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Vol 45, No 6 (2019)


Epitaxy of GaN(0001) and GaN(10\(\bar {1}\)1) Layers on Si(100) Substrate

Bessolov V.N., Kompan M.E., Konenkova E.V., Panteleev V.N., Rodin S.N., Shcheglov M.P.


Two different approaches to epitaxy of 4-μm-thick layers of polar GaN(0001) and semipolar GaN(10\(\bar {1}\)1) on a V-shaped nanostructured Si(100) substrate with nanometer-thick SiC and AlN buffer layers have been experimentally demonstrated. The GaN(0001) layers were synthesized by hydride vapor-phase epitaxy, and GaN(10\(\bar {1}\)1) layers, by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy, with the growth completed by hydride vapor-phase epitaxy. It was shown that layers of the polar GaN(0002) have a longitudinal elastic stress of –0.45 GPa and the minimum full width at half-maximum of the X-ray diffraction rocking curve ωθ ~ 45 arcmin, whereas for the semipolar GaN(10\(\bar {1}\)1), these values are –0.29 GPa and ωθ ~ 22 arcmin, respectively. A conclusion is drawn that the combined technology of semipolar gallium nitride on a silicon (100) substrate is promising.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):529-532
pages 529-532 views

Mechanisms of Frequency-Dependent Conductivity of Mesoporous Silicon at γ Irradiation with Small Doses

Galushka V.V., Zharkova E.A., Terin D.V., Sidorov V.I., Khasina E.I.


AbstractThe effect of low-dose γ radiation on the mechanisms of low-frequency conductivity of mesoporous silicon has been studied. It has been shown that γ irradiation preserves the hopping character of conductivity at a change of the frequency of phonon lattice vibrations, a decrease in the size of the hop, and a shift of the level of the capture of traps to the Fermi level in the band gap, which makes the structure with mesoporous silicon irradiated by γ radiation promising for the creation of multifunctional resistive and capacitive devices.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):533-536
pages 533-536 views

Features of the Phonon Wing of the Luminescence of Diamond

Zienko S.I., Slabkovskii D.S.


It is determined experimentally that the luminescence spectrum of a diamond at room temperature contains one or two Gaussian peaks. This result is associated with the exciton–phonon interaction in diamond, which, along with the zero-phonon line, contains phonon repetitions of the first and second order. This phenomenon is characteristic only of natural diamonds and is absent in synthetic samples. Therefore, it can be used to identify cut diamonds.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):537-539
pages 537-539 views

Characterization of the Properties of Barium–Strontium Titanate Films and Controlled Elements Based on Them in the Frequency Range of 1–60 GHz

Altynnikov A.G., Gagarin A.G., Tumarkin A.V., Kotel’nikov I.V.


The electrical properties of barium–strontium titanate films and tunable capacitors based on them are studied in a wide frequency range. The dielectric losses in ferroelectric films at frequencies up to 30 GHz are estimated based on the parameters of capacitors measured using various resonance techniques. Direct measurements of the properties of the films were carried out at a frequency of 60 GHz using the open-resonator technique. Based on the comparison with semiconductor analogues, the prospects of using thin-film ferroelectric elements in the millimeter-wavelength range are shown.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):540-543
pages 540-543 views

Hydrodynamic Regimes of Interaction between a Droplet of Water-in-Diesel Microemulsion and a Horizontal Heated Wall

Ashikhmin A.E., Piskunov M.V., Yanovskii V.A.


The hydrodynamic regimes of interaction between a droplet of the fuel water-in-diesel microemulsion with a heated rigid surface are studied, and regime maps are drawn with the separation of constitutive equations and inertia, viscous, and surface tension forces. The critical values of the Weber and Reynolds numbers are established that correspond to transitions between the interaction regimes (thermal disintegration and rebound of the droplet). From the practical point of view, the results may be used in studying the formation processes of air–fuel mixture in the combustion chambers.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):544-548
pages 544-548 views

Temperature Dependence of the Parameters of 1.55-μm Semiconductor Lasers with Thin Quantum Wells Based on Phosphorus-Free Heterostructures

Maksimov M.V., Shernyakov Y.M., Zubov F.I., Novikov I.I., Gladyshev A.G., Karachinsky L.Y., Denisov D.V., Rochas S.S., Kolodeznyi E.S., Egorov A.Y., Zhukov A.E.


