Lista de artigos

Edição Título Arquivo
Volume 60, Nº 1 (2024) Calendula officinalis (Asteraceae) as a radiosensitizer in radiotherapy of tumors
Koldman S., Koldman V., Belousov A., Mazaletskaya L.
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2023) Phytochemical Features of Malabaila dasyantha (Apiaceae) Aerial Parts
Mammadova H.
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2023) The Genus Iris (Iridaceae) in Russia: Phytochemistry, Biological Activity and Application in Traditional Medicine
Alexeeva N., Dorofeeva M., Varfolomeeva E., Mironova L.
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2023) Badrakemin and Ostol in the Roots of Ferula persica (Apiaceae) Growing in Azerbaijan
Kerimli E., Ibadullayeva S., Aleskerova A.
Volume 60, Nº 1 (2024) Heracleum sosnowskyi (Apiaceae): eradication or wise utilization of plant raw Materials?
Luneva N.
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2023) In Vitro Introduction of Lespedeza davurica (Fabaceae)
Lonchakova T., Pianova A., Berdasova K.
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2023) Effect of Dry Storage on Seed Germination of Ephedra monosperma (Ephedraceae)
Borisova S.
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2023) Effect of Urban Environment on Ecological and Phytochemical Features of Crataegus fallacina (Rosaceae) Flowers (the Case of the Donbass)
Vinogradova N., Glukhov A.
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2023) Assessing the Adaptive Capacity of Salix, Chosenia and Toisusu (Salicaceae) Species Introduced in the North-West Region of Russia (St. Petersburg)
Yandovka L., Trofimova A., Dvoretskaya T.
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2023) Dependence of Pinus sylvestris (Pinaceae) Radial Growth on Meteorological Conditions and Aerotechnogenic Pollution (Data on the North-West of the Murmansk Region)
Romashkin I., Genikova N., Kryshen A., Moshnikov S., Polikarpova N.
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2023) Stocks of Onobrychis (Fabaceae) Raw Materials in the Republic of Azerbaijan
Isaev J., Jafarova S., Мammadova N.
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2023) Changes in the Individual and Group Composition of Polyphenols in Leaves of Lonicera caerulea subsp. altaica and Spiraea chamaedryfolia as Related to the Chemical Elements Content in Soil and Plants on the Ultra-Alkaline Parent Rock Material
Boyarskykh I., Kostikova V.
Volume 60, Nº 1 (2024) Chemical composition and biological activity of wild Linum (Linaceae) Species
Naumenko-Svetlovа A.
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2023) Chemical Composition and Therapeutic Effects of Some Astragalus (Fabaceae) Species
Klichkhanov N., Suleimanova M.
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2023) Component Composition and Some Features of the Biological Activity of Viscum album (Viscaceae)
Adzhiakhmetova S., Chervonnaya N., Pozdnyakov D., Popova O., Oganisyan E.
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2023) Elemental Composition of Reindeer Pasture Plants and Lichens in Nadym District (Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area)
Boldyreva E.
Volume 60, Nº 1 (2024) Component compoition of the aerial parts Centaurea (Asteraceae) species from Siberia and Central Asia
Kasterova E., Revushkin A., Ebel A.
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2023) Chemical Composition of Glycine soja (Fabaceae) Seeds from the Amur Region Territory
Lavrent’yeva S., Ivachenko L., Blinova A., Bondarenko O., Kuznetsova V.
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2023) Plant, Lichen and Fungi Forage Species of Reindeer Pastures in the Olyutorsky District of the Koryak Region (Kamchatka Territory)
Neshataeva V., Skvortsov K., Yakubov V.
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2023) Interpopulation Variability of Polyphenol Concentration in the Leaves of Spiraea aquilegifolia (Rosaceae) from the Republic of Buryatia
Kostikova V., Imetkhenova O., Petrova N.
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2023) Pollen Morphology of Some Melliferous Rosaceae Species of the Leningrad Region
Skomakha A., Grigorjeva V., Меdvedeva N., Britski D.
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2023) Individual Morphometric Characters and Productivity of Plantago maxima (Plantaginaceae) in the South Siberia (Republic of Khakassia)
Pimenov A., Efremov S., Sedel’nikova Т.
Volume 60, Nº 1 (2024) Features of the introduced species composition and state in the arboreta of Dzhanybek research station in the Northern Pre-Caspian Semi-Desert
Sizemskaya M., Sapanov M.
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2023) Developmental Characteristics of Sorbus (Rosaceae) Species under Introduction in the Republic of Karelia
Platonova E., Magerramova E., Timohina T., Sergienko L.
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2023) Features of Seed Reproduction of Saposhnikovia divaricata (Apiaceae)
Elisafenko T., Yugrina P., Zhigmitcyrenova B., Kazakov M., Taraskin V.
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2023) Breeding System of Thymus mongolicus (Lamiaceae)
Gordeeva N., Talovskaya E.
Volume 60, Nº 1 (2024) Assessment of the prospects for using pharmacopoeial plants of the Trans-Baikal territory
Popova O., Tkachuk T., Chashchina N., Leskov A., Nikiforova Y., Laevskaya M.
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2023) Assessment of Total Mineral Content in Raw Materials of Ten Medicinal Plants from Roadside Biotopes (Voronezh Region)
Dyakova N.
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2023) The First Scientific and Practical Conference “Ethnicity and Flora: Regional Traditions and Knowledge as a Foundation for Consistent Nature Management”
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2023) Polysaccharides of Crotalaria alata and Gleditsia triacanthos as Components of a Growth Medium for Cultivation of Microfungi
Zakirova R., Kodiralieva F., Hwan A., Rakhmanberdieva R.
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2023) Preparations from Sorbus aucuparia (Rosaceae) in Experimental Therapy of Malignant Neoplasms: Emerging Opportunities
Rybalkina O., Razina T., Zueva E., Amosova E., Kalinkina G., Minakova M., Zhdanov V.
Volume 60, Nº 1 (2024) Anti-Influenza activity of compounds derived from medicinal plants (Part I)
Fedorova V., Sivak K., Stosman K.
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2023) Resources of Rhaponticum uniflorum (Asteraceae) in Transbaikala
Shishmarev V., Shishmareva T.
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2023) Resources of Melliferous and Polleniferous Plants of Central Asia and Kazakhstan Based on Melissopalynological Analysis
Kurmanov R.
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2023) The Content of Ash Elements in the Above-Ground Organs of Some Crataegus (Rosaceae) Species
Mukhametova S., Demakov Y., Talantsev V.
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2023) State and Stability of Forest Ecosystems of the Region with Extreme Anthropogenic Transformation (Evidence from the Oka River Basin)
Kolomyts E., Sharaya L., Sevostianov S.
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2023) State of Limonium gmelinii (Plumbaginaceae) Coenopopulations in the Republic of Khakassia
Barsukova I., Cheryomushkina V.
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2023) Comparative Analysis of the Component Composition of Flowers in Some Species of the Genus Syringa (Oleaceae)
Pupykina K., Polyakova N., Kudashkina N., Krasyuk E.
Volume 59, Nº 2 (2023) Structure of the Ground Vegetation and Natural Regeneration of Tree Species in a 12–15-Year-Old Bilberry Pine Forest–Clear-Cut Ecotone Complex in the Middle Taiga Subzone
Genikova N., Moshnikov S., Teslya D.
Volume 59, Nº 1 (2023) Plant Community Transformations in Desert Rangeland Ecosystems – Evidence from the North-Western Caspian Lowland
Rybashlykova L., Turko S.
Volume 59, Nº 3 (2023) Phytochemical Characteristics and Antimicrobial Effects of Nonea rossica (Boraginaceae) Extracts
Velichko V., Kartashova M., Kucherova S., Kruglov D., Burova L., Evstropov A.
Volume 59, Nº 4 (2023) Changes in the Shoot Apical Meristem with Decrease in Illumination within the Crown of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Pinaceae) Introduced in St. Petersburg
Skupchenko V.
Volume 60, Nº 1 (2024) Bioactive compounds from the bark of Juniperus communis (Cupressaceae)
Selivanova N., Pustynnaya M., Gusakova M., Bogolitsyn K.
1 - 43 de 43 resultados

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