
Exergy analysis of thermodynamic performance of a gas turbine unit
Komarov O., Sammour A., Zubkov I., Blinov V.
Kisulenko B.
Kinematic calculation ofsix-memberedlinkage using theanalytical method
Ivanov V.
The Hypothesis about the calculation of cutting forces accuracy. Cutting parameters. Designing of mathematical model
Volkov A., Matveev S.
Results of graphic-analytical research of mathematical models of analysis of laser systems of automatic control and control of vibration parameters of technological objects and designs
Matrosova V., Murachev E.
Scaling parameters and modeling flutter of a cylindrical shell
Kiyko I., Pokazeev V.
Optimization of Park Structure and Parameters of Assembly Equipment in Automotive Manufacture
Lamin I.
Theoretical studies of dependence of geometric parameters of a contact between a tool and a workpiece on installation of a tool in the process of burnishing
Kuznetsov A., Vasiliev V., Bezhenar E., Zabolotnaya I., Sazonov D., Smirnov A.
Optimization of vibration protection systems for operator in mobile vehicle with random kinematical excitation
Podrubalov V., Nikitenko A., Podrubalov M.
Developing of a model of quality parameters of rolling bearings
Koltunov I., Lobanov A.
Mathematical models of electromechanics as an asymptotics of Maxwell-Minkowski equations
Nigmatullin S., Shenderovskiy I.
Simulation Model of Preproject Calculation of Assembling Equipment Parameters
Lamin I., Abramchenkov N.
Technique of definition the complexity of castings by design and technological parameters of a cast part
Volkomovich A., Sorokin Y.
Analysis of kinematic and power parameters of rolling wheel propulsor
Sergeev A., Esakov A., Kruglov S., Cherniy I.
Interrelation of wear resistance with quality parameters of the surface layer of parts after machining
Sutyagin A.
Development of strategic programmes of socio-economic development of rural areas as a factor of sustainable development of the economy
Kiseleva N.
The air exchange rate measuring method by the concentration of carbon dioxide in the vehicle cabin air
Yakunova E.
Cutting parameters at needle-milling
Voronov V., Sedykh M.
Quality management of technical products in the development stage of working documents
Martishkin V.
The influence of cutting modes and structural parameters of the device for combined cutting processing and surface plastic deformation on the roughness of the processed surface unstable parts of hollow cylinder type
Vetrova E., Lebedev P., Adeev A.
Development of test bench for research of vehicles with hybrid powertrains
Nagaitsev M.
Development of an experimental research complex for determining parameters of interaction of a pneumatic tire with ground
Vol'skaya N., Zakharov A., Anisimov M.
Koltunov I., Lobanov A.
Effectiveness increase of burnishing and mixed processing by the variation of tool location method
Kouznetsov V., Shestavin P.
Functional scheme of the automated laser vibration measuring systems with two optical channels converted to monitor and control the parameters of vibration
Matrosova V., Murachev E.
Results of the study of the mathematical model of interaction of an elastic wheel with a deformable bearing surface under steady rectilinear rolling
Lepeshkin A., Kruglov S., Petrov S., Pkhakadze S.
Development of supercharging systems for internal combustion engines for variuos purposes
Kaminskiy R.
Martishkin V.
Improvement of Geometrical Parameters of Surface Quality in Process of Broaching on the Basis of Modernization of Cutting Tool Design
Bekayev A., Shchedrin A., Skoromnov V.
Finding the base for the calculation of quality products at the design stage of working documents
Martishkin V.
Theoretical analysis of the combined radial-reverse extrusion parts with flange
Alieva L., Grudkina N.
Dependence of surface roughness from workpiece material and device structural parameters for combined cutting and surface plastic deformation in processing of non-rigid parts of hollow cylinder type
Vetrova E., Lebedev P., Adeev A.
Influence of Uneven Workpiece Allowance on the Output Parameters of Technological Equipment
Ivannikov S., Shandov M.
The Features of Choice of the Basics Kinematic Parameters of Shift and Turn Mechanism and Hydromechanical Transmission in the Mode of Truck Linear Motion
Kozhevnikov V., Kemenov A.
Quality management of technical products at the stage of technical projec
Martishkin V.
Parametric synthesis of the optimal regulator on the basis of the calculus of variations for General mathematical model of the object
Polianskiy V.
Study of energy parameters of abiotic environment in near-field low-frequency electromagnetic field source zone
Grafkina M., Nyunin B., Sviridova E.
Gain factor of vacuum brake booster
Shuklinov S.
Development of test-benches for control and research tests of turbochargers
Kaminskiy V., Kaminskiy R., Lazarev A., Grigorov I., Kostyukov A., Korneev S., Kovaltsov I., Sergeev A., Gusak A., Sibiryakov S.
The Hypothesis about the calculation of cutting forces accuracy. Designing of mathematical model
Volkov A., Matveev S.
The mathematical model for calculating the thickness distribution of the metal in stamping in multisection dies with rotating discs
Korobko T., Kozachishena E.
Method for determination of kinetic parameters of oxidation of ground carbon materials
Obvintseva N., Kaminskiy A., Epshteyn S.
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