Lëd i sneg

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The journal “Ice and Snow” is a professional academic periodical publication in the field of glaciology and cryology of the Earth. It continues the series «Data of Glaciological Studies» that was established in 1961 by the USSR Academy of Sciences. Its themes cover all branches of glaciology including studies of the atmospheric ice, snow cover and avalanches, mountain glaciers and polar ice sheets, sea, river, lake and underground ices, glacial flows (torrents) and icings as well as past glaciations on the Earth and possible cooling in future. Its scope also includes the applied topics: processes of icing, snow storms and drifts, movements of surging glaciers and glacier floods, like the known catastrophe of 2002 on the Caucasus Kolka Glacier.

Founders of the journal are the Institute of Geography of the RAS and the Russian Geographical Society. It is distributed by the Publisher “Nauka”. Its editorial board includes leading glaciologists from Russia and other countries. The journal has a web site and is available in electronic format. The Board currently uses a system of reviewing and interactions with authors via electronic mail. The journal continues the numbering system for volumes and issues previously used for «Data of Glaciological Studies», and it is published four times in a year, i.e. in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Articles are published in the Russian language with summaries and extended abstracts in English (explanations of figures are also given in two languages). Some papers are published in English with extended summaries in Russian. This journal has been registered by the Russian Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communication. It is indexed in the Russian (e-Library) and international (Scopus) bibliographic databases. The journal is included in the special list that the Main Certifying Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approve as a source of publication for dissertations. Each journal issue contains 144 pages in A4 format. Some articles are printed with figures in colour.

Issues are prepared in the Institute of Geography RAS where the Editorial Board has its regular meetings and its editorial staff works. The Journal has its own web site which is also available via the Russian Geographical Society web site.

Current Issue

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Vol 64, No 1 (2024)

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Glaciers and ice sheets

Refined simple model of stable water isotopic content in central Antarctic precipitation including Oxygen 17 fractionation
Ekaykin A.A.

Modeling the isotopic composition of atmospheric precipitation is an important tool for climatic, paleoclimatic and hydrological studies. This paper presents an improved simple model of the isotopic composition of precipitation in Central Antarctica. It differs from the previous version published by Salamatin et al. (2004) by 1) the included geochemical cycle of oxygen 17 and 2) the possibility of solving the inverse problem (i.e., finding the trajectory parameters that could form the isotopic composition of the precipitation observed at the end of the trajectory). The paper examines in detail the main tuning parameters of the model, among which the most important are the temperature and humidity in the moisture source, the “circulation parameter”, which takes into account the advection of vapor into the moisture source, the condensation temperature and the degree of air supersaturation with moisture in ice clouds. Based on the analysis of data on the isotopic composition (including “excess of oxygen 17”, 17O-xs) of water vapor in the surface layer of the atmosphere over the ocean and surface snow sampled along meridional profiles in East Antarctica, the optimal tuning of the model for calculating the isotopic composition of atmospheric precipitation at the Antarctic Vostok station was performed. In particular, it is shown that the temperature and humidity of the air in the moisture source are +17.4°C and 72%, respectively, and the condensation temperature is –41.3°C. The possibilities of using the model to analyze the isotopic composition of liquid precipitation falling on other continents are discussed. The final part of the paper discusses the limitations of the model. In particular, it is noted that the model does not take into account such processes as the evaporation of precipitation when it falls in arid conditions, mixing of trajectories, the influence of local sources of moisture, as well as the features of isotope fractionation during the evaporation of moisture from the continents.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):5-24
pages 5-24 views
Meteorological regime of the Elbrus high-mountain zone during the accumulation period
Drozdov E.D., Toropov P.A., Avilov V.K., Artamonov A.Y., Polyukhov A.A., Zheleznova I.V., Yarinich Y.I.

