Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 53, № 13 (2019)

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

First-Principles Investigation of Electronic Properties of GaAsxSb1 –x Ternary Alloys

Singh A., Chandra D., Kattayat S., Kumar S., Alvi P., Rathi A.


Compositional variations in GaAs based ternary alloys have exhibited wide range alterations in electronic properties. In the present paper, first-principles study of GaAsxSb1 – x ternary alloys have been presented and discussed. Density functional theory (DFT) computation based on the full-potential (linearized) augmented plane-wave (FP-LAPW) method has been utilized to calculate the Density of States (DOS) and the band structure of ternary alloys GaAsxSb1 – x (x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1). The calculations were performed using the exchange-correlation energy functional from Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof, a generalized-gradient approximation (GGA-PBE) and Becke–Johnson exchange potential with local-density approximation (BJLDA) available within the framework of WIEN2k code. As compared to PBE, the results obtained from BJLDA are in close agreement with other experimental works. The DOS results show a reduction in bandgap as the Sb fraction is increased in GaAsxSb1 – x ternary alloys. The bandgap obtained by PBE and BJLDA are found to deviate from Vegard’s law, i.e., it doesn’t vary linearly with composition. However, the bandgap obtained by BJLD is found to closely match Vegard’s law when the bowing parameter is considered.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1731-1739
pages 1731-1739 views

Electron Mobility Calculation of Diluted III–V-Nitrides Alloys

Chakir K., Bilel C., Rebey A.


A 10-band k.p model has been adopted to study the electronic transport properties of dilute III–V-nitride alloys. The N incorporation into III–V material causes a significant band gap reduction. The shapes of electrons effective mass is investigated as a function of N concentration. The mobility of electron \({{\mu }_{e}}\) in GaNxAs1 – x, InNxP1 –x, InNxAs1 –x and InNxSb1 –x shows a significant decrease for nitrogen composition less than 1%. In the range 1–5% observed in InNxP1 –x, InNxAs1 –x and InNxSb1 –x, however, there is a slow increase. In contrast the modification of electrons mobility affects profoundly the electron conductivity. The variation of electron conductivity as function of N composition is shown as well.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1740-1744
pages 1740-1744 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Effect of Deposition Time on Structural, Morphological and Optical Properties of PVA Capped SnS Films Grown by CBD Process

Devi P., Reddy G., Reddy K.


In this study, the effect of deposition time on physical properties of tin monosulphide films capped by polyvinyl alcohol was investigated. Chemical bath deposition technique was used to deposit Polyvinyl alcohol capped SnS films on cleaned glass substrates and the deposition was carried out at four different times varying from 45 to 90 min. The X-ray diffraction study revealed that the deposited layers were polycrystalline in nature with (040) as the preferred plane. Single phase SnS was observed in the layers grown at a deposition time of 90 min while the other layers had secondary phases of Sn and S. The XRD data was also used to determine various parameters such as crystallite size, dislocation density, lattice strain, stacking faults and inter planar spacing. Raman measurements exhibited same structural phases, consistent with the XRD observations. The surface morphology of the layers was initially uneven and become uniform at 90 min deposition time. Fourier transform infrared spectra, confirmed the presence of SnS and PVA in the films. Optical studies revealed high optical absorption coefficient for all the films with a shift in optical band gap value compared with the bulk value.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1745-1750
pages 1745-1750 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Microstructure and Optical Bandgap of Cobalt Selenide Nanofilms

Ghobadi N., Habibi M., Rezaee S., Ţălu Ş., Shakoury R., Arman A., Luna C., Amiri F., Naderi S., Hafezi F., Mardani M.