InGaAs/InGaAlAs laser diodes operating in the 1.55-μm spectral range are studied. It is demonstrated that a certain level of carbon doping (1012 cm–2 per a single quantum well) allows one to reduce the temperature coefficient of variation of the lasing wavelength in such structures and raise the characteristic temperature of threshold current and differential efficiency at temperatures from 16 to ~50°C. These changes are accompanied by an increase in threshold current density and a reduction in differential efficiency.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):549-552
pages 549-552 views

An Optical Study of Disordering in Cadmium Mercury Telluride Solid Solutions

Ivanov-Omskii V.I., Mynbaev K.D., Trapeznikova I.N., Andryushchenko D.A., Bazhenov N.L., Mikhailov N.N., Varavin V.S., Remesnik V.G., Dvoretskii S.A., Yakushev M.V.


The disordering in cadmium mercury telluride solid solution films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si and GaAs substrates has been examined by optical transmission and photoluminescence investigations. The effect of a fundamental decrease in the disordering scale under thermal annealing and possible interplay of the observed phenomena with defects typical of films grown by molecular beam epitaxy are discussed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):553-556
pages 553-556 views

A Study of the Influence Exerted by Structural Defects on Photoluminescence Spectra in n-3C-SiC

Lebedev A.A., Nikitina I.P., Seredova N.V., Poletaev N.K., Lebedev S.P., Kozlovski V.V., Zubov A.V.


Photoluminescence (PL) spectra have been studied in 3C-SiC/4H-SiC heterostructures and 3C‑SiC single crystals. It was shown that epitaxial 3C-SiC layers grown on 4H-SiC substrates have a markedly poorer crystal perfection than do 3C-SiC single crystals. It was found that doping with aluminum gives rise to a characteristic PL both in epitaxial layers and in 3C-SiC single crystals. At the same time, the electron irradiation of epitaxial layers does not give rise to defect-related PL, in contrast to what is observed for single crystals. An assumption is made that the twin boundaries existing in epitaxial 3C-SiC layers can serve as getters of radiation defects that are components of donor–acceptor pairs responsible for the “defect-related” PL.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):557-559
pages 557-559 views

Specificities of Generalized Synchronization in Delayed Systems

Plotnikova A.D., Moskalenko O.I.


Specificities of the generalized synchronization mode in unidirectionally coupled delayed oscillators are studied. Four different cases of the interaction of systems characterized by different numbers of positive Lyapunov exponents are considered. It is established that the threshold for the rise of a synchronous mode strongly depends on the degree of chaoticity of interacting systems and the coupling of systems characterized by a different number of positive Lyapunov exponents gives rise to additional synchronization regions.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):560-562
pages 560-562 views

Reciprocity Relations for Nonlinear Systems

Ignat’ev V.K.


A quantum proof of reciprocity relations for nonlinear nonstationary systems in the magnetic field is obtained in the approximation of the Markovian relaxation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):563-565
pages 563-565 views

Nonlinearity of Volt–Ampere Characteristics of Homogeneous Compensated Detector GaAs Structures

Prudaev A.I., Verkholetov M.G.


