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Vol 50, No 5 (2019) Double-Tuned Surface 1H–23Na Radio Frequency Coils at 7 T: Comparison of Three Decoupling Methods
Maggiorelli F., Boskamp E.B., Tiberi G., Retico A., Symms M.R., Tosetti M., Robb F.
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Drying of a Natural Soil Under Evaporative Conditions: A Comparison of Different Magnetic Resonance Methods
Merz S., Pohlmeier A., Balcom B.J., Enjilela R., Vereecken H.
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Dynamic Polarization and Relaxation of 75As Nuclei in Silicon at High Magnetic Field and Low Temperature
Järvinen J., Ahokas J., Sheludiakov S., Vainio O., Zvezdov D., Lehtonen L., Vlasenko L., Vasiliev S.
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Editor’s Preface
Salikhov K.M.
Vol 47, No 10 (2016) Effect of Lanthanide and Cobalt Ions on Electron Spin Relaxation of Tempone in Glassy Water:Glycerol at 20 to 200 K
Aggarwal P., Eaton S.S., Eaton G.R.
Vol 49, No 7 (2018) Effect of NaCl Solution on Swelling Characteristics of Bentonite with Different Diffuse Double Layers
Yu H., Sun D., Gao Y.
Vol 47, No 1 (2016) Effect of Stellate Ganglion Block on the Cerebral Cortex: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Kim D.Y., Park C., Chung R.K., Kang C.
Vol 49, No 5 (2018) Effect of Structural Disorder on Hydrodynamic Behavior of Alpha-Casein According to PFG NMR Spectroscopy
Kusova A.M., Sitnitsky A.E., Zuev Y.F.
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Effects of Spin-Dependent Recombination and EPR Spectroscopy of the Excited Triplet States of Point Defects in Silicon
Vlasenko L.S.
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Efficient Referencing of FSLG CPMAS HETCOR Spectra Using 2D 1H–1H MAS FSLG
Kumari B., Brodrecht M., Gutmann T., Breitzke H., Buntkowsky G.
Vol 47, No 5 (2016) Eight-Channel Monopole Array Using ICE Decoupling for Human Head MR Imaging at 7 T
Yan X., Wei L., Chu S., Xue R., Zhang X.
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) ELDOR-detected NMR at Q-Band
Hetzke T., Bowen A.M., Prisner T.F.
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Electrically Controlled Dimensionality of Magnetic Systems in Organic Materials
Sakurai Y., Matsumoto D., Marumoto K.
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Electron Magnetic Resonance in Magnetic Nanoparticles: Dependence on the Particle Size and Applicability of the Modified Giant Spin Model
Noginova N., Bates B., Atsarkin V.A.
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Investigations of ZnSe:Mn Nanocrystals
Mazing D.S., Nikiforova A.V., Osinin A.S., Moshnikov V.A., Bogachev Y.V., Sukharzhevskii S.M.
Vol 49, No 3 (2018) Electron Spin Polarization of Photo-Excited Copper Coproporphyrin I: From Monomers to Dimers
Sukhanov A.A., Kandrashkin Y.E., Voronkova V.K., Tyurin V.S.
Vol 47, No 5 (2016) Electron Transfer Pathways in a Tetrathiafulvalene-Aluminum(III) Porphyrin-Free-Base Porphyrin Triad Studied Using Electron Spin Polarization
Kandrashkin Y.E., Poddutoori P.K., van der Est A.
Vol 48, No 7 (2017) Electron–Nuclear Spin Dynamics in Semiconductor QDs
Kuznetsova M.S.
Vol 48, No 3 (2017) Electron-Spin Relaxation Measurements of Biological [2Fe-2S] Cluster System in View of Electron Spin Quantum Bits
Baldansuren A.
Vol 49, No 11 (2018) Electron-Spin Relaxation of Triarylmethyl Radicals in Glassy Trehalose
Kuzhelev A.A., Krumkacheva O.A., Timofeev I.O., Tormyshev V.M., Fedin M.V., Bagryanskaya E.G.
Vol 49, No 2 (2018) Encoding Textual Information in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Anisimov N.V., Pavlova O.S.
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Energy Spectrum-based Variable-Density Sampling Distribution Optimized for MR Angiography at Compressed Sensing Technique
Kang C., Son Y., Kim H.
Vol 49, No 7 (2018) Enzymatic Activity Prediction Using Time-Domain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (TD-NMR) and Multivariate Analysis: A Case Study Using Cassava Roots
da Silva Ferreira J., Moraes T.B., Colnago L.A., Pereira F.M.
