
Surgery for early-stage ovarian cancer
Nechushkina V.M., Morkhov K.Y., Abduragimova Z.T., Kuznetsov V.V., Selchuk V.Y., Dmitriev V.N.
Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of an incomplete cytoreduction application in combination with systemic therapy and systemic therapy as mono-therapy in patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinomas
Borisov P.S., Orlova R.V., Shkolnik M.I., Karlov P.A.
Isolated metastasis to the scalp in occult breast cancer: a clinical case
Ognerubov N.A., Sergeev R.S., Hizhnyak A.O., Ognerubova M.A., Dzhabrailov M.A.
Endobronchial metastasis of melanoma: a clinical case
Ognerubov N.A., Palkina E.E., Sayapin O.E., Ognerubova M.A.
Radiation-induced soft tissue sarcoma of the neck after radiation therapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma: a clinical case
Ognerubov N.A., Antipova T.S.
Squamous cell breast cancer: description of a rare clinical case
Zikiryakhodjaev A.D., Khakimova S.G., Rasskazova E.A., Saribekian E.K., Omarova D.F., Surkova V.S., Khakimova G.G.
Catamnesis of pediatric thoracic and abdominal cancer survivours
Mikhailova S.N., Zaeva G.E., Gavrilenko T.F., Sinyagina Y.V., Kazantsev A.P.
Principles of diagnosis and surgical treatment of patients with retroperitoneal schwannomas
Bugaev V.E., Nikulin M.P., Melikov S.A.
Long-term effects of pediatric cancer therapy: 35-year clinical experience
Zaeva G.E., Valiev T.T., Gavrilenko T.F., Moiseenko E.I., Medvedovskaya E.G., Mikhailova S.N., Sinyagina Y.V.
Male breast cancer: review of the literature
Nikolaev K.S., Semiglazov V.F., Semiglazov V.V.
Puti uluchsheniya neposredstvennykh rezul'tatov khirurgicheskogo lecheniya yukstakardial'nogo raka
Khvastunov R.A., Shereshkov A.Y., Ivanov A.I., Mudryy A.Y.
Immuno-morfologicheskie faktory prognoza pri limfome Khodzhkina
Tumyan G.S., Tupitsyn N.N., Probatova N.A., Kovrigina A.M., Sholokhova E.N.
Results of surgical treatment of patients with malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors: a retrospective and prospective study
Abdulzhaliev A.T., Sushentsov E.A., Boulytcheva I.V., Senderovich A.I., Nikulin M.P., Sofronov D.I., Bugaev V.E.
Prospects for the treatment of neurofibromatosis type 1: A review
Mustafin R.N.
Surgical treatment for pelvic bone metastases
Buharov A.V., Derzhavin V.A., Erin D.A., Yadrina A.V., Aliev M.D.
Diagnosis and treatment of metastatic melanoma of unknown primary
Krylovetskaya M.A., Komarov I.G., Karseladze D.A.
Clinical and radiological evaluation the effectiveness of preoperative systemic therapy in different biological subtypes of breast cancer stages T1-3N0-1M0
Pavlikova O.A., Poddubnaya I.V., Kolyadina I.V., Abdullaev A.G., Komov D.V., Danzanova T.Y., Sinyukova G.T., Kozlov N.A., Ganshina I.P., Zhukova L.G., Aliyeva G.S., Kerimov R.A., Gordeeva O.O.
Rare morphological forms of breast cancer: features of surgical approach
Vysotskaya I.V., Letyagin V.P., Kolyadina I.V., Martynova G.V.
Press-release. «Sanofi» makes a contribution in improving availability of treatment in women with breast cancer in Russia in accordance with international standards
Prognosticheskie faktory effektivnosti lecheniya retsidiva raka yaichnikov IV stadii
Mel'ko A.I., Ushakov I.I., Kira E.F., Shamkina V.O., Gaytukieva R.A.