The results of a study of carrier transfer and recharging of deep levels in semiconductor structures for ionizing radiation detectors are presented. Resistive-type arsenide–gallium structures with Schottky barriers and uniform distribution of deep chromium acceptors and donor EL2 centers have been studied. Solving the continuity and Poisson equations using the commercial design package, the effect of the volume depletion of detector structures by electrons with an increase in the applied voltage has been observed. It is established that the nonlinearity of the volt-ampere characteristics of structures occurs due to a change in the type of conductivity upon transition from an equilibrium to a nonequilibrium state. In this case, structures with initial (equilibrium) hole-type conductivity have close to linear volt–ampere characteristics.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):566-569
pages 566-569 views

Degradation and Destruction of Thin Steel Films under Repeated Exposure to Ultrashort Pulses of THz Radiation

Chefonov O.V., Ovchinnikov A., Evlashin S.A., Agranat M.B.


The destruction of thin films of stainless steel with repeated exposure to ultrashort pulses of directional terahertz radiation has been studied. A terahertz pulse with a duration of picoseconds essentially models a nonresonant impact on an object of a quasi-permanent electric field with high intensity (up to 20 MV/cm).

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):570-572
pages 570-572 views

Dielectric Spectroscopy of VO2:Ge Films

Il’inskii A.V., Kastro R.A., Kononov A.A., Pashkevich M.E., Popova I.O., Shadrin E.B.


The frequency dependencies of complex impedance \(\dot {Z}\), dielectric permittivity ε, and dielectric loss tangent tanδ of thin (1400 Å ) films V1 –xGexO2 (for x = 0 and 0.03) are studied in the frequency range of 10‒106 Hz at 300 K. It is found that, at x = 0, the frequency dependence of tanδ has a maximum at a frequency of 100 kHz, whereas at x = 0.03 an additional maximum in the region of 10 kHz is detected. Also, the Cole–Cole diagram of VO2:Ge films acquires a feature in the form of an additional semicircle. Owing to the extremely high sensitivity of the dielectric spectroscopy method, the proposed equivalent circuit diagram of the sample allowed detecting the existence of two sets of VO2 nanocrystallites in the V0.97Ge0.03O2 film, including Ge-doped nanocrystallites and practically nondoped ones.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):573-575
pages 573-575 views

Surface Nanobubbles with Fixed Boundaries

Koshoridze S.I.


The formation and stability of surface-charged nanobubbles with fixed boundaries of substrate contact (so-called “pinning of contact lines”) was studied theoretically. Thermodynamic analysis showed that, for some sizes of nanobubbles, the Gibbs energy of the system goes through a minimum, which indicates the existence of equilibrium stable nanobubbles.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):576-579
pages 576-579 views

Energy Release upon Bombardment of a Tungsten Surface by Deuterium Atoms

Meluzova D.S., Babenko P.Y., Mironov M.I., Mikhailov V.S., Shergin A.P., Zinov’ev A.N.


The depth distribution of the energy release (linear energy transfer) occurring upon bombardment of a tungsten target by deuterium atoms with energies ranging from 100 eV to 10 MeV is calculated. It is demonstrated that, contrary to common belief, the maximum energy release at energies below 100 keV is localized near the surface of the solid. At energies above 100 keV, the shape of the distribution changes, and a Bragg maximum emerges near the particle stopping point. The depth distribution of the energy release in tungsten under conditions typical of the ITER tokamak reactor is determined. This distribution provides an opportunity to estimate the wall heating by incident plasma atoms.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):580-583
pages 580-583 views

Semiconductor–Metal Phase Transition and “Tristable” Electrical Switching in Nanocrystalline Vanadium Oxide Films on Silicon

Tutov E.A., Goloshchapov D.L., Zlomanov V.P.


Temperature dependences of the ac conductivity of nanocrystalline mixed vanadium oxide films on silicon revealed a multistep shape of the hysteresis loop observed during the semiconductor–metal phase transition in VO2, which was not manifested in the case of dc measurements. These peculiarities are related to the size effect, heterophase character of vanadium oxide films, and different types of charge carriers in the bulk of nanocrystallites and on their surfaces. The appearance of steps is explained by the phase transition taking place in separate groups of crystallites with close dimensions. The phenomenon of “tristable” electrical switching in these vanadium oxide films was observed for the first time.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):584-587
pages 584-587 views

A Magnetic Field Suppresses Plastic Strain Jumps during Low-Temperature Deformation of Two-Component Alloys

Malashenko V.V.


