Russkaâ rečʹ

Russkaya Rech’ is a scientific journal published by the Russian Academy of Sciences. It has been published since 1967.

Founders - Russian Academy of Sciences, V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute.

The journal has 6 issues per year.

The journal is included in the Higher Attestation Commission List of peer-reviewed scientific publications.

The academic journal Russkaya Rech’ (Russian Speech) publishes the results of scientific research in Philology (Russian language, Russian literature).
The journal also publishes discussions, conference reviews, critical essays, and book reviews.

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№ 4 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Issues of Modern Russian Language

Pridёt Dvoje iz Larca: an Experimental Study of Variable Agreement with Quantified Subjects
Belova D.

This paper presents an experimental study of predicative agreement in person and number with two types of quantified subjects containing a personal pronoun. Using two syntactic experiments with a rating task (the Likert scale), we compared the properties of the elective (dvoje iz nas ‘two of us’) and nominative (my dvoje ‘us two’) constructions regarding the preferred form of the verb in two configurations: with the preverbal and the postverbal position of the subject. Ordinal numbers (from dvoje ‘two of’ to semero ‘seven of’) and the quantifier word vse ‘all’ were compared as well. The results show that word order has a significant impact on the acceptability of different agreement strategies. For the elective construction, with the SV order, agreement by person and number of the quantifier is available, and the default agreement is rated as significantly less acceptable, while with the VS order, there are no significant differences between the ratings of the two agreement options. For a nominative construction with SV, only agreement by person and number of the pronoun is possible, while with VS, all strategies are rated as acceptable. 

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(4):7-19
pages 7-19 views
Seven shaburs, but one garment: peasant outerwear shabur(a)
Bobrova M.

The study considers a dialect lexeme shabur(a), which refers to peasant outerwear made of coarse homespun material. In the dictionaries of the literary language, it is defined as a “light caftan”, but dialect materials indicate the incompleteness of such interpretation. The study argues that the lexeme shabur(a) has a broad system of meanings, including ‘demi-season clothing’, ‘men’s/women’s outerwear’, ‘worn, torn outerwear’ or ‘worn casual outerwear used for work’.

However, we often use the word shabur(a) to describe a garment of a specific cut made of a certain material. For instance, mainly in the Urals this word was used to denote clothes made of coarse canvas fabric, in Siberia — from coarse fabric in which canvas (linen) warp threads were intertwined with wool weft.

In different traditions, the style of the product is extremely variable. Such elements may differ: silhouette (straight / flared, loose / fitted, with or without assemblies around the waist / from the back), length (long / knee-length / short), ways of buttoning (buttoned / non-buttoned, single-breasted / double-breasted), collar (absent / stand / turn-down, narrow / wide), lining (absent / up to the waist). Combined in different variations, these features provided a) the mosaicism of local variants shabur(a) while preserving the common name, b) the specifics of the semantics development. The study indicates New meanings of the word shabur(a) and its numerous derivatives, word usage in proverbs and riddles, actualizing the semes ‘outer’, ‘rough, hard’, ‘badly protecting from the cold’, ‘very indigent’.

The article concludes that due to the broad ethno-socio-cultural context of the realia and their names, the lexeme shabur(a) has a significant variability of the denotative basis, which makes it difficult to determine the scope of its conceptual content and semantic structure.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(4):20-33
pages 20-33 views
National Dictionary Fund: New Opportunities and Prospects
Kalenchuk M.

On behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, we have started working on the creation of the National Dictionary Fund (NDF). NDF is a digital resource that contains electronically recorded data on the functioning of the norms of the Russian language from various dictionaries. The development of NDF is due to the need to create a single, complete body of scientific knowledge, reliable and objective information about the norms of the Russian language in their current state and historical dynamics in a certain era of its development, as well as the history of the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language from the time of its appearance to the present day. The system of Russian dictionaries will be integrated into a single network operating in a continuous development mode and representing an interactive dynamic model of the lexical system of the modern Russian language. It is supposed to have open access to information through a convenient digital tool with simple navigation. The NDF will be equipped with linguistic markup and an online search system for necessary information. NDF will offer the user not only the opportunity to see the information from a particular dictionary, but will also provide an expertly developed tool for extracting various types of language information from dictionaries.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(4):34-41
pages 34-41 views
Who is dedinka?
Kachinskaya I.