The purpose of this research is to explore the properties of CoSe nanostructured thin films on glass substrates prepared by a chemical solution deposition method. Special attention is given to study the effects of precursor concentrations (Cobalt(II) acetate, Ammonia and Sodium Selenosulphite), fixing the Co:Se concentration ratio, on the grainy structure and optical properties of the resulting thin films. The structural, chemical composition and morphological characteristics were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. The optical properties were determined by UV–visible spectroscopy determining the optical band gap energy (Eg). According to these results, the average particle diameter was decreased from 119 to 42 nm as the precursor salt concentration was decreased from 0.3 to 0.1 M, being the bigger nanoparticles more spherical. With the reduction of the particle size, a blue shift in the absorption peaks of the UV–visible spectra and an increment of their optical band gap energy (from 1.8 to 3.6 eV) occurred due to confinement effects.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1751-1758
pages 1751-1758 views

Diameter Dependent Electronic, Optical and Transport Properties of CdSe Nanowire: Ab-Initio Study

Khan M., Srivastava A.


We report the Density functional theory (DFT) based investigations of diameter dependent electronic and optical properties of CdSe nanowire (CdSe-NW) in its wurtzite phase. The DFT calculations are based on generalized gradient approximation, Perdew Burke and Ernzerhof (PBE) type parameterization and localized double-\(\zeta \) polarized (DZP) orbital basis set. The cohesive energy, electronic band structure, Young’s modulus and effective mass have been calculated for different diameter 5.56, 14.00, and 22.60 Å CdSe nanowires. Larger diameter shows bandgap lowering and higher zero bias conductance in comparison to its small diameter counterparts. Interfrontier orbital analysis for diametrically large nanowire reveals dispersion of canonical orbital across the cross-section of nanowire, hence supporting high charge carrier mobility. Computation of dielectric function for the Optical properties analysis, confirms the broad band absorption and low reflectivity of these nanowires in photonic field. Transport properties of CdSe nanowire have been analysed in terms of transmission spectra and current-voltage characteristic.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1759-1768
pages 1759-1768 views

Mg-Doped ZnO and Zn-Doped MgO Semiconductor Nanoparticles; Synthesis and Catalytic, Optical and Electro-Optical Characterization

Parvizi E., Tayebee R., Koushki E.


A series of MgxZn1 –xO and ZnxMg1 –xO (mol %) were synthesized by the sol–gel method. All the synthesized nanoparticles were investigated as catalyst in the one-pot, three-component Biginelli condensation reaction of benzaldehyde, ethyl acetoacetate and urea under heterogeneous conditions. Findings revealed Mg0.007Zn0.093O (Zn7) as the best in the mentioned condensation reaction. Zn7 was characterized by FT-IR, SEM, CHN, and XRD. In addition, linear and nonlinear optical properties of MgxZn1 –xO and ZnxMg1 –xO thin films and their colloidal solutions were studied. Using an exact numerical method, some photo-physical properties of the prepared films such as dispersion curve, absorption spectrum, optical permittivity and optical band gap were attained and compared. Finally, using z-scan method at low laser irradiation, thermo-optical effect has also studied and a nonlinear refractive index due to this effect was attained. Doping effect on the optical properties was also investigated physically. It was found in both the particles groups, increasing the doping percent reduces the band gap and it suggests new optoelectronic materials with a spectrum of optical properties.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1769-1783
pages 1769-1783 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Analysis of Al0.15Ga0.85N/GaN/Al0.15Ga0.85N DH-HEMT for RF and Microwave Frequency Applications

Chugh N., Kumar M., Bhattacharya M., Gupta R.


A charge control based analytical model is followed to study the impact of donor-layer doping and gate-length on microwave frequency performance of AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN double heterostructure high electron mobility transistor (DH-HEMT). DH-HEMT is observed to be more sensitive to gate-length and doping variation as compared to single heterostructure high electron mobility transistor (SH-HEMT). The effect of gate-length and doping on various performance parameters, i.e., transconductance, drain conductance, cut-off frequency and maximum oscillation frequency has been analysed. The results so obtained are compared with simulation results and are found to be in good agreement.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1784-1791
pages 1784-1791 views

Influence of Si-Doping on the Performance of InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Well Solar Cells

Chen X., Zhao B., Li S.


