
Difficulties in myocarditis diagnosis: a case report
Poteshkina N., Kovalevskaya E., Sinitsyn V., Mershina E., Filatova D., Selivanova G., Shashkina Y.
Difficulties in the radiological diagnosis of mature adrenal teratoma mimicking neuroblastoma in a child
Shchelkanova E., Tereshchenko G., Krasnov A.
Unilateral pulmonary vein atresia: Difficulties of radiological diagnosis
Zharikova V., Nechaev V., Kulikova E., Yudin A.
Prospective evaluation of the extensibility of the ascending aorta wall and its vascular prosthesis in a patient with an aneurysm with technically flawless surgical correction and postoperative decrease in functional parameters: A case report
Friedman A., Bergen T., Sirota D., Kozlov B., Zhuravleva I., Tarkova A., Ussov W., Chernyavskiy A.
Left ventricular noncompaction with ventricular aneurysm in a 6-year-old patient
Dautov T., Kaliyev B., Yerekesh B.
“Rice bodies” symptoms on magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis
Ageeva S., Filatova D., Mershina E., Sinitsyn V.
Abernethy malformation: A case report
Panyukova A., Sinitsyn V., Mershina E., Rucheva N.
Perforated Meckel’s diverticulum in a young male patient: a case report
Tupputi U., Carpagnano F., Carpentiere R., Guglielmi G.
Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of necrosis of a pulled-through colon segment after abdomino-anal resection of the rectum for cancer
Myalina S., Paziuk K., Berezovskaya T., Nevolskikh A., Potapov A., Ivanov S.
Osteopoikilosis in the ribs, pelvic region and spine: a case report
Paparella M., Gangai I., Porro C., Eusebi L., Silveri F., Cammarota A., Guglielmi G.
Diseases and abnormalities of the nipple-areolar complex: a case report series
Karanadze E., Sinitsyn V., Karanadze M.
Latent course of Crohn’s disease: the role of tomographic imaging in diagnosis
Shumskaya Y., Nefedova T., Akhmedzyanova D., Blokhin I., Mnatsakanyan M.
Long-term broncocele anamnesis, triggered by typical carcinoid
Prusakova K., Gavrilov P.
Rare localization of avascular necrosis during treatment of COVID-19 with glucocorticosteroids
Gonchar A., Blokhin I., Shumskaya Y.
Diagnosis of solitary eosinophilic granuloma by CT, MRI, and 18F-FDG PET/CT: two clinical cases
Gelezhe P., Bulanov D.
Diagnostic challenge: innovative approach in use of magnetic resonance imaging in aortic aneurysm
Kobelev E., Pak N., Bobrikova E., Ussov W., Kliver E., Sirota D., Chernyavskiy A., Bergen T.
Testicular rupture in a young patient: diagnostic value of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography
Eusebi L., Paparella M., Marconi A., Guglielmi G.
Encapsulated necrotic pancreatitis
Kitavina S., Petrovichev V., Ermakov A., Ermakov N., Nikitin I.
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