Vol 50, No 8 (2019) EPR and DEER Characterization of New Mixed Weakly Coupled Nitroxide Triradicals for Molecular Three-Spin Qubits
Zaytseva E., Timofeev I., Krumkacheva O., Parkhomenko D., Mazhukin D., Sato K., Matsuoka H., Takui T., Bagryanskaya E.
Vol 49, No 12 (2018) EPR and Magnetization Studies of Polymer-Derived Fe-Doped SiCN Nanoceramics Annealed at Various Temperatures: Blocking Temperature, Superparamagnetism and Size Distributions
Misra S.K., Andronenko S., Gilmutdinov I., Yusupov R.
Vol 50, No 7 (2019) EPR and Mössbauer Characteristics of Aqueous Solutions of 57Fe-Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes with Glutathione and Hydroxyl Ligands
Prusakov V.E., Maksimov Y.V., Burbaev D.S., Serezhenkov V.A., Borodulin R.R., Tkachev N.A., Mikoyan V.D., Vanin A.F.
Vol 50, No 11 (2019) EPR Characterization of the Light-Induced Negative Polaron in a Functionalized Dithienylthiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole Acceptor for Organic Photovoltaics
Van Landeghem M., Kudrjasova J., Maes W., Goovaerts E., Van Doorslaer S.
Vol 47, No 6 (2016) EPR Detection of Iron Storage in Rat Tissues After Simulated Microgravity Model
Yurtaeva S.V., Efimov V.N., Yafarova G.G., Eremeev A.A., Iyudin V.S., Rodionov A.A., Gainutdinov K.L., Yatsyk I.V.
Vol 48, No 2 (2017) EPR Line Shifts and Line Shape Changes Due to Spin Exchange Between Nitroxide Free Radicals in Liquids 10. Spin-Exchange Frequencies of the Order of the Nitrogen Hyperfine Interaction: A Hypothesis
Bales B.L., Peric M.
Vol 47, No 5 (2016) EPR of Nd3+ Ions in the Common Position in a Cubic Single Crystal KZnF3
Falin M.L., Zaripov M.M., Latypov V.A.
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) EPR Study of Sc2SiO5:Nd143 Isotopically Pure Impurity Crystals
Eremina R.M., Tarasov V.F., Konov K.B., Gavrilova T.P., Shestakov A.V., Shustov V.A., Kutovoi S.A., Zavartsev Y.D.
Vol 47, No 5 (2016) EPR Study of TiO2 (Rutile) Doped with Vanadium
Kokorin A.I., Sukhanov A.A., Gromov O.I., Arakelyan V.M., Aroutiounian V.M., Voronkova V.K.
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) EPR Uniform Field Signal Enhancement by Dielectric Tubes in Cavities
Hyde J.S., Mett R.R.
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) Erratum to: Consistent Paradigm of the Spectra Decomposition into Independent Resonance Lines
Salikhov K.M.
Vol 47, No 8 (2016) Erratum to: Electron Magnetic Resonance in Magnetic Nanoparticles: Dependence on the Particle Size and Applicability of the Modified Giant Spin Model
Noginova N., Bates B., Atsarkin V.A.
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Erratum to: Force-detected ESR Measurements in a Terahertz Range up to 0.5 THz and Application to Hemin
Okamoto T., Takahashi H., Ohmichi E., Ohta H.
Vol 50, No 7 (2019) ESEEM Reveals Bound Substrate Histidine in the ABC Transporter HisQMP2
Isaev N., Heuveling J., Ivanisenko N., Schneider E., Steinhoff H.
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) ESR Study of the Nature of Melanin from Micellar Fungi Nadsoniella Nigra
Kulikov A.V., Bogatyrenko V.R., Grigorash A.I.
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) ESR Study of Y2SiO5:Nd143 Isotopically Pure Impurity Crystals for Quantum Memory
Sukhanov A.A., Tarasov V.F., Eremina R.M., Yatsyk I.V., Likerov R.F., Shestakov A.V., Zavartsev Y.D., Zagumennyi A.I., Kutovoi S.A.
Vol 48, No 2 (2017) ESR Study on Scavenging Effect of Squalene on Free Radicals in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke
Liang Y., Yuxia Z., Yabo J., Yajie H., Jianyu W., Zepeng C., Dingxin J.
Vol 47, No 4 (2016) Evaluation of the Pore Structure of Reservoirs Based on NMR T2 Spectrum Decomposition
Wang F., Tang T., Liu T., Zhang H.
