Theoretical interpretation of the state of modernity

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The article shows that the state as an organization of public government institutions of modernity and its theoretical interpretation is fundamentally different from the organization demodernism of the state and its theoretical interpretation. This difference was manifested, primarily, in the explanation of the role, participation and the importance of the individual in the process of state formation and as a result in the change of approach to the functional purpose of the state. The state of modernity - member, explained by concluding the contract of individuals in order to protect their rights existing independently of recognition by the state until the moment of its creation. The contractual theory of the state - the ideological basis of the state of modernity. Contractual interpretation of the process of state-building, which replaced the primitive theories and competing with them, first, “raskoldoval”, i.e. streamlines the state, secondly, explains the state through the rights of the individual, through the law, making the state legal. In the legal state of modernity changes the status of the individual: there is a transition from innate duties of subordination to the head of the family, the family and the state to innate (natural) rights. The state of the modern epoch is characterized by the change of a functional purpose, which is viewed through the category of property. The purpose and function of legal state - the protection of property rights,i.e. the rights of individuals to life, liberty and property. Positioning the property as the highest socio-cultural values leads to social and cultural needs of individuals in institutional protection through political institutions.

About the authors

E V Gabrelyan

Institute of state and law, Russian Academy of Sciences



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