Nekhodzhkinskie limfomy mochepolovoy sistemy
Bogdanov A.N., Maksimov A.G., Anosov N.A., Krivolapov Y.A.
Development of a prognostic model in patients with metastatic bone lesions to choose surgical treatment: retrospective study
Buharov A.V., Kurilchik A.A., Barashev A.A., Derzhavin V.A., Yadrina A.V., Erin D.A., Elkhov D.O., Aliev M.D., Kaprin A.D.
Nutritional support in the perioperative period of treatment of cancer patients: Retrospective cohort study
Gameeva E.V., Stepanovna A.M., Khoronenko V.E., Gridnev O.V., Sviridov S.V., Shestopalov A.E.
Managing menopausal symptoms in patients with hormone receptor-positive gynecologic cancers
Shabalova O.V., Yureneva S.V., Khokhlova S.V., Gardanova Z.R., Ermakova E.I.
The effectiveness of targeted therapy in the treatment of common forms of ovarian cancer
Saevets V.V., Vazhenin A.V., Chernova L.F., Shimotkina I.G., Kurchenkova O.V., Mukhin A.A., Taratonov A.V.
The choice of treatment method in patients with complicated gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Clinical observation and literature review
Nered S.N., Stilidi I.S., Shalenkov V.A., Arkhiri P.P., Perfilev I.B., Kalinin A.E., Bozhchenko Y.A., Glukhov E.V.
Modern aspects of differential diagnosis and treatment of large B-cell lymphomas with mediastinum involvement in children and adolescents
Levashov A.S., Kovrigina A.M., Stroganova A.M., Valiev T.T., Belyaeva E.S., Popa A.V., Mentkevich G.L.
Opyt primeneniya Votrienta v kombinirovannom lechenii redkikh mestno-rasprostranennykh sarkom myagkikh tkaney vysokoy stepeni zlokachestvennosti
Zubarev A.L., Kuril'chik A.A., Starodubtsev A.L., Ivanov V.E.
Osobennosti kliniko-morfologicheskikh kharakteristik i lecheniya retsidiva raka yaichnikov IV stadii
Mel'ko A.I., Ushakov I.I., Kira E.F., Shamkina V.O., Gaytukieva R.A.
Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika taksanosoderzhashchikh i platinovykh skhem polikhimioterapii v pervoy linii lecheniya raka yaichnikov IV stadii (opyt GVKB im. N.N.Burdenko)
Mel'ko A.I., Ushakov I.I., Kira E.F., Ermolinskiy I.I.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin after cardiac transplantation: a clinical case
Ognerubov N.A., Ognerubova M.A.
Telephone interventions for symptom management in adults with cancer (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary – PLS)
Lapshina D.A.
Metastatic renal cell carcinoma of unknown primary site. Clinical follow-up
Ognerubov N.A., Antipova T.S., Gumareva G.E.
Modern radiation therapy in part of treatment primary mediastinal (thymic) B-large cell lymphoma (results of 131 patients treated at N.N.Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
Trofimova O.P., Zavodnova I.Z., Tumyan G.S., Pryamikova Y.I., Volkova N.V., Zaichenko O.S., Nazarenko A.V.
Clinical features and therapy of double-hit and double-expressor lymphomas
Baryakh E.A., Misyurina A.E., Kovrigina A.M., Obukhova T.N., Kravchenko S.K., Magomedova A.U., Zingerman B.V., Misyurina E.N., Poteshkina N.G., Lysenko M.A., Vorobev A.I.
Current possibilities in diagnosis and treatment of diffuse large B cell lymphoma in children and adolescents: results of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Research Institute of N.N.Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, international experience
Levashov A.S., Kovrigina A.M., Valiev T.T., Belyaeva E.S., Popa A.V., Mentkevich G.L.
Role of vemurafenib in the treatment of disseminated skin melanoma
Demidov L.V., Utyashev I.A., Kharkevich G.Y.
