Economic and biological assessment of new everbearing raspberry varieties

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In 2023, three cultivars of primocane raspberry were included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use in the Central Region – “Medvezhonok”, “Salyut”, “Yubileinaya Kulikova”. The study of this assortment according to the morphological characteristics of plants, productivity components, qualitative and technological properties of fruits was the subject of our researches. The work was carried out in 2020–2023 at the collection site of the Kokino base station of the Federal Horticultural Research Center for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery, located in the Bryansk region. It has been established that new primocane raspberry cultivars are superior to the control cultivar ‘Penguin’ in terms of shoot growth strength, berry mass, productivity, and fruit strength. The cultivar ‘Yubileinaya Kulikova’ produces a yield of 2.75 kg/bush, the fruits are large (with an average weight of 4.7 g), conical, bright crimson in color with a slight shine, the tasting score of the fruit is 4.1 points. It is distinguished by early and friendly ripening of the crop, completing fruiting in mid-September. The plants of the “Medvezhonok” cultivar have an upright bush habit with long, strongly branched fruit branches (laterals). The berries are large (about 5 g), fleshy, durable (crushing force 7.0 N), well separated from the flower, taste – 3.7 points. The yields is over 19 t/ha. It is promising for industrial cultivation technology, including mechanized harvesting. The cultivar ‘Salyut’ combines the ultra-early start of berry ripening (July 20–22), high yields (18.7 t/ha), large fruitedness (4.5 g), attractive appearance of fruits, dessert taste (4.2 points) with raspberry aroma, increased strength (7.7 N) and transportability. It is suitable for industrial production.

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About the authors

S. N. Evdokimenko

Federal Horticultural Research Center for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery


Grand PhD in Agricultural Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow

M. A. Podgaetsky

Federal Horticultural Research Center for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Agricultural Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow


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