Vol 50, No 11 (2019) Evidence of the Excitation of Mn2+ Spin-Dependent Photoluminescence in Manganese-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnets
Edinach E.V., Kramushchenko D.D., Gurin A.S., Uspenskaya Y.A., Babunts R.A., Asatryan H.R., Badalyan A.G., Romanov N.G., Baranov P.G.
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Examining Magnetic Models and Anisotropies in β-Cu2V2O7 by High-Frequency ESR
Ruan M.Y., Ouyang Z.W., Sun Y.C., Xia Z.C., Rao G.H., Chen H.S.
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Exchange Interactions in Heteronuclear Clusters Containing Dysprosium Ions: EPR Spectroscopy Possibility
Galeev R.T., Mingalieva L.V., Sukhanov A.A., Voronkova V.K., Peng Y., Powell A.K.
Vol 49, No 7 (2018) Exploring the Limits of Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (O-DNP) for Portable Magnetic Resonance Detection of Low γ Nuclei
Yoder J.L., Magnelind P.E., Espy M.A., Janicke M.T.
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Features of Development and Applications of Compact EPR Analyzers
Bogachev Y.V., Knyazev M.N., Nikitina A.V.
Vol 49, No 1 (2018) Features of Exchange Interaction Between Cr3+ Ions in Compounds [Fe(phen)3][Cr2(OH)(Ac)(nta)2]·6,25H2O and [Fe(bpy)3][Cr2(OH)(Ac)(nta)2]·8H2O
Mingalieva L.V., Galeev R.T., Sukhanov A.A., Voronkova V.K., Budnikova I.K., Novitchi G.
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) Floquet Hamiltonian and Entanglement in Spin Systems in Periodic Magnetic Fields
Fel’dman E.B., Feldman D.E., Kuznetsova E.I.
Vol 49, No 7 (2018) Flowing Liquids in NMR: Numerical CFD Simulation and Experimental Confirmation of Magnetization Buildup
Kespe M., Förster E., Nirschl H., Guthausen G.
Vol 48, No 10 (2017) Fluid Typing: Efficient NMR Well-Logging with Interleaved CPMG Sequence at Different Frequencies
Wu B., Altobelli S.A., Fukushima E.
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) FMR Investigation of the Magnetic Anisotropy in Films Synthesized by Co+ Implantation into Si
Chirkov V.V., Gumarov G.G., Petukhov V.Y., Bakirov M.M., Nuzhdin V.I., Valeev V.F.
Vol 49, No 2 (2018) FMR Studies of Ultra-Thin Epitaxial Pd0.92Fe0.08 Film
Esmaeili A., Vakhitov I.R., Yanilkin I.V., Gumarov A.I., Khaliulin B.M., Gabbasov B.F., Aliyev M.N., Yusupov R.V., Tagirov L.R.
Vol 48, No 5 (2017) Force-detected ESR Measurements in a Terahertz Range up to 0.5 THz and Application to Hemin
Okamoto T., Takahashi H., Ohmichi E., Ohta H.
Vol 49, No 9 (2018) Fractal Approach for 1H-NMR Spectra Simplification and Data Processing
Costa Pereira J., Jarak I., Carvalho R.A.
Vol 49, No 6 (2018) From Current Researches to Future Applications
Chizhik V.I., Tagirov M.S.
Vol 49, No 10 (2018) Gas Flow Mapping in a Recorder: An Application of SPRITE MRI
Gauthier A.P., Newling B.
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Genotoxic Responses of Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption Rate and Mitochondrial Semiquinone Radicals in Tumor Cells
Yamamoto K., Yasui H., Bo T., Yamamori T., Hiraoka W., Yamasaki T., Yamada K., Inanami O.
Vol 47, No 4 (2016) Glycosylated Gadolinium as Potential Metabolic Contrast Agent vs Gd-DTPA for Metabolism of Tumor Tissue in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Rafiei B., Nikfari B., Amirrashedi M., Heydarnezhadi S., Riahi Alam N., Haghgoo S., Ghanaati H., Khoobi M., Gorji E.
Vol 50, No 8 (2019) Golden-Angle Radial Sparse Parallel MR Image Reconstruction Using SC-GROG Followed by Iterative Soft Thresholding
Shahzadi I., Aslam I., Qazi S.A., Omer H.
Vol 48, No 10 (2017) GPU-Accelerated Self-Calibrating GRAPPA Operator Gridding for Rapid Reconstruction of Non-Cartesian MRI Data
Inam O., Qureshi M., Malik S.A., Omer H.
