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Volume 69, Nº 4 (2024)


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Computer simulation of the effect of focusing X rays by means of refractive-diffractive lens

Kohn V.


The features of focusing X rays using a refractive-diffractive lens (RDL), which is a system of two asymmetrically reflecting crystals with asymmetry factors, the product of which is equal to unity, and a refractive lens with a large focal length, are theoretically studied. Crystals make it possible to shorten the focal length of the lens by b2 times, where b is the asymmetry factor of the second crystal. A detailed numerical simulation of the effect of radiation focusing using the RDL has been performed. The universal computer program XRWP was used which is created to calculate the effects of coherent X-ray optics. Analytical formulas are obtained for the optimal aperture and radius of curvature of the lens, as well as for the width of the radiation spectrum that can be focused.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):567-574
pages 567-574 views

Fast numerical calculation of X-ray diffraction from crystal microsystems

Punegov V., Malkov D.


In the kinematical approximation, a method for rapid numerical calculation of X-ray diffraction from thin crystalline microsystems has been developed. The speed of calculating of reciprocal space maps using this approach is three to four orders of magnitude higher than calculations based on the Takagi–Taupin equations or two-dimensional recurrence relations. Within the framework of the obtained solutions, numerical simulation of X-ray reciprocal space mapping was performed for three models of crystal chips of microsystems.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):575-580
pages 575-580 views


Dissolution of impurities in sodium gadolinium molybdate NaGd(MoO4)2

Dudnikova V., Eremin N.


Impurity defects simulation in sodium-gadolinium molybdate NaGd(MoO4)2 was carried out using a method of interatomic potentials. The dissolution energies of tri-, di- and monovalent impurities were estimated. The dependences of the dissolution energy on the ionic radius of the impurity were plotted. For heterovalent substitutions, the most energetically favorable mechanism for charge compensation has been found, both due to intrinsic crystal defects and according to the conjugate isomorphism scheme. The positions of the most probable localization of defects are determined. The effect of disordering of sodium and gadolinium ions at equivalent positions on positional differences in the energy of defects is estimated. A comparison of the solubility of impurities in NaGd(MoO4)2 and its isostructural CaMoO4 indicates that, although isovalent substitutions are energetically more favorable than heterovalent ones, the mechanism of conjugate isomorphism, which ensures electrical neutrality, can equalize these processes.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):581-588
pages 581-588 views


Novel ternary intermetallic compounds of R4Ru2Ga3 (R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er)

Grekhov I., Kurenbaeva Z., Murashova Е.


A number of new isostructural ternary intermetallides of the composition R4Ru2Ga3 (R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er) have been discovered in R–Ru–Ga ternary systems. X-ray examination of the Nd4Ru2Ga3 single crystal showed that this compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system and is a representative of a new structural type: a = 10.899(3), b = 4.0533(11), c = 9.720(3) Å, β = 111.080(7)°, C2, Z = 2, R1 = 0.043, wR2 = 0.077 for 1518 reflections. A feature of the structure is the presence of distorted fragments of RuNd6 (type AlB2) and GaNd8 (type CsCl) in it. The minimum Nd–Ru distance in a polyhedron is 2.8463(16) Å, which is significantly shorter than the sum of their atomic radii. The parameters and volumes of the elementary cells in the R4Ru2Ga3 series (R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er) decrease in accordance with lanthanide compression, and the melting temperatures increase.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):589-596
pages 589-596 views

Diversity of fundamental building blocks [M(IO3)6] in iodate families and new trigonal polymorph of Cs2HIn(IO3)6

Reutova O., Belokoneva E., Volkov A., Dimitrova О.


