
Durum wheat from North African countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt) in the southern planar zone of the Dagestan Republic conditions
Shikhmuradov A., Magomedov M.
The nitrogen deficiency influence on the growth and development of spring two-nuclear barley varieties grown under photoculture conditions
Surin N., Gerasimov S., Lipshin A., Ushakova S., Tikhomirov A., Velichko V., Gribovskaya I.
Economic and biological assessment of new everbearing raspberry varieties
Evdokimenko S., Podgaetsky M.
Milk productivity of brown swiss cows of different genotypes
Gontov M., Koltsov D.
Indicators of cow’s milk in the housing and grazing keeping systems
Mosolova N., Slozhenkina M., Gorlov I., Kudryashova O., Tkachenkova N., Slozhenkina A.
Productivity of the Kitrossa soybean variety depends on reproductive organs formation
Levina A.
New lines of cauliflower for Dagestan north arid subtropics
Gadzhimustapaeva E.
Productivity of crop rotations depending on the degree of saturation of alfalfa and winter wheat with stubble natural phytocenosis in the Western Caspian region
Guseynov A., Arslanov M., Gasanov G., Bashirov R., Mirzaeva K.
Influence of substrate and nutrient solution on biometric performance and net productivity of garden strawberry seedlings photosynthesis under photoculture conditions
Kondratiev V., Kononenko A., Ivakhnova O., Kiselev M., Loginova Y.
Environment influence on the physiological and productive genotypes indicators in Tajikistan republic different zones
Sadikov A., Temirbekova S.
Study of elite forms of kamchatka honeysuckle (Lonicera kamtschatika) to create a variety with a high level of economically valuable traits
Petrusha E., Rusakova E.
Improving the technology of spelled cultivation in the central part of the North Caucasus conditions
Mamedov K., Khanieva I.
Screening of raw material for a spring soft wheat selection in the Middle Volga region conditions
Taranova T., Demina E., Kincharov A.
Correlation of structural indicators of winter wheat with grain productivity influenced by contrasting meteorological conditions in the central region
Levakova O., Zharkova E.
Comparative characteristics of the durum wheat newest samples based on a complex of agrobiological characteristics
Shikhmuradov A., Magomedov M.
Genetic monitoring cattle a herd of the sychev breed
Dmitrieva V., Koltsov D., Gontov M.
Several aspects of the cows viability in the Amur region
Klyuchnikova N., Klyuchnikov M.
Increasing the productive potential of large and small cattle breed resources in the South of Russia based on modern breeding methods
Gorlov I., Slozhenkina M., Anisimova E., Karpenko E., Mosolova D.
Adaptive potential large-fruited strawberry varieties and hybrids (Fragaria×ananassa duch.) in the conditions of the Kamchatka territory
Dakhno T., Dakhno O., Murzina O.
Influence of the length of daylight hours on the matrix diversity and productivity of the early maturing soybean variety Sentyabrinka seeds when grown in the conditions of the Amur region
Sinegovskaya V., Levina A.
The effectiveness of improving plant selection in obtaining potato minitubers
Evstratova L., Kuznetsova L., Nikolaeva E.
Agrobiological characteristics of ancient and newest varieties of durum wheat from Italy in the conditions of the Southern Dagestan coastal zone
Shikhmuradov A., Magomedov M.
Assessment of vegetation cover when analyzing the carbon budget in agricultural landscapes of Karelia
Bakhmet O., Evstratova L., Nikolaeva E., Kanzerova L., Dubina-chekhovich E.
The effect of magnesium-containing fertilizers on spring soft wheat in the Central Non-Chernozem region
Kokoreva V., Gladysheva O., Barkovskaya T.
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