Limfoma Khodzhkina: prognosticheskie priznaki segodnya
Demina E.A.
Punktsionno-dreniruyushchiy metod - effektivnoe lechenie posleoperatsionnykh khirurgicheskikh oslozhneniy v torakoabdominal'noy onkologii
Dolgushin B.I., Pankratenko O.A., Poddubnaya I.V.
Therapy of chronic pain in cancer patients: Tafalgin use experience. Case report
Ognerubov N.A.
Extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma. Literature review
Orel N.F., Poddubnaya I.V.
Modern view on the issues of diagnosis and verification of axillary lymph nodes involvement in early breast cancer
Kolyadina I.V., Danzanova T.Y., Khokhlova S.V., Trofimova O.P., Kovaleva E.V., Rodionov V.V., Poddubnaya I.V.
Long-term treatment of neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas
Khvastunov R.A., Egorov S.V., Kargin A.V., Kim A.Y.
Diagnosis and treatment of diffuse large B cell lymphoma in children and adults (review of literature)
Levashov A.S., Valiev T.T., Kovrigina A.M., Popa A.V., Mentkevich G.L.
Surgical stading local – cervical cancer incidence
Kargopolova M.V., Maximov S.Y., Berlev I.V., Boyarkina M.P., Meshkova I.E., Khadzhimba A.S., Novikov S.N., Krzhivitsky P.I., Ponomareva O.I., Urmancheeva A.F., Ivanzov A.O., Guseynov K.D., Vishinskaya E.A., Matveeva N.S.
Vysokodoznaya khimioterapiya i autotransplantatsiya pri mnozhestvennoy mielome
Mendeleeva L.P., Savchenko V.G., Tyurina N.G., Varlamova E.Y., Momotyuk K.S., Lyubimova L.S., Gribanova E.O., Ustinova E.N., Pokrovskaya O.S., Mitish N.E., Zherebtsova V.A., Kaplanskaya I.B., Vorob'ev I.A., Gretsov E.M., Kalinin N.N.
Estramustina fosfat (estratsit) v lechenii raka predstatel'noy zhelezy (po materialam Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2005 ASCO Proceedings)
Podregul'skiy K.E.
Targeted therapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for relapsed/refractory Hodgkin lymphoma in pediatric and adolescent patients: a pilot protocol results
Tsaplina N.S., Valiev T.T., Kirgizov K.I., Varfolomeeva S.R.
Biological features of ductal carcinoma in situ: clinical role and basis for treatment individualization
Kolyadina I.V., Butrimova A.S., Poddubnaya I.V., Kоmetova V.V., Rodionov V.V.
Surgical treatment of trophoblastic disease. Modern concept and contradictions (literature review)
Maslennikov A.F., Meshcheriakova L.A., Kuznetsov V.V., Kozachenko V.P., Komarov I.G.
The effect of derivatives of 3-hydroxypyridine and succinic acids on depressive symptoms, pain intensity and quality of life after surgical treatment of breast cancer
Volchegorskii I.A., Vazhenin A.V., Zyuzina M.S.
Neuroendocrine tumors of the colon: an analysis of the literature and own experience
Kochatkov A.V., Bogomazova S.Y., Negardinov A.Z., Alimova Y.V., Lyadov V.K.
Pathogenesis and correction of anemic syndrome in lymphoproliferative disorders patients
Romanenko N.A.
Opyt profilakticheskogo primeneniya rekombinantnogo faktora Vila dlya umen'sheniya intraoperatsionnykh krovotecheniy u onkologicheskikh bol'nykh
Barkagan Z.S., Khodorenko S.A., Mamaev A.N., Nazarov A.V., Mamaeva I.V., Tsyvkina L.P., Rossokha A.V.
Biologicheskie kharakteristiki opukholi (proliferativnaya aktivnost', ploidnost' i steroidnye retseptory) i ikh vliyanie na neposredstvennye i otdalennye rezul'taty lecheniya zapushchennogo raka molochnoy zhelezy
Nikolaeva T.G., Vyshinskaya G.V., Rotobel'skaya L.E.
