Vol 16, No 4 (2022)


Awarding the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in Science and Technology for 2022


On December 23, 2022, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation presented awards to the laureates of the Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for 2022. The Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation was awarded to the work of the team of authors «Development of highly efficient wheeled transport and technological means for the accelerated socio-economic development of the territories of the Far North of the Russian Federation.» The honorary title of the Prize Laureate was given to a number of scientists from leading scientific institutions, including members of the editorial board, as well as regular contributors to the Izvestiya MGTU «MAMI» journal.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2022;16(4):281-282
pages 281-282 views

Heat engines

The study of fuel accumulation in the oil of a gasoline engine with direct fuel injection

Krasnov V.M., Terenchenko A.S., Timofeev D.S., Shibaev I.S., Stepin N.D.


BACKGROUND: The worldwide powertrain engineering tendency is reduction of mass and dimension properties of an engine with simultaneous increase of its specific power and power-to-weight ratio. It can be achieved with compression ratio increase, engine cycle improvement, implementation of supercharging system and direct fuel injection. With the direct injection systems implementation, the issue of fuel accumulation in oil became relevant.

AIMS: The article addresses general issues related to fuel accumulation in the motor oil.

METHODS: Analysis of the published data addressing this issue.

RESULTS: The reasons of fuel entry into oil were formulated, the possible acceptable limits of fuel concentration in oil were defined, and the data of vehicle fleet observation performed by specialists during several years was given.

CONCLUSIONS: There is rather considerable range of opinions and recommendations regarding acceptable fuel concentration in oil. Therefore, it may be concluded that the value of fuel concentration in itself makes little difference, and, in order to define the maximal acceptable level of fuel concentration in oil, it is reasonable to carry out studies of determination acceptable limits of particular motor oil properties, primarily viscosity.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2022;16(4):283-289
pages 283-289 views

Increasing the efficiency of the lubrication system of a modern internal combustion diesel engine

Khannanov M.D., Alimgulov E.R., Fardeev L.I., Kulikov A.S., Gumerov I.F., Gubaidullin R.R., Mukanov G.Z., Doikin A.A.


BACKGROUND: Leading manufacturers of engines for trucks are constantly competing and trying to create engines with the best consumer characteristics, which at the same time meet modern environmental standards. One of the most important characteristics for long-haul tractors is fuel efficiency. As a way to improve this parameter, it was chosen to reduce the loss of mechanical energy to drive the oil pump.

AIMS: To determine the current level of mechanical losses in the drive of the oil pump of the KAMAZ 6ChN13/15 engine, to form a set of solutions to reduce losses.

METHODS: The current pattern of mechanical losses distribution for the 6ChN13/15 engine was obtained by engine motoring at the engine bench with sequential removal of engine components. A comparative diagram of the overpressure at the outlet of the uncontrolled and controlled pumps was obtained empirically during tests at the engine bench. The evaluation of the positive effect from the use of a controlled oil pump was determined analytically.

RESULTS: As a result, by using a controlled oil pump, it became possible to reduce the excess pressure at the outlet of the pump at nominal rotational speed by 25%, which theoretically should reduce the relative mechanical losses of the engine by 3%.

CONCLUSIONS: The practical value of the study lies in determining effective ways to reduce mechanical energy losses and improve the consumer qualities of modern diesel engines.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2022;16(4):291-301
pages 291-301 views

Hydraulic and pneumatic systems

Analysis of the efficiency of balancing pistons of feed pumps

Zharkovsky A.A., Zakharov A.A., Fedorov S.P.


BACKGROUND: Thermo power industry demands the high level of reliability of pump equipment. Regarding that, improvement of reliability of feed pump structure and balancing device in particular is a relevant issue.

AIMS: To perform numerical simulation of a balancing device in order to determine its optimal design and parameters. The study object is the balancing device of the PEN 290-115 feed pump

METHODS: Two types of the balancing piston, two-stage and single-stage, were studied. The series of computational fluid dynamics simulations of the three-dimensional flow of a viscous liquid were performed using the ANSYS CFX software in order to study the efficiency of given designs.

RESULTS: The calculated characteristics of the two designs of the unloading device were obtained. The influence of roughness and radial clearance on the efficiency of a cylindrical piston was studied. The simulation results showed that the radial clearance decrease leads to balancing device losses decrease. The roughness value increase may also lead to the leaks decrease, but its excessive increase leads to friction losses increase, so it is necessary to control both parameters when searching for the optimal roughness value.

CONCLUSIONS: The optimal design of the balancing piston, which combines simplicity of manufacturing, reliability and energy efficiency, is proposed.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2022;16(4):303-310
pages 303-310 views

Transport and transport-technological complexes

The air exchange rate measuring method by the concentration of carbon dioxide in the vehicle cabin air

Yakunova E.A.


BACKGROUND: Vehicle passengers may be exposed to high concentrations of hazardous substances, especially in heavy traffic and traffic jams. The air exchange rate is an important factor in assessment of the level of pollutant substances exposure on the people inside the vehicle.

