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Том 47, № 3 (2018)


Dependence of the Resistance of the Negative e-Beam Resist HSQ Versus the Dose in the RIE and Wet Etching Processes

Miakonkikh A., Orlikovskiy N., Rogozhin A., Tatarintsev A., Rudenko K.


This article studied the resistance of the negative electron resist based on hydrogen-silsesquioxane (HSQ) depending on the dose of exposure in the process of Reactive Ion Etching (RIE). These studies showed the strong dependence of resistance on irradiation dose (in case of full development of the e-beam resist) even after annealing the resist 30 minutes 400°C in air. Selectivity up to 14 was obtained in the process of reactive ion etching of silicon in a mixture of gases SF6: C4F8. These results can be used to manufacturing of silicon nanoscale structures. It was shown that the resistance to wet etching in a 5% solution of hydrofluoric acid (HF) is also determined by irradiation dose. Additionally, taking into account the obtained results, silicon nanowires of width 10 nm with an aspect ratio of 1: 10 was manufactured.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(3):157-164
pages 157-164 views

Helium Bubbles Formed in Si(001) Layers after High-Dose Implantation and Thermal Annealing

Lomov A., Myakonkikh A., Chesnokov Y.


In this paper, we show that high-dose low-energy plasma-immersion ion implantation H+ (E = 2–5 keV) leads to the formation of hidden layers of helium bubbles in an Si(001) substrate. The structural studies of the bubbles’ layers are carried out by using X-ray reflectometry, small-angle scattering, and transmission electron microscopy. Changes in the structure of the layers of the bubbles during thermal annealing are also studied. We have shown that as a result of implanting helium ions with a dose of 5 × 1017 cm–2, a multilayer structure is formed in the near-surface layers of the silicon substrates that generally consists of amorphous, porous amorphous, and porous crystalline sublayers. The structural parameters of the sublayers (density, thickness, and size of the boundaries) and the concentration and size of the bubbles after annealing from 580 and 800°C are determined. It is shown that annealing leads to a bimodal distribution of the bubbles with the average size of 2 to 3 nm and 7 to 8 nm. We establish that the upper amorphous layer is 15 nm thick and can be considered as a protective layer for further processing.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(3):165-174
pages 165-174 views

Laser Method of Evaluating Parameters of LSI Sensitivity to the Impact of Single Ions

Chumakov A.


The experimental-calculated methodology for evaluating the LSI sensitivity to the impact of single charged particles based on using laser radiation is proposed. The sensitivity of VLSI is determined by the results of scanning with the laser radiation of picosecond duration of the entire chip surface. The optical loss at the same points are evaluated by the measurement results of the ionization current under exposure to steady-state laser radiation.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(3):175-180
pages 175-180 views

Geometric Effects in Current-Voltage Characteristics of a Cross-Shaped MDM Ni/NiO/Fe Structure

Malikov I., Berezin V., Fomin L., Mikhailov G.


The current–voltage (IU) characteristics of a cross-shaped metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) Ni/NiO/Fe structures with NiO layers of different thicknesses are investigated. The dependence of the sign of the differential resistance on the current flowing through the structure and on the thickness of the NiO in a four-contact measuring system of potentials is revealed. In a region 8–10 nm thick, the voltage on the structure changes sign thrice and has the form of an N-shaped curve. This dependence is explained by the geometric effect, which appears due to the competition between the vertical and lateral electron transport, when the ratio of the resistances of the dielectric interlayer and metallic leading electrodes changes under the influence of the current. The numerical calculation confirms the experimentally observed IU dependences.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(3):181-186
pages 181-186 views

Magnetic Force Microscopy of Iron and Nickel Nanowires Fabricated by the Matrix Synthesis Technique

Bizyaev D., Bukharaev A., Khaibullin R., Lyadov N., Zagorskii D., Bedin S., Doludenko I.


Iron and nickel nanowires are grown by the matrix synthesis technique in the pores of the track membrane fabricated based on polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) are used to image the pores on the surface of the specimens and determine the 3d metal nanowires in a polymer bulk. The magnetization curves of the arrays of the nanowires are obtained. Magnetic properties of the nanowires are studied by the magnetic force microscopy (MFM) methods. The influence of the interposition and magnetostatic interaction of the nanowires of the magnetic metals in the polymer membrane, as well as the magnitudes and orientation of the applied external magnetic field, on the obtained MFM images is shown. The simulation results of the MFM images are in good agreement with the experimental data.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(3):187-196
pages 187-196 views

Investigating the Dynamic Characteristics of High-Temperature SOI CMOS VLSIC Elements

Benediktov A., Shelepin N., Ignatov P., Mikhailov A., Potupchik A.


The static and dynamic characteristics of SOI CMOS inverters are investigated in the temperature range from–60 to 250°С. The experimental dependences of the dynamic and static currents, as well as the delay of the logic gate (inverter), on temperature are obtained. Based on these characteristics, the operability of SOI CMOS logic gates at high temperatures is estimated.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(3):197-200
pages 197-200 views

Calculating the High-Frequency Electrical Conductivity of a Thin Metallic Layer for an Ellipsoidal Fermi Surface

Kuznetsova I., Romanov D., Yushkanov A.


The conductivity of a thin metallic layer in an ac electric field is calculated with respect to different specular reflection coefficients of the layer surfaces for an ellipsoidal Fermi surface. The ratio between the free path of electron conduction and layer thickness is not limited. The dependences of the absolute value and the argument of dimensionless conductivity on the dimensionless layer’s thickness, dimensionless external electric field frequency, and specular reflection coefficient of one of the layer surfaces at different ellipticity parameters of the Fermi surface are analyzed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(3):201-210
pages 201-210 views

Finite Element Simulation of Frequency Response of MEMS-Microphone

Grigor’ev D., Godovitsyn I., Amelichev V., Generalov S.


The frequency response of a MEMS microphone is largely dependent on the design and size of the package. The location and size of the acoustic port, the dimensions of the front and back chamber, and the packaging material are of key importance. In this paper we present the results of calculating the frequency response of a MEMS microphone obtained by finite element modeling (FEM) for two main types of packaging with different positions of the acoustic port. The simulation results are analyzed and compared to the measured frequency response of the MEMS microphone.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(3):211-216
pages 211-216 views

Experimental Evaluation of Reliability of Deep Submicron SOI MOS Transistors at High Temperatures

Benediktov A., Shelepin N., Ignatov P.


In this paper, 0.18–0.5 μm SOI MOS transistors are tested for compliance with the reliability criteria applied to high-temperature electronics and their components. The main parameters of SOI MOS transistors are measured in the temperature range from −60 to +300°С. The specific behavior exhibited by SOI MOS transistors at high temperatures should be taken into account when designing high-temperature integrated circuits so as to avoid premature failures and increase the reliability of devices.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(3):217-220
pages 217-220 views

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