Unique automated meteorological observations were carried out on the southern slope of Elbrus, near Pastukhov Rocks, at 4700 m a.s.l., during the 2021–2022 accumulation season. Data were obtained on air temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, snowdrift and radiation fluxes with a temporal resolution of 1 minute or less. Analysis of the data series showed that the representative winter air temperature at this altitude on the southern slope of Elbrus is –10 °С, and the minimum is –36.4 °С; the partial pressure of water vapor does not exceed 3.5 hPa. At the same time, the average daily maximum of wind speed amounted 13.1 m s–1 with the absolute maximum of 54.1 m/s. Snowstorms with a snow transport intensity of more 0.1 kg/m2s–1 are quite common phenomenon in winter, while the maximum average value of the transport reaches 0.87 kg/m2s–1. An empirical relationship was established between the average hourly wind speed and the maximum gust speed for the same period, and it was shown that for these conditions the wind gust exceeds the average hourly wind speed by 1.8 times, while the representative value of the standard deviation of wind speed is 5.8 m s–1. This information may be useful not only for the glaciologic problems and modeling, but also for construction and engineering surveys, which are relevant in view of the present-day active development of the mountain ski infrastructure on the southern macro-slope of the Elbrus. In addition, the obtained series of instrumental observations were used to assess the quality of reanalysis data for high mountain regions taking as an example the ERA5. The ERA5 reanalysis was demonstrated to reproduce rather successfully the air temperature, wind speed and humidity in high mountain conditions, but extreme values for all these parameters are underestimated. Thus, the minimum temperature in winter turned out to be overestimated by 2 °C, and the maximum was underestimated by 4 °C, while the wind speed, according to the ERA5 reanalysis, never exceeded 40 m/s during the above observation period. It is also shown that the FlowCapt4 acoustic blizzard gauge (driftometer) can be used to estimate average wind speeds since it is less sensitive to severe high-altitude conditions compared to acoustic and cup anemometers.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):25-40
pages 25-40 views
The influence of spatial variability of solar radiation on the mass balance of glaciers in the Grønfjorden Bay area (the Svalbard archipelago)
Terekhov A.V., Prokhorova U.V., Demidov V.E.

In this article, we investigate how the irregular insolation of two low-elevated Svalbard glaciers exerts effect on rates of their surface melting. We compare the spatial distribution of rates of the surface lowering of glaciers Vøringbreen (0.76 km2) and Aldegondabreen (5.5 km2), both are located near Barentsburg settlement in the western part of Nordenskiöld Land (the Spitsbergen Island). As an approximation of the solar radiation flux, we used the potential incoming solar radiation calculated by the ArcticDEM digital elevation model for the period July 15–September 15, which is a typical time of ice ablation in the region under consideration. Motions of both glaciers are extremely slow, which allows assuming that lowering of their surfaces are identical to the rates of surface melting. We have found that both glaciers are distinctly divided into two parts, more and less sunlit. The spatial pattern of insolation of the Vøringbreen glacier is controlled by the shading of the walls surrounding the cirque, while the Aldegondabreen one due to its concave shape has two different areas with a more southern and more northern exposure. The lowering of the surface shows that the more and less illuminated parts differ significantly in ice ablation. The maximum differences in melting caused by the irregular insolation are 2.1 m of ice depth over five years for the Aldegondabreen Glacier (2008–2013 and 2013–2018) and 2.2 m over six years for the Vøringbreen Glacier (2013–2019), that is 40, 30 and 25% of the total values of the surface depression for the corresponding periods. Within every 50-meter altitude interval, correlation coefficients between surface ablation and insolation vary from –0.33 to –0.62 for the Aldegondabreen and from –0.50 to –0.92 for the Vøringbreen glacier. When compared with the vertical gradient of the ice melting, the variability of ablation caused by the irregular insolation correspond to a difference in altitudes of 45–50 m in vertical for the Aldegondabreen and 60 m for Vøringbreen. These values are significant taking into account the small altitudinal range of the glaciers in that part of Spitsbergen.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):41-53
pages 41-53 views
On the influence of rock glacier dynamics on the runoff in basin of the Ulken Almaty (Bolshaya Almatinka) River, Northern Tien Shan
Lebedeva L.S., Kapitsa V.P., Takibaev Z.D., Goncharenko V.V., Lytkin V.M., Kamalbekova A.N.