Crystals of new structural high-symmetry modification of Cs2HIn(IO3)6, which crystallyzes in sp. gr. R3 with parameters of unit cell a = 11.8999(4), c = 11.6513(5) Å were obtained in hydrothermal conditions. Crystal chemical comparison with triclinic modification the investigated earlier was carried out. Both structures are composed of isolated blocks [In(IO3)6]3–. The new modification belongs to the family of trigonal iodates isostructural to K2Ge(IO3)6 compound. Local symmetry of separated blocks [M(IO3)6] (M = Ge, Ti, Sn, Ga, In and other metals) are analyzed. Structural systematic of iodate families is suggested on the base of comparative crystal chemical analysis. The influence of cation composition and synthesis conditions on symmetry and topology of crystal structures as well as local symmetry of blocks on physical properties of compounds are discussed.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):597-611
pages 597-611 views


Structure of inorganic compounds halogen bonds in derivatives of 2,5-diiod-1,4-dimethylbenzene

Rajakumar K., Zherebtsov D., Nayfert S., Osipov A., Adonin S., Spiridonova D.


The synthesis of 1,4-di(bromomethyl)-2,5-diiodo-benzene (1), diacetate of 2,5-diiodo1,4-di(hydroxymethyl)benzene (2) and diiodide of 1,1’-[(2,5-diiodo-1,4-phenylene)bis(methylene)]dipyridinium (3) is described and their crystallographic data are given. All three crystal structures are characterized by the stacked packing of planar molecules and the presence of halogen bonds I–Br, I–O, and I–I, respectively. The number of halogen bonds is maximum in compound 1: two I–Br bonds for each halogen atom. Compounds 2 and 3 contain one halogen bond per halogen atom, but they are significantly shorter than in compound 1. All crystals were investigated by IR spectroscopy and synchronized thermal analysis. Compound 1, which has no ionic or hydrogen bonds, melts at a higher temperature than ionic compound 3 (218 and 200°C, respectively) due to the presence of a large number of intermolecular halogen bonds. Compound 2 melts at a lower temperature (151°C), which is characteristic of esters.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):612-619
pages 612-619 views


Study of the anisotropy of α-33S single crystal thermal expansion

Serebrennikova P., Panchenko A., Egorov N., Gromilov S.


A technique for arbitrary symmetry crystals unit cell parameters refining on modern single-crystal diffractometers is described. The technique is based on the 2D detector position calibration. The elementary orthorhombic unit cell parameters of the α-33S single crystal have been refined. The anisotropy of parameters changes in the range of 90–350 K has been studied. It is shown that the relative increase in parameter c is 6.4%. The obtained dependences are approximated by second–third degree polynomials. The absolute increase in cell volume is 138.4 A3, and the relative increase is 4.3%. The temperature dependencies of the thermal expansion tensor elements has been refined. The coefficients of α-33S thermal expansion tensor at the room temperature are: α11 = 15.35 × 10–5, α22 = 8.56 × 10–5, α33 = 9.12 × 10–5 К–1.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):620-629
pages 620-629 views


Induction of ductile modes of ice fracture and drastic enhancement of its fracture energy by means of introduction of nanoscale additives

Golovin Y., Vasyukov V., Rodaev V., Samodurov A., Golovin D., Tyurin A., Razlivalova S., Buznik V.


Ice brittleness and low strength limits its usage as a construction material in cold climate regions on Earth (Arctics, Antarctic, high mountain regions on other continents) as well as in construction of habitable colonies at Moon and Mars planned by several countries despite attractiveness of its other properties. The paper presents experimental study of enhancement of ice carrying capacity and fracture energy by introduction of SiO2 nanoparticles and polyvinyl alcohol into it. Concentration dependences of these properties enhancement are found. Quantitative characteristics of transition from brittle fracture mode in pure ice to ductile one in ice composite caused by growing content of additives are revealed. This transition results in 2–3 orders of magnitude increase in ice fracture energy.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):630-638
pages 630-638 views

The study of temperature properties of I.H.P. structure and its application for filters on surface acoustic waves

Koigerov А., Balysheva O.


The results of investigation of temperature properties of I.H.P.-structures on multilayer lithium tantalate/silicon dioxide film/silicon substrate used to improve the characteristics of surface acoustic wave devices are presented. Finite element modeling of the test structures was performed in COMSOL software and the temperature frequency coefficient was calculated. A comparison of the calculated transmission coefficient of a resonator filter on a conventional 36°YX-cut lithium tantalate monocrystal substrate and an I.H.P.-filter at different temperature values is presented. The possibility of minimizing the temperature coefficient of frequency by selecting the thickness of the substrate layers is shown. Comparison of the obtained results with the known data showed good agreement. The practical significance consists in the use of modeling results and calculated parameters in the development of various classes of devices on multilayer substrates, including those with I.H.P.-structures.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):639-645
pages 639-645 views


Morphology and spatial distribution of ordered domains in GaInP/GaAs(001) according to transmission electron microscopy

Myasoedov А., Bert N., Kalyuzhnyy N., Mintairov A.