Following in the footsteps of SABCS 2022: top 16 early breast cancer studies that could change our clinical practice: A review
Kolyadina I.V.
Isolated splenic metastases from colon cancer: clinical observations
Ognerubov N.A., Antipova T.S., Ognerubova M.A.
Long-term results of surgical treatment of patients with retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma
Bugaev V.E., Nikulin M.P., Nered S.N., Lyubchenko L.N., Stilidi I.S.
Pre-operative chemoradiation therapy in complex treatment of patients with locally advanced tumors of the thoracic esophagus
Shogenov M.S., Davydov M.M., Allakhverdiyev A.K., Chekini A.K., Filatov A.A., Akhmedov P.I., Serebryanskaya M.V., Korolyeva A.A., Dadyev I.A., Chichikov E.I., Grigorenko V.A., Kozlov N.A., Nazliyev P.B., Malikhova O.A., Tryakin A.A.
Brentuximab vedotin in the treatment of relapsed and refractory forms of Hodgkin lymphoma
Demina E.A.
Intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinoma (review)
Zharikov Y.O., Shevchenko T.V., Zhao A.V.
Lekarstvennaya terapiya solidnykh opukholey s metastazami v golovnom mozge
Konstantinova M.M.
Takticheskie podkhody k lecheniyu regionarnykh metastazov u bol'nykh rakom gortani, gortanoglotki, slizistoy obolochki polosti rta i rotoglotki
Aydarbekova A., Lyubaev V.L., Tkachev S.I., Alieva S.B., Brzhezovskiy Z.
Opyt primeneniya Regional'noy programmy v g. Krasnodare
Mitashok I.S.
Rare inflammatory myofibroblastic lung tumor with multi-organ metastasis: A case report
Budurova M.D., Trifanov V.S., Bagrov V.A., Lozhkin M.V., Chernichenko M.A., Surkova V.S., Poluektov S.I., Lyubchenko L.N.
A clinical case of the use of a new selective μ1-opioid analgesic Tafalgin in the treatment of chronic cancer pain
Abuzarova G.R., Sarmanayeva R.R., Alekseeva G.S., Brazhnicova Y.V.
Ifosfamide/cyclofosfamide-induced methemoglobinemia in pediatric patients with hemoblastoses
Valiev T.T., Korkina Y.S.
Management of the patients with stage I germ cell ovarian tumors
Nechushkina I.V., Nechushkina V.M., Boychenko E.I., Susuleva N.A.
Dynamics of circulating tumor cells during neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally-advanced breast cancer
Nenakhova Y.N., Lyadov V.K., Poddubnaya I.V.
Outcomes of surgical treatment of advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors
Abouhaidar O.B., Nered S.N., Arkhiri P.P., Nikulin M.P., Stilidi I.S.
Surgical results in patients 75 years and older with gastric cancer
Rokhoev G.A., Stilidi I.S., Nered S.N.
Vozmozhnosti ul'trazvukovoy tomografii pri otsenke mestnogo rasprostraneniya pervichnoy melanomy kozhi
Chekalova M.A., Allakhverdyan G.S., Demidov L.V., Kokosadze N.V., Kharatishvili T.K., Khatyrev S.A.
Pozdnie oslozhneniya terapii bol'nykh limfomoy Khodzhkina
Demina E.A., Pylova I.V., Shmakov R.G., Perilova E.E.
Analiz rezul'tatov vnedreniya Regional'noy rossiyskoy programmy lecheniya pervichno-generalizovannogo i metastaticheskogo raka molochnoy zhelezy v Voronezhskom oblastnom klinicheskom onkologicheskom dispansere
Chevardov N.I., Tolstykh L.V., Puzakov K.G., Potapov Y.N.
1 - 74 of 74 Items

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