
Through Concentration Profiling of Heterojunction Solar Cells
Yakovlev G., Nyapshaev I., Shakhrai I., Andronikov D., Zubkov V., Terukov E.
Electrochemical Amorphization As a Method to Increase the Rate Capability of Crystalline Silicon Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Li G., Astrova E., Rumyantsev A.
Fluorocarbon Carbonization of Nanocrystalline Silicon
Astrova E., Ulin V., Parfeneva A., Voronkov V.
Semiconductor Plasma Antennas Formed by Laser Radiation
Bogachev N., Gusein-zade N., Zhluktova I., Kazantsev S., Kamynin V., Podlesnykh S., Rogalin V., Trikshev A., Filatova S., Tsvetkov V., Shokhrin D.
Determining polytype composition of silicon carbide films by UV ellipsometry
Kukushkin S., Osipov A.
The Influence of EL2 Centers on the Photoelectric Response of an Array of Radial GaAs/AlGaAs Nanowires
Grigorieva N., Shtrom I., Grigoriev R., Soshnikov I., Reznik R., Samsonenko Y., Sibirev N., Cirlin G.
The formation of nanostructured carbon material on a ferrocene-containing polymer surface induced by a high-power ion beam
Kovivchak V., Kryazhev Y., Zapevalova E.
Synthesis by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Properties of InGaN Nanostructures of Branched Morphology on a Silicon Substrate
Reznik R., Kotlyar K., Kryzhanovskaya N., Morozov S., Cirlin G.
Characteristics of a Silicon Avalanche Photodiode for the Near-IR Spectral Range
Aruev P., Ber B., Gorokhov A., Zabrodskii V., Kazantsev D., Nikolaev A., Filimonov V., Shvarts M., Sherstnev E.
Parameters of silicon carbide diode avalanche shapers for the picosecond range
Ivanov M., Rodin P., Ivanov P., Grekhov I.
Structural Analysis of Nanoparticles Formed via Laser Ablation of Porous Silicon and Silicon Microparticles in Water
Zabotnov S., Kolchin A., Kashaev F., Skobelkina A., Nesterov V., Presnov D., Golovan L., Kashkarov P.
Growing III–V Semiconductor Heterostructures on SiC/Si Substrates
Sharofidinov S., Kukushkin S., Red’kov A., Grashchenko A., Osipov A.
Epitaxial Growth of Zinc Sulfide by Atomic Layer Deposition on SiC/Si Hybrid Substrates
Osipov A., Antipov V., Kukushkin S.
The Effect of the Doping Level of Starting Silicon Single Crystals on Structural Parameters of Porous Silicon Produced by Electrochemical Etching
Zegrya A., Sokolov V., Zegrya G., Ganin Y., Mikhailov Y.
A Study of the Influence Exerted by Structural Defects on Photoluminescence Spectra in n-3C-SiC
Lebedev A., Nikitina I., Seredova N., Poletaev N., Lebedev S., Kozlovski V., Zubov A.
A Change in the Debye Temperature of a Single-Component Substance upon Amorphization
Magomedov M.
Mechanisms of Frequency-Dependent Conductivity of Mesoporous Silicon at γ Irradiation with Small Doses
Galushka V., Zharkova E., Terin D., Sidorov V., Khasina E.
Quantum Yield of a Silicon XUV Avalanche Photodiode in the 320–1100 nm Wavelength Range
Zabrodskii V., Aruev P., Ber B., Kazantsev D., Gorokhov A., Nikolaev A., Filimonov V., Shvarts M., Sherstnev E.
Studying the Effect of Doping with Nickel on Silicon-Based Solar Cells with a Deep pn-Junction
Bakhadyrkhanov M., Isamov S., Kenzhaev Z., Koveshnikov S.
Photoluminescence of Ta2O5 films formed by the molecular layer deposition method
Baraban A., Dmitriev V., Prokof’ev V., Drozd V., Filatova E.
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