Vol 49, No 11 (2018) Heterogeneity of Accelerated Photooxidation in Stabilized Bulk Commodity Polymers Studied by X-Band ESRI
Pilař J.
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Heterogeneity of Critical Indexes at “Liquid–Liquid” Phase Transition in 2,6-Lutidine Aqueous Solutions: An 1H NMR Study
Gabuda S.P., Kozlova S.G., Kompankov N.B., Redkina K.S.
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) High-Bandwidth Q-Band EPR Resonators
Tschaggelar R., Breitgoff F.D., Oberhänsli O., Qi M., Godt A., Jeschke G.
Vol 48, No 8 (2017) High-Field Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Reveals a Stable Glassy Fraction up to Melting in Semicrystalline Poly(dimethylsiloxane)
Massa C.A., Pizzanelli S., Bercu V., Pardi L., Leporini D.
Vol 48, No 11-12 (2017) High-Pressure EPR Spectroscopy Studies of the E. coli Lipopolysaccharide Transport Proteins LptA and LptC
Schultz K.M., Klug C.S.
Vol 48, No 1 (2017) How Far can the Anisotropy Deviate from Uniaxiality in a Dy-Based Single-Molecule Magnet? Dinuclear Dy(III) Complex Study
Baniodeh A., Mondal A., Galeev R., Sukhanov A., Eremina R., Voronkova V., Anson C.E., Powell A.K.
Vol 50, No 5 (2019) Hydration and Water Molecules Mobility in Acid Form of Nafion Membrane Studied by 1H NMR Techniques
Chernyak A.V., Vasiliev S.G., Avilova I.A., Volkov V.I.
Vol 50, No 10 (2019) Hyperbaric Oxygenation Effects on Human Brain In Vivo: 1H MRS and Resting-State fMRI Study
Manzhurtsev A., Vasiukova O., Sergeeva V., Bozhko O., Menshchikov P., Ublinskiy M., Akhadov T., Semenova N.
Vol 50, No 9 (2019) Hyperfine Interaction Promoted Intersystem Crossing
Kandrashkin Y.E.
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) Hyperfine Structure in the OD ESR Spectra of Recombining Charge Pairs in Doped Polyethylene Matrices
Verkhovlyuk V.N., Borovkov V.I., Bagryansky V.A., Zikirin S.B., Taratayko A.I., Anisimov O.A., Molin Y.N.
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Identification of Free Radicals Generated by Different Curing Modes in a Dental Resin Cement
Vicentin B.L., Netto A.M., Blümich B., Di Mauro E.
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Imaging Doxorubicin Free Radical in Mice with Overhauser Enhanced MRI and its Tumor Suppression Effect in Mice
Kato N., Sato S., Yamada K., Ichikawa K.
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Impact of the Characteristic Impedance of Coaxial Lines on the Sensitivity of a 750-MHz Electronically Tunable EPR Resonator
Nakaoka R., Komarov D.A., Matsumoto S., Hirata H.
Vol 49, No 4 (2018) Impregnation of Polycarbonate by Paramagnetic Probe 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-4-Hydroxy-Piperidine-1-Oxyl (TEMPOL) in Supercritical CO2
Akovantseva A.A., Bagratashvili V.N., Chumakova N.A., Golubeva E.N., Gromov O.I., Kuzin S.V., Melnikov M.Y., Timashev P.S.
Vol 49, No 5 (2018) Improved Quantification of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry Data via Partial Least Squares Analysis
Washburn K.E., McCarney E.R.
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Improving Multi-contrast Imaging with Reference Guided Location and Orientation Priors on Edges
Zhu Q., Wang W.
Vol 49, No 10 (2018) Impurities of [1-13C]Pyruvic Acid and a Method to Minimize Their Signals for Hyperpolarized Pyruvate Metabolism Studies
Harris T., Gamliel A., Sosna J., Gomori J.M., Katz-Brull R.
Vol 50, No 5 (2019) In Situ FMR Study of the Selective H2S-Oxidation Stability of ε-Fe2O3/SiO2 Catalysts
Yakushkin S.S., Bukhtiyarova G.A., Dubrovskiy A.A., Knyazev Y.V., Balaev D.A., Martyanov O.N.
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Influence of Compression on Magnetic Properties of Nickel Chloride Coordination Compound with 3-Amino-4-Ethoxycarbonylpyrazole
Berezin A.S., Nadolinny V.A., Lavrenova L.G.
Vol 48, No 4 (2017) Influence of Defects on Photoconductivity and Photocatalytic Activity of Nitrogen-Doped Titania
Minnekhanov A.A., Le N.T., Konstantinova E.A., Kashkarov P.K.