AIMS: Development of the air exchange rate measuring method, based on carbon dioxide concentration build-up in the vehicle cabin air.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The presented method makes possible to determine the air exchange rate in a stationary vehicle or vehicle, moving with constant velocity. The set of experiments was carried out, in which the air exchange rate was determined in a stationary vehicle and in a moving vehicle at velocities of 30, 60 and 90 km/h. For each velocity, the air exchange rate was determined for three air conditioning system modes, such as intake air supply, recirculation mode and air conditioning system off.

RESULTS: According to the results of measurements, the air exchange rate varied from 0.42 h-1 to 76.17 h-1.

CONCLUSIONS: The study results corresponds to the results, obtained earlier by other authors, using alternative methods, and may be used for development of regulatory requirements to control the pollutant substances exposure on the people inside vehicle cabins and for the people healthcare strategy formation.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2022;16(4):311-318
pages 311-318 views

Methods of fog control for a vehicle windscreen before vehicle moving off

Ignatiev V.V., Antoshina V.N.


INTRODUCTION: In any type of vehicle, the accessory equipment system of air heating and conditioning should ensure safety by means of glazing protection from fogging with high operational speed and minimal energy consuming, as driver’s reaction slows down in low visibility conditions and the risk of road accidents increases.

AIMS: Analytical review of state-of-the-art methods of efficiency improvement of condensate cleaning from the inner surface of a vehicle windscreen in order to discover promising methods of fog control before vehicle moving off which are energy efficient and driver- and passenger-friendly.

LINE OF RESEARCH: Review of publications, dedicated to issues of condensate cleaning and vehicle glazing prevention from fogging.

METHODS: Study and analysis of papers in the mentioned area, published in open sources.

RESULTS: Conditions of fogging on inner surfaces of vehicle glazing are discussed. Russian and foreign regulatory documents, featuring demands to the procedure of fog cleaning from the windscreen inner surface, are given. Special aspects of air drying in cabin of electric vehicles and ICE-driven vehicles and various methods of the windscreen inner surface heating are considered.

CONCLUSIONS: Efficiency of windscreen condensate cleaning may be increased significantly by means of conjuction of such methods as: a) making inner surfaces of vehicle glazing hydrophobic; b) defroster design optimization in order to ensure air supply having minimal pressure losses, maximal output mass, high speed and uniform distribution of airflow along the surface of critically important fields of view; c) using of tempered windscreens with transparent electrically-conducting layer; d) drying of vehicle cabin air. At present, the search for efficient methods of windscreen warming and cabin air drying in recirculation mode for both electric vehicles and ICE-driven vehicles, operating in low air temperature conditions, continues.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2022;16(4):319-327
pages 319-327 views

The straight-line stability analysis of the vehicle with the electronic stability control

Eranosyan A.V.


BACKGROUND: At present time, branches of industry have been increasingly filled with electronics, capable of controlling different processes in order to achieve demanded paremeters values. Automotive industry, safety issues of which such as vehicle stability and handling are paid much attention, have not become an exclusion. Vehicle safety improvement is one of the areas of development of modern auto-motive industry. Manufacturers permanentally increase the number of control systems and raise the level of control on wheeled vehicle motion parameters in order to achieve the highest possible level of stability and handling. Using of various all-wheel-drive systems becomes more relevant and reasonable. Traction force distribution between all wheels improves dynamic performance indicators, makes cross-country ability better in similar road conditions and allows using algorithms, improving handling and course-keeping ability of a vehicle.

AIMS: Determination of variation range of the control parameter in order to ensure stable straight-line motion of a vehicle with controlled transmission.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The two-axled vehicle, which transmission has an ability of torque distribution between front and rear axles, is considered in the article. The system of diiferential equations in terms of “middle” wheels side slip angles was made up in the study. The Liénard–Chipart algebraic cri-terion was used to define variation ranges of the control parameter in order to ensure stable straight-line motion of the vehicle.

RESULTS: The obtained variation ranges of the control parameter are included in the adjustment range of modern torque distribution mechanisms, consequently, it is possible to speak about ability to ensure stability of straight-line motion of a full-wheel-driven vehicle with currently existing mechanisms. The scientific novelty of the study lies in analytical determination of variation range of the control parameter for the case of straight-line motion of a vehicle equipped with the electronic stability control.

CONCLUSIONS: Practical value of the study lies in establishment of ability to ensure stability of straight-line motion of a full-wheel-driven vehicle with currently existing mechanisms.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2022;16(4):329-335
pages 329-335 views

The test rigs for motorcycle framework and suspension testing. Durability testing of motorcycles and their components

Kuzmin A.O., Meshcheryakov D.Y., Eidelman A.L.


BACKGROUND: Leading motorcycle manufacturers use a wide range of testing equipment in the process of development of new vehicles. At various stages of the motorcycle development, static and dynamic tests are carried out to determine the properties of the being developed vehicle, to make changes in the design or to validate the virtual model.