The structure of epitaxial films of the GaInP solid solution, in which ordering occurs, was studied using transmission electron microscopy. The films were grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy on GaAs (001) substrates near the half-composition point. During the study, dark-field images obtained using superstructure reflections for cross-sectional and plan-view specimens of films were analyzed. The morphology and relative spatial arrangement of ordered domains have been determined. The phenomenon of spontaneous self-organization of regions with CuPt–B+ and CuPt–B ordering near the surface was discovered, while in the bulk of the film the domains are uniformly located and mutually overlap each other. The effect of spatial separation of domains is associated with the lattice relaxation, leading to a change in the surface topology.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):646-651
pages 646-651 views

Thin-film polydiacetylenes of a stable blue phase based on symmetrical and unsymmetrical diacetylene N-arylcarbamates

Alekseev А., Vyaz’min S., Ivanov A., Klechkovskaya V., Lukasov М.


The conditions and features of the formation of Langmuir monolayers of symmetrical and asymmetrical diacetylene N-arylcarbamates and the structural organization of Langmuir-Schaefer films based on them were studied. Photopolymerization of monolayer solid films of two types of molecules was monitored using absorption spectroscopy and showed the transition of diyne molecules to the blue phase polydiacetylene state. The efficiency of the solid-phase topochemical polymerization reaction in a film of symmetrical diynes turned out to be 5 times higher than in a film of asymmetrical diyne molecules. The morphology of monolayer surfaces before and after UV irradiation was studied using scanning electron microscopy.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):652-660
pages 652-660 views


Study of electrical properties and characterization of a metal-polymer conductor based on silver-containing nanowires

Panov D., Volchkov I., Kovalets N., Podkur P., Koshelev I., Kanevskiy V.


The possibility of forming a conductive metal-polymer composite based on an array of intersecting silver-containing nanowires has been demonstrated. It has been determined that the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the composites depend both on the deposition time and on the ratio of the anode to cathode areas. The resulting metal-polymer composites had mechanical characteristics exceeding those of polymer track membranes made of polyethylene terephthalate. At the same time, with an increase in the ratio of anode to cathode areas and an increase in deposition time, the samples exhibit a decrease in the values of electrical conductivity (0.0025 Ω-1 – at 100 growth cycles, 0.0033 Ω-1 – at 50 cycles), strength (90 MPa – at 100 cycles, 99 MPa – at 50 cycles) and elastic modulus (4.7 GPa – at 100 cycles, 5.4 GPa – at 50 cycles). The data obtained indicate that conductive silver-containing nanowires can be reinforcing structures for conductive metal-polymer composites with high electrical conductivity values, promising for use in flexible electronics elements.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):661-669
pages 661-669 views

Conduction band electronic states of ultrathin furan-phenylene co-oligomer on the surfaces of oxidized silicon and of layer-by-layer grown zinc oxide

Komolov А., Pronin I., Lazneva Е., Sobolev V., Dubov E., Komolova A., Zhizhin Е., Pudikov D., Pshenichnyuk S., Becker C., Kazantsev M., Akbarova F., Sharopov U.


The paper reports on results of an investigation of the electronic states of the conduction band of ultrathin films of furan-phenylene co-oligomer 1,4-bis(5-phenylfuran-2-yl)benzene (FP5) and the results of an investigation of the interfacial potential barrier upon the formation of these films on the surfaces of (SiO2)n-Si and of layer-by-layer deposited ZnO. Upon deposition of an 8–10 nm thick FP5 film, the total current spectroscopy (TCS) technique was used for investigation within the energy range from 5 eV to 20 eV above EF. FP5 films on the (SiO2)n-Si surface showed a domain structure with a characteristic domain size of the order of 1 micro.m × 1 micro.m and a surface roughness within the domain under 1 nm. In contrast, FP5 on the ZnO surface showed a granular structure with a grain height of 40–50 nm.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):670-675
pages 670-675 views

Synthesis of nano-sized solid electrolyte Pr1–ySryF3–y and the effect of heat treatment on the ionic conductivity of fluoride nanoceramics

Sorokin N., Arkharova N., Karimov D.