The motion of dislocations during low-temperature deformation of two-component alloys has been studied. The condition is found under which the appearance of a region with negative slope of strain-rate dependence of the yield stress is possible that leads to the onset of dynamic instability and jumpwise straining. An analytic expression for the critical magnetic field capable of suppressing these jumps is obtained.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):588-590
pages 588-590 views

Stability of a Carbon Nano-Onion in Contact with a Graphite Substrate

Rekhviashvili S.S., Bukhurova M.M.


A theoretical model describing the stability of a carbon nano-onion in the presence of a bulk catalytic graphite phase is constructed based on the continuum approximation of interatomic interaction potential and mechanics of deformed systems. It is shown that a carbon nano-onion becomes unstable when its radius exceeds double value of the radius of a fullerene C60 molecule.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):591-593
pages 591-593 views

A Phase Switch for Electromagnetically Induced Gratings in a Medium with Λ Atoms

Gordeev M.Y., Rozhdestvenskii Y.V.


We have theoretically studied the possibility of using the phenomenon of phase switching of coherent population trapping for creating a switch of light propagation direction in electromagnetically induced gratings in a medium with Λ-atoms. The permissible region of this effect application is determined and the parameters are found which ensure the obtaining of a high-efficiency scheme of the spatial redistribution of probing field intensity on atomic density gratings.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):594-597
pages 594-597 views

Using Artificial Neural Network in Nuclear Spin Echo Experiments

Polulyakh S.N., Gorbovanov A.I.


The possibility of using an artificial neural network for discriminating nuclear spin echo signals recorded under conditions where the echo signal intensity is comparable to the noise amplitude is demonstrated. It is proposed to teach the neural network using data obtained by superposition of the model Gaussian signals onto experimentally measured noise signals.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):598-600
pages 598-600 views

The Faraday Effect in CoFe2O4 Spinel Ferrite in the IR Range

Telegin A.V., Sukhorukov Y.P., Bessonov V.D., Naumov S.V.


The spectral, temperature, and field dependences of the Faraday effect in the IR spectral range have been studied in single crystals of the CoFe2O4 ferrimagnetic spinel. It is established that the magneto-optical quality factor of CoFe2O4 spinel varies from –60 to +20°/dB in a wavelength range of 1.5–10 μm and weakly depends on the temperature in a 200–300 K interval. Physical mechanisms are proposed that may be responsible for the Faraday effect.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):601-604
pages 601-604 views

Diagnostics of the Presence of Solid Particles in Aqueous Aerosol Droplets by Their Interference Pattern

Volkov R.S., Chvanov S.V., Andriyanov D.D.


We have experimentally studied the influence of solid impurity particles present in aqueous aerosol droplets on their interference patterns. The interference patterns were studied with the aid of a Nd:YAG laser and CCD video camera. The radii of droplets in the aqueous aerosol ranged within 10–140 μm. Solid particles of four materials were introduced in the aerosol to a mass concentration of 0.003–1 g/L. Specific types of interference patterns determined by the presence of solid impurities in droplets are described, and the influence of impurity type and concentration on the integral characteristics of these patterns (number and type of images) is established. A new approach to determining the impurity concentration and particle dimensions in aerosols is proposed based on the analysis of their interference patterns.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):605-608
pages 605-608 views

Study of Multilayer Thin Film Structures by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry

Bachurin V.I., Melesov N.S., Parshin E.O., Rudy A.S., Churilov A.B.