The purpose of the work was to study the dynamics of mountain stone glaciers and streams flowing down from them for an understanding their hydrological significance. Two glaciers: Morenny and Gorodetsky, were analyzed, both located in the river Ulken Almaty (Big Almatinka) basin, Northern Tien Shan. On the average, the rate of surface displacement of the Morennoye glacier is higher than that of the Gorodetsky, which is associated with increased ice content of the last one. The increase in rates of surface displacement of both stone glaciers revealed in 2021–2022 when compared to previous years turned out to be consistent with the widely discussed idea of intensification of such glaciers dynamics under the present-day climate changes and glacier retreats. It was found that the stone glaciers have a pronounced influence on the water regime, temperature and chemical composition of watercourses formed by water running out from them. They are distinguished by the almost complete absence of intraday fluctuations in the level, temperature, and specific electrical conductivity of water, which are more pronounced in rivers and streams with glacial alimentation during the summer time. Some waterflows from the Gorodetsky glacier do not freeze in winter, which is indicative of significant groundwater reserves in its body. The waters of each of the above stone glaciers differ in their characteristic mineralization, temperature, and the ratio of the major ions. The stable water flow from such glaciers can play an important role in maintaining a river runoff during periods of the low stream discharge.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):54-65
pages 54-65 views
Identification of tephra horizons in a glacier on the Ushkovsky volcano (Kamchatka)
Gorbach N.V., Philosofova T.M., Mikhalenko V.N.

Identification of tephra and its allocation (association) with known eruptive events allows obtainng chronostratigraphic markers, on the basis of which an age scale for dating glacial strata can be developed. To determine the sources of ash in the ice core obtained in 2022 during drilling of glacier in the crater of the Ushkovsky volcano in Kamchatka, the chemical composition of volcanic glass in individual ash particles was analyzed. The accuracy of determination of the volcanic glass composition was verified by analyzing of international standard samples of volcanic and synthetic glass. Based on a comparison of the data we obtained with published data on the composition of tephra glasses from the present-day eruptions in Kamchatka, we determined affiliation of each tephra horizon to specific volcano-source. We have found that the main source of tephra in the ice core of the Ushkovsky Glacier is the Kliuchevskoi volcano, which is the closest and the most productive one among the Kamchatka volcanoes. Ash particles from Bezymyannyi volcano were identified in two horizons. A mixed population of particles was found in one of the horizons, including the ash particles from volcanoes Kizimen, Kliuchevskoi and Bezymyannyi. Analysis of published data on the chronology and distribution of ash plumes from known eruptive events made it possible to confidently correlate the tephra horizon at a depth of 762–777 cm with the initial phase of the eruption of the Kizimen volcano in late 2010–early 2011. Ash from the uppermost tephra buried in the glacier at depths of 89–94 cm belongs to the Bezymyannyi volcano eruption, which the most likely occurred in October 2020. Single particles with rhyolitic composition of glass in the sample from the depth of 348–354 cm may belong to the eruption of the Shiveluch volcano in December 2018. The results of our work can be used on further studying of the ice core from the Ushkovsky volcano, in particular for comparison and correlation with the chronostratigraphic data obtained by glacio-chemical and isotope methods.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):66-80
pages 66-80 views

Snow cover and avalanches

Dendrochronological analysis of conifers in avalanche catchments of the Northwestern Altai (Korgon River basin)
Bykov N.I., Rygalova N.V., Shigimaga A.A.