The performance of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) solar cells with five different Si-doping concentrations, namely 0, 4 × 1017 cm–3, 1 × 1018 cm–3, 3 × 1018 cm–3 and 6 × 1018 cm–3, in GaN barriers is investigated. Increasing Si-doping concentration leads to better transport property, resulting in smaller series resistance (Rs). However, the crystal quality degrades when Si-doping concentration is over 1 × 1018 cm–3, which reduces the external quantum efficiency, short circuit current density and open circuit voltage. As a result, the sample with a slight Si-doping concentration of 4 × 1017 cm–3 exhibits the highest conversion efficiency.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1792-1796
pages 1792-1796 views

Analytical Modeling of Surface Potential and Drain Current of Hetero-Dielectric DG TFET and Its Analog and Radio-Frequency Performance Evaluation

Patel S., Kumar D., Chaurasiya N., Tripathi S.


In the present paper, analytical modeling of surface potential and drain current for hetero-dielectric double gate tunnel FET (HDG-TFET) has been done. The two dimensional (2D) Poisson’s equation has been solved with suitable boundary conditions by using the method of parabolic approximation to find the surface potential along the channel length. Subsequently, using the electric field expression derived from surface potential has been used to calculate the drain current expression. The proposed analytical models have been verified and compared with the results obtained from the ATLASTM simulator. The effect of varying gate voltage, drain voltage, doping concentration, length and thickness of dielectric on surface potential of the device has been calculated and analyzed in detail. Additionally, a detailed study of the influence of various parameters on the RF and analog properties of HDG-TFET like drain current (Id), transconductance to drain current ratio (gm/Id), the cut-off frequency (fT) and the maximum frequency of oscillation (fmax) are evaluated using Y- and H-parameters obtained from ATLASTM, a 2D device simulator.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1797-1803
pages 1797-1803 views

Comparative Analysis of Double Gate Junction Less (DG JL) and Gate Stacked Double Gate Junction Less (GS DG JL) MOSFETs

Shrey Arvind Singh ., Shweta Tripathi .


The quest for downscaling of devices has led to novel configurations with better performance parameters of which Junction Less (JL) MOSFET is an important configuration regarding its applicability. The JL MOSFETs have been analyzed for the physics behind its operation but a comparative study with the practically available devices is important from the point of view of further studies under the topic of JL MOSFETs. Further, the analytical modelling of GS DG JL MOSFETs is an analysis of crucial importance which has been discussed here.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1804-1810
pages 1804-1810 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Influence of Heat Treatments on the Properties of ZnO Nanorods Prepared by Hydrothermal Synthesis

Hyunggun Ma .


ZnO nanorods were grown on bare or SiO2-coated Si wafers by the hydrothermal method. The ZnO nanorods were annealed at 200, 400, and 600°C, respectively. The structural, optical, and electrical property variation of the ZnO nanorods with the annealing temperature was investigated by X-ray diffraction, field-emission scanning electron microscopy, photoluminescence, and current–voltage measurements. For the ZnO nanorods, compressive strain was detected, which decreased with annealing. Moreover, annealing at 600°C led to nanorod agglomeration. The ZnO nanorods annealed at 400°C exhibited the highest crystallinity.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1811-1816
pages 1811-1816 views

Thermoelectrics and Their Applications

Towards the Use of Cu–S Based Synthetic Minerals for Thermoelectric Applications

Gonçalves A., Lopes E.


Most of the energy produced is lost, mainly as waste heat. Thermoelectricity, which can directly convert heat into electricity, is seen with huge potential to recover part of such heat. However, to be widely used, it is necessary to be based on cheap, available, non-toxic, stable and easy-to-produce good thermoelectric materials. Here we present an overview of the potential of Cu–S based synthetic minerals for thermoelectric applications. In particular, we focus on tetrahedrites, which are world spread minerals with Cu10M2Sb4Si3 (M = Cu, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn) general formula that show high potential for thermoelectrics. An overview of their properties are presented, with emphasis on those relevant for thermoelectric applications.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1817-1824
pages 1817-1824 views

Contacting Cu Electrodes to Mg2Si0.3Sn0.7: Direct vs. Indirect Resistive Heating

Ayachi S., Hernandez G., Müller E., de Boor J.


