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Vol 52, No 2 (2023)

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SEM Measurements of the Dimensions of Relief Structures in the Technological Process of Manufacturing Microcircuits

Novikov Y.A., Filippov M.N.


The problems of measuring the dimensions of relief elements on a scanning electron microscope (SEM) in the technological process of manufacturing microcircuits are considered. The first problem is related to the fact that the increase in the SEM during operation can vary over a wide range depending on the measured dimensions. The second problem is that the probe diameter determined in the SEM calibration process differs from the diameter used in operational measurements. The third problem is related to the fact that it is not known which relief parameter is measured in the SEM probe defocusing method. It is shown that to solve the first problem, it is necessary to calibrate the mark on the image using structures with a trapezoidal profile and large angles of inclination of the side walls. The solution of the second problem is based on the method of defocusing the SEM probe: determining the dependence of the sizes between certain points on the SEM signals on the probe diameter and extrapolating this dependence to the zero value of the diameter. The third problem is solved with the help of a virtual scanning electron microscope.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(2):87-95
pages 87-95 views


Investigation of the Possibility of Optimizing the Interaction of NV Centers and Photons by Changing the Shape of Microresonators

Tsukanov A.V., Kateev I.Y.


The processes of relaxation and dephasing of the electronic state of a nitrogen vacancy (NV) center within the continuum approximation for the spectrum of acoustic phonons in crystalline diamond are studied in this paper. The model of mixing of the excited electronic states of the center and its effect on the Rabi oscil-lations of populations and resonant fluorescence are analyzed. The conditions under which it is possible to implement quantum one-qubit operations both in the spin and charge subspaces of an NV center are formu-lated. The optical properties of elliptical microdisks containing NV centers are simulated and the effect of asymmetry on the spectral characteristics of such microresonators is studied.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(2):96-109
pages 96-109 views


Cross Sections of Scattering Processes in Electron-Beam Lithography

Rogozhin A.E., Sidorov F.A.


Modern models that are used to describe the processes of elastic, quasi-elastic, and inelastic scat-tering are considered. For elastic scattering, various forms of the electrostatic interaction potential, the exchange interaction potential, and the correlation-polarization potential are presented. For quasi-elastic processes, including electron-phonon and electron-polaron scattering, a model based on the theory of dielectrics and an empirical model are presented. Inelastic scattering is described based on the energy loss function, which is constructed using three different approaches.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(2):110-126
pages 110-126 views


Oxide Memristors for ReRAM: Approaches, Characteristics, and Structures

Isaev A.G., Permyakova O.O., Rogozhin A.E.


This review focuses on oxide memristors for resistive random access memory (ReRAM). Possi-ble practical implementations of ReRAM and the problem of leakage through neighboring elements in ReRAM are considered. The main types of resistive switching in memristors are briefly described and the main mechanisms of resistive switching are analyzed. The main characteristics of memristors required for ReRAM are also described. Some memristor structures based on oxides of titanium, silicon, tantalum, and hafnium, as well as multilayer oxide structures are analyzed. The current problems in the creation of ReRAM are highlighted.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(2):127-151
pages 127-151 views


Plasma Parameters and Kinetics of Reactive Ion Etching of SiO2 and Si3N4 in an HBr/Cl2/Ar Mixture

Efremov A.M., Betelin V.B., Kwon K.


The parameters of the gas phase and the kinetics of reactive ion etching of SiO2 and Si3N4 under conditions of an induction RF (13.56 MHz) discharge with a varying HBr/Cl2 ratio is studied. The study includes plasma diagnostics using Langmuir probes, plasma modeling to find stationary concentrations of active particles, measuring velocities, and analyzing etching mechanisms in the effective interaction prob-ability approximation. It is found that the substitution of HBr by Cl2 at a constant argon content (a) is accompanied by a noticeable change in the electrical parameters of the plasma; (b) leads to a weak increase in the intensity of ion bombardment of the treated surface; and (c) causes a significant increase in the total concentration and flux density of reactive particles. It is shown that the etching rates of SiO2 and Si3N4 increase monotonically as the proportion of Cl2 increases in a mixture, while the main etching mechanism is an ion-stimulated chemical reaction. The model description of the kinetics of such a reaction in the first approximation assumes (a) the additive contribution of bromine and chlorine atoms and (b) the direct pro-portional dependence of their effective interaction probabilities on the intensity of ion bombardment. The existence of an additional channel of heterogeneous interaction with the participation of HCl molecules is proposed.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(2):152-159
pages 152-159 views

Investigation of the Optical Properties of Ultrathin Films Based on Metal Silicide

Kerimov E.A.


When studying the optical properties of thin films, in order to obtain reliable information about the magnitude of their optical constants, it is necessary to accurately measure the thickness of the metal. Thickness 600 < d < 1500 Å is measured by the method of multibeam interferometry and the resonant-frequency method.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(2):160-164
pages 160-164 views

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