The purpose of the study was to date the powerful snow avalanches occurred in the avalanche catchment area in the river Korgon basin (Northwestern Altai) by the dendrochronological method. The paper presents the results of the analysis of a number of dendrochronological indicators of avalanches: the age of trees, the relation between widths of annual rings from opposite sides of the trunk, the presence of reactive (compressional) wood and traumatic resin canals, the dates of death and formation of wounds in trees, the presence of clearing effects (a sharp increase in growth) in three avalanche catchments, as well as a complex dendrochronological index of the avalanche activity. The dates of releases of the powerful avalanches were established down to 1570. It has been found that against the background of increasing amount of winter precipitation in these catchments, there are different trends in occurrence of the avalanches, which is determined by their morphological properties. In the avalanche areas with steeper slopes, due to repeated unloading of the avalanche centers in winter, the probability of releasing of powerful avalanches decreases. For the same reason, the powerful avalanches do not release during the years of maximum snow accumulation. The trends in the avalanche activity in the region under consideration had been obtained for the first time. The dendrochronological index of the avalanche activity, which is the ratio of the number of the tree growth failures to the number of the examined trees, is a good indicator of a release of a powerful avalanche even at a value of 0.85, provided that the number of examined trees in the lower part of the transit zone and in the zone of accumulation is 25–35 units. The results of this study may be used to predict the territorial differentiation of changes in the avalanche activity due to climate change. In connection with the recreational development of the Altai territory, they may also be of practical importance.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):81-95
pages 81-95 views

Sea, river and lake ices

On a relation between shrinking of sea ice coverage and climate warming in the marine Arctic
Alekseev G.V., Kharlanenkova N.E.

Arctic amplification (AA) of the climate warming is understood as the excess of the surface air temperature rise in the Arctic over the same process in the non-Arctic latitudes, and it is a fundamental characteristic of the climate during periods of warming. The positive feedback between albedo and shrinking of the sea ice coverage has been identified as the first possible cause of AA. The article presents quantitative estimates of the relationship between the summer decrease and autumn-winter restoration of the ice coverage with the rise of the surface air temperature in the marine Arctic based on data of observations. The mean monthly values of the temperature in the marine Arctic and the mean monthly values of areas covered by the sea ice in the Arctic Ocean and the Arctic seas for the period 1989–2020 were used. It has been found that the observed warming and the decrease of the ice coverage are accompanied by a growth of inter-monthly changes in the coverage and the same in the air temperature. Negative trends in increments of the ice coverage in May–July is indicative of a long-term growth in inter-monthly shrinkage of the ice coverage due to increasing melting, while negative trends in increments of the temperature in the same months is suggestive of a slowdown in the temperature rise from month to month, presumably due to the increasing heat consumption for the snow and ice melting and the water heating. The positive correlation confirms the relation between growing negative inter-monthly differences in the ice coverage and decreasing positive differences in the air temperature during these months. Based on that we determined a sensitivity of the inter-monthly increments of the temperature to the increments of the ice coverage, which was used to estimate the weakening of the positive air temperature trend in May–July over the Arctic Ocean and over the seas of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). Estimating of the relationship between month-to-month changes in temperature and ice coverage in the autumn-winter months meet difficulties due to the strong influence of external heat influx. Only in November and January a slowdown in the air temperature drop from October to November and from December to January had been revealed, with a positive trend in the ice coverage increments.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):96-105
pages 96-105 views
Breaks in the Arctic ice cover: from observations to predictions
Ershova A.A., Dyment L.N., Alekseeva T.A.

