Plant, Lichen and Fungi Forage Species of Reindeer Pastures in the Olyutorsky District of the Koryak Region (Kamchatka Territory)

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—A list of forage plants, lichens and fungi of reindeer pastures of the Olyutorsky District of the Koryak Region was compiled for the first time. 233 species of vascular plants from 37 families, 37 species of forage lichens and 7 genera of mushrooms were identified. The main species of fodder lichens in the Korjak District are: Cladonia stellaris (Opiz) Pouzar et Vězda, C. rangiferina (L.) F.H. Wigg., C. arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot. s.l., C. mitis Sandst., Flavocetraria cucullata (Bellardi) Kärnefelt et Thell at all. The main forage plants are: Salix pulchra Cham., S. alaxensis Cov., S. krylovii E. Wolf, S. saxatilis Turcz. ex Ledeb., S. arctica Pall. et all; Betula exilis Sukacz., B. middendorffii Trautv. et Mey.; Arctophila fulva (Trin.) Anderss., Calamagrostis purpurea (Trin.) Trin. s.l., Poa L. spp., Festuca L. spp.; Carex lugens H. T. Holm., C. globularis L., C. appendiculata (Trautv. et C.A. Mey.) Kük., C. lyngbyei Hornem. subsp. Cryptocarpa (C.A. Mey.) Hultén, C. rhynchophysa C.A. Mey.; Eriophorum vaginatum L., E. polystachyon L., E. russeolum Fries, E. scheuchzeri Hoppe; E-quisetum L. spp.; Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Polygonaceae species. For each species, the family, life-form (biomorph), edible plant organs and grazing seasons were indicated. Regional patterns of the reindeer pastures vegetation in the North of the Koryak Region are discussed; some grazing preferences of Chukchi deer breed are noted.

About the authors

V. Yu. Neshataeva

Komarov Botanical Institute RAS; Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity FEB RAS

Author for correspondence.
Russia, Saint-Petersburg; Russia, Vladivostok

K. I. Skvortsov

Komarov Botanical Institute RAS

Russia, Saint-Petersburg

V. V. Yakubov

Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity FEB RAS

Russia, Vladivostok


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Copyright (c) 2023 В.Ю. Нешатаева, К.И. Скворцов, В.В. Якубов

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