We have evaluated possibilities of using the method of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) for depth profiling of multilayer thin-film structures containing nanodmensional layers of elements with close atomic masses. It is established that RBS measurements can ensure high precision determination of the composition of these multilayer structures, total film thickness, and thicknesses of separate layers. This ability can be used for the input quality control of multilayer structures used in micro- and nanotechnologies.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):609-612
pages 609-612 views

High-Frequency Relief-Phase Holographic Gratings on Dichromated Gelatin Processed by Short-Wave UV Radiation

Ganzherli N.M., Gulyaev S.N., Maurer I.A., Khazvalieva D.R.


The possibility of creating relief-phase holographic gratings with high spatial frequency (1500 mm–1) on dichromated gelatin layers processed by destructive effect of short-wave UV radiation is demonstrated for the first time.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):613-615
pages 613-615 views

Current–Voltage Characteristics of the Initial Stage of Arc Discharge in a High-Voltage Vacuum Diode

Davydov S.G., Dolgov A.N., Korneev A.V., Yakubov R.K.


The process of electron instability development and propagation of a cathode electron beam and anomalous ion beam, followed by outburst of current in the initial stage of arc discharge was observed in rarefied plasma cloud of high-voltage vacuum diode. These events are consistent with the model of anomalous ion acceleration in interelectrode plasma at the spark stage of vacuum arc discharge.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):616-619
pages 616-619 views

Adhesion at the Ta(Mo)/NiTi Interface

Bakulin A.V., Kulkova S.E.


The atomic and electronic structures of Me(110)/NiTi(110) and TiO2(100)/Me(110) interfaces (where Me = Ta, Mo) have been studied by the projector augmented-wave method in the framework of the density functional theory. It is established that the formation of intermediate oxide layers at the metal–oxide interface can lead to decreased adhesion at the interface.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):620-624
pages 620-624 views

Photoresponse of Optical Sensors Based on Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Influence of Thickness on Spectral Characteristics

Avdizhiyan A.Y., Lavrov S.D., Kudryavtsev A.V., Shestakova A.P., Vasina M.V.


Prototype field-effect transistors based on solid solutions of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have been manufactured, and their spectral characteristics were studied using the photocurrent spectroscopy technique. Results of theoretical estimation of the total optical absorbance of two-dimensional (2D) TMD-based semiconductors of various thicknesses are presented as dependent on the light wavelength with allowance for the multiray interference. It is established that the interference effect significantly contributes to the resulting shapes of spectral characteristics of these optical sensors with variable thickness of TMD-based photosensitive layers.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):625-627
pages 625-627 views

Directional Self-Assembly of Zinc Oxide Micro- and Nanowires

Pronin I.A., Averin I.A., Yakushova N.D., Karmanov A.A., Moshnikov V.A., Terukov E.I.


Approaches to the directional self-assembly of zinc oxide micro- and nanowires with the aid of centrifugal forces have been developed in the framework of a sol-gel technology. According to this, fibrous zinc oxide structures preliminarily formed in the sol are artificially ordered at the substrate periphery by means of high-rate centrifuging.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):628-631
pages 628-631 views

A New Method of Processing Background Oriented Schlieren Images

Barinov Y.A.


A new method of processing background oriented schlieren (BOS) images has been tested on an object representing a hot airflow at a given temperature. It is found that the proposed method can provide incorrect results in the case of millimeter-scale objects, and it is established that the errors are related to the use of standard processing software. A modified method of BOS image processing is proposed, and the corresponding software is described.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):632-634
pages 632-634 views

Radioshielding Properties of Nickel-Containing Activated Carbon

Boiprav O.V., Ayad H.A., Lynkou L.M.


The possibility of metal-carbon nanocomposites synthesis by chemical deposition of nickel particles on powdered activated carbon has shown. The regularities of electromagnetic radiation interaction in the frequency range of 8–12 GHz with these nanocomposites have investigated depending on the composition of water solutions used in the process of their synthesis. Based on the results of such a study, the prospect of metal-carbon nanocomposites using for making of effective electromagnetic radiation shields and radio-absorbing materials has proved.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(6):635-637
pages 635-637 views

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