
Current State and Prospects of the Russian Theory of Law and State Part 1
Lapaeva V.
Current State and Prospects of the Russian Theory of Law and State Part 2
Lapaeva V.
Semantic conception of law
Gavrilova Y.
Perspectives of development of conception of international law policy
Shugurov M.
Postclassical Anthropological Theory of Law in the Systematic Presentation of V.I. Pavlov: Review of the Textbook Pavlov V.I. «Problems of the Theory of State and Law». - Minsk: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2017. - 262 p
Chestnov I.
Perspectives of development of conception of international law policy. Part 2
Shugurov M.
A.V. Polyakov’s Communicative Theory of Law in the Conditions of the Medial Turn: Structural Points of Growth
Tikhonova S.
Eurocentrism within the Framework of International Legal Research: a Review and Critique of the Main Methodological Positions
Karakulyan E.
Filosofiya ugolovnogo prava v istorii evropeyskikh i anglo-amerikanskikh shkol
Bochkarev S.
On the worldview pluralism, competing theories of law and the elaboration of a unified integrative theory of law: philosophical analysis of the proble
Musayelyan L.
Integrativnaya kontseptsiya prava:ot filosofsko-yuridicheskogo dualizmak sintezu v smyslovoy teorii
Gavrilova Y.
Concerning Legal Progress As a Philosophic-Legal Problem
Zakhartsev S., Sal’nikov V.
Dlya poznaniya prava predlagaetsya komprekhendnyy podkhod
Zakhartsev S., Sal'nikov V.
Glimpses of history of Russian legal science of XIX c. N.M. Korkunov: hours of triumph in legal science and tragedy in private life
Ekimov A.
About Concepts and Categories in the Philosophy and Theory of Law (or what distinguishes science from opinions in science)
Al’bov A.
Kakaya problematizatsiyaneklassicheskoy teorii prava nam nuzhna? Retsenziya na kollektivnuyu monografiyu «Postklassicheskaya ontologiya prava»(pod obshch. red. I.L. Chestnova. SPb.: Aleteyya, 2016. 688 s.)
Belyaev M.
«State Law» as an Object of Scientific and Practical Comprehension
Shultz V., Bochkarev S.
THe Scientific novelty of the post-classical jurisprudence
Chestnov I.
Theoretical interpretation of the state of modernity
Gabrelyan E.
THe main approaches to the study of problems of effectiveness legal responsibility
Osipov Y.
New meanings for the concept of «legal entropy»
Erokhina Y.
Technological Singularity as a Point of No Return: Back to the Future? (Philosophical Legal View)
Popova A., Abramova M.
Revolution from the perspective of the post-classical legal theory
Chestnov I.
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