New lines of cauliflower for Dagestan north arid subtropics

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Cauliflower Brassica oleracea L. convar. botrytis (L) Alef. var. botrytis is an economically important and widely cultivated vegetable crop. To solve the problems of import substitution, the first priority is to ensure high-quality varietal diversity of cauliflower for agricultural producers in central Russia and the Southern Federal District (SFD). For the first time, such work was carried out in the northern dry subtropics of Southern Dagestan. At the Dagestan ES (it is a branch of VIR), in 2015–2022 lines from crossing two varieties of cauliflower – the early ripening Early Gribovskaya 1355 and the late ripening (winter form) Inca were studied. The paper presents the results of 11 cauliflower lines study, previously identified by early maturity, productivity and commercial qualities. Promising lines of the summer-autumn growing period for cultivation in Southern Dagestan have been identified. Stable early maturity was noted in cauliflower lines 182/4 (121...150 days), 174/1 (121…154), 182/2 (124…154) and 177/4 (124…166 days), the period of mass formation heads – 178/4; 192/4; 177/2; 177/3 (16...19 days), good commercial qualities and productivity – 178/4 (1.15 kg), 182/2 (1.15), 174/1 (0.98), 182/4 (0.94) and 177/3 (0.80 kg), the average weight of the heads is 192/4 (0.73 kg), 177/2 (0.72) and 178/3 (0.65 kg).

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About the authors

E. G. Gadzhimustapaeva

Dagestan Experimental Station – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Research Center – All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N.I. Vavilov”

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher

Russian Federation, Vavilovo village, Derbent district


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Photos for the article by Batasheva B.A. et al. "New lines of golozernaya spelt in Southern Dagestan" (p. 22)

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