Mg2(Si,Sn)-based thermoelectric materials have been gaining interest in the past years due to their attractive properties. In this work, we present the outcome of using two different approaches to contact n-and p-type Mg2Si0.3Sn0.7 legs with Cu electrodes to study the influence of current on the joining procedures. The first approach is a direct current heating procedure where the current runs directly through the sample, while the second approach uses the current as an indirect source of resistive heating. Results show that Cu diffuses into n- and p-type materials, creating relatively thick and complex reaction layers, both under direct and indirect resistive heating, and these layers have, respectively, an average thickness of 200 and 100 μm. Electrical contact resistance rc values are also similar for both types, under both joining conditions (<10 μΩ cm2). The directly and indirectly contacted samples were then annealed, and the results for all samples were similar. The reaction layers developed similarly in all cases and the contact resistances remained low (<10 μΩ cm2).

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1825-1830
pages 1825-1830 views

Hardness and Fracture Toughness of Solid Solutions of Mg2Si and Mg2Sn

Hernandez G., Yasseri M., Ayachi S., de Boor J., Müller E.


Thermoelectric material development typically aims at maximizing produced electrical power and efficiency of energy conversion, even though sometimes, this means adding expensive or toxic materials. An alternative is to use highly available and low toxic silicides. In fact, magnesium silicide and magnesium stannide have low densities (1.99 and 3.49 g/cm3, respectively), and exhibit good thermoelectric properties with their thermoelectric figure of merit zT > 1 for n-type and near 0.6 for p-type Mg2Si–Mg2Sn solid solutions in the range of 723–773 K. These properties turn the materials into logical candidates for light-weight and efficient thermoelectric generators (TEG). The research on their mechanical properties is however lagging behind and little effort has been put into understanding them. In this work we study the effect of the composition over the Mg2Si–Mg2Sn solid solution series on hardness and fracture toughness values. Hardness ranges from 2.44–5.56 GPa whereas fracture toughness values are in a tighter range (0.64–0.88 MPa m1/2). However, the highest value does not belong to binary Mg2Si but a composition within the solid solution that exhibits secondary phase nanostructuring.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1831-1837
pages 1831-1837 views

Effect of Spark Plasma Sintering Temperature on Thermoelectric Properties of Grained Bi1.9Gd0.1Te3 Compound

Yapryntsev M., Vasil’ev A., Ivanov O., Zhezhu M.


Patterns in changes of the microstructure (grain structure) and the thermoelectric properties of the n-type grained Bi1.9Gd0.1Te3 compound, spark-plasma-sintered at different temperatures (TS = 690, 720, 735, 750, 780, and 810 K), have been studied in detail. All the samples studied were highly textured along the 001 direction parallel to the pressing direction, that resulted from preferential orientation of the grains. Orientation factor characterizing a texturing degree and estimated from XRD patterns happened to be weakly TS-dependent. Average grain size measured along the SPS pressing direction was far less as compared to that measured in the perpendicular direction. The thermoelectric properties measured for the perpendicular direction happened to be better than the same properties, but taken for the parallel direction. Of the samples sintered at different temperatures, the highest value of the thermoelectric figure-of-merit equal to ~0.73 for the perpendicular measuring orientation was found for the sample sintered at TS = 750 K. This sample is characterizing by the maximum power factor and the low enough thermal conductivity.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1838-1844
pages 1838-1844 views

The Thermopower and Electron Mobility in Monophase Monocrystalline SmS in a Wide Temperature Range

Popov V., Stepanov N.


