

Microconsuming 8–12 GHz GaN Power Amplifiers

Gamkrelidze S.A., Gnatyuk D.L., Zuev A.V., Maitama M.V., Mal’tsev P.P., Mikhalev A.O., Fedorov Y.V.


This paper describes a cascade circuit of a gallium nitride (GaN) power amplifier whose chip area is smaller by factors of 4 to 6 than that of traditional amplifiers on silicon carbide (SiC) substrates. It enables an output power of up to 3 W at 8–12 GHz for microconsuming power amplifiers in robotics and spacecraft applications.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(4):262-267
pages 262-267 views

Inter-Device Radiation-Induced Leakages in the Bulk 180-nm CMOS Technology

Boruzdina A.B., Gerasimov Y.M., Grigor’ev N.G., Kobylyatskii A.V., Ulanova A.V., Shvetsov-Shilovskii I.I.


This article deals with a study of radiation-induced leakages between n-regions of various types using test structures fabricated according to the 0.18-µm CMOS technology. It is shown that, depending on the radiation exposure dose, the leakages between the n+-regions and the n-well may exceed the leakages between the n+-regions by 3–9 times, which should be taken into consideration when developing radiation resistant VSHICs.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(4):268-272
pages 268-272 views

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