Solid electrolyte nanoceramics Pr1–ySryF3–y (y = 0.03, sp. gr. P3c1) were obtained by high-energy grinding of melt-grown crystals followed by cold pressing. The phase composition, microstructure, morphology, and electrical properties of nanoceramics were studied using X-ray diffraction analysis, electron microscopy and impedance spectroscopy. The room temperature conductivity of the synthesized Pr0.97Sr0.03F2.97 nanoceramics (σcer = 1.7 × 10–7 S/cm) is significantly lower than the conductivity of the original single crystal (σcrys = 4.0 × 10–4 S/cm), which is due to its low (about ~74% of the theoretical value) density. Heat treatment of nanoceramics at 823 K in vacuum leads to a 3-fold increase in the value of σcer, and annealing at 1273 K in a fluorinating atmosphere results in further increase in conductivity (σcer = 4.3 × 10–5 S/cm) due to the process of collective recrystallization and significant increase the density of ceramics up to 90%. The mechanical grinding technique and subsequent heat treatment of Pr1–ySryF3–y nanopowder makes it possible to processing single-phase highly conductive ceramics. The proposed method for the synthesis of ceramic fluoride nanomaterials as a technological form of solid electrolytes is a promising direction for further developments in the field of creating fluorine-ion current sources and fluorine gas sensors.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):676-684
pages 676-684 views

Microfluidic-assisted synthesis of hybrid calcium carbonate/silver microparticles

Ermakov А., Chapek S., Lengert Е., Konarev P., Volkov V., Soldatov M., Trushina D.


The development of advanced methods for the synthesis of nano- and microparticles for biomedical applications is of considerable interest. A method for the synthesis of submicron silver-shelled calcium carbonate particles using a microfluidic chip designed to provide control over particle formation is proposed. Precise control of reaction parameters enables the formation of silver shell and calcium carbonate particles in a controlled manner. The distribution of pores in the hybrid particles was analyzed using small-angle X-ray scattering, which provided insight into the complex structure of the pores. The results provide information on particle morphology and may facilitate the development of new calcium carbonate-based materials for various applications.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):685-693
pages 685-693 views


Temperature influence on the stability of the precursor cluster of the thermolysin crystal

Kordonskaya Y., Timofeev V., Marchenkova M., Pisarevsky Y., Silvestrova S., Dyakova Y., Kovalchuk M.


We used the molecular dynamics method to assess the stability of the precursor-cluster (hexamer) of thermolysin crystal over a wide range of temperatures (10–90°C). The simulation results showed that as the temperature increases, the stability of the hexamer, in general, decreases, however, the hexamer does not dissociate at any of the considered temperatures. At a temperature of 60°C, an increase in the stability of the hexamer was observed. This value is close to the temperature of maximum enzymatic activity of thermolysin (70°C). Based on the analysis of the results, it was assumed that the crystallization of thermolysin could be carried out at 60°C.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):694-699
pages 694-699 views

Study of the features of concentration inhomogeneities during the on ground-based processing of the space experiment of the Ge(Ga) crystals growth

Korobeynikova E., Strelov V., Supel’nyak S., Vlasov V.


The article presents the results of the preparation and ground testing of the space experiment for growing Ge (Ga) crystals, planned on board the multifunctional laboratory module as part of the ISS RS. Under the conditions simulating microgravity, the features of the formation of concentration inhomogeneity in the form of growth bands when growing crystals under various thermal conditions (in the presence or absence of a free melt surface (Marangoni convection)), as well as when changing technological parameters (variations in growth rate) were investigated. Based on the obtained results of metallographic and electrophysical studies, conclusions were made about the peculiarities of the influence of the technological parameters of the crystallization process on the structural perfection of the grown crystals under microgravity conditions

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):700-704
pages 700-704 views

Transitions between equilibrium and nonequilibrium phenomena in the description of crystal growth

Rakin V.


