Russkaâ rečʹ

Russkaya Rech’ is a scientific journal published by the Russian Academy of Sciences. It has been published since 1967.

Founders - Russian Academy of Sciences, V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute.

The journal has 6 issues per year.

The journal is included in the Higher Attestation Commission List of peer-reviewed scientific publications.

The academic journal Russkaya Rech’ (Russian Speech) publishes the results of scientific research in Philology (Russian language, Russian literature).
The journal also publishes discussions, conference reviews, critical essays, and book reviews.

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Issues of Modern Russian Language

Experimental Study of Lexical Choice Situation (on the Material of the Constructions otkryvat’ butylku ‘open a bottle’ and otkuporivat’ butylku ‘uncork a bottle’)
Glebkin V., Evchuk E.

Lexical competition between lexical units and extralinguistic factors influencing lexical choice have remained one of the fundamental problems within the scope of the onomasiological approach to lexical semantics as of yet. In previous studies of one of the authors, such competition was explored with an example of the constructions otkryvat’ butylku ‘open a bottle’ and otkuporivat’ butylku ‘uncork a bottle’. The experimental study reported in this article provides some evidence in favor of the results obtained in the previous research based on a corpus analysis. In this study, the participants filled the most appropriate, in their opinion, words in the gaps in the sentences taken from the Russian National Corpus, which previously contained the verb otkuporivat’ ‘uncork’. The results of the study confirmed earlier observations that the verb otkuporivat’ correlates with the “literary” context of use and the verb otkryvat’ with the “everyday” context. In addition, the results of the experiments pave the way for the correlation between the construction otkryvat’ butylku and the action of a “fast” cognitive system that activates surface connections between lexical units, and the correlation between the construction otkuporivat’ butylku and the action of a “slow” system that creates a mental representation of the situation designated in the sentence.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(1):7-20
pages 7-20 views
There’s Less Jakan’je Here (Unstressed Vowel Systems of Two Neighbouring Tambov Dialects)
Knyazev S.

The paper deals with the unstressed vowels systems after palatalized consonants in two neighbouring Southern Russian dialects from Staroyuryev district, Tambov region (Ryazan’ group). The results obtained show that 1) the two dialects located at a distance of 5 kilometers from each other are characterized by different types of the assimilative-dissimilative jakan’je: novoselkovsky and orekhovsky; 2) there are no distinctions in this regard in male in female idiolects; 3) dialectal speakers are quite aware of those subtle differences in their speech. Meanwhile, the obtained data lead us to the conclusion that there exists a gradual transitional distinction among various “types” of assimilative-dissimilative jakan’je in South-Eastern Russian dialects rather than a strict categorial (“phonological”) boundary between them since the dialects in question show a gradual transition from prestressed [i] to [a] after palatalized consonants before stressed mid-open and mid-close vowels while there is no variability detected in the position before low and high vowels. Thus, in the system of unstressed vocalism there are both completely stable and variable components.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(1):21-32
pages 21-32 views
How is a Generically Personal Statement Born?
Nikitina E.

The paper analyzes generalizing statements written by children (7–11 years old) and explores features that distinguish typifying statements from generically personal ones. The former are characterized by generalization of time and subject of the sentence, the latter are specified not only by time and subject generalization, but also by the inclusive speaker. The paper proves the idea that generically personal statements (e. g. proverbs) acquire an ethical value because the speaker is potentially included in both participants of a personal conflict. Generically personal statements can be formulated not only in relation to a human being per se, but also to a class of living nature. This becomes possible if there is some correlation with human beings (“our smaller brethren”, “living creatures”, etc.). Based on the material of children`s essays, the paper examines deviations in the “process of generalization”, and traces generalization skills development as they are held in age dynamics. The ways of generalization of a living being/person are: unsubstituted nominal positions, generalizing and demonstrative pronouns, full-nominal vocabulary (generic nouns, adjectives used without nouns), relative clauses, idiomatic designations. Generalization vocabulary skills of older children correlate with their mastery of syntactic techniques. The paper also discusses the role of pronouns and adjectives used without a noun, as manifestations of the covert category of person and a category of animacy.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(1):33-48
pages 33-48 views
Fresh or not Fresh?” (Linguistic Portraying of the Word Фреш (Fresh) in Modern Journalistic Discourse)
Sokolova M.

The article examines the features of the functioning of the lexeme фреш (fresh) in modern journalistic discourse within the framework of the language portrait. The active spheres of functioning of the word фреш (fresh) in accordance with the subject of the texts are highlighted. The semantic volume of this lexeme has been clarified, which includes several meanings: “freshly squeezed juice”; “fresh, natural food”; “fresh, natural, original, new.” It has been established that the development of the semantics of the lexeme demonstrates the process of expanding the semantic volume due to the loss of hypersemes (“juice”, “food”) and the expansion of lexical compatibility. The morphological polyfunctionality of the analyzed lexeme, which acts as a noun or an indeclinable adjective as part of analytical constructions, is demonstrated. The facts of the expressive use of the word фреш (fresh) as proper names are described, as well as the inclusion of precedent phenomena in the game transformation. It has been established that while maintaining variability in the spelling of the word, the variant фреш (fresh) becomes predominant in frequency; various ways in the design of this word in the position of postposition in combinations are characterized.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(1):49-59
pages 49-59 views

From the History of the Russian Language

Bish’: Bayat’ or Byt’? About the Origin of One Particle
Glagoleva A.

The article attempts to establish the origin of a Russian particle bish’. The debatable nature of this issue is due to the divergence of researchers’ opinions about the generating basis: the data of etymological dictionaries refer to the development of this particle from the form of the 2nd person singular of the verb баять (баешь), while some studies indicate its origin from one of the preterites of the verb быти — the 3rd person plural aorist бѧше or the 3rd person singular imperfect.

To achieve its goal, the article investigates the issues of the conditions for the occurrence of allegroforms and allegroforms in the aspect of phonetic patterns of the degree of stress of words. The paper compares etymological data and specifies the difference of verb forms of the past tense, in particular, within the framework of the destruction of past tenses system. The research material was the data of the National Corpus of the Russian language (pan-chronical corpus) and information from etymological and dialectological dictionaries.

As a result, a hypothesis was proposed about the formation of the particle under study from a special form that appeared due to mixing the uses of aorist and imperfect, which was already characteristic of the 14th century. The appearance of the particle dates back to the 17th century, as evidenced by the data of dictionaries.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(1):60-69
pages 60-69 views
The First Stage of Russian Scientific Terminology Formation: The Predecessors of M. V. Lomonosov
Nikolenkova N.

The description of Russian scientific terminology is traditionally associated with the beginning of the 18th century, and its design as a system — with certain principles of organization is associated with M. V. Lomonosov. The article shows that the basic principles of the formation of geographical/astronomical terminology begin to take shape in the Russian literary language earlier — in the middle of the 17th century, when Epiphanius Slavinetsky, together with a group of Kiev scribes, translates the text of Blau’s Atlas from Latin. In the initial section (Introduction to Cosmography, preserved in a large number of lists), you can see how the scribes of the 17th century use, firstly, Greek phrases that were not previously used in the Russian book language, and secondly, they offer options for translating these lexemes. Almost all the terms introduced into the translation in question in the middle of the 17th century have been preserved in the Russian literary language. This proves that scientific terminology and ways of its introduction into the Russian literary language began to form back in the 1650s, and the scribes of the 18th century actually continue the established tradition. Final formalization of the principles of forming scientific terminology are completely established in the middle of the 18th century, when M. V. Lomonosov extends them to all spheres of his scientific activity and applies them to new sciences.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(1):70-81
pages 70-81 views

The Language of Fiction

Lexic-semantic Representation of the Image of the Caucasus in the Works of M. Yu. Lermontov
Kiseleva I., Potashova K., Ermakova A.

The purpose of the study is to identify the typology of semantic designations of the Caucasus in Lermontov’s work. It is established that Lermontov’s “Caucasian text” reproduces the local flavor in detail, presents a cross-section of Caucasian life during the military campaign of the 1820s — early 1840s. It is argued that the Caucasus in Lermontov’s artistic world is distinguished by topographic accuracy, its verbal representation is specified by an essay character, expressed in the use of special toponymy, the variety of names of the peoples inhabiting it, in the transmission of their characters and relationships. The article systematizes lexical and semantic means of transmitting a socio-cultural, historical and geographical image of the Caucasus, examines the semantics of toponyms, ethnonyms and ethnographisms in Lermontov’s lyrics, prose and epistolary. It is revealed that one of the leading principles of Lermontov’s poetics when creating the image of the Caucasus is the disclosure of etymology and meaning of the names of settlements, rivers and mountains in the text of the works. The article presents a comparison of a “Caucasian text” with the memoir and essay literature of the first third of the 19th century, which allows us to reconstruct the idea of the Caucasus in Russian society in the 1820s–1840s. As a result of the conducted research, it is proved that, revealing the language and culture of the highlanders in detail, Lermontov depicts the Caucasus both in its ontology, connected with the understanding of the essence of the Eastern world, and in its concrete historical ethnographically vivid manifestation.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(1):82-97
pages 82-97 views
Sound Metaphors in Vera Bogdanova’s novel The Season of Poisoned Fruit
Sharapova E.

The paper considers sound metaphors in the novel of Vera Bogdanova The Season of Poisoned Fruit (2022). The term sound metaphor extensively refers to comparative tropes of various types (metaphors and similes) that have sounds as source domain. The novel The Season of Poisoned Fruit presents a variety of sounds as source domain (names of different types of sounds, sounds produced by objects, insects and animals, human speech, music and echo, as well as images of silence, which are the absence of sound). Moreover, it contains a variety of objects as target domain (emotional states, most often negative ones, mental states and processes, natural and weather phenomena, household items, abstract images and ideas). In the novel, sounds can be not only images of comparison, but also objects of comparison in comparative tropes. Sound metaphors appear in complex combinations of metaphors, interact with objective world of the text generating key images and leitmotifs of the text. Sound images are important at different text levels: at the level of composition, in figurative language and style. Thus, sound metaphors are an important element in the imagery of the novel.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(1):98-106
pages 98-106 views
Period in L. N. Tolstoy’s Novel “War and Peace”
Shutan M.

The article presents a grouping of periods included in the text of the epic novel by Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”. It must be noted that the classification is based on the nature of the logical-semantic relations between the two main elements of a particular period. This is 1) a generalization based on the above facts (with details of an interior or a portrait of the character); 2) cause-and-effect relations between the two components of the period (memories that affect moral and psychological state of the hero; the influence of the surrounding world on the psychological state of the character; the sequence of actions and psychological reactions of the character, the consequence of which is a certain state of mind; fixation of factors affecting the actions of the character, which are mentioned in the second component of the period); 3) concessionary relations (a decision made by a character contrary to his own reflections; reality opposed to the interpretation events; discrepancy between reality and what should have happened); 4) the second part of the period synthesizing the information presented in the first part. At the same time, the article emphasizes that in the epic novel “War and Peace”, the period is one of the ways to focus the reader’s attention on artistic information that acquires special significance in the novel (images of Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Nikolai Rostov, Napoleon, Captain Tushin, regimental commander, author’s remarks).

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(1):107-123
pages 107-123 views

Science and Persons

In memory of Alexander Anatolyevich Sokolyansky
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(1):124-127
pages 124-127 views