Abstract—The results of thermopower studies in the temperature range 50 < T < 325 K of two SmS single crystals are presented. One of them contained a high-pressure (“gold”) phase on the surface and another one was without this phase, which was removed by etching in HCl solution. The features in the temperature dependence of the thermopower of the etched SmS sample were observed, that correlate with the features in the temperature dependence of the local activation energy of conduction electrons. The calculation of the Hall mobility of conduction electrons was carried out and it was shown that it varies slightly in the temperature range 60–300 K due to the presence of two dominant types of electron scattering in SmS—on acoustic phonons and on charged defects.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1845-1847
pages 1845-1847 views

The Surface Preparation of Thermoelectric Materials for Deposition of Thin-Film Contact Systems

Shtern M., Karavaev I., Shtern Y., Kozlov A., Rogachev M.


The method of mechanical treatment of thermoelectric materials Bi2Te2.8Se0.2 (0.14 wt % of CdCl2), Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 (2 wt % of Te and 0.14 wt % of TeI4), PbTe (0.2 wt % of PbI2 and 0.3 wt % of Ni), and GeTe (7.4 wt % of Bi) with low microhardness (25–70 kg/mm2) is proposed. The average surface roughness about 20 nm was obtained. The methods and regimes of surface cleaning before the deposition of thin films were determined. The thin-film Ni contacts were formed by ion-plasma deposition on the samples of thermoelectric materials with different surface roughness. The adhesion strength of contacts was measured by the method of uniform normal tear. The study results allow us to determine the required level of mechanical treatment of surface, which depends on the thickness of the formed thin films. It was shown that value of the adhesion strength of Ni contacts formed to the thermoelectric materials is more than 11.5 MPa. This corresponds to criterion of mechanical strength of contacts in the thermoelements. As study result of the electrical resistance, it was found that the contact resistance of Ni films formed on thermoelectric materials is less than 10–9 Ω m2.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1848-1852
pages 1848-1852 views

Magnetoresistance of Polycrystalline Ytterbium at Low Temperatures

Lenkov G., Shitov A., Burkov A., Volkov M.


The dependences of the electrical resistance on temperature (2–400 K) and magnetic field (0–140 kOe) of high-purity polycrystalline ytterbium were studied. Large magnetoresistance in the temperature range below 150 K (in low temperature hcp phase) was observed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1853-1855
pages 1853-1855 views

Electrical Transport Properties of Nb and Ga Double Substituted Fe2VAl Heusler Compounds

Voronin A., Serhiienko I., Ashim Y., Kurichenko V., Novitskii A., Inerbaev T., Umetsu R., Khovaylo V.


In this work the results of studying the electrical transport properties of Fe2V1 –xNbxAl1 –yGay (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.2 and 0.1 ≤ y ≤ 0.2) are presented. The specimens were fabricated using conventional arc-melting method followed by ball milling and spark plasma sintering. It was shown that dual-site substitution approach may lead to a more noticeable changes in the Seebeck coefficient and the electrical resistivity comparing to single-site substitution. Since such substitution can be assumed as isovalent one, the evolution of the electrical transport properties was mainly attributed to the changes in the band gap and charge carrier mobility values. To testify applicability of computational methods on these samples we have used well-known density functional theory and Boltzmann transport equation solving on one of the samples.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1856-1859
pages 1856-1859 views

Topological Surface States of Multicomponent Thermoelectrics Based on Bismuth Telluride

Lukyanova L., Makarenko I., Usov O., Dementev P.


The surface states of Dirac fermions in p-Bi2Te3, p-Bi2 –xSbxTe3 –ySey, and p-Bi2 –xySnxGeyTe3 thermoelectrics were studied and its topological characteristics were obtained by scanning tunneling techniques in dependence on compositions. It was shown that the thermoelectric power factor and the material parameter enhance with the shift of the Dirac point to the top of the valence band with the increasing of atomic substitution in these thermoelectrics. A growth contribution of the surface states is determined by an increase of the Fermi velocity for large atomic substitutions of Bi at x > 1.5 and small substitutions in the Te sublattice (y = 0.06). In compositions with smaller substitutions at x = 1–1.3 and y = 0.06–0.09, similar effect of the surface states is determined due to raising the surface concentration of charge carriers.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(13):1860-1865
pages 1860-1865 views

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