AIMS: The analysis of domestic and foreign testing equipment in order to create the roller test rig for fatigue testing of motorcycles.

METHODS: The tests results and articles on the subject of motorcycle testing were analyzed.

RESULTS: Various motorcycle test rigs and types of the motorcycle framework testing were analyzed.

CONCLUSIONS: The practical value of the study lies in the use of the analyzed information for the development and producing of the roller test rig for motorcycle durability testing.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2022;16(4):337-343
pages 337-343 views

Electrotechnical complexes and systems

Development and research of the control system of the electric drive of panoramic windscreen wipers

Polyuschenkov I.S.


BACKGROUND: The issue of coordinated control of vehicles’ windscreen wipers, not linked to each other with mechanical joints, is related to aiming to make the equipment more compact. Modern microprocessor controlling are helpful to solve this issue with use of electric drive as well as problems of logical control and interaction with high-level controlling equipment.

AIMS: The comprehensive solution of the issue of coordinated control of movement of panoramic windscreen wipers without mechanical links as well as the solution of secondary problems of control with use of tools of electric drive considering various factors.

METHODS: The algorithm of windscreen wipers movement coordination in nontracking system of automatic stabilization of electric motors rotation velocities with positioning in trajectories’ control points. Among the factors, necessary to consider in development, there are design of mechanism of windscreen wipers, the characteristic of mechanical load on them, type and location of sensors, required dynamics and accuracy of coordinates adjustment, behavior of electromagnetic processes in power converter and restriction of computing capabilities of a microcontroller.

RESULTS: The electric drive ensures visually balanced coordinated movement of windscreen wipers, which is resistant to load change caused by the condition of the windscreen as well as torques of gravity force acting on the windscreen wipers. The logical control based on discrete switches ensures selection of the movement mode, whereas the connection through digital circuits ensures data exchange with the controlling equipment. Technical solutions ensuring simple tuning of the electric drive are implemented.

CONCLUSIONS: The given solution of issues of coordination of windscreen wipers movement, automatic adjustment of coordinates considering dynamics of movement control, logical control and coupling with the high-level controlling equipment has practical value for development of various control systems.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2022;16(4):345-356
pages 345-356 views

The rechargeable systems of electric energy storage for the category L vehicles

Degtyarev I.P., Kurmaev R.H.


BACKGROUND: The high-tech world cannot be stable essentially, therefore there are electric automobiles, electric motorcycles and other vehicles with the electric energy source alongside conventional vehicles. Due to the development of category L electric vehicles, development and manufacturing of rechargeable systems of electric energy storage (RSEES) is demanded. The design of the system of electric energy storage must meet a number of requirements given to category L electric vehicles. The system of electric energy storage as part of an electric vehicle should ensure the maximal drive range (high energy capacity) and have enough strength of ensuring the safety of a category L vehicle. One of the issues of meeting the given requirements is reducing the mass of the RSEES frame using light-alloy materials.

AIMS: Increase of energy efficiency of the two-wheeled vehicle with an electric drive based on development of the RSEES considering mass and dimensional properties.

METHODS: One of the methods of modelling the structural elements of a frame with similar geometrical layout but using various materials (nonferrous materials) is used. The theoretical simulation of loading at these structural elements and comparison of components with various materials are performed.

RESULTS: The issue of reducing the mass of the RSEES is one of the problems of improvement the category L electric vehicles (EV) efficiency. Apart from increase of drive range, reducing the mass and inertial properties of the RSEES frame leads to improvement of maneuvering ability and handling of an EV. It is worth noting that the location of the rechargeable systems of electric energy storage inside an electric motorcycle positively affects energy efficiency because of lowering the center of mass, which consequently reflects on aerodynamics and driving of category L electric vehicle.

CONCLUSIONS: The main current issue of development of the RSEES for electric vehicles including electric motorcycles is reducing its mass. One of the ways of achieving it is using variable alloys in the RSEES frame design. The method of calculation of the design of the frame of the rechargeable system of electric energy storage which allows optimal choosing of material and component geometry, that makes possible to reduce mass and dimensional properties by 20%, is shown in the article. The next stage is manufacturing of a prototype and practical testing of the PSEES for confirmation of the theoretical calculations.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2022;16(4):357-363
pages 357-363 views


In memory of Konstantin I. Gorodetsky


On November 2, 2022, the Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Konstantin I. Gorodetsky, the author of a number of works on transmissions of tractors and agricultural machines, died. Konstantin was born on January 11, 1932. He graduated from the tractor department of the Moscow Automotive Institute (MAMI). An important achievement of K. Gorodetsky in the scientific plan is his proposed refinement of the formulas of V. Mishke, which make it possible to evaluate the change in the efficiency of rotary hydraulic machines with a change in their operating mode. The resulting formulas are called “Gorodetsky’s formulas”.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2022;16(4):365-366
pages 365-366 views

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