
Coherence Dynamics of the Exciton-Polariton System in GaAs Microcavities under Pulse Resonant Photoexcitation
Kulakovskii V., Demenev A.
Nonclassical Light Sources Based on Selectively Positioned Deterministic Microlens Structures and (111) In(Ga)As Quantum Dots
Derebezov I., Gaisler V., Gaisler A., Dmitriev D., Toropov A., von Helversen M., de la Haye C., Bounouar S., Reitzenstein S.
On the Suppression of Electron-Hole Exchange Interaction in a Reservoir of Nonradiative Excitons
Eliseev S., Lovtcius V., Trifonov A., Ignatiev I., Kavokin K., Kavokin A., Shapochkin P., Efimov Y.
Relation between the Electronic Properties and Structure of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Grown by Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
Gorshkov A., Volkova N., Pavlov D., Usov Y., Istomin L., Levichev S.
Emission of Light from Compositionally Graded CdSSe/CdS Heterostructure with Smooth Near-surface Excitonic Potential
Grigorieva N., Sel’kin A.
Spectroscopy of Single AlInAs and (111)-Oriented InGaAs Quantum Dots
Derebezov I., Gaisler V., Gaisler A., Dmitriev D., Toropov A., von Helversen M., de la Haye C., Bounouar S., Reitzenstein S.
An Estimate for the Nonradiative Linewidths of the Quasibound Electron-Hole Pairs in Narrow Quantum Wells
Belov P.
Formation of Luminescence Spectra and Emission Intensity in the UV and Visible Spectral Regions for n-ZnO/p-GaN and n-ZnO/p-ZnO Structures when Depositing ZnO Films by High-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering
Mezdrogina M., Vinogradov A., Kozhanova Y.
Excitonic Effects and Impurity–Defect Emission in GaAs/AlGaAs Structures Used for the Production of Mid-IR Photodetectors
Krivobok V., Litvinov D., Nikolaev S., Onishchenko E., Pashkeev D., Chernopittsky M., Grigor’eva L.
Formation and reconstruction of Se nanoislands at the surface of thin epitaxial ZnSe layers grown on GaAs substrates
Kozlovskiy V., Krivobok V., Kuznetsov P., Nikolaev S., Onistchenko E., Pruchkina A., Temiryazev A.
Interaction of a Tamm Plasmon and Exciton in an Organic Material in the Strong Coupling Mode
Morozov K., Belonovskii A., Ivanov K., Girshova E., Kaliteevski M.
Photoluminescence and Confinement of Excitons in Disordered Porous Films
Bondar N., Brodin M., Brodin A., Matveevskaya N.
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