Vol 47, No 7 (2016) Influence of Formation Conditions on Structure and Properties of Paramagnetic Centers in Polymorphous Silicon Films
Konstantinova E.A., Emelyanov A.V., Forsh P.A., Kashkarov P.K.
Vol 47, No 2 (2016) Influence of Geometrical Configuration of a Translucent Fiberglass Post on the Polymerization of a Dual Cure Resin Cement Analyzed by EPR Spectroscopy
Vicentin B.L., Salomão F.M., Hoeppner M.G., Di Mauro E.
Vol 50, No 4 (2019) Influence of Morphology of LaF3 Nano-crystals on Fluorine Dynamics Studied by NMR Diffusometry
Gulina L.B., Schikora M., Privalov A.F., Weigler M., Tolstoy V.P., Murin I.V., Vogel M.
Vol 49, No 10 (2018) Influence of Polarity and Ionic Strength on Intramolecular Spin Exchange in a Short Nitroxide Biradical, Containing Sulphur Atom in the Bridge
Kokorin A.I., Mladenova-Kattnig B.Y., Gromov O.I., Shubin A.A., Zaripov R.B., Grampp G.
Vol 48, No 4 (2017) Influence of Pressure on the Intramolecular Spin Exchange in a Short Imidazolium-Nitroxide Biradical
Mladenova-Kattnig B., Grampp G., Kokorin A.I.
Vol 49, No 3 (2018) Influential Factors of Internal Magnetic Field Gradient in Reservoir Rock and Its Effects on NMR Response
Xing D., Fan Y., Deng S., Ge X., Liu J., Wu F.
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Interaction Kinetics of Sulfadiazine and N-Acetyl-sulfadiazine with Soil Humic Acid: ESR Investigations with Nitroxide Spin Label
Ricke A., Bondarenko E., Úr G., Kálai T., Hideg K., Steinhoff H., Matthies M.
Vol 48, No 10 (2017) Internal Magnetic Field Gradients in Paramagnetic Shale Pores
Ramia M.E., Martín C.A.
Vol 48, No 6 (2017) Investigation of Coherence Time of a Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond Created by a Low-Energy Nitrogen Implantation
Abeywardana C., Peng Z., Mugica L.C., Kleinsasser E., Fu K.C., Takahashi S.
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Investigation of Multiple-Quantum NMR Coherence Growth and Intensity Profile in Silsesquioxanes
Avilova I.A., Chernyak A.V., Vasil’ev S.G.
Vol 47, No 9 (2016) Investigation of Poly(AM/AMPS/MA) on the Retarding Performance of Oil Well Cement
Zhang R., Huo J., Peng Z., Feng Q., Chen D., Wang J.
Vol 47, No 12 (2016) Investigation of Polymer Degradation Using NMR Relaxometry with Inverse Laplace Transformation
Bogaychuk A., Sinyavsky N., Kupriyanova G.
Vol 50, No 1-3 (2019) Investigation on Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technology and Instantaneous Profile Method
Chen B., Huang Y., Zhang K., Wu F.
Vol 47, No 3 (2016) Investigations of the Defect Structures and g Factors for SnO2:Cr5+, SnO2:V4+, and TiO2:V4+ Crystals
Zhu L., Wang M.
Vol 50, No 12 (2019) Investigations on Magnetization and Electron Magnetic Resonance Properties of Nd0.65Ca0.35Mn1–xZnxO3(x = 0, 0.1, 0.3) Nanomanganite
Paul D., Anuradha K.N., Bhat S.V.
Vol 49, No 8 (2018) Irradiation of Phenolic Compounds with Ultraviolet Light Causes Release of Hydrated Electrons
Okazaki S., Takeshita K.
Vol 49, No 11 (2018) Jack Freed: On the Occasion of His 80th Birthday
Saxena S., Blank A.
Vol 48, No 9 (2017) Joint Reconstruction of Multi-contrast Images and Multi-channel Coil Sensitivities
Chen Z., Ren Y., Su S., Shi C., Ji J.X., Zheng H., Liu X., Xie G.
Vol 47, No 6 (2016) Kinetics of Rapid Covalent Bond Formation of Aniline with Humic Acid: ESR Investigations with Nitroxide Spin Labels
Matthies M., Glinka K., Theiling M., Hideg K., Steinhoff H.
Vol 48, No 3 (2017) Line Profile Measure as a Stopping Criterion in CG-SENSE Algorithm
Khan M., Aslam T., Shahzad H., Omer H.
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