The close intertwining of equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamic representations and transitions between the two limiting principles of thermodynamics: the second beginning and the principle of least coercion (minimum entropy production in the stationary regime) constitute the main content of phenomenological theories of crystal growth. The difference of basic postulates of two sections of thermodynamics forces to discuss problems of reversibility and irreversibility of time, scales of observed phenomena and rules of conjugation of thermodynamic forces and flows in theories of crystal growth. A variant of the solution of some conjugation problems is shown on the example of the fluctuation model of dislocation crystal growth, which is based on the stationary isothermal process of thermodynamic free energy fluctuations. In the case of the limiting mode of adsorption of impurities on the crystal face according to the Langmuir model, the free energy fluctuations possessing the absence of the memory effect allow us to identify three chemical potentials of building particles that determine the corresponding values of solution supersaturations realized at different scale levels at the growing crystal face containing a helical dislocation. The supersaturations control quasi-equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamic processes that constitute a single dislocation mechanism of crystal growth.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):705-719
pages 705-719 views

On the mechanism of growth of lactose crystals from supersaturated solutions

Fialkova E., Shevchuk V., Gnezdilova A., Vinogradova Y., Baronov V.


The substantiation of the existence of cavitation zones on the edges of a growing lactose crystal and its driving role in the crystal growth process is presented. It is shown that the most favorable conditions for the conversion of dissolved lactose into its crystalline form are created around the edges of the crystal in the phase transition zones. The size of the phase transition zone of the crystallizing substance is calculated and compared with the available data on the size of crystalline nuclei. The values of the radius of cavitation zones were obtained, which amounted to: nanometers (for a crystal with a size of 60.5 microns, at a temperature of 30°C and supersaturation of 0.55) and nanometers (for a crystal with a size of 84 microns, at a temperature of 50°C and supersaturation of 1.88). A mathematical model of the growth rate of lactose crystals in a supersaturated solution is proposed. The possibility of studying the mechanisms of crystallization and determining the growth rate of lactose crystals is substantiated, based on the theory of dynamic interaction of bodies and liquids by A. Y. Milovich.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):720-729
pages 720-729 views


Hyperspectral X-ray imaging for nanometrology

Safonov А., Nikolaev K., Yakunin S.


A tool for X-ray hyperspectral imaging has been developed. It is based on a conventional CCD driven by an algorithm that allows resolution in both energy and position. A new algorithm has been developed that allows the real-time analysis of single photon events. The factors influencing the energy resolution, the formation of artifacts in the energy spectra, and the counting efficiency are analyzed. Furthermore, a method for achieving sub-pixel precision using the singular value decomposition is suggested. The algorithm has been tested on synthetic data and in a live experiment with the registration of X-ray fluorescence emission from a thin film structure. Applying hyperspectral imaging to grazing emission X-ray fluorescence opens up new possibilities in nanometrology.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):730-742
pages 730-742 views

Light-emitting AlGaAs/GaAs diodes based on ingaas strain-compensated quantum wells with minimized internal losses OF 940 nm radiation absorption

Salii R., Malevskaya A., Malevskii D., Mintairov S., Nadtochiy A., Kalyuzhnyy N.


IR light-emitting diodes based on InGaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells and AlxGa1–xAsyP1–y-layers that compensate stresses in the active region have been developed. The optical losses caused by absorption of radiation generated by the active region (λ = 940 nm) were studied at different doping levels of n-GaAs substrates. It has been shown that reducing the donor doping level from 4 × 1018 to 5 × × 1017 cm–3 gives an increase in the quantum efficiency of LEDs by ~ 30%. A technology that eliminates optical losses caused by absorption during radiation output has been developed. By removing the growth substrate and transferring the device structure to a carrier substrate with the formation of a rear metal reflector, LEDs were created that demonstrate a twofold increase in external quantum efficiency and efficiency (~ 40%) compared to the technology of outputting radiation through an n-GaAs substrate.

Kristallografiâ. 2024;69(4):743-752
pages 743-752 views

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