The mathematical model for calculating the thickness distribution of the metal in stamping in multisection dies with rotating discs

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In this article the authors have proposed a mathematical model to calculate the thickness distribution of the product when drawing of axisymmetric parts in the stamp with multisection rotating discs for correction of technological parameters of the process. The model considers the mechanism of stress-deformed state, geometrical relations and approximation algorithm. Euler's method was used to solve the problem allowing determine the parameters of the next step of integration, basing in the previous results. This algorithm allows to make quick adjustments with the appearance of additional conditions and can be recommended for the calculation of the technological parameters of the technological process.

About the authors

T. B Korobko

Donbass State Engineering Academy

Ph.D.; +380-50-0269136

E. S Kozachishena

Donbass State Engineering Academy



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Copyright (c) 2013 Korobko T.B., Kozachishena E.S.

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