The article is based on materials of the “Arkhangelsk Regional Dictionary” and its rich card index. It is part of a large issue on the study of kinship terms in Arkhangelsk dialects. It is dedicated to one of the terms of family relationships: the nomination of uncle’s wife. In the modern literary language there are no special terms that indicate this element in terms of kinship, but they are found in the Old Russian language and they are still quite popular in many dialects of the Russian North. In Arkhangelsk dialects, there are more than 30 lexemes with this meaning, derived from the nomination uncle, and bearing etiological connections with the root d’ad- (*děd-). The differences between these words lie in the phonetic and word-formative language levels. The semantic aspect is also of great interest.

The “large circle” of the concept of “uncle’s wife” nomination includes not only special terms, but also terms of consanguinity (mother, grandmother, aunt), properties (daughter-in-law) and spiritual kinship resulting from the baptism of a baby (bozhatka).

Semantic shifts are bidirectional, and the intersection of terms within each group is shown. Special terms, whose main purpose is the nomination of uncle’s wife, turn out to be ambiguous.

They are used to refer to other relatives, such as the wife of the brother-in-law, the wife of the husband’s, the wife of the wife’s uncle; the wife a sibling, a sister-in-law or any distant non-blood relative. The naming usually goes either “by children” or “by husband.”

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(4):42-53
pages 42-53 views
Complete reduction of unstressed vowels in the standard russian language and its reflection in dictionaries
Savinov D.

The article is devoted to the complete reduction of unstressed vowels in the standard Russian language. The article shows that the cases of dieresis of unstressed vowels in the dictionaries of various types are not always represented consistently. For example, in the academic “Dictionary of the Modern Standard Russian language” variants with a graphic reflection of the vowel dieresis are noted in prítolka, páportnik, zhávronok, púgvitsa, but “Great Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language” fixes only the variants púgvitsa, púgvichnikъ. In orthoepic sources, the corresponding pronunciation recommendations are also contradictory: in the “Dictionary of Stress and Pronunciation of Words in the Russian Language” the variants príto[lk]a and próvo[lk]a are marked as incorrect, while in the “Big Orthoepic Dictionary” these variants are recognized as the main ones. The article proposes to distinguish, on the one hand, the lexical or morphological attachment of the vowel dieresis to a specific word or morpheme, and, on the other hand, the actual lexicalization of a pronunciation without a vowel. In the first case, fixing variants with vowel dieresis in orthoepic-type dictionaries seems redundant, since the choice of pronunciation, as a rule, depends on phrasal position and occurs automatically. In the second case, the pronunciation of the words does not necessarily derive from their spelling, and therefore they require orthoepic commentary.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(4):54-62
pages 54-62 views

From the History of the Russian Language

On some nominations of children in the history of Russian and Chinese languages
Wenjuan W.

The article is devoted to the history of children’s nominations in Russian and Chinese languages. The difference of time range of factual materials used in the article is due to the particularity of the historical development and the fixation of Russian and Chinese languages. The process reveals a serious typological similarity. This is manifested in the possibility of the formation of a large number of nominations from a small number of ancient roots, stability and preservation of the root material, and also in the fact that the semantics of lexemes in both languages can pass through the same stages of their evolution. The meanings of both languages may contain such semantic components as “slave”, “servant, worker”. There are also differences in semantic development between languages. In Russian, the semantics evolve in the direction of age: “child” > “young man”. In Chinese, the process can go in the opposite direction-from naming adults to naming children. 

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(4):63-74
pages 63-74 views
On some cases of phrasemal derivation of nouns in language and speech of the second half of the 19th century (based on epistolary texts of russian writers)
Zakharova Y.

The article explores the phenomenon of phrasal derivation in the second half of the 19th century based on the letters of A. I. Herzen, I. S. Turgenev, A. P. Chekhov, as well as other sources. We provide a definition of the phraseoderivational (multi-level) nest concept — an intersystem formation that includes a phraseological unit and its lexical derivatives, created in different ways and ordered by the relations of formal-semantic derivation at a certain period of time. The basis of the semantic unity of such a nest is a common meaning condensed in the original phraseological unit, while the basis of structural unity is the presence of at least one component (the basis of the component) of the generating phraseological unit in all derivatives. We consider 1) the phenomenon of lexical-phraseological condensation (implication of a component) in phraseological units with the reference word khoduli, Lazar’, and also trace the formation of derivatives in connection with the formation of a new meaning of the noun; 2) a method of agglutination of components of qualitative-adverbial phraseological units with suffixation (based on combinations bez pardona, ot sebya); 3) an occasional method of adding bases (components of phraseological units and affixoids).

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(4):79-89
pages 79-89 views
On the etymology of the word konoval
Kruglikova L.

The author of the article analyzes the etymology of the lexeme konoval, which originally served to name people who were engaged in grooming and treating horses, as well as other domestic animals. They were homegrown doctors. The attitude towards them was ambiguous. Frequent unsuccessful results of treatment led to the fact that the word konoval began to acquire a negative connotation and, as a result, in the 18th century there appeared another meaning of the word in Russian language: ‘a bad, unqualified doctor’.

There is no unity regarding the etymology of the lexeme konoval. There are two mutually exclusive points of view. M. Vasmer believes that this noun is borrowed from the Polish language. The compilers of the “Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by N. M. Shansky share this view. The authors of the Etymological Dictionary of Slavic Languages edited by O. N. Trubachev attribute this lexeme to the Proto-Slavic lexical fund.

The author examines in detail both versions of the origin of the lexeme. As a result of the analysis and referring to numerous Polish and East Slavic sources, we put forward a hypothesis that the word konoval is actually Russian. This lexeme originally belonged to the Old Russian language, and subsequently got into the Polish language through Ukrainian.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(4):90-107
pages 90-107 views
Term ‘zlorastvoreniye’ in liturgical texts: loan translation and re-interpretation
Sakharova A.

The article analyzes the use of an unclear term “zlorastvoreniye” (traced from the ancient Greek compound word δυσκρασία or its Latin analogue intemperies “bad mixing; immoderation”) and its derivatives in Church Slavonic texts. The paper gives examples of these classical language lexemes and explains how these terms reflect ideas dating back to antiquity about the correct, favorable combination of tangible qualities of the weather. Apart from a single example (the expression “zlorastvoreniye vetrov”), translated into Slavonic from Greek, the article provides examples with phraseological units “zlorastvoreniye vozdukhov / zlorastvorennii vozdusi” from the original texts, whose authors most likely copied Latin phraseology. The work explains the meaning of the petitions from the blessing of the bell worship (which has a Rome Catholic origin, although is not a direct translation) — bell ringing was believed to have a beneficial effect on the phenomena occurring in the air. Moreover, we present examples of how, in connection with the wide spread of the miasmatic theory of diseases in Russia, the studied expressions were reinterpreted by authors who were not experienced in the classical languages as bad smell and contagiousness of the air.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(4):108-120
pages 108-120 views

Science and Persons

On the 100th birthday anniversary of Galina Aleksandrovna Zolotova
Onipenko N., Nikitina E.

The authors of the paper remember their teacher, professor Galina Aleksandrovna Zolotova (1924–2020) with love and gratitude and value her linguistic heritage. The article analyzes her contribution to modern Russian studies. Semantics as a part of syntax was the main principle of G. A. Zolotova’s linguistic method who was the author of the concept of functional-communicative grammar. Because of the syntheticism in her thinking, she was able to explore syntactic units and objects of different levels of complexity and volume (syntactic words, word combinations, sentence models, texts), as well as combine syntax and morphology, grammar and text in her linguistic studies. The authors of the paper pay special attention to the ideas of Zolotova, which anticipated their time, and are close to the those, developed much later by linguists of various linguistic directions and movements: the trinity of form-meaning-function of linguistic units, the indirect case of the subject of a sentence, the non-verbalized subject of perception (the figure of the observer), non-verbal predicative constructions, the irreducibility of the meaning of a syntactic whole (construction) to the sum of its parts. The authors of the paper specially trace continuity between the linguistic interests of Academician V. V. Vinogradov and G. A. Zolotova, who remained his devoted student throughout her linguistic activity. As a follower of Vinogradov, she studied the functions of aspect-temporal forms of verb in texts, and introduced the concept of subject perspective of an utterance and a text.

Russkaâ rečʹ. 2024;(4):121-127
pages 121-127 views

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