The Genus Iris (Iridaceae) in Russia: Phytochemistry, Biological Activity and Application in Traditional Medicine

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The genus Iris in Russia is represented by 41 species, of which 4 species are endemic, 11 are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and 30 have various regional conservation status. The review provides information on the phytochemical compounds, biological activity and medicinal properties of 16 species growing in Russia, and on their use in traditional medicine of different peoples. The analysis of available data shows that studying the component composition, biological activity levels, and medicinal use of Iris L. species requires their correct identification and the knowledge concerning their geographical distribution, ecology, and morphological characteristics. The use of Iris species in traditional medicine is described. The extracts and compounds isolated from the most of the studied species exhibit analgesic, antioxidative, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial activity. Some species also have cytotoxic, antitumor, antidiabetic, anti-influenza, neuroprotective, antihyperglycemic, antiallergic, antifeedant and other properties. Most of the isolated metabolites were flavonoids, isoflavonoids, anthocyanes, terpenoids, xantgones, quinones, phenolic and fatty acids. In official and traditional medicine in Asia and Europe, the underground and aboveground parts of Iris aphylla, I. lactea, I. pseudacorus, I. ruthenica, I. sanguinea and other species of the genus are used. The article results from the long-term studies of irises in situ and in the collections of two botanical gardens, as well as extensive examination of literature on the component composition and medicinal properties of the studied species.

About the authors

N. B. Alexeeva

Komarov Botanical Institute, RAS

Russia, Saint-Petersburg

M. M. Dorofeeva

Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University

Author for correspondence.
Russia, Saint-Petersburg

E. A. Varfolomeeva

Komarov Botanical Institute, RAS

Russia, Saint-Petersburg

L. N. Mironova

Botanical Garden-Institute Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, Vladivostok


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