Breaks (ruptures) and cracks is the distinguishing feature of any ice cover in the Arctic seas during the cold season and in the whole Arctic Basin throughout a year. The formation of them is a consequence of macro-deformation of the ice thickness. Investigating of the ice breaking in the Arctic begins with single visual observations during the ice aerial surveys in the 1940s and continues till nowadays using regular information from artificial Earth satellites. Processing of big volumes of satellite data and creating climatological datasets on breaks became possible owing to the development of algorithms for automatic identification of the ice breaks in images. Interpretation of the satellite images is based on the fundamental difference between physical properties of breaks and the surrounding consolidated ice. Algorithms for automatic recognition of ruptures using satellite data obtained in different wavelength ranges, including the use of artificial intelligence, are currently being developed. The main characteristics of breaks which are usually analyzed are as follows: the summarized area of them and its ratio to the total area of the ice field, the mean and maximum widths as well as the total length. The temporal and spatial variability of these characteristics is also considered. Such information is needed for solving problems of improving models of ice cover dynamics and modeling the interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere at high latitudes. A specific feature of publications of the Russian authors on this topic is the practical use of the results obtained for hydrometeorological support of navigation in ice. For the navigation purposes, the dominant orientation of the ruptures on the way of ships is of greatest importance. Operational and prognostic information about the orientation and extent of ruptures, including distribution of them in an ice field are the key data for choosing the optimal sailing route in the Arctic.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):106-120
pages 106-120 views
Determination of occurrence of atmospheric blockings over the Caspian Sea region in winters of 1959–2022, and influence of them on the ice regime of the Northern Caspian Sea
Kholoptsev A.V., Naurozbayeva Z.K.

The ice regime of the Caspian Sea has pronounced influence on the heat and moisture exchange of the reservoir with the atmosphere, the state of the ecosystem, as well as human marine activities, including shipping, fishing, construction of hydraulic structures, etc. Consequently, the development of existing ideas about the causes of changes in the characteristics of the ice regime of such water bodies is actual and socially significant problem of limnology, hydrometeorology, ecology, and navigation. This study was aimed at determination the frequency of occurrence of atmospheric blockings over the Caspian region with standings longer 5 days in winter period of 1959–2022, and investigation of influence of them on the ice regime in the Northern area of the Sea. The following information and data were used: changes in hourly mean values of atmospheric pressure at the sea level, geopotential of isobaric surfaces 850, 500 and 300 hPa, presented in the ERA5 reanalysis; and observational data on air temperature and ice cover from hydrometeorological stations located in the Caspian region of Kazakhstan and Russia. It has been established that in the winter during a long standing of atmospheric blockings the mean daily air temperatures noticeably drop. The values of all the studied characteristics of every atmospheric blocking which occurred in 1959–2022 were estimated as well the influence of them on the ice regime in the North of the Caspian Sea was analyzed. The relationship between a decrease in the frequency of atmospheric blockings (AB), sums of negative air temperatures on its coasts, and the ice cover thickness in the corresponding areas of coastal waters has been revealed in the region. The longer the total AB duration, the lower is the air temperature, and the ice thickness in February is larger.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):121-132
pages 121-132 views
Different trends in the dynamics of Arctic lakes in North Siberia under climate change in 1985–2021
Polishchuk Y.M., Kupriyanov M.A., Polishchuk V.Y.

The methods and results of a comparative analysis of the effects of climate changes on the dynamics of the areas of thermokarst lakes over the past 36 years in the Arctic regions on the Yamal, Gydan, and Taimyr peninsulas are considered, the areas of which are 114, 175 and 426 thousand km2, respectively. All three regions are located within the permafrost zone of the Siberian Arctic. Using images of the Landsat 4, 5, 7, and 8 satellites, time series of data on average values of lake areas for the indicated regions were obtained on the basis on averaging areas of lakes over 23 test (key) areas. The total area of the test sites is about 800 km2. Using the ERA5 reanalysis system, time series of data on the mean annual air temperature in these territories have been generated, which show a rise of the temperature over the studied period 1985–2021. A comparison of trends in changes in regional mean areas of lakes and mean annual air temperature shows that with approximately the same rate of the temperature rise on these peninsulas, different trends in the dynamics of the lake areas are observed, which are manifested, on the one hand, in a noticeable reduction in the areas of lakes in the territories of Yamal and Gydan and, on the other hand, in their growth in Taimyr. Air temperature averaged over the period 1985–2021 and coefficients of the linear trend of changes in the lake areas in each of the above regions were compared. The results show that on the territories of Yamal and Gydan, where the lake areas decrease, the mean air temperature for the same period is equal to –8.1±0.9 and –8.9±0.9 °С, respectively. On the Taimyr territory, where the lake areas increase, the mean air temperature is significantly lower: –12.8±0.94 °С. Thus, this makes possible to make a conclusion that these considered regions differ significantly from each other by values of mean air temperature, and respectively, they are characterized by different trends in changes in areas of the thermokarst lakes.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):133-142
pages 133-142 views
Factors determining the timing of ice appearance on the Kama Reservoir
Mikova K.D., Kalinin V.G.

The analysis and assessment of the correlations of the ice dates vice the zero-isotherm dates, dates of water temperatures transition through 2 and 3 °C were carried out. The initial data were long-term series of observations of air temperature at weather stations, water temperature and ice dates at the gauge stations of Roshydromet for the whole period of the reservoir existence (1956–2021). As the characteristic under study, the dates of ice formation in autumn were used. Main results: verification of previously obtained correlations on independent data (1996–2021) showed that the accuracy of issued forecasts (P) was decreased by 20% compared with the accuracy on dependent data (1956–1995); an analysis of the whole period applicability (1956–2021) for constructing predictive correlations with an assessment of their justification showed that there was no noticeable refinement. The accuracy of the forecasts based on the dates of water temperatures transition through 3 °C has not changed, while forecasts based on the zero-isotherm dates and the dates of water temperatures transition through 2 °C, has noticeably decreased at all stations; the use of data only for the period of modern climate changes (1996–2021) led to the following: correlations of the ice dates vice the zero-isotherm dates and water temperature through 2 °C did not pass the criteria S and P. This period is characterized by a decrease in the frequency of small forecast errors (< 4–5 days) and an increase in large errors (> 6–11 days) by 2–3 times; a forecast technique is proposed based on the separation of the studied correlations for years with different meteorological conditions in autumn (years with stable cooling and with heat returns). The criterion for using this or that dependence in a particular year is the weather forecast. Forecasts issued according to such dependencies have a higher accuracy.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):143-154
pages 143-154 views

Travels and discoveries

Drifting long-lived. To the 50ʰᵗ anniversary of the opening of the “North Pole-22” station
Lukin V.V.

The national drifting station “North Pole-22” (NP-22 or SP-22) had been opened on September 13, 1973 in the Arctic on the big ice island and operated for 3130 days. Now it is the longest operating observational station in the history of Arctic studies of the USSR and the Russian Federation. For eight and a half years, its total drift amounted 17,069 km. During that period a wide complex of scientific programs in oceanography, geophysics, meteorology, glaciology, hydrography, hydrobiology was carried out here. In addition, field tests and implementation of new types of scientific instruments and introduction of new expeditionary polar equipment into the observation practice were performed. For the first time in the practice of the drifting NP/SP stations, oblique sounding of the ionosphere, observations of fine thermohaline structure of waters of the active layer of the Arctic Ocean were carried out. Geographical coordinates of the station drift were determined using Soviet satellite navigation systems; a complex for recording satellite images of the ice cover was deployed; investigations of the arctic ecosystems were made. Specific experiments were conducted aimed at the natural decomposition of heavy hydrocarbons by the ultraviolet solar radiation. The ice airfield of this station received 1,511 flights of aircraft and helicopters, delivering 2,961 tons of expedition cargos. Landings on this airfield were provided by flight teams of the High-Latitude Air Expedition “Sever” of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and the Hydrographic Service of the Northern Fleet. Foreign specialists repeatedly visited the station. For the nine rotations of polar explorers who worked at the NP/SP-22, its personnel amounted to 249 people, many of them several times worked at this drifting station in different years. The work of the NP/SP-22 team was appreciated by the government authorities of the USSR.

Lëd i sneg. 2024;64(1):155-167
pages 155-167 views

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