Мақалалар тізімі

Шығарылым Атауы Файл
Том 48, № 4 (2017) T1T2 Correlation and Biopolymer Diffusion Within Human Osteoarthritic Cartilage Measured with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Mailhiot S., Williamson N., Brown J., Seymour J., Codd S., June R.
Том 50, № 4 (2019) 1H and 93Nb Solid-State NMR and IR Study of Acidity of Nanodisperse Nb2O5·nH2O
Yakovlev I., Papulovskiy E., Paukshtis E., Bondareva V., Toktarev A., Zaikovskii V., Lapina O.
Том 50, № 11 (2019) 1H NMR study of the effect of cucurbit[7]uril on the aquation of carboplatin in biologically relevant media
Andrienko I., Kovalenko E., Pashkina E., Aktanova A., Mirzaeva I.
Том 48, № 9 (2017) 13C Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Using Derivatives of TEMPO Free Radical
Niedbalski P., Parish C., Wang Q., Kiswandhi A., Lumata L.
Том 50, № 5 (2019) 15N–1H Transfer of Light-Induced Nuclear Hyperpolarization in Frozen Photosynthetic Reaction Centers
Bielytskyi P., Gräsing D., Zahn S., Alia A., Matysik J.
Том 49, № 7 (2018) 31P MRS Study of Hyperbaric Oxygenation Effects on Phosphate Metabolism of Normal Human Brain
Manzhurtsev A., Vasiukova O., Sergeeva V., Zaitseva N., Menshchikov P., Melnikov I., Akhadov T., Semenova N.
Том 49, № 4 (2018) 31P NMR Manifestation of Metabolic Changes in Blood of Spinal Cord Injured Rats
Yurtaeva S., Volkov M., Yafarova G., Silantyeva D., Yamalitdinova E.
Том 50, № 12 (2019) 51V and 25Mg NMR Study of the Kagome Staircase Compound Mg3V2O8
Ogloblichev V., Mikhalev K., Leonidova O., Arapova I., Germov A.
Том 50, № 1-3 (2019) 63,65Cu NMR Study of the Short-Range Ordered State of Multiferroic CuFeO2
Ogloblichev V., Smolnikov A., Germov A., Piskunov Y., Sadykov A., Mikhalev K., Yakubovsky A., Barilo S., Shiryaev S.
Том 50, № 4 (2019) 63,65Cu NQR Spectra and Spin–Lattice Relaxation in Thermoelectric CuAlO2
Ogloblichev V., Matukhin V., Arapova I., Schmidt C., Khusnutdinov R.
Том 49, № 6 (2018) 77Se Low-Temperature NMR in the Bi2Se3 Single Crystalline Topological Insulator
Antonenko A., Nefedov D., Charnaya E., Naumov S., Marchenkov V.
Том 50, № 1-3 (2019) 250 MHz Rapid Scan Cross Loop Resonator
Buchanan L., Woodcock L., Rinard G., Quine R., Shi Y., Eaton S., Eaton G.
Том 48, № 3 (2017) A Degenerate Birdcage with Integrated Tx/Rx Switches and Butler Matrix for the Human Limbs at 7 T
Stara R., Tiberi G., Morsani F., Symms M., Fantacci M., Marletta M., Zampa V., Pendse M., Retico A., Rutt B., Tosetti M.
Том 49, № 5 (2018) A Fast and Convenient Way to Predict Relaxation During a Frequency-Selective Adiabatic Hyperbolic Secant Pulse (HS1 Sech Pulse)
Pfaff A., Woelk K.
Том 47, № 9 (2016) A Forensic Application of Solid-State 13C NMR Spectroscopy: the Date of a Photographic Development
Bertocchi F., Nepravishta R., Mandaliti W., Paci M.
Том 50, № 1-3 (2019) A Hybrid Method for NMR Data Compression Based on Window Averaging (WA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Guo J., Xie R., Liu H.
Том 47, № 12 (2016) A Matlab-Based Advance MR Image Reconstruction Package with Interactive Graphical User Interface
Shahid A., Ahmed Z., Raza A., Tariq Y., Abbasi M., Omer H.
Том 48, № 10 (2017) A New Method for Determining Tight Sandstone Permeability Based on the Characteristic Parameters of the NMR T2 Distribution
Liu M., Xie R., Li C., Gao L.
Том 49, № 10 (2018) A New Method for Predicting Capillary Pressure Curves Based on NMR Logging in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs
Liu M., Xie R., Xu H., Wu S., Zhu R., Mao Z.
Том 50, № 1-3 (2019) A Novel Approach to Interpretation of the Time-Dependent Self-Diffusion Coefficient: Water-Mouse RBCs Suspension Study
Loskutov V., Volkov V., Avilova I.
Том 48, № 8 (2017) A Pulse EPR 25 mT Magnetometer with 10 ppm Resolution
Sundramoorthy S., Epel B., Halpern H.
Том 48, № 10 (2017) A Rapid NMR T2 Inversion Method Based on Norm Smoothing
Zou Y., Li J., Su J., Zhang A.
Том 50, № 7 (2019) A Simple, Accurate Method to Determine the Effective Value of the Magnetic Induction of the Microwave Field from the Continuous Saturation of EPR Spectra of Fremy’s Salt Solutions. Representative values of \(T_{1}\)
Bakirov M., Salikhov K., Peric M., Schwartz R., Bales B.
Том 50, № 12 (2019) A Theoretical Study on Circular Wire and Flat Strip Conductor Inductance for Magnetic Resonance-Shielded Phased-Array Circular Coils
Giovannetti G.
Том 49, № 4 (2018) A Variable Temperature X- and W-Band EPR Study of Fe-Doped SiCN Ceramics Annealed at 1000, 1100, and 1285 °C: Dangling Bonds, Ferromagnetism and Superparamagnetism
Andronenko S., Rodionov A., Misra S.
Том 47, № 7 (2016) About anomalous g factor value of Mn-related defects in GaAs:Mn
Yakubenya S., Shtel’makh K.
Том 48, № 4 (2017) Accelerated 3D Coronary Vessel Wall MR Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing with a Block-Weighted Total Variation Regularization
Chen Z., Zhang X., Shi C., Su S., Fan Z., Ji J., Xie G., Liu X.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) Accelerating MRI Using GROG Gridding Followed by ESPIRiT for Non-Cartesian Trajectories
Aslam I., Najeeb F., Omer H.
Том 50, № 1-3 (2019) Accelerating Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using p-Thresholding Based Compressed-Sensing
Ullah I., Inam O., Aslam I., Omer H.
Том 49, № 6 (2018) Aggregation Behavior of Monomeric Surfactants and a Gemini Cationic Surfactant by NMR and Computer Simulation Data
Popova M., Raev D.
Том 49, № 9 (2018) Alignment of Anisotropic Particles by Magnetic Field as Seen by NMR
Sergeev N., Panich A., Goren S.
Том 47, № 4 (2016) An Adaptive Algorithm for Compressively Sampled MR Image Reconstruction Using Projections onto \(l_{p}\)-Ball
Kaleem M., Qureshi M., Omer H.
Том 47, № 4 (2016) An Analytical Method for the Deconvolution of Voigtian Profiles
Shin B.
Том 49, № 11 (2018) An Assessment of the Use of Mesoporous Silica Materials to Improve Pulsed Dipolar Spectroscopy
Lai Y., Chang A., Yang C., Chiang Y.
Том 50, № 1-3 (2019) An Improved Calibration Framework for Iterative Self-Consistent Parallel Imaging Reconstruction (SPIRiT)
Wu Z., Zhu J., Chang Y., Xu Y., Yang X.
Том 50, № 9 (2019) An Improved NMR Permeability Model for Macromolecules Flowing in Porous Medium
Wang L., Xiao L., Zhang Y., Liao G., Wang L., Yue W.
Том 48, № 9 (2017) An Optimized Passive Shimming Method for Bi-planar Permanent MRI Magnets
He Z., He W., Guo J.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) An X-Band Crossed-Loop EPR Resonator
Rinard G., Quine R., McPeak J., Buchanan L., Eaton S., Eaton G.
Том 47, № 4 (2016) Analysis of Cerebral Hemodynamics in Healthy Adult Rhesus with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion (DSC-MR) Imaging
Zhao X., Pu J., He L., Yang F., Yang N.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) Analysis of Saturation Recovery Amplitudes to Characterize Conformational Exchange in Spin-Labeled Proteins
Bridges M., Yang Z., Altenbach C., Hubbell W.
Том 49, № 10 (2018) Analysis of the Regularization Parameters of Primal–Dual Interior Method for Convex Objectives Applied to 1H Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data Processing
Campisi-Pinto S., Levi O., Benson D., Cohen M., Resende M., Saunders M., Linder C., Wiesman Z.
Том 47, № 7 (2016) Analysis of the SABRE (Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange) Effect at High Magnetic Fields
Pravdivtsev A., Yurkovskaya A., Petrov P., Vieth H., Ivanov K.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Application of a Stopped-Flow EPR Method for the Detection of Short-Lived Flavonoid Semiquinone Radicals Produced by Oxidation Using 15N-Labeled Nitrosodisulfonate Radical (Fremy’s Salt)
Kuwabara K., Sakurai Y., Sanuki H., Morimoto C., Li Y., Miyake Y., Kanaori K., Tajima K.
Том 50, № 6 (2019) Application of EPR Spectroscopy in Studies of Soils from Destroyed Forests
Jerzykiewicz M., Barančíková G., Jamroz E., Kałuża-Haładyn A.
Том 47, № 9 (2016) Applying Diffusion-Weighted Imaging to Detect Metastatic and Non-Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Abdomen: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review
Sui W., Chen X., Peng Z., Wu J.
Том 49, № 2 (2018) Assessment of Combined Therapy of Histochrome and Nebivalol as Angioprotectors on the Background of Experimental Hypertension by Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Agafonova I., Kotelnikov V., Geltser B., Kolosova N., Stonik V.
Том 48, № 11-12 (2017) Autobiography of James S. Hyde
Hyde J.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) Bayesian Modeling of NMR Data: Quantifying Longitudinal Relaxation in Vivo, and in Vitro with a Tissue-Water-Relaxation Mimic (Crosslinked Bovine Serum Albumin)
Meinerz K., Beeman S., Duan C., Bretthorst G., Garbow J., Ackerman J.
Том 47, № 9 (2016) Bloch–Siegert Effect in Magnetic-Resonance Sounding
Shushakov O., Maryasov A.
Том 48, № 1 (2017) Brain Imaging with Slotted Hybridized Magnetic Metamaterial Hat at 7-T MRI
Ali H., Forsberg E., Jun H.
Том 47, № 1 (2016) Broadband Continuous Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Signal in a Pulsed Magnetic Field: Numerical Solutions of Bloch Equations under Radio Frequency Irradiation
Chen W., Ma H., De Yu .
Том 48, № 8 (2017) Broadband Excitation by Method of Double Sweep
Khaneja N., Kumar A.
Том 47, № 6 (2016) Calculating Temperature Distribution of Uniplanar Gradient Coils for Unilateral NMR Magnet Based on Fourier Analysis
He Z., He W.
Том 49, № 6 (2018) Can MRI Contribute to the Understanding and Therapy of Mental Diseases?
Eichhoff U.
Том 47, № 9 (2016) Changes of Nitric Oxide Content in the Rat Hippocampus, Heart and Liver in Acute Phase of Ischemia
Andrianov V., Pashkevich S., Yafarova G., Denisov A., Iyudin V., Bogodvid T., Dosina M., Kulchitsky V., Gainutdinov K.
Том 47, № 4 (2016) Characterization of Flow Distribution in the Blood Compartment of Hollow Fiber Hemodialyzers with Contrast-Enhanced Spin Echo Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Weerakoon B., Osuga T.
Том 50, № 7 (2019) Characterization of the Distribution of Spin–Lattice Relaxation Rates of Lipid Spin Labels in Fiber Cell Plasma Membranes of Eye Lenses with a Stretched Exponential Function
Stein N., Mainali L., Hyde J., Subczynski W.
Том 50, № 1-3 (2019) Characterization of the Initial Hydration Process of Ordinary Portland Cement Based on Low-Field NMR
Huo J., Peng Z., Ye Z., Feng Q., Zheng Y., Zhang J.
Том 49, № 11 (2018) Characterization of the Lipid Binding Pocket in GM2AP and SapB with EPR Spectroscopy
Ran Y., Fanucci G.
Том 50, № 11 (2019) Charge Transfer State in the Composite DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM: Dynamics of Electron–Hole Distance Distribution After Light Absorption
Uvarov M., Kulik L.
Том 47, № 10 (2016) Compact NMR Spectroscopy with Shift Reagents
Singh K., Blümich B.
Том 48, № 9 (2017) Comparison of 12 Quadrature Birdcage Coils with Different Leg Shapes at 9.4 T
Xu Y., Wen Q.
Том 48, № 5 (2017) Comparison of the Effects of Different 19F π Pulses on the Sensitivity and Phaseability of the 19F-13C HSQC
Marchione A., Conklin B.
Том 47, № 4 (2016) Compensation for Signal Voids Caused by Turbulent Flow in Stenotic Vessels at 7T MRI: A Preliminary Study
Kang C., Kim S., Kim N., Lee Y.
Том 50, № 1-3 (2019) Complexes Based on Calix[4]arene Sulfonic Acid with Acetic Acid and Its Derivatives: NMR Analysis
Chernyak A., Slesarenko N., Volkov V.
Том 48, № 8 (2017) Compressed Sensing MRI Using Sparsity Averaging and FISTA
Huang J., Zhu L., Wang L., Song W.
Том 49, № 5 (2018) Compressed-Sensing MRI Based on Adaptive Tight Frame in Gradient Domain
Fan X., Lian Q., Shi B.
Том 47, № 8 (2016) Compressed-Sensing Technique Combined with Key-Hole Acquisitions for SNR Enhancement
Kang C., Kim H.
Том 47, № 1 (2016) Compressively Sampled MR Image Reconstruction Using POCS with g-Factor as Regularization Parameter
Kaleem M., Qureshi M., Omer H.
Том 47, № 9 (2016) Compressively Sampled MRI Recovery Using Modified Iterative-Reweighted Least Square Method
Haider H., Shah J., Qureshi I., Omer H., Kadir K.
Том 50, № 8 (2019) Computation of Resonance Magnetic Fields of CW-EPR Spectra by Reversion of Power Series
Rane V., Das R.
Том 47, № 11 (2016) Consistent Paradigm of the Spectra Decomposition into Independent Resonance Lines
Salikhov K.
Том 50, № 1-3 (2019) Correction to: Analysis of the Regularization Parameters of Primal–Dual Interior Method for Convex Objectives Applied to 1H Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data Processing
Cohen M., Resende M., Saunders M., Linder C., Wiesman Z., Campisi-Pinto S., Levi O., Benson D.
Том 50, № 10 (2019) Correction to: Spin-label Order Parameter Calibrations for Slow Motion
Marsh D.
Том 47, № 1 (2016) Correlation of Signal Intensity and ICP/OES-Related Concentration of Gadolinium-based Nanomagnetic Particles in Molecular MRI: In Vitro Study
Nikfar B., Riyahi Alam N., Haghgoo S., Ghanaati H., Ghanbari H., Khoobi M., Rafiei B., Gorji E., Heydarnezhadi S.
Том 48, № 7 (2017) CP MAS Kinetics Study of Ionic Liquids Confined in Mesoporous Silica: Convergence of Non-Classical and Classical Spin Coupling Models
Klimavicius V., Dagys L., Chizhik V., Balevicius V.
Том 49, № 11 (2018) Cu(II) EPR Reveals Two Distinct Binding Sites and Oligomerization of Innate Immune Protein Calgranulin C
Ghosh S., Garcia V., Singewald K., Damo S., Saxena S.
Том 47, № 7 (2016) Decoherence-Induced Stabilization of the Multiple-Quantum NMR-Spectrum Width
Lundin A., Zobov V.
Том 50, № 11 (2019) De-noising Multi-coil Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Patch-Based Adaptive Filtering in Wavelet Domain
Inam O., Qureshi M., Omer H.
Том 48, № 5 (2017) Design and Demonstration of Four-Channel Received Coil Arrays for Vertical-Field MRI
Chen Q., Xu Y., Chang Y., Yang X.
Том 50, № 1-3 (2019) Design and Implementation of a Robust NMR Fluid Analyzer with Multiple Antennas
Chen W., Xiao L., Liu H., Liao G., Liu W., Zhang Y., Wu Q., Sun Z., Zheng W.
Том 47, № 10 (2016) Design and Optimization of a Four-Channel Received Coil for Vertical-Field MRI
Chen Q., Xu Y., Chang Y., Yang X.
Том 50, № 9 (2019) Design and Simulation of a Helmholtz Coil for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Experiments with a 3T MR Clinical Scanner
Giovannetti G., Frijia F., Flori A., Montanaro D.
Том 47, № 10 (2016) Detailed Analysis of Manifestations of the Spin Coherence Transfer in EPR Spectra of 14N Nitroxide Free Radicals in Non-Viscous Liquids
Salikhov K., Bakirov M., Galeev R.
Том 47, № 8 (2016) Detection of Explosive Precursors Using Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Krylatykh N., Fattakhov Y., Fakhrutdinov A., Anashkin V., Shagalov V., Khabipov R.
Том 50, № 11 (2019) Determination of Acrolein-Associated T1 and T2 Relaxation Times and Noninvasive Detection Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Vike N., Tang J., Talavage T., Shi R., Rispoli J.
Том 47, № 10 (2016) Determining Uncertainty in NMR T2 Distribution Using Frequentist Method
Zou Y., Xie R., Ding Y., Arad A.
Том 50, № 1-3 (2019) Development of a Microfluidic NMR Device for Rapid and Quantitative Detection of Tumor Markers
Lu R., Lei P., Yang Q., Ni Z., Yi H.
Том 47, № 8 (2016) Development of Digital MRI Consoles Using General-Purpose Digital Instruments and Microcontroller Boards
Kose K., Tsuda M., Tamada D., Terada Y.
Том 47, № 1 (2016) Development of Earth’s Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (EFNMR) Technique for Applications in Security Scanning Devices
Balcı E., Rameev B., Acar H., Mozzhukhin G., Aktaş B., Çolak B., Kupriyanov P., Ievlev A., Chernyshev Y., Chizhik V.
Том 50, № 9 (2019) Development of High-Field and High-Pressure ESR System and Application to Triangular Antiferromagnet \(\hbox {CsCuCl}_{3}\)
Okuto R., Ohki E., Sakurai T., Hijii K., Takahashi H., Ohmichi E., Okubo S., Ohta H., Uwatoko Y., Tanaka H.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Development of Very-Low-Temperature Millimeter-Wave Electron-Spin-Resonance Measurement System
Fujii Y., Ishikawa Y., Ohya K., Miura S., Koizumi Y., Fukuda A., Omija T., Mitsudo S., Mizusaki T., Matsubara A., Yamamori H., Komori T., Morimoto K., Kikuchi H.
Том 47, № 9 (2016) Diagnostic Accuracy of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Endometrial Carcinoma: a Retrospective Study on 54 Cases
Li R., Zhao Q., Xin S., Zhang L., Qi X., Zheng N.
Том 48, № 7 (2017) Diagnostic Value of Short and Long Echo Time in 1H-MRS for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Bogdan A., Kataeva G., Khomenko J., Ilves A., Prakhova L.
Том 48, № 7 (2017) Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in an Ultra-Low Magnetic Field
Ievleva S., Luzhetckaia N., Tyutyukin K., Frolov V.
Том 47, № 3 (2016) Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes with Persulfide Ligands: EPR and Optical Studies
Vanin A., Mikoyan V., Borodulin R., Burbaev D., Kubrina L.
Том 49, № 1 (2018) Dipolar Relaxation of Multiple Quantum NMR Coherences as a Model of Decoherence of Many-Qubit Coherent Clusters
Bochkin G., Fel’dman E., Vasil’ev S., Volkov V.
Том 47, № 11 (2016) Discrete and Continuous Spin–Spin Relaxation Rate Distributions Derived from CPMG NMR Response Curves: a Comparative Analysis Exemplified by Water in Meat
Hansen E., Zhu H.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Double Electron–Electron Resonance Between Trapped Electron and Hole in a Semiconductor
Akimoto I., Sekiya T.
Том 49, № 8 (2018) Double Quantum Coherence EPR Reveals the Structure–Function Relationships of the Cardiac Troponin C–Troponin I Complex Regulated by Ca2+ Ions and a Phosphomimetic
Abe J., Ueki S., Yamauchi